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The Secrets of the Black Liquid REVEALED

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MemberTrilobiteJun-06-2012 3:42 PM
To understand the Secrets of the the contents of the urns/ampules we first have to separate them into their component parts... [Edited 02-12-2012] [u]The Seed[/u] [img][/img] A genetically engineered substance created by the Engineers, it is stored within the vials found within the urns/ampules. This thick, viscous black liquid which was consumed by the Sacrificial Engineer (the Seeding) and unwittingly by Holloway, has three underlining properties: 1. When ingested by an organism (Sacrficial Engineer/Hollway) the "Seed" combines with the cells of the organism, causing the host organism to break down at a cellular level - every cell of their body becoming a viral genetic mutagen, capable of being consumed by other organisms. 2. This viral genetic mutagen, when ingested by other organisms, adds/replaces genes of that organism with those of the host whom consumed the "Seed", imprinting the hosts DNA/Genome onto an indigenous ecosystem. This viral genetic mutagen also acts as an evolutionary accelerant, exponentially mutating organisms with the genetic template/traits from the host (LV-223 worms). 3. The evolutionary accelerant aspect of the mutagen also has the side effect of revitalizing dead/dying cells, seeming resulting in re-animation (Shaws womb/Fifield). [u]The Black Liquid[/u] [img][/img] The black slimy liquid stored within the urns/ampules is NOT the same substance that was stored within the vials, and contrary to my original theoryis NOT the genetic material of the Xenomorph. This substance is an inert transmission medium, that when combined with the Seed creates an oil like substance, making weaponized transmission of the Seed more effective. [u]The Urns/Ampules[/u] [img][/img] The urns/ampules are medium for storing and deploying both the "Seed" and the transmission medium. When triggered/smashed the "Seed" (see above) and the transmission medium mix, creating an oil like substance, that is more viscous than the Seed, and a more effective means of transmission. [u]The Xenomorph[/u] [img][/img] As shown by this mural, the xenomorph is of some importance to the Engineers. Lets look at their known history regards the Xenomorph... - Thousands of years ago, an Engineer craft carrying a cargo of Xenomorph was forced to land on the moon/planetoid LV-426 when its lone pilot unwillingly became host to one of its cargo. It may be that this craft had previosly visited LV-223 and acquired a payload of the urns before deploying them onto a distant planet. Then after acquiring the eggs that would have remained after the infestation befell its fate upon its return either to LV-223 or the Engineers home world/system. - 2000 years ago, a team of Engineers stationed on LV-223 prepared to deploy a cargo of urns/ampules to Earth, when one of them inadvertantly unleashed the contents quarantining the base. As seen in the movie, the urns are the viral deployment method used to instigate a Xenomorph infestation. The urns were designed to ensure safe transport and efficient deployment of the Xenomorph. [u]The Dark Truth - Completely Rethought[/u] Taking what we have learnt about the urns/ampules, their contents and the Engineers established history with the xenomorph, and combining that with what we have seen in the Prometheus and Alien movies, leads us towards a dark, disturbing truth... [b]Phase 1 - The Seeding[/b] [img][/img] [b]The Engineers visit primordial planets supporting basic, simple life, whereupon a lone "Sacrificial Engineer" ingests the "Seed", sacrificed his life and seeding the planet with the seed and his DNA, resulting in an ecosystem entirely dominated by the Xenomorph (This is what we see at the start of the film).[/b] [b]Phase 2 - The Rebirth[/b] [b]An ecosystem dominated by the Xenomorph results in the exhausting of viable hosts. To combat this the Xenomorph at a genetic level introduced Y chromosome into its genome, giving rise to infertile males (smooth carapaced warriors), and then fertile males (Kings).[/b] [b]Upon consummating with Kings, Queens become capable of producing a second type of egg, incubating a sub-species of hosts, pale skinned humanoids - Engineers.[/b] [b]Phase 3 - The Harvest[/b] [img][/img] [b]Systematically a percentage of these Engineers are drafted into Engineer society. Seeking a more efficient means of reproducing the Engineers weaponize the Seed, for deployment upon worlds inhabited by Engineer children, sired before the weaponization of the Seed (the method of this siring not yet seen).[/b] [b]The Xenomorph DNA, hidden with "human DNA" asserts itself and spreads across the sired planets, resulting in a Xenomorph dominated ecosystem. Once all viable hosts are exhausted, the King Xenomorph is sired and Engineers are born.[/b] [b]Phase 3 - Collection[/b] [img][/img] [b]The Engineers collect a percentage of Xenomorph (eggs) before transporting them to a location whereby they can be used to produce more Seed (also as yet unseen).[/b] [u]Why Create Only To Destroy[/u] [b]Here's a summary of what we know so far...[/b] [b][/b] [b]- A Sacrificial Engineer sacrifices his life, seeding life upon a primordial world, using his own genetic material. To date we the fans have assumed this action, through natural selection and engineering, resulted in billions of clones/children of the Engineer to evolve, in his image - us.[/b] [b]But The consumption of the Seed by Holloway results in the creation of a Xenomorph in the form of the Deacon, therefore we must assume our initial belief to be false - meaning that the Sacrificial Engineer was not siring a planet of life that would evolve into human form, but instead cultivating a world that would be dominated by the Xenomorph.[/b] [b]- The Urns show that the urns are a means to deploy the Xenomorph amongst human races also sired by Engineers, as shown by the DNA match in the movie.[/b] [b]- The Xenomorph extrapolates genetic material from its hosts, propagating its own kind.[/b] [b]- Once all hosts are exhausted, the Xenomorphs would need a means to continue their existence, otherwise they would die, and only their eggs would remain.[/b] [b]- The Engineers return to gather the eggs.[/b] [b][/b] [b]WHY? Why would the Engineers seed a planet to create millions/billions of clones/children in their image and using their own DNA only to later wipe them out using the Xenomorph? Well I believe I may have the answer...[/b] [b][/b] [b]The Xenomorph, as we know it, is capable of eradicating an entire ecosystem of its indigenous population by using said life forms as hosts to propagate its own species. When gestating inside a host, Xenomorph embryos extrapolate genetic material and traits from their host, to add to their own genome and to adapt to the environment and ecosystem which they have been deployed into. It is this trait of the Xenomorph I believe that holds the key...[/b] [u]Genetic Material[/u] [img][/img] [b]We, the human race have evolved from and continue to evolve from the Engineers genetic material. Our genetic material, our genome is almost identical to that of the Engineers. This same genetic material is extrapolated by the Xenomorph, a deadly genetic and bio-mechanical creation held in some regard by the Engineers, themselves expertics in genetic and bio-mechanical engineering.[/b] [b][/b] [b][i]To the Engineers the human race are "Maize". Once we have grown to required amount in number and in the required way, we are harvested, and the Xenomorph is the "Harvester".[/i][/b] [b][/b] [b]Our genes/DNA/Genome/genetic material is the "Maize", that is what the Engineers want/need, and the Xenomorph is the means by which to harvest our genetic material. But why?[/b]

318 Replies

Mopar McNeer

MemberOvomorphJul-02-2012 7:23 PM
A two things to chew on: 1. RS refers to the Engineers as Dark Angels, not gods. This leads me to think that the Engineers are doing the bidding of someone else. Much like angels, they have a specific mission or objective to accomplish or a purpose. Being they are called dark angels, I also think that "destroy to create" is very fitting for what their purpose is. 2. Just because the Engineers have a Xeno mural, why does everyone seem to think that they worship them? It could just be a warning picture or just art for that matter. I figured that the Xeno is a weapon, a curiosity, or just another possible creation "because they could" - but the idea that they are used as a weapon to wipe out a planet/civilization makes the most sense to me as they too are a creature with a specific purpose. I have a few more thoughts, but am a bit short on time. I'll have to chime back in later.

Mopar McNeer

MemberOvomorphJul-02-2012 7:57 PM
One other thought. So in the greek mythology, Prometheus was the creater of mankind and had taught his creations many skills that made them powerful, and the god Zeus was not happy with Prometheus for this. During a dispute, Prometheus tricked Zeus, and later Zeus with held fire from men because of this. Prometheus snuck up to mt Olympus and stole some fire and gave it to mankind. Zeus then tried to have Prometheus' brother marry Pandora, to which he refused. Zeus mad that his plan didn't work had Prometheus chained to a pillar where his liver was eaten over and over. In an effort to save his Prometheus, his brother did marry Pandora. Pandora then proceeded to open up the box that Prometheus had sealed that contained all the evils that might affect mankind. See this link for a quick summary: The way I look at it, maybe the Engineers on LV-223 had at some point given mankind something that they should not have, so their society or their gods cast them out (to LV-223), which may be why they were all hiding/stuck on LV-223. Then one among them (Pandora) unleashes the goo and it destroys them. Or maybe the humans analogious to Pandora, and we unleashed the "evil". I haven't had a lot of time to flesh out the corrolations between the Greek Myth and the Movie, but I'm sure there is more too it, otherwise why would they call the movie Prometheus, right? Maybe some else can chime in on this and build a better hypothosis from the myth to the movie.


MemberOvomorphJul-02-2012 9:50 PM
I could be wrong but I think most Alien fans have noticed that the monster you're impregnated with takes on some of your DNA. For instance, the alien that burst out of the Rottweiler trotted around on all fours. Obviously the mutagen is going to do the same thing. Every black goo in movie history was evil. Black goo in Prometheus is evil. So, everything that black goo creates in Prometheus is evil too?


MemberOvomorphJul-02-2012 11:30 PM
Long-time lurker, first-time post. Slightly OT, but perhaps relevant nonetheless...on the Weyland Industries site under 'Investor Information' module 1.7 gives an [i]Earth Resource Breakdown[/i]. The resource with the least amount of reserve is 'Eitr'. It's not a real element but per Wikipedia a mythical one (quote): "[i]This liquid substance is the origin of all living things, the first giant Ymir was conceived from eitr. The substance is supposed to be very poisonous and is also produced by Jörmungandr (the Midgard serpent) and other serpents.[/i]" For what the quick read is worth, the link is [url=]here[/url]. Something else kind of coincidental; the abbreviation of 'Eitr' is noted 'Et' like...'extraterrestrial'.


MemberOvomorphJul-02-2012 11:47 PM
@Snorkelbottom Thx for the feedback. The thought of the urns being a new transportation system, I don't think is ever brought up in the movie. I would guess this theory was put forward by fans. Interesting thought about how the eggs are collected for the purpose of having their genetic material extracted. My first thought was using them to attach another planet. But the former might make more sense. Why have two delivery systems? The eggs being used in labs as medical science, not as a weapon, could be logical. And would play into the clone/sterile theory. I think it's entirely possible that the engineers are themselves worker-bees for a yet unseen alien species. (Given that they all look the same. And are all 'male'). Unfortunately we won't know till Scott makes another film. Which will be a ways off. *sad face*


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 1:29 AM
Heres my take on the subject. In history whenever a culture has created something possibly dangerous they have always created a cure/antidote to it simultaneously. This is true for both lab experiments and weapons. This is to protect the creators from accidents and the possible use of the creation against them. So it would seem logical that a intelligent race creating life on other worlds would also take the same precautions. If you are going to seed a planet with life you should take the necessary steps to make sure you can eradicate that life should it get out of hand. In our case we escaped the confines of our petri dish and jumped into space. The engineers probably would have thought of this leap as extremely dangerous to their universe and deserving of a quick fix. Hence the astonishment at our arrival and the immediate attempt to depart for earth with such devastating cargo. The different types of xenomporphs in each movie would be examples of cures for multiple experiments. One could presume that in Prometheus, each of the buildings lined up along the planet's surface contained different cures for different experiments. The ship on LV-426 could have been en route to a planet whose experiment had already run its course. Maybe they had even cured our planet of the dinosaurs before they created us. As for the predetermined course of the ship who says it was being sent to eradicate us? According to the Mayans they have checked up on us several times in history without the intent to destroy us.


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 7:05 AM
good stuff.


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 8:32 AM
Too many posts, very interesting, but i haven´t found yet another approach, which do not intend to disregard any of the very informed replies about Prometheus mythology, technology and a very possible sequel. I would like to share some thoughts with you guys: [size=200]PROMETHEUS IS (ALSO) A LOVE STOR[/size][b][/b] Please dont´think i am a fool romantic, but if we observe closely we are testifyng the relation between David and Elizabeth Shaw. The film show us a very sutile, refined, evolution of David, a robot which is very curious into knowing human feelings, not only data or languages per se. David "spies" Elizabeth dreams. He begins to "feel" something about her. DAVID IS THE CHOSEN ONE[/b][size=200][/size] David in hebrew means God´s chosen one. David, the king, was poetic, wise, and musically talented. I see David as the new and future leader of a new human kind, and Elizabeth as his pair. David knew how to operate the ships, maybe not only by intuison, but because he had the data. Somebody downloaded them to him. David works with patience and finess to erase Holloway which is a very rude human being and we can almost see how David "feels jealous" about that relation. [b]Elizabeth a great heroi[/b][size=200][/size]n The Elizabeth character shows us how powerful she is. She used very skillfully her triune brain (reptilian, the old mammarian brain and the neocortex brain) She survives, she "wants", she anticipates. Elizabeth can not fullfill her quest without David. David maybe was created to guide Elizabeth, like an angel, like a father, the father she lost, the father she is so obsessed to recover. That´s why she is so into finding answers about our origins. Elizabeth is a new EVE. David a new ADAn. Elizabeth has evolve much further than Vickers, for example, who is very masculine and basic. Dr. Shaw is sensitive but analytical, is scientific but has faith. As Einstein believed a scientist should be. David, admires Peter O Toole as Lawrence of Arabia because Lawrence was also cast from his origins as a british man and condemened to be only Arab. Lawrence, the explorer, the learner. David is learning to become human: but a better human being. David is learnign to feel. The "monster" is the very basic being, almost retrograd, and very near to the human beings we know nowadays. Ironic. Everything comes from thoughts: the head is the symbol of thoughts and ideas. From which the monster came out, from where human beings communicate and, yes, feel. The big head, totem, Mayan/Egyptian/ , the decapitated head they found, David´s head left alone. David will never die, so his love for Elizabeth, and he will follow her, literally, til the end of the universe.


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 9:08 AM
I believe there is some truth to the concept of the engineers having multiple diferent types of "goo" or recipes if you will. If we are to believe the Engineers are masters of genetic manipulation and engineering then I doubt earth/humans were all they would have created. Perhaps they've created many different worlds and species in their experimentation. Like Holloway told David "we created you because we could"; if you had the power to create life why wouldn't you experiment with your craft and test your limits"? I believe the engineers not only created humans but all living beings on earth, and the first scene is the creation of the "primordial ooze" from which evolution emerged. The concoction the sacrificial engineer drank was not only a poison of sorts that destroyed him but contained the means with which to start life on earth. Going along this vein, the engineers would have different "black goo" recipes for each species and world they create, including the xenomorphs. It makes sense when you see the creatures in the urn room start off as tiny maggot like worms before developing into the snake creatures and eventually into the gigantic face hugger. I guess the evolution of the xenomorphs takes a fraction of the time it takes humans. I think the xenomorphs are indeed a bio weapon created by the engineers the same way they created any other species. We must realize though that the xenomorphs created by the engineers are different from the aliens we know. It's not until the xenomorph was born of a human woman before impregnating the engineer that it starts to resemble the aliens from the later movies. The xenomorphs are the means with which the engineers will destroy other planets/species. There could be a few reasons the engineers are sending them to earth. Perhaps humans have failed in our intended development or purpose and the engineers would simply like to wipe earths slate clean. Another reason could be that they somehow perceive humans as a threat to themselves and are attempting a preemptive strike before we could cause any real problems. Another angle could be that the xenomorphs are too powerful and the possibility of them overrunning the engineers is too great for them to be kept around and the engineers want to ship them off to a remote planet like earth to remove the threat. It could also be a combination of these in the sense that the engineers are trying to get rid of earth/humans whilst quarantining the xenomorphs to an expendable planet. So to bring it back to the original post, I think the black liquid in the urns is the same TYPE of material the sacrificial engineer drank, just not the same recipe.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 9:30 AM
David knew how to operate the ships, maybe not only by intuison, but because he had the data. Somebody downloaded them to him. Yes this is an interesting plot point because David seems very adept handling various aspects of the Engineers life and ship's advanced knowledge must have been supplied..So who is controlling David now: Shaw?..I doubt it.. My vote is for the Engineers' handlers.(unseen as yet)..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-05-2012 10:35 AM
"...Maybe the purpose of the Urns is that when a living life form breaths near them they change the air so as that it then activates the Liquid inside and thus activates the Bio Weapon...." I like this explanation,,but wonder why there seemed to be so little security..surrounding the Urn storage area.. (actually in the whole compound)
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberDeaconJul-05-2012 10:57 AM
I would assume that security was not bad prior to the outbreak. Earth has a lot of device mechanisms but if a virus wiped us all out then our Tanks, Planes and Missiles would be useless without out us to control them or give the command to fire. My theory would have it that the Urns remain in active as long as the air is not contaminated and so maybe had the crew of Prometheus not taken off any helmets then they would have not had activated the Urns. Again thats not a fact, only Ridley will know the full answers or at least some kind of rough ideas they wish to expand upon one day.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-05-2012 11:19 AM
I think that Ridley .. just by reading the boards would have million possible plot lines to explore..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-06-2012 6:59 PM
Sorry. I had written a whole lot on here and when i went to submit it, i guess i took too long and it went to the log in screen. Rather than write it all over again, I will summarize. First, everyone is only trying to link Prometheus with the Alien saga. What about AVP and the Predators? The Engineers created humans. Why? They apparently visited earth multiple times after the creation, as different civilization form different time periods drew them. At the same time, the Predators were visiting and teaching primitive people technology. The Predators already had the xenomorph eggs and were using it to infect the people so they would have something to hunt. Perhaps the Predators are super advanced and they either created the Engineers to do their molecular/bio-engineering (as we make androids; and as someone said they all look the same and are all male so they are probably clones) or they found a planet of yolked science nerds and commissioned them to create better prey for them to hunt. The ship in Alien had a payload of eggs. Maybe they were going to earth to replenish the supplies as the temple in Antarctica seemed to be the only one left and they destroyed it and the predators were reduced to hunting only humans. Since the ship found in Alien didn’t make it, maybe the Engineers on LV-223 had to send a ship armed with a payload of black goo to Earth to create new xenomorphs for the predators to hunt. But, somehow the engineers screwed up and got infected. The Predators are bad ass and would probably lay waste to the Engineers so maybe when the Engineer wakes up, he is frantic and kills everyone and tries to take off quickly because he needs to get to Earth with the payload quickly before the Predators get pissed and start some stuff. There was a lot more in depth stuff I would have brought up in my first attempt to write this but again, I didn’t want to write it all over again. I just feel people need to really consider the timelines and not forget about the Predator and AVP movies and only focus on trying to link Prometheus to the Alien saga. I would love to hear others’ thoughts.


MemberOvomorphJul-06-2012 8:01 PM
Interesting premise, but its been established by both Cameron and Scott that AVP is not part of the original canon. Just an attempt by Fox to extract more money from two waning franchises.


MemberOvomorphJul-07-2012 4:55 AM
True, but someone okayed these movies and now they cant simply be disregarded seeing as how they do exist and even though they were not intended to join the franchises. Sorry, I cant unwatch those movies and erase them from my


MemberTrilobiteJul-07-2012 6:41 AM
@ schenkenator, Sorry, but there has been no official statement either way stating whether or not the AVP are classed as canon and part of the same fictional universe. Ridley has stated that he didn't like them nor their premise, and Cameron stated that of the alien movies he considered AVP to be the 3rd best one (after Alien and Aliens of course), but other than that, no official statement.


MemberOvomorphJul-07-2012 10:14 AM
Wow, snork didn't paid attention to some of the points earlier, reading it fresh again, looks intriguing concept.
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-07-2012 11:26 AM
"...Therefore they seeded life using their DNA in the hope that their children (us) would save them from extinction, and then created the means by which to extract the genetic material they needed - the Xenomorph. ..." So the Engineers need humans and XENos....Looks like they really need to work in their biological skills,,, Would the surving Engineer,,wake aware of all the implications,,and expectations..of their seeding..and wipe out the needed humans/ Why were we so threatening to him?? And then the Aliens(in all of their variations shown in this motion picture) are also needed to complete the life circle,,,but they turn out to be killers. THe result of this sequence is that all of the known Engineers are dead..and only one living human is around, The question in my mind just how many 'Aliens' are not only lurking..but ready to explode from the canisters,,, This seems to ready to become a Zeno any time.. Humans may be the Aliens in Xeno controlled world..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-07-2012 12:59 PM
By the way, source of 3rd image ? (I mean the collection one).
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.


MemberTrilobiteJul-07-2012 1:06 PM
@ Sky, do you mean the urns - this sites very own gallery of course.


MemberOvomorphJul-07-2012 1:17 PM
No. The Phase 3 - Collection one. I see it has title - alien infested world. Is that image hosted in the gallery?
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.


MemberTrilobiteJul-07-2012 1:24 PM
Oh this one... [img][/img] ...i found it a while back using google and downloaded it to my laptop a while back. then when I was compiling the OP for this thread I thought of the image and tried finding it again but couldn't so I uploaded the own I'd DL'ed to my photobucket account.


MemberOvomorphJul-07-2012 1:30 PM
Yes, this one. It looks cool, I was thinking if there is a larger resolution of this image, say 640px and higher?
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.


MemberTrilobiteJul-07-2012 1:38 PM
There may well be if you can find, I'm sorry but I can't remember where I found it LOL


MemberOvomorphJul-07-2012 1:54 PM
No worries will try to find it on G.
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.

Stygian Cellarius

MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 3:10 PM
I was on my way to writing some of my ideas about this stuff in another thread until I found some of them expressed here already. I will post what I was going to write here. Even though some have already been posted. Perhaps we will find out that humans were created as hosts for the Xenomorphs. The form of the Xenomorph we saw in the mural in the "big head room" in Prometheus indicates that they ideally require a bipedal host (quadrapedal host births quad-xeno--Alien 3) and as of now, there are only two known bipedal entities in the ALIEN universe; humans and the Engineers. Since we can assume the engineers do not include themselves as ideal hosts--that only leaves humans. Now of course we can speculate that there are other planets with bipedal life or there may be different factions of competing Engineers making it possible that they consider their species a viable host, but given what we know now I think my first conjecture the most likely (excluding the Predators as I don't think Scott will entertain that merger). This brings up the question of to whom are the Xenomorph ultimately being made for? Seems like it would have to be for some species that is a genuine threat to the Engineers. There is really no need to go through all the trouble with an inferior species such as ourself, who can be dispatched of with much simpler means. I don't think I buy the explanation that the Engineers are in want of our DNA for reproduction or to diversify their gene pool. That theory only works if their understanding of genetics is incomplete. Once they understand the principles of genetics--and they certainly do--then they do not need to go through all that trouble to harvest DNA when they can just create it themselves and alter it anyway they want. If they were experiencing troubles reproducing or diversifying their gene pool they certainly have the means of resolving that in the lab. It really wouldn't be that difficult. We humans can foresee ourselves being able to resolve such problems now. To expand on the Black Goo: Definitely two different kinds. Why do they look the same? Purely aesthetic preference. As we can see in the film, the Engineers have a very homogeneous aesthetic, indicating a unified vision amongst them. They are very limited in their range of forms and colors. The only objects they created that have color was the green crystal-like object on the tomb in the "big head room", the green "electricity-like" light on the Juggernaut control panel, the lights inside the Engineers cryo-sleeper, and the cloak of the sacrificial Engineer--everything else was black or gray. Oh so the Engineers added food coloring to the goo to manage the color? No, but the director wanted aesthetic homogeneity. The similarity in appearance of the two goo's is a minor detail that doesn't require explanation in sequels.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 5:35 AM
".....They are very limited in their range of forms and colors....." If linited colors are availible in the 'Engineers' world,,why was 'Green'..significant for the Big Head Room? Obviously because humans like this color;...signifying life,,grass..trees,,,ect....all missing on this moon. And when the humans were able to visit this moon,,it was a welcome sign .. a beacon /// that we as a living race..are on the right track to...somewhere,,, Stay tuned for the next ..pre-sequel..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 9:07 AM
"....This brings up the question of to whom are the Xenomorph ultimately being made for? ..." Yes this is the 'Why?' Could they have been a Weyland experiment that just went wrong?.. I hope we can count on David/Shaw to answer this question..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-11-2012 12:36 AM
@ Snorkelbottom Your post (the OP) was quite elaborated, well formulated and luring. But we all due respect, it feels to me like it’s seriously beating around the bush! After all your explanatory facts, your conclusion makes no sense for me: [i]“Therefore they seeded life using their DNA in the hope that their children (us) would save them from extinction, and then created the means by which to extract the genetic material they needed - the Xenomorph.”[/i] Why create the Xenomorph at all? Just go there and abduct as many humans they needed and use them as “gas stations”. Why go to all the trouble of creating whole specie, wait for millions of years for that specie to evolve and mature (or whatever) and then eradicate it by using an extremely deadly and uncontrollable specie to wipe it out so in the end you get a whole planet filled with Xenomorph eggs which contains the deadly specie still? Am I the only one confused here? lol
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