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The Secrets of the Black Liquid REVEALED

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MemberTrilobiteJun-06-2012 3:42 PM
To understand the Secrets of the the contents of the urns/ampules we first have to separate them into their component parts... [Edited 02-12-2012] [u]The Seed[/u] [img][/img] A genetically engineered substance created by the Engineers, it is stored within the vials found within the urns/ampules. This thick, viscous black liquid which was consumed by the Sacrificial Engineer (the Seeding) and unwittingly by Holloway, has three underlining properties: 1. When ingested by an organism (Sacrficial Engineer/Hollway) the "Seed" combines with the cells of the organism, causing the host organism to break down at a cellular level - every cell of their body becoming a viral genetic mutagen, capable of being consumed by other organisms. 2. This viral genetic mutagen, when ingested by other organisms, adds/replaces genes of that organism with those of the host whom consumed the "Seed", imprinting the hosts DNA/Genome onto an indigenous ecosystem. This viral genetic mutagen also acts as an evolutionary accelerant, exponentially mutating organisms with the genetic template/traits from the host (LV-223 worms). 3. The evolutionary accelerant aspect of the mutagen also has the side effect of revitalizing dead/dying cells, seeming resulting in re-animation (Shaws womb/Fifield). [u]The Black Liquid[/u] [img][/img] The black slimy liquid stored within the urns/ampules is NOT the same substance that was stored within the vials, and contrary to my original theoryis NOT the genetic material of the Xenomorph. This substance is an inert transmission medium, that when combined with the Seed creates an oil like substance, making weaponized transmission of the Seed more effective. [u]The Urns/Ampules[/u] [img][/img] The urns/ampules are medium for storing and deploying both the "Seed" and the transmission medium. When triggered/smashed the "Seed" (see above) and the transmission medium mix, creating an oil like substance, that is more viscous than the Seed, and a more effective means of transmission. [u]The Xenomorph[/u] [img][/img] As shown by this mural, the xenomorph is of some importance to the Engineers. Lets look at their known history regards the Xenomorph... - Thousands of years ago, an Engineer craft carrying a cargo of Xenomorph was forced to land on the moon/planetoid LV-426 when its lone pilot unwillingly became host to one of its cargo. It may be that this craft had previosly visited LV-223 and acquired a payload of the urns before deploying them onto a distant planet. Then after acquiring the eggs that would have remained after the infestation befell its fate upon its return either to LV-223 or the Engineers home world/system. - 2000 years ago, a team of Engineers stationed on LV-223 prepared to deploy a cargo of urns/ampules to Earth, when one of them inadvertantly unleashed the contents quarantining the base. As seen in the movie, the urns are the viral deployment method used to instigate a Xenomorph infestation. The urns were designed to ensure safe transport and efficient deployment of the Xenomorph. [u]The Dark Truth - Completely Rethought[/u] Taking what we have learnt about the urns/ampules, their contents and the Engineers established history with the xenomorph, and combining that with what we have seen in the Prometheus and Alien movies, leads us towards a dark, disturbing truth... [b]Phase 1 - The Seeding[/b] [img][/img] [b]The Engineers visit primordial planets supporting basic, simple life, whereupon a lone "Sacrificial Engineer" ingests the "Seed", sacrificed his life and seeding the planet with the seed and his DNA, resulting in an ecosystem entirely dominated by the Xenomorph (This is what we see at the start of the film).[/b] [b]Phase 2 - The Rebirth[/b] [b]An ecosystem dominated by the Xenomorph results in the exhausting of viable hosts. To combat this the Xenomorph at a genetic level introduced Y chromosome into its genome, giving rise to infertile males (smooth carapaced warriors), and then fertile males (Kings).[/b] [b]Upon consummating with Kings, Queens become capable of producing a second type of egg, incubating a sub-species of hosts, pale skinned humanoids - Engineers.[/b] [b]Phase 3 - The Harvest[/b] [img][/img] [b]Systematically a percentage of these Engineers are drafted into Engineer society. Seeking a more efficient means of reproducing the Engineers weaponize the Seed, for deployment upon worlds inhabited by Engineer children, sired before the weaponization of the Seed (the method of this siring not yet seen).[/b] [b]The Xenomorph DNA, hidden with "human DNA" asserts itself and spreads across the sired planets, resulting in a Xenomorph dominated ecosystem. Once all viable hosts are exhausted, the King Xenomorph is sired and Engineers are born.[/b] [b]Phase 3 - Collection[/b] [img][/img] [b]The Engineers collect a percentage of Xenomorph (eggs) before transporting them to a location whereby they can be used to produce more Seed (also as yet unseen).[/b] [u]Why Create Only To Destroy[/u] [b]Here's a summary of what we know so far...[/b] [b][/b] [b]- A Sacrificial Engineer sacrifices his life, seeding life upon a primordial world, using his own genetic material. To date we the fans have assumed this action, through natural selection and engineering, resulted in billions of clones/children of the Engineer to evolve, in his image - us.[/b] [b]But The consumption of the Seed by Holloway results in the creation of a Xenomorph in the form of the Deacon, therefore we must assume our initial belief to be false - meaning that the Sacrificial Engineer was not siring a planet of life that would evolve into human form, but instead cultivating a world that would be dominated by the Xenomorph.[/b] [b]- The Urns show that the urns are a means to deploy the Xenomorph amongst human races also sired by Engineers, as shown by the DNA match in the movie.[/b] [b]- The Xenomorph extrapolates genetic material from its hosts, propagating its own kind.[/b] [b]- Once all hosts are exhausted, the Xenomorphs would need a means to continue their existence, otherwise they would die, and only their eggs would remain.[/b] [b]- The Engineers return to gather the eggs.[/b] [b][/b] [b]WHY? Why would the Engineers seed a planet to create millions/billions of clones/children in their image and using their own DNA only to later wipe them out using the Xenomorph? Well I believe I may have the answer...[/b] [b][/b] [b]The Xenomorph, as we know it, is capable of eradicating an entire ecosystem of its indigenous population by using said life forms as hosts to propagate its own species. When gestating inside a host, Xenomorph embryos extrapolate genetic material and traits from their host, to add to their own genome and to adapt to the environment and ecosystem which they have been deployed into. It is this trait of the Xenomorph I believe that holds the key...[/b] [u]Genetic Material[/u] [img][/img] [b]We, the human race have evolved from and continue to evolve from the Engineers genetic material. Our genetic material, our genome is almost identical to that of the Engineers. This same genetic material is extrapolated by the Xenomorph, a deadly genetic and bio-mechanical creation held in some regard by the Engineers, themselves expertics in genetic and bio-mechanical engineering.[/b] [b][/b] [b][i]To the Engineers the human race are "Maize". Once we have grown to required amount in number and in the required way, we are harvested, and the Xenomorph is the "Harvester".[/i][/b] [b][/b] [b]Our genes/DNA/Genome/genetic material is the "Maize", that is what the Engineers want/need, and the Xenomorph is the means by which to harvest our genetic material. But why?[/b]

318 Replies


MemberTrilobiteJun-22-2012 3:46 PM
Maybe, maybe not... I have suspicions Weyland had foreknowledge. I think he knew they were there and what they were capable of... - Weyland technology almost mirrors that of the Engineers, in purpose at least - Travelling there, despite near death - Vickers warning to Shaw and Holloway - Davids knowledge of the symbols - David knowing what to infect Holloway with - David Trying to put Shaw on ice - David finding the Engineer - David operating Engineer tech - David communicating with the Engineer ...Thats a long list of coincidences methinks!?!

Engineer Xeno - Chr1s

MemberOvomorphJun-06-2012 3:46 PM
I think a sequel may give you the answers you seek...or not if it turns out like Prometheus.


MemberTrilobiteJun-06-2012 3:48 PM
Of course this means that the Xenomorph is sourced from Engineer DNA.

Engineer Xeno - Chr1s

MemberOvomorphJun-06-2012 3:52 PM
well, that as well as black goo, human intercourse and a great big squid so yeh. Goes to show. I mean there could be more evolution to develop and see yet, i mean the proto-xeno wasnt quite entirely xeno yet so it could develop more somehow, we'll see.


MemberOvomorphJun-06-2012 4:13 PM
1) The Engineers themselves are already engineered, they are not the "gods". All engineers look the same, and they re disposable, as they can be produced in large numbers. The sacrifice of the first Engineer was just his purpose, the mothership placed him, then targetted the next planet to repeat the procedure there.The engineers are just that: incubators/vessels.Or any other purpose they were made to do. 2) The engineers are unisex. The engineer who woke up definitly showed a reaction to Shaw. If that was because Shaw was female and part of a seeded species and thus interesting from an evolutionary point of view to him, or because as a female she was something he didnt know (beeing an engineered clone) is debatable, but probably one of those hints that lead nowhere and are just a teaser. 3) It could be Earth is a very rare platform for genetic experiments and thus must be swiped clean before a new, improved black goo can be tested, in any case, the engineers were preparing to fly to Earth 2000 years ago, before the thing went wrong, and they had black goo in the cargo. I think Janeks explanation might be ok for the story at that point, but all that effort just to drop a bomb, and that from a superior race...? Who knows.


MemberOvomorphJun-06-2012 4:14 PM
Oh and I would just add: if Scott made the engineers just pure evil, its even more dissappointing, and so far. they are pictured like that.


MemberOvomorphJun-06-2012 4:36 PM
My own view? The Earth was seeded by the Engineers for purposes as yet unknown and that will hopefully be revealed in later films. The seeding of Earth is an experiment. When humans land and wake the Engineer the experiment has essentially gone 'ding' and is completed. The head on this planet is human. Once he/it has been woken the Engineer with his ship full of 'anti-human' heads for Earth, releases the xenomorphs that eradicates humanity just like a scientist sterilizing a petrie dish. The ship that crash landed on LV-426 (original Alien) was full of eggs that were the elimination xenomorph for a different species to human that the Engineers had seeded elsewhere, and it was just bad luck that the Nostromo crew found it. Are there other 'host' worlds out there waiting with different species 'heads', and sleeping Engineers? I loved this film. It was Kubrickian in its intentional obscurity and invites the viewer to work it out. I've seen it three times now, and there IS more in there. Scott has hidden some stuff in plain sight, but the eye is so overwhelmed by the spectacle that on first viewing you can miss it.


MemberOvomorphJun-06-2012 4:36 PM
Still considering the engineers as the superior race and the Xeno as the inferior race even with the murals etc..


MemberDeaconJun-06-2012 4:43 PM
Sounds a bit odd to me.... If the Xeno Cycle is like that of Aliens onwards.... Why not just capture Humans and then throw them in with Face Huggers... Why would the Engineers want to create a world full of deadly Xeno Organisms...?

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJun-06-2012 4:52 PM
[b]Why would the Engineers want to create a world full of deadly Xeno Organisms...?[/b][u][i][/i][/u] And right now after reading here for the last 5-6 days or so is the big question. 1.Is/was there a war they need them for? 2.Are the engineers really in charge? 3. If they are doing this on earth has it happened elsewhere before?


MemberTrilobiteJun-06-2012 5:42 PM
Whichever route you take you will reach the same conclusion, the Engineers intended to wipe us out 2000 years ago using the Xenomorph. The end result would be a world full of Xenomorphs, which as you ask begs the question... [b]Why would the Engineers want to create a world full of deadly Xeno Organisms...?[/b]


MemberOvomorphJun-06-2012 6:11 PM
And we share the same DNA pattern as the engineers... hmm


MemberOvomorphJun-06-2012 6:16 PM
Ahhhh,And.... [b]Why would the Engineers want to create a world full of deadly Xeno Organisms...?[/b][u][/u] It looks like in peoples minds ,our creators?,the Engineers were destroyed by them by the looks of it. Yet the Alien films are based on us continually beating them,every time the company goes to try and retrieve it? So the creator gets fupped,but the offspring? are clever enough to beat it over and over again....


MemberTrilobiteJun-06-2012 6:37 PM
We never beat the Xenomorph, not truly - Ripley fell victim to them and then was resurrected with elements of their DNA.


MemberOvomorphJun-07-2012 4:54 AM
And the face of the offspring looks very similiar to the face on top of the huge dome (its not a pyramid, a pyarmid looks different). Actually one of the few things that makes me buy the "bio weapons" theory is that the head on top of the dome looks like a skull, which means to me "Death".


MemberOvomorphJun-07-2012 6:13 AM
there is more than 1 goo so to speak engineer drinking in the green glass inside the urn (feeded to holloway) between the glass and the urn and maybe that's the same or different of the black goo going out of the urn in the headroom. yes, now i notice the back of the skull on the dome looks a bit like the last surviver on lv223


MemberOvomorphJun-07-2012 8:11 AM
Hey guys, Just got to see the movie earlier. Anyway, here's my take. There are 2 clans, tribe or sides of The Engineers shown in the Movie. (Pretty much like we humans have differing cultures, philosophies, set of rules and belief. So the engineers being of higher intelligence would most likely adopt certain philosophies on why they are doing what they are doing.) 1) Creators One was the Creator, the peaceful side. This is the one you see in the beginning standing by the river and causing the creation of life on earth. This is probably, also indirectly, based off the Bible, since all life was created from water and mankind was created beside a great river also. The creators didn't have clothing. The spaceship hovering above Earth was different. It looked more elongated in shape, so it's more likely these are the peaceful engineers. Spreading and pollinating the Universe you might say. 2) Destroyers Those on the distant moon were destroyers. They probably have a different philosophy or some beef with the creator and don't like them creating other life, especially life that looks and thinks just like them (That's probably why it was pissed off at us and probably more so with the Android David). So they engineered some other biological lifeforms, the xenomorphs that can adapt to virtually any planet and wipeout all life there. a Counter-Life you might say but got out of hand. The destroyers all had the bio-suits on unlike the naked cloaked guy. The spaceships were shaped like horns, so most likely offensive types. different from the circular-ish ship that was hovering on earth. So call it politics, philosophy or just a different point of view from different clan members, the human race just got caught in their opinions. -------------- You can refer this theory like the one in Predator. There are the noble hunters, following a strict set of rules and philosophy in hunting. Then there are the killers, just there for the purpose of killing something. Totally contradicting each other so they kill each other off. This is also probably one of the reasons why predators prefer humans as prey so they can study how to beat their older foes, the engineers. ################## Black Liquid - I would agree with some of the theory above that this accelerates the breaking down of the biological make up, especially the one used by the engineer on Earth. - Fountain of Life you might say. Anyway, later. I'll try to check out the movie again if I can.


MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 3:12 PM
With respect to launching the Xenomophs as a bio weapon of mass destruction on Earth's human kind. Ok the Xenomorphs are tough, no doubt. But you can kill them. If Xenomoprhs can be killed then human's can handle them. If that's the best the Engineer's got they better get some new weapons. Human's are tough survivors especially on planet Earth our home turf. I am not saying it would be easy, but when the going is tough we're at our very best. So I don't see that as big a threat, tons of ways to make Xenomorphs die. My opinion, is that the Engineers have a DNA experiment that went wrong, they got hung up trying to get out, if they were headed to Earth, to drop off a payload of Xenomorphs as a bio weapon of mass destruction then OK


MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 10:10 AM
@Snorkelbottom I had a similar idea which I posted to another forum. I'll re-post it here. [u]So, let's just take a look at what we know about the black goo.[/u] In the intro, the Engineer drinks something, and it tears him apart. I'm not sure it actually rebuilt his DNA then, or if that was time-lapse showing his DNA particles reforming (broken DNA can actually just do that) and then forming cellular organisms. Fast forward several thousands or millions of years to the Prometheus, and I think it is safe to assume that the black goo in the 2000 year old ruins may not be the same as what the Engineer drank (but it might be). We see the back goo infect Engineers and cause their heads to explode if their nervous system is active. We see the black goo move of it's own accord when it defrosts at the top of the container similar to the way it did in the cup the Engineer drank from in the intro. It touched the worms, and later we see snakes. Did it evolve the worms, or destroy them and create something new? It looked like it got on to Fifield when his helmet broke and changed him into some sort of zombie after he died later. When Holloway drank a small sample of it, it seemed to be zombifiying him in a way similar to what we saw on the exploding Engineer's head. And he had a worm growing out of his eye. When he had sex with Dr. Shaw, his infected sperm created an embryonic face-hugger within her. It grew at about the same rate as the alien in the Alien movies into a giant face-hugger. The facehugger was able to implant an alien in the Engineer that when born looked very similar to the creature in the mural carving on the wall of the containment room in the Engineer's space ship. The Engineer's DNA supposedly is very similar to ours, so if that facehugger had gotten a human something similar might have happened then. [u]What would explain all of this?[/u] I'll give one possible explanation: The Engineers are bio-engineers who use the black goo as a vector for their creations. Millions of years ago on Earth they used it to build organisms in their own image through "normal" evolution. Over time, though, they learned to build organisms using accelerated mutations and evolution. They may have considered this a better form of life. Eventually they decided to destroy their original project on Earth in favor of something new. The 2000 year old awoken Engineer from the neck down appeared to be partially synthetic. They may have considered this a superior form of life, and so they set about replacing their old creations. The black goo is not simply inert, it is an organism capable of pursuing its designed objective. The goo is also not all powerful. It cannot simply create the intended being by mutating one species into another completely. It can however initiate mutations and accelerated evolution in one species to produce its intended target organism. These mutations are destructive - as David says, "In order to create, it is sometimes necessary to destroy." Since the process is evolutionary, the host is required to reproduce. The mural behind the human face clearly shows that the intention for their mission to Earth was to create a new alien species similar to the one that eventually tears itself from the Engineer (I'm sure the Engineer found this quite ironic). Before the Engineers were able to launch, the goo broke containment, and the facility went into lockdown. The infected Engineers there were mutated, but because the environment was sterile and they are all male, the goo's creations died out, and did not form the target being. Once the humans arrived and broke the lockdown, the frozen goo defrosted and set about attempting to fullfill its purpose. It mutated the worms into probes/snakes that would inject embryos, and mutated live humans to reproduce face-huggers. One can assume that since it took preproduction in humans to produce the face hugger, it took reproduction in the worms to produce the snakes that killed Fifield. If the humans died before reproducing, it re-animated them to attack and infect other live humans.


MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 10:20 AM
Hi there, Good take on the black liquid (BL) Snorkelbottom, because there is more to that organic stuff then we might expect. However i have different approach to the meaning of the black liquid, yes another elaborated en tiring theory so i will start with the basic assumptions: Ancient men finds BL on earth -->birth engineers-->engineers can't reproduce on their own and needs human life to sustain species-->mishap in production causes xenomorph--> epidemic-->no more engineers. So if you're thinking 'what has this guy been smoking?" then i don't blame you. However i've based my assumptions on the cinematic experience and content and not an anything biblical or mythical wich i find very hard to relate too. I have arguments. Ok, here it goes..the meaning of the BL. 1. It's only purposes is too enhance a given organisme into it's evoltionary full potential. Scene--> worms crawl out of the ground, and becomes big white snakes that are capable of breaking arms. Scene--> The classical ubermensch look of the engineer, whom are very white indeed. Scene--> Transformation of the infected crewmember into a giant human (engineer?). Scene--> Holloway isn't pregnant, an infected spermcel however has infiltrated her womb and reaches it's full potential (ugly squid facehugger). 2. Bl gives evolution but destroys independent reproduction Scene(s) --> Engineers are indeed unisex. Aliens can't reproduce on their own and needs another organisme as a host womb. The notion of birth is very important in all the Alien series. We made David and he can ask: why did you make me? "because we can". A similar conversation is that with Holloway and her infected boyfriend, she is upset because she can't reproduce. Being able to reproduce should not be taken for granted is the overall message. Why do engineers created us? Because they can BUT they also must inorder to sustain their species. This kinda of a loophole, unless we assume that not just anybody can become an engineer or that the human population was really small back in the day. The chamber with Engineer Head = production room I think this theory ties alot of knots together, it explains why the engineer created us, and why they hate us. After all they are dependent of us, and most of all we are the ones who caused the xenomorph epidemic (like in Prometheus). It also gives depth to the Nietzschean qoute's.. Btw, nobody controls the xenomorphs, period. It would the dumbest and most unpractical bio-weapon you could think of. So in sum, yeah it's all about the benefits and side-effects of the black stuff. Oh and If you're already an engineer, don't use will kill ya!


MemberTrilobiteJun-12-2012 10:27 AM
@ Ellen... One problem with that theory of yours is that the Engineer in Prometheus set off to eradicate life on earth using the cargo of "Black Goo" stored on LV-223, which once unleashed would have resulted in a mass infestation of the Xenomorph on Earth.


MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 11:13 AM
@snorkelbottom Maybe the Engineer made an 'ethical' choice: to create a xenomorph free universe one must take out all the elements in the equation (including eventually itself). Aliens stem afterall from an equation in wich humand dna is involved. Besides Prometheus isn't conclusive about the use of Aliens as bio weapons, it emphasizes more the creative nature of Engineers instead of the destructive. Unleashing the BL doesn't create a xenomorph (by that you mean Alien right?) infestation but a hyper evolutionary warfare between different types of altered animals including humans at first. Xenomorphs will eventually rise though, and what not. You could be right though, but i find the bio-weapon theory very human minded lol and a little shortsighted considered the possibilities of the BL. But that's just me


MemberTrilobiteJun-12-2012 11:19 AM
I never mentioned anything about bio-weapons


MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 1:01 PM
Was Holloway having a like reaction to the black goo as the engineer at the beginning did but much slower do to genetic adaptation to earths invironment and being a product of the black goo? He didn't live long enough to birth any life form but was looking like the engineer did at the beginning of the movie after consumption.


MemberTrilobiteJun-12-2012 3:31 PM
The Xenomorph was meant to be unleashed upon us 2000 years ago. Back then we wouldn't stand a chance, now I'd say we'd have a small chance.


MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 4:24 PM
What's to say they had a motive? Holloway "because we can." But let's just say that we are created from them with an almost perfect match DNA wise. We would generally think like them right? And if this were the case, as noted in a previous post I read, wouldn't they be free thinkers as well? Each an individual with a common goal. Then if the particular engineers we encounter in Prometheus may have an alternate agenda than the group that created life on earth. That being said it could be believable that wiping out the threat, us, would be a wise choice. But as far as the xenos go... what would you do if you had the ability to play god? You would play, no? Maybe humanity was just another test subject for the new toy the engineers had created. They knew they couldn't give us too much time to grow and expand because they know we were like them and if you created a race based from your genetics you would probably be cautious with it as well. You know what humans are capable of. So the xenos the new toy, humans as a threat....let's make the best of the situation and run a lab on earth to see what the results are. Record data, improved technology.


MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 4:40 PM
In the movie the engineers show same emotional responses as humans. I can't blame the one that was woken up for reacting the way he did. You wake up in stasis shock still a bit woosy from your 2000yr nap and see a bunch of beings that look like you and they make their android speak to you in your language . Once the brain warmed up he was prolly like "oh shit, its the earthling things I was supposed to take care of and they are here and they have an android!!! Dammit Joe why did you have to spill the black goo and mess this up. Gunna beat these rats down and go take care of earth." Sorry to say but I don't think the engineers are all hippies trying to spread life. Pretty sure we were the lab rat that they fed the super pill to and forgot in the basement


MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 5:22 PM
Hi all. my take on the black goo is that its derived from the xenomorph which is a multi billion year old organism that is a nearly perfect parasitic killing machine. That is why certain engineers and predators almost worship it hence the murals and religious overtones. The engineers were experimenting with the black goo and possibly it could be altered to do different things like create life as we know it or it can be used to create monsters. Remeber that wayland corp is after the alien to exploit it for weapons different alloys and polymers medicine etc. I believe they are taking us to a dark place with these films. Basically the universe is filled with crazy beings that manipulate their physical environment for survival purposes and we are just part of the crazy shit that goes on. basically we live in hell and are part of a huge freakishly alien agenda. Imagine they are merging the universes of alien predator and prometheus as well as avp. which is what i think is happening. i think it all happens in one universe. Humans were just another experiment that had to be suppressed because we have huge potential we have the dna of the engineers. Its survival of the most intelligent ruthless fittest species in the cosmos. Thats why we will prob never meet good aliens lol because look how fucked up our species is. As above so below. Thanks any thought you guys?


MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 8:26 PM
Personaly I think you need to drop the xeno thought from this movie. It makes no sense with the movie. The black goo kills, the Engineers wanted to kill humans so all they had to do was drop the canisters in water supply and bam were all dead. How does it make sense at all to kill a population by....dropping eggs, eggs kill the host, alien pops out kills/gathers more for eggs. If they mastered instersteller travel I think they have better ways of wiping out populations. The end scene was just to show that they created teh alien and thats it. IT wont be revisited again. There are too many religious connections in the movie and I think the sequal will explore that. But Scott said himself he doesnt want to make another alien movie and the alien is no longer scary. Its a movie about engineers not aliens.


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 3:46 AM
@Rusmold, i was thinking the same as an alternative to my view. The black liquid has to have a certain origin, and the point you're making is plausible. Either way, i really hope this story develops in something more than some kind of religious derivative (with or without xeno's). That would truly suck.
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