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The Secrets of the Black Liquid REVEALED

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MemberTrilobiteJun-06-2012 3:42 PM
To understand the Secrets of the the contents of the urns/ampules we first have to separate them into their component parts... [Edited 02-12-2012] [u]The Seed[/u] [img][/img] A genetically engineered substance created by the Engineers, it is stored within the vials found within the urns/ampules. This thick, viscous black liquid which was consumed by the Sacrificial Engineer (the Seeding) and unwittingly by Holloway, has three underlining properties: 1. When ingested by an organism (Sacrficial Engineer/Hollway) the "Seed" combines with the cells of the organism, causing the host organism to break down at a cellular level - every cell of their body becoming a viral genetic mutagen, capable of being consumed by other organisms. 2. This viral genetic mutagen, when ingested by other organisms, adds/replaces genes of that organism with those of the host whom consumed the "Seed", imprinting the hosts DNA/Genome onto an indigenous ecosystem. This viral genetic mutagen also acts as an evolutionary accelerant, exponentially mutating organisms with the genetic template/traits from the host (LV-223 worms). 3. The evolutionary accelerant aspect of the mutagen also has the side effect of revitalizing dead/dying cells, seeming resulting in re-animation (Shaws womb/Fifield). [u]The Black Liquid[/u] [img][/img] The black slimy liquid stored within the urns/ampules is NOT the same substance that was stored within the vials, and contrary to my original theoryis NOT the genetic material of the Xenomorph. This substance is an inert transmission medium, that when combined with the Seed creates an oil like substance, making weaponized transmission of the Seed more effective. [u]The Urns/Ampules[/u] [img][/img] The urns/ampules are medium for storing and deploying both the "Seed" and the transmission medium. When triggered/smashed the "Seed" (see above) and the transmission medium mix, creating an oil like substance, that is more viscous than the Seed, and a more effective means of transmission. [u]The Xenomorph[/u] [img][/img] As shown by this mural, the xenomorph is of some importance to the Engineers. Lets look at their known history regards the Xenomorph... - Thousands of years ago, an Engineer craft carrying a cargo of Xenomorph was forced to land on the moon/planetoid LV-426 when its lone pilot unwillingly became host to one of its cargo. It may be that this craft had previosly visited LV-223 and acquired a payload of the urns before deploying them onto a distant planet. Then after acquiring the eggs that would have remained after the infestation befell its fate upon its return either to LV-223 or the Engineers home world/system. - 2000 years ago, a team of Engineers stationed on LV-223 prepared to deploy a cargo of urns/ampules to Earth, when one of them inadvertantly unleashed the contents quarantining the base. As seen in the movie, the urns are the viral deployment method used to instigate a Xenomorph infestation. The urns were designed to ensure safe transport and efficient deployment of the Xenomorph. [u]The Dark Truth - Completely Rethought[/u] Taking what we have learnt about the urns/ampules, their contents and the Engineers established history with the xenomorph, and combining that with what we have seen in the Prometheus and Alien movies, leads us towards a dark, disturbing truth... [b]Phase 1 - The Seeding[/b] [img][/img] [b]The Engineers visit primordial planets supporting basic, simple life, whereupon a lone "Sacrificial Engineer" ingests the "Seed", sacrificed his life and seeding the planet with the seed and his DNA, resulting in an ecosystem entirely dominated by the Xenomorph (This is what we see at the start of the film).[/b] [b]Phase 2 - The Rebirth[/b] [b]An ecosystem dominated by the Xenomorph results in the exhausting of viable hosts. To combat this the Xenomorph at a genetic level introduced Y chromosome into its genome, giving rise to infertile males (smooth carapaced warriors), and then fertile males (Kings).[/b] [b]Upon consummating with Kings, Queens become capable of producing a second type of egg, incubating a sub-species of hosts, pale skinned humanoids - Engineers.[/b] [b]Phase 3 - The Harvest[/b] [img][/img] [b]Systematically a percentage of these Engineers are drafted into Engineer society. Seeking a more efficient means of reproducing the Engineers weaponize the Seed, for deployment upon worlds inhabited by Engineer children, sired before the weaponization of the Seed (the method of this siring not yet seen).[/b] [b]The Xenomorph DNA, hidden with "human DNA" asserts itself and spreads across the sired planets, resulting in a Xenomorph dominated ecosystem. Once all viable hosts are exhausted, the King Xenomorph is sired and Engineers are born.[/b] [b]Phase 3 - Collection[/b] [img][/img] [b]The Engineers collect a percentage of Xenomorph (eggs) before transporting them to a location whereby they can be used to produce more Seed (also as yet unseen).[/b] [u]Why Create Only To Destroy[/u] [b]Here's a summary of what we know so far...[/b] [b][/b] [b]- A Sacrificial Engineer sacrifices his life, seeding life upon a primordial world, using his own genetic material. To date we the fans have assumed this action, through natural selection and engineering, resulted in billions of clones/children of the Engineer to evolve, in his image - us.[/b] [b]But The consumption of the Seed by Holloway results in the creation of a Xenomorph in the form of the Deacon, therefore we must assume our initial belief to be false - meaning that the Sacrificial Engineer was not siring a planet of life that would evolve into human form, but instead cultivating a world that would be dominated by the Xenomorph.[/b] [b]- The Urns show that the urns are a means to deploy the Xenomorph amongst human races also sired by Engineers, as shown by the DNA match in the movie.[/b] [b]- The Xenomorph extrapolates genetic material from its hosts, propagating its own kind.[/b] [b]- Once all hosts are exhausted, the Xenomorphs would need a means to continue their existence, otherwise they would die, and only their eggs would remain.[/b] [b]- The Engineers return to gather the eggs.[/b] [b][/b] [b]WHY? Why would the Engineers seed a planet to create millions/billions of clones/children in their image and using their own DNA only to later wipe them out using the Xenomorph? Well I believe I may have the answer...[/b] [b][/b] [b]The Xenomorph, as we know it, is capable of eradicating an entire ecosystem of its indigenous population by using said life forms as hosts to propagate its own species. When gestating inside a host, Xenomorph embryos extrapolate genetic material and traits from their host, to add to their own genome and to adapt to the environment and ecosystem which they have been deployed into. It is this trait of the Xenomorph I believe that holds the key...[/b] [u]Genetic Material[/u] [img][/img] [b]We, the human race have evolved from and continue to evolve from the Engineers genetic material. Our genetic material, our genome is almost identical to that of the Engineers. This same genetic material is extrapolated by the Xenomorph, a deadly genetic and bio-mechanical creation held in some regard by the Engineers, themselves expertics in genetic and bio-mechanical engineering.[/b] [b][/b] [b][i]To the Engineers the human race are "Maize". Once we have grown to required amount in number and in the required way, we are harvested, and the Xenomorph is the "Harvester".[/i][/b] [b][/b] [b]Our genes/DNA/Genome/genetic material is the "Maize", that is what the Engineers want/need, and the Xenomorph is the means by which to harvest our genetic material. But why?[/b]

318 Replies


MemberOvomorphApr-07-2013 9:24 PM
oh, and I think the "Engineers" are the kings


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2013 4:03 PM
Regarding the Engineers agenda : [list] Engineers are developing a WMD. - Don't think so, they are able to travel thru space, genetists, working on a WMD for over 30000 years?!?! Engineers can't procreate - and the Xenos would be their children. - Don't think so, a race with culture and technology wants to live on as a Xeno, in fact the only trait that the Xenos excel in, is their ability to effectively kill other species. Engineers want to create a superior being - sounds more likely - ingredient in this trial: Humans - What kind of culture is the Engineers - caring or nietzschian? Then what trait did the Xeno not live up to in this trial that can be derived from humanity, and therefore the humanity can be discarded, I mean, release the Xenos on earth and humanity would be extinct pretty soon and a few centuries later the Xenos are gone - which is also a good trait, if taking a nap for 2000 years doesn't throw you off. Some centuries later and you got a new playground. Reason for creating "Because they can" (Davids (IQ 300) projection on the matter). Perhaps the reason for going to Earth was not to drop Goo on Earth, but pick up more humans? [/list] There is something disturbing with the "Altar"-room. If the main goal of the Engineers, aka Dark Angels, is to create Xenos and Xenos is not an "intelligent" species in the sense that culture and technology will evolve from this species. Why would the Engineers subdue themselves to this species? Note that the fresc depicts (all too briefly in the film) an Engineer with a facehugger and a human with a facehugger on the same level and a Queen inbetween positioned above, a bizarre version of the Holy Trinity - a Christian symbol, not known to the Engineers. The meaning of the Engineer on the same level and position as a human suggests a non-competitive relationship, not a parent-child/alien-abductee/super-sub perspective - even if the cave paintings suggest different. Humans probably stunned by the Engineers abilities must have thought of them as Gods, hence to be worshipped from a human POV. But from the Engineers POV on this fresc at this moment they are equal. Is the room a holy room, is it a room used for sacrificial rituals - or testing. All vases are stored in the cargo hold except for these. Vases that would normally start to ooz and affect any present in the room when exposed to Oxygen, and the ship has breathable air, but haven't leaked due to that the room had been closed off for millenia. We assume that the room is an "Altar"-room, but the Engineers entire design reeks of roccoco, their design in contrast to the functional design of the Prometheus is grand and too much of everything in contrast to what is actually needed. The crew on Prometheus have a christmas tree in the mess, the Engineers a huge stone head in one of their rooms. Does the frescs depict a war in which humans were needed to fight the Xenos as allies or is it a manual? Altar/sacrificial chamber or testroom? Why did the Engineers wearing space suits run into it? Was this the only safe place they could think of - closer to their God (statue)? Or a trap? If the Engineers were willing to subdue themselves to this being then what does it say about the Engineers values? What aspect of the Xenos appeal to them? If an experiment went wrong and the Engineers are "flawless", then the flawed earthlings are deemed to die, hence humanity is expandable? And how do we know that the experiment was performed on this ship and not on the others. So many ships and so few corpses. Someone suggested that the crew was piled up like the colonists on LV426, where are the crews of the other ships? Could it be that the guy from "Apocalypto" got pissed when he realised what he thought was going to happen and broke the seal and exposed everyone to "it"? Killing his alien Gods (parents)? The ship where the experiment was performed takes off and crashes on LV426? What really happened on LV223?


MemberOvomorphApr-17-2013 2:28 PM
To my view and probably the only logical solution would be that the Engineers were intentionally breeding Xenomorph with one of these 2 intentions: - breeding Xenomorph as some sort of trooper army, like perfect mutant soldiers capable or surviving in hostile enviroments - just using planets like Earth for global genetic experiments There is clear significance in Alien murals all around Engineer ship which I find that Xeno held great importance to them in some specific ways. Perhaps, Xenos are remnant of those ancient gods and Engineers were trying to restore their ancient genetic pool by constantly enhancing it through infesting many races to the point where Xeno dna gets as much genetic material as they could, combining it and making it almost perfect ( at least thats where their genetic skill comes in place ). In other words, producing Xenos is way to collect as much DNA from various species as possible. In some way it`s similar to Recombinant DNA, also known as rDNA, where research results follow these results and will have significant impact in near future: Better Crops (drought & heat resistance) Recombinant Vaccines (ie. Hepatitis B ) Prevention and cure of sickle cell anemia Prevention and cure of cystic fibrosis Production of clotting factors Production of insulin Production of recombinant pharmaceuticals Plants that produce their own insecticides Germ line and somatic gene therapy lol I went too far ^^


MemberOvomorphApr-17-2013 5:36 PM
What if the Deacon that was left behind on the planet somehow is genetically spliced with the worms that were left behind in the chamber swimming in the black ooze? That could explain the look of the more modern xenomorph and perhaps also explain the acid that the xenomorph has for blood and it's dual proboscis evolution. Maybe the xenomorph sculpture/relief on the wall is just a tribute to the alien movies and therefore not symbolizing anything.


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2013 4:13 PM
Some say, the xenomorph was smth like a bio-weapon! But I think, it was just an accident: The Engineers were lookin for their own origin. Therefore they created some kind of (muta)gene pool. (Which they tested on Earth. And when they had their answer, they wanted to end their experiment. Just like Shaw: she sterilizes it!) When the worms in the urn room had contact with that black liquid, they just mutated. It shows, that life is unpredictable and tough; dont play with it! (The Engineers are not omniscient.) I guess, in the 2nd part humans (Shaw) will play a role in the evolution of the final xenomorph known from ALIEN. :)


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2013 9:21 AM
thank you. i want to know this after watching the movie.
[url=]movie trailers[/url]

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-02-2013 11:48 AM
"..The Engineers were lookin for their own origin.." I think this underlying thread has been missed by many viewers. What we witness in the movie is just a chapter in the 'God Discovery' with humans a result of Engineer experiemnts. We as humans, still can;'t get over that we are not at the top of the food chain. Engineers, in search of the 'god' realize we are pesky and want to do away with us. Humans, armed with David, now have a chance to advance the Engineers experiments and lead the Engineers to the next ladder in understanding the meaning of life. Maybe , as some on the some have suggested, there is a joining up in some way in the next installment.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberDeaconAug-22-2013 9:00 AM
Revised and Re-post of My Idea.... Now onto the Goo.......... The Goo is not quite how you see it, not from what i gathered, and my theory is and was even simpler, it makes sense to the Murals, the Eggs etc.... And upon reading Spaights Original Draft it matched my ideas perfectly.... The Deleted well replaced Altar that had the Ceremonial Sacrificial Bowl that was replaced by Green Crystal also made my theory fit... Ok first lets look at the goo.... 1st Goo breaks down Engineer whos Genetic Material is seeded into Water and creates or Evolves Life...... (that planet must have had basic life in the Water, because well there was trees in the back ground and greenery now that needs basic Organisms that produce CO2 right!) So if we assume that Engineers broken down substance mutates with basic Organisms thus kick starting advanced Evolution... (now Story Board shows a Early Amphibian creature to be shown walking from Water to Land.. which is the Ichthyostega this or similar was shown in Story Board... This shows that Engineers seeding started Evolution that led to the first animals to walk on land and eventually to Mankind.. Right? This is confirmed when Shaw DNA Matched the Engineers to us, essentially she confirmed we came from them....... Now we have to then ask..... why does the Goo in Urns Mutate Life into carrying Xeno Traits....? Worms became Snakelike Acid for Blood Xeno-esque Hammerpedes.. Fifield mutated into well Long Armed Crab Walking Toxic Avenger dude.... but the other scene was more Xeno-esque the unused Animatronic Fifield even more so, and many of the concepts much more Xeno Look... Shaws Baby via infected Holloway, ended up being the closest we seen to a Face Huger, it performed the same function and implanted the Deacon Embryo into Engineer which became the Deacon Chest Buster that had many traits of the Xeno... If you also paid close attention to the deleted Engineer vs Shaw Scene, and the Goof Galore, of the now you see it now you dont, now you do and now you dont Engineer Face Burn, with the images released from him running to Life Boat and Reading Book all unburned.... Watch Carefully the Engineer getting tied up by the Trilobyte... (Ignore the first part when it first grabs him) You will see the Engineer fight off the Squid thing with no Burns, he then bares his teeth as he struggles, we then go to the part where the Squid fires its tongue that implants the Engineer and he is now burnt... How? Most likely during Struggle he tried to bite the Trilobite and Got Acid Burnt and this then was the moment the Trilobite got the upper hand and the Engineer lost the battle.... When most animals and people are caught and cant escape in a fight etc they resort to biting as a last desperate way to escape... If i am correct about the above, this confirms that Shaws baby and the Hammerpedes all had Acid for Blood.... we see Shaws Baby is closest to the Xeno in the movie.... (Face Huger) So again go back to how i saw the movie, and compared story board and how the planet must had basic life for their to be trees etc.... and thus Engineers seed caused Evolution and thus lead to us to share DNA link.... ANSWER THIS..... Why do Humans not have Acid for Blood or Xeno Traits? or the Engineers? Its same substance is it not............... Yes/No... Now look at the Mural, its shows Xeno-Esque Deacon Organism in Sacrificial Pose, above the Alter that had the Sacrificial Bowl Originally before being changed to a Crystal... Does the Bowl not make more sense? Is the Head Statue a Icon/Effigy to show that a Engineers Sacrifice created mankind? The Mural is in Sacrificial pose like that Sacrifice Christ Gave to save mankind, is it not to show us the Deacon/Xeno Sacrifice to create something as opposed to oh its God or Jesus is a Deacon? Then the Murals had Face Hugers it also had a Xeno holding a Egg, certainly a hint of Egg/Xeno before Goo in Urns? Maybe... Now go back to LV 426, we have a Cargo that is dangerous one thats hard to contain and store, Eggs that is... Could there be a way to re-weaponize such a Weapon for Safer Storage, more potential applications, ease of use etc.... Well what if they used that Mural Room, to break down a Xeno or related Organism just how the Sacrificial Engineer was broken down at the start of the movie...? Imagine if the Elders placed that Sacrificial Engineer into a Large Vat say like you use to make wine, or large bath. Then the Engineer takes the Bowl and consumes the Matter and breaks down, what is broken down does not go into the Water Fall but its drains down into pipes and collected into containers... Would it be right to say that such collected broken down Engineer material into a bottle, if they then took that bottle or bottles and then emptied them into the lake/waterfall we would get same result? Surely if taking Sacrificial Bowl stuff breaks you down into a new substance this could be collected and then taken to any body of water that contains life and it would evolve and mutate said life to have Engineer DNA.... well DNA of what ever had originally taken the Sacrificial Bowl Goo? Now picture this.... Trailer showed that Bowl on the Altar in front of Sacrificial pose Deacon... Does this not make more sense to show that a Xeno - Ancestor was Sacrificed via Sacrificial Goo (hence Bowl in front of Mural on Altar). The resulting broken down material collected and contained within the Urns.... with other substances to both help store and keep the Goo inactive, as well as when certain climate is near and certain atmosphere changes the other substances break down, and mix with broken down Xeno DNA Goo, while one of the substances in Urn acts as a Excelerant which increased rate of Evolution much faster than it occurred when at start of movie. This would show why these Urns Goo mutated life to have Xeno Traits and not simply broke them down or passed on Engineer Traits... Now back to LV 426, if LV 223 was as i assume a place to Re-Weaponize the Xeno Organism into a Safer more easier to store and deploy Bio Weapon... Then was the Derelict in the Process of transporting lets say this Cargo/Cattle to the Slaughter House/LV 223. Now Cattle can be minced down to make Burgers, the Xenos or Eggs broke down to make Goo for Urns... Now just if a shipment of Cattle was found to have say BSA then the Cargo of Cattle would not go to Slaughter House it would have to be destroyed...contaminated meat? So why not the shipment of Eggs for LV 223 Process Plant became compromised, thus had to be Quarantined... To me this is whats going on, i may be wrong, Ridley has chopped and changed the Script and even Shots taken in movie and commented to change things, into a big pile of mess.... When simply the above theory makes sense, and matches Spaights...... Spaights Draft = Nano Scarabs that attack a victim and the many thousands and millions of these eat the Engineer, what they consumed was Engineer and their stomachs contained Engineer DNA.... These Scarabs , well one then found a native female primate and it bite her on the neck and injected the Engineer DNA it consumed via the Sacrificial Scene into the Primate and the Primate Evolved into Mankind.... Replace Scarabs with Mutagen Goo but apply same principles as Spaights Scarabs then watch movie and read my theory and its a near Match with not many holes at all. Also look at Eggs vs Urns.... Eggs are hard to store they need the Stasis Field to keep them from being active, a barrier to stop them opening up.... How would you move Eggs without them going off? Well what if its the atmosphere or even what most living Organisms give off..... CO2... The Presence of CO2 could be what sets off Urns and Eggs or some other change in atmosphere... There must been some reason for the Stasis Field in Alien, as only when Cain was close to Egg did it open up, then again he had his helmet but maybe the breaking of the Stasis Field caused some kind reaction or at least prevented Eggs from being active... Now Cain had his Helmet on so maybe that rules out CO2... But then surely Some Space Suits would expel the CO2 out of the suit? Maybe thats why there was moisture and mist around him..? As if CO2 is not expelled then eventually the person in the suit would be overcome by toxic CO2 Gas... My point being maybe the Space Jockey suits are there to prevent Engineers from contaminated the environments, if they are like us they would exhale CO2. Thus Space Jockey suits prevent them from setting off Eggs and Urns, and thus they can safe handle and movie or operate near my machinery that transport Eggs. Now we know how unsafe transporting off Eggs are, and once Face Huger is released you have to watch out and kill it. We know that in order to deploy Eggs they would need to be placed on ground, we can assume that crashing a ship with Eggs so it explodes, or dropping Eggs from hundreds or thousands of feet up would surely damage the Eggs and Face Hugers? Now Urns are easier to store and transport as long as the environment conditions are not changed, thats why David could transport one back to the Prometheus Ship. Also as a Goo the Bio Weapon has many more uses, and you could drop them from high up and watch them smash open the Goo would be split everywhere but not destroyed. In a nutshell Re-Weaponizing a Xeno Bio Weapon into a Goo contained in Urns via same way Engineers seed their DNA is a more easier and effective Bio Weapon.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphAug-24-2013 2:04 AM
Check out my Prometheus 2 concept synopsis! I worked really hard on this! Thanks!


MemberOvomorphOct-08-2013 12:13 PM
I think its right to start the analysis with the most basic premise – RS names this movie Prometheus. According to Websters: “PROMETHEUS - In GREEK RELIGION, one of the TITANS and a god of fire. He was a master craftsman and a supreme trickster, and he was sometimes associated with the creation of humans. According to legend, Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans. In vengeance, ZEUS created PANDORA, who married Prometheus's brother and set loose all the evils of the world. Another tale held that ZEUS had Prometheus chained to a mountain and sent an eagle to devour his liver, which regenerated every night so that he could suffer the same torment the next day.” The movie is about creation, its possibilities/dangers, and our place as living creatures in the universe. RS use Prometheus’ fire as his metaphor for creation and destruction. Fire of all types; it can give life, and it can kill. Whether we’re speaking of a campfire that keeps you warm from the cold, but can rage out of control and destroy, or beneficial nuclear energy that can turn to nuclear apocalypse, fire in all of its forms is the ultimate double edged sword. Prometheus stole fire (the power to create and destroy) from the Gods (nature), and he was punished eternally. In the movie Prometheus, we have a race of humanoids called the Engineers. They are an advanced race, evolved over many billions of years, whose curiosity, experimentation, and ingenuity has led them to the creation of a genetic seed that can be used, in combination with their own DNA, to populate primordial planets with Engineer DNA, and thus populate the galaxy/universe with their own kind. This creation/reproduction/survival instinct is very familiar to us – it is the very instinct all living beings require to survive in a competitive environment. It is a necessity of evolution. The instinct to reproduce should not be considered in any way “evil”. We see some of these Engineers (the Good Engineers) dressed as monks, in a benevolent looking ship, spreading their genetic material on a primordial planet (not at all necessarily earth). Despite their good intentions though, the Good Engineers have in fact opened Pandora’s box, so to speak. Instead of reproducing naturally, the Good Engineers have committed a great hubris by trying to accelerate the reproductive/creation process – by creating the genetic seeding material that will allow them to quickly populate known space. This “fire” is a dangerous tool – and should never be let into the wrong hands (or maybe any hands at all!) On the Engineers home world(s) (ironically name Paradise – probably more appropriately Paradise Lost) or a nearby competitive Engineer planet (we must imagine that the Engineers themselves had populated many solar systems, having easily depleted the resources of their original birthplace), a more militaristic/nefarious group of Engineers (the Bad Engineers) decides to experiment with the seed. Intentionally or not, they weaponise it – creating a DNA devouring/altering form of the seed that infects all living things it touches, turning them into pure killing machines, or hosts for those machines (all of the different incarnations of the Xenomorph). Effectively, where the Good Engineers have used the seed for life, the Bad Engineers have used it for death. Again, fire can create or destroy. Seeing the purity of organism, and its raw killing power, it becomes as a God to these Bad Engineers. They worship this new fire, this destructive power. Whereas the Good Engineers see the universe as fundamentally benevolent, and may believe in a benevolent God, the Bad Engineers worship this new destructive seed, a new terrifying God of Death (see Hades, Thanatos, or Erebus). A war between the Good Engineers and the Bad Engineers ensues, and Paradise is definitely lost as this genetic virus is let loose on the Good Engineers home world(s). The Good Engineers flee, and the Bad Engineers follow. A race across the Galaxy (universe?) begins, with the Good Engineers trying to survive, and procreate through the use of their genetic material and the seed. The Bad Engineers seek out the Good Engineers and their worlds and trying to destroy each one before it can grow and flourish. The Engineers we meet in their battleship on LV-223 are clearly the Bad Engineers, undone by an accidental release of their own weapon upon themselves. We, as Humans on earth, are the genetic offspring of the Good Engineers, from millennia past. Our world would be, presumably, a target for extinction by the Bad Engineers. Why are the Bad Engineers bad? Why would they want to destroy their own kind? Do I really need to point to the Billions of humans that we humans have destroyed through war, torture, murder, and genocide in the few years we have been on our own planet? It is the competitive instinct to survive, to kill or be killed, that has raised our species to a level of supreme dominance on this planet. That instinct is core to all animals. Why should the Engineers be any different? Neither vast amounts of conditioning nor hundreds of generations of selective breeding will ever entirely remove that killer instinct from a species. Quite simply, your life *requires* death of another. Without death there is no evolution, no life. In Huxley’s “Brave New World” or Zamyatin’s “We” this point is beautifully illustrated. In both cases, perfectly controlled societies were undone by the natural survival instinct. You can try and control the system, but it only takes one outlier, one man in a trillion to remember that he is an animal, to set fire to the whole mirage of utopia. The Bad Engineers were, and are, an inevitability. Similarly, evil humans were, are, and always will be a part of our species. This, in my opinion, sums up the present and future story of RS’s Prometheus. The story is as old as the Greek Mythology it borrows its name from. The story illuminates a great truth – that only nature can create life in balance. When nature’s own offspring (part of nature itself, of course) try to upset that balance, the results are always a return to the mean. If RS wants to get moralistic, he could be saying much about our own mistaken desires to become God-like – to create in our own image – whether by artificial mechanical (robotic – see Battlestar Gallactica reboot, or David/Bishop in this series) or artificial genetic means. But maybe he’s saying nothing more than this - play with fire and you’re going to bet burned.


MemberFacehuggerOct-08-2013 2:21 PM
Why would the Engineers want to create a world full of deadly Xeno Organisms...? Suppose the eggs that the facehuggers come from are a sort of biological tripwire. Any resulting Xenos only have a limited lifespan anyway. So maybe, once a planet has been cleared there is a way to neutralise the eggs later. So basically a planet can be kept as a clean slate until the engineers decide what to colonise it with. Should another lifeform come along, it will just trigger the eggs and succumb to a facehugger.


MemberOvomorphNov-07-2013 8:00 PM
I like the theory in the OP. What if the enginners are to the creators in the deleted opening scence are what David is to us. A creation to be used as we see fit but not able to replicate or become a true life form. They are used as hosts to create life in the form of the creator and seek to return the favour when they take control. So they seek to find a way to re-produce independent of the creators. They take the alien and seek to utilise its reproductive process to have themselves implanted into humans (in this case they literally take us over) v gestating in us as hosts). Hence why Holloway etc start to change. So the black goo is a more perfect form of achieiving this process hence the importance of the alien in the mural, it is giving birth to their race. But something goes wrong, the monkey in the cage gets out and all hell breaks loose hence the carnage. Once again thanks for all the awesome thoughts.


MemberOvomorphNov-07-2013 8:17 PM
Left field idea. What if that opening scence is not the creation of life as we know it, what if its the introduction of the xenomorph plague to a planet with established life so that the enginners can settle it? What happened 2,000 years ago was simply our turn to be terminated.


MemberDeaconNov-08-2013 9:34 AM
This is the bigger plot to teh franchise and some nice comments there, that indeed it does not have to be about the Xeno.... Prometheus and its sequels should be about the Engineers/Elders and their creators and the whole Agenda.. with maybe a explanation as to why destroy us and connection to Xeno and LV 223.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Tru3 Chaos

MemberOvomorphNov-21-2013 1:30 AM
I must admit that your view of the lore (Gavin Singleton) is very workable should things work on that way. It makes perfect sense and seems rational towards the survival of the Engineer or Gods. My only problem with the scenario is the all of a sudden continuation of the Engineer against Earth. Its been 2000 years, and the Engineer appears to do everything it can to continue its mission. I can buy the idea that the Engineers and whatever Gods they may praise have a greater concept of time then we do, however, one thing can be concluded I think pretty safely, if it was mission to wipe out the Earth... they failed. One doesn't simply wake up and continue the mission after 2000 years, especially if the technology and bio hazard they are containing could cause more problems to the galaxy and or universe with continuation of the mission.


MemberOvomorphDec-07-2013 3:35 PM
I have come to many of the same conclusions as the writer of this discussion. However, the Engineers were manufactured by a more advanced civilization. The Engineers were themselves engineered to a point where they reached self-awareness. The self-awareness may have been an accident or intentional by their creators. Either way, the self-aware Engineers desired to be independent and equal to their creator. The Engineers had to struggle for their independence. Seeding worlds with life and engineering humans were long term strategic campaigns to overthrow their creators. The bio-mechanical Engineers that were awakened may have been warriors. The more humanoid looking Engineers may have been the Seeds. If there is one theme that runs through all of the movies and books in the Alien universe, it is lust for power. A minor theme to Alien universe is mystery. Each book and movie created more questions than were answered. It only makes sense that the first installment of what, hopefully, will be many sequels should create a whole new set of questions and mysteries. The movie Prometheus intended for the audience to leave feeling bewildered and entertained by the contradictions and loose ends.


MemberOvomorphJan-03-2014 7:39 PM

Granted what i want to say is becasue of my love for the aliens and my hope that they are a natural species and not a bio enginered thing,

   Any way I like to think and i hope that the mural of xeno on the wall was to pay homage to the Aliens and show that the black goo was made from them for use as what ever they wanted weapon or seeder or otherwise. 

  thats why the final creature at the end resembled them so much becuase i find it hard to believe all the events leading up to that last creature happened before and then they made it into al wall mural.

  I truly hope that in prometheus 2 they end up back on the home world of the Jockeys and the whole place is over run with our beloved ALIENS or maybe a war between the enginers and aliens and thats why they origionaly made the goo so they could bio enginer creatures to fight for them in the war IDK 

i just hope scott and the other writers do not make the aliens some science experiment not only because of how i feel but also 

FOX ARE YOU LISTENING if you make the aliens natural then that will be alot easier to have stories for future movies and you wont have to refrence previous movies 

Example USCM Spin off movies or movies with out Weaver 


Please give me your thoughts


MemberOvomorphJan-14-2014 1:18 PM

Well Weyland-Yutani is a lust for power over the universe in a sense. Create worlds. After all Weyland's slogan is building better worlds. In the viral on the dvd extras he basically wants to be a god. He knew something about the goo and the engineers and the aliens just as his company did in the previous films but its never totally explored. Just adds more to the  "mystery" of the movies.

Prometheus explores "Origin" and I have said in another post that this is a endless search..Who made us? Who made the Engineers? Who made the Engineers creators? Every wall you knock down another one just replaces it with even more questions. And the answers we get we probably wont like at all.

As for the Engineers in Prometheus there seems to be two different kinds...the Bio-Mech and the Non-Bio-Mech. The murals on earth seem to be warnings not invites. Prometheus has Religious and Greek/Roman mythology and science themes. The Engineers in the beginning seem awfully like statues of Greek Gods. In every alien movie there seems to be a warning, Shaw leaves a warning, The alien ship had a warning in Alien and so one would have to assume that the Engineers were leaving a warning for us.

I read a little of the original script for Prometheus and discovered that the Engineers actually had a visor or goggles that helped them see in a different spectrum of light. Why would that be?? Predators maybe?? Its a stretch and Ridley did not like the AvP movies so who knows. But heres a thought...Aliens, Engineers and Predators all have green blood...why is that? The Xenos resemble the Bio Engineers. Look a the chest area on the suit and its similar to the xeno. And since we are similar to the Engineers are we similar to the Xeno as well? Is the Xeno/Goo creation and death? is it the source? After all it is organic. I think the Engineers might have tried to control it and wel...lost that control. But I do not think they created it.

I think the Engineers got mad at us because we stopped believing in them. Like the Greek gods in a sense because if we dont believe in them then do they exist? do they have a purpose? Just a theory..Also the Engineer looked very surprised when Shaw was yelling at him at the end of the movie. But who knows really...just speculating.




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