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MemberTrilobiteJun-06-2012 3:42 PMTo understand the Secrets of the the contents of the urns/ampules we first have to separate them into their component parts...
[Edited 02-12-2012]
[u]The Seed[/u]
A genetically engineered substance created by the Engineers, it is stored within the vials found within the urns/ampules.
This thick, viscous black liquid which was consumed by the Sacrificial Engineer (the Seeding) and unwittingly by Holloway, has three underlining properties:
1. When ingested by an organism (Sacrficial Engineer/Hollway) the "Seed" combines with the cells of the organism, causing the host organism to break down at a cellular level - every cell of their body becoming a viral genetic mutagen, capable of being consumed by other organisms.
2. This viral genetic mutagen, when ingested by other organisms, adds/replaces genes of that organism with those of the host whom consumed the "Seed", imprinting the hosts DNA/Genome onto an indigenous ecosystem. This viral genetic mutagen also acts as an evolutionary accelerant, exponentially mutating organisms with the genetic template/traits from the host (LV-223 worms).
3. The evolutionary accelerant aspect of the mutagen also has the side effect of revitalizing dead/dying cells, seeming resulting in re-animation (Shaws womb/Fifield).
[u]The Black Liquid[/u]
The black slimy liquid stored within the urns/ampules is NOT the same substance that was stored within the vials, and contrary to my original theoryis NOT the genetic material of the Xenomorph. This substance is an inert transmission medium, that when combined with the Seed creates an oil like substance, making weaponized transmission of the Seed more effective.
[u]The Urns/Ampules[/u]
The urns/ampules are medium for storing and deploying both the "Seed" and the transmission medium. When triggered/smashed the "Seed" (see above) and the transmission medium mix, creating an oil like substance, that is more viscous than the Seed, and a more effective means of transmission.
[u]The Xenomorph[/u]
As shown by this mural, the xenomorph is of some importance to the Engineers. Lets look at their known history regards the Xenomorph...
- Thousands of years ago, an Engineer craft carrying a cargo of Xenomorph was forced to land on the moon/planetoid LV-426 when its lone pilot unwillingly became host to one of its cargo.
It may be that this craft had previosly visited LV-223 and acquired a payload of the urns before deploying them onto a distant planet. Then after acquiring the eggs that would have remained after the infestation befell its fate upon its return either to LV-223 or the Engineers home world/system.
- 2000 years ago, a team of Engineers stationed on LV-223 prepared to deploy a cargo of urns/ampules to Earth, when one of them inadvertantly unleashed the contents quarantining the base.
As seen in the movie, the urns are the viral deployment method used to instigate a Xenomorph infestation. The urns were designed to ensure safe transport and efficient deployment of the Xenomorph.
[u]The Dark Truth - Completely Rethought[/u]
Taking what we have learnt about the urns/ampules, their contents and the Engineers established history with the xenomorph, and combining that with what we have seen in the Prometheus and Alien movies, leads us towards a dark, disturbing truth...
[b]Phase 1 - The Seeding[/b]
[b]The Engineers visit primordial planets supporting basic, simple life, whereupon a lone "Sacrificial Engineer" ingests the "Seed", sacrificed his life and seeding the planet with the seed and his DNA, resulting in an ecosystem entirely dominated by the Xenomorph (This is what we see at the start of the film).[/b]
[b]Phase 2 - The Rebirth[/b]
[b]An ecosystem dominated by the Xenomorph results in the exhausting of viable hosts. To combat this the Xenomorph at a genetic level introduced Y chromosome into its genome, giving rise to infertile males (smooth carapaced warriors), and then fertile males (Kings).[/b]
[b]Upon consummating with Kings, Queens become capable of producing a second type of egg, incubating a sub-species of hosts, pale skinned humanoids - Engineers.[/b]
[b]Phase 3 - The Harvest[/b]
[b]Systematically a percentage of these Engineers are drafted into Engineer society. Seeking a more efficient means of reproducing the Engineers weaponize the Seed, for deployment upon worlds inhabited by Engineer children, sired before the weaponization of the Seed (the method of this siring not yet seen).[/b]
[b]The Xenomorph DNA, hidden with "human DNA" asserts itself and spreads across the sired planets, resulting in a Xenomorph dominated ecosystem. Once all viable hosts are exhausted, the King Xenomorph is sired and Engineers are born.[/b]
[b]Phase 3 - Collection[/b]
[b]The Engineers collect a percentage of Xenomorph (eggs) before transporting them to a location whereby they can be used to produce more Seed (also as yet unseen).[/b]
[u]Why Create Only To Destroy[/u]
[b]Here's a summary of what we know so far...[/b]
[b]- A Sacrificial Engineer sacrifices his life, seeding life upon a primordial world, using his own genetic material. To date we the fans have assumed this action, through natural selection and engineering, resulted in billions of clones/children of the Engineer to evolve, in his image - us.[/b]
[b]But The consumption of the Seed by Holloway results in the creation of a Xenomorph in the form of the Deacon, therefore we must assume our initial belief to be false - meaning that the Sacrificial Engineer was not siring a planet of life that would evolve into human form, but instead cultivating a world that would be dominated by the Xenomorph.[/b]
[b]- The Urns show that the urns are a means to deploy the Xenomorph amongst human races also sired by Engineers, as shown by the DNA match in the movie.[/b]
[b]- The Xenomorph extrapolates genetic material from its hosts, propagating its own kind.[/b]
[b]- Once all hosts are exhausted, the Xenomorphs would need a means to continue their existence, otherwise they would die, and only their eggs would remain.[/b]
[b]- The Engineers return to gather the eggs.[/b]
[b]WHY? Why would the Engineers seed a planet to create millions/billions of clones/children in their image and using their own DNA only to later wipe them out using the Xenomorph? Well I believe I may have the answer...[/b]
[b]The Xenomorph, as we know it, is capable of eradicating an entire ecosystem of its indigenous population by using said life forms as hosts to propagate its own species. When gestating inside a host, Xenomorph embryos extrapolate genetic material and traits from their host, to add to their own genome and to adapt to the environment and ecosystem which they have been deployed into. It is this trait of the Xenomorph I believe that holds the key...[/b]
[u]Genetic Material[/u]
[b]We, the human race have evolved from and continue to evolve from the Engineers genetic material. Our genetic material, our genome is almost identical to that of the Engineers. This same genetic material is extrapolated by the Xenomorph, a deadly genetic and bio-mechanical creation held in some regard by the Engineers, themselves expertics in genetic and bio-mechanical engineering.[/b]
[b][i]To the Engineers the human race are "Maize". Once we have grown to required amount in number and in the required way, we are harvested, and the Xenomorph is the "Harvester".[/i][/b]
[b]Our genes/DNA/Genome/genetic material is the "Maize", that is what the Engineers want/need, and the Xenomorph is the means by which to harvest our genetic material. But why?[/b]
318 Replies

MemberTrilobiteJun-22-2012 5:40 PMI suspect he was blind or just ignorant, call it reckless. He wanted more and was prepared to risk anything to get what he wanted, probably had the delusion he could control the uncontrollable, a theme echoed in the Alien franchise.

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 7:18 PMAny chance we could take a trip the engineers planet you can be David and I can be Shaw tell me what you "think2 when we land?

David 1
MemberOvomorphJun-23-2012 8:44 AMGreat theory and presentation Snorks. Delighted to read it.
And it makes all the sense.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

MemberTrilobiteJun-23-2012 8:37 AMOP has been updated for the reasons of clarification and presentation.

MemberOvomorphJun-23-2012 1:07 PM evolution via technology / biomechanics seems the state where something changed for the engineers;
i could imagine the xenomorophs being some sort of "ideal" lifeform / perfect evolution for the engineers at first (the offspring of the highly evolved hybrid-lifeform), only to find out later, that it became pretty much the opposite - the ending of life as we know it; or in other words: the peak of evolution paradoxically leading to the end of both evolution and life;
this is why the early engineers try to spend life, the later (being higher developed than the early ones) probably try to extinct mankind (maybe they fear that mankind is going to repeat or even top the faults the engineers did?);
besides the obvious bio-mech elements in the later engineer, you can see the evolution of the engineers at their spaceships - the first being much closer to our "mechanical" flying saucer, the later looking more organic, probably bio-mechanic;
maybe this could also - i'm really speculative today ;) - lead to the spaceship from alien one - where the xenomorph eggs become the last chance / hope to extinct mankind before they evolve to far; but that's just a guess, but on the other hand i would wonder when scott & co prepare a different planet in "prometheus" where they could easily show us the planet from "alien" and not giving us an explanation for what happened on the other planet/space ship later on...
-> so while the engineers tried to give life and created something like the xenomorphs, humanity tries to use the xenomorphs as weapons from the beginning of the series, so you wouldn't want to imagine what they would make out of such power in comparison to what the relatively "friendly" engineers already did; so the engineers could be right with that fear;
ok. but enough for now. ">also i can see, that scott seems to try to make a shift in the whole alien-mythology: while the alien-movies were focusing pretty much on the female aspects of motherhood and giving birth, the male counterpart seems to get more into sight and focus within the prometheus-"series"; thus the facehuggers pretty much being the male counterpart to the mother aliens, queens and stuff (they were in the earlier movies, but they have more room and story now) - also the engineer in the beginning showing some sort of a "masculine" way of giving life / birth; the engineers beeing clearly marked as super-manly (extremly muscular and so on... - especially considering the strong focus on the female aspects in the earlier movies);
i think the difference between the early engineers (beginning) and the later is a big clue too: thus, the early engineers not knowing where their naive ideal of "simply giving life ("evolution")" to earth could lead when a civilization reaching a certain state of evolution -> evolution via technology / biomechanics seems the state where something changed for the engineers;
i could imagine the xenomorophs being some sort of "ideal" lifeform / perfect evolution for the engineers at first (the offspring of the highly evolved hybrid-lifeform), only to find out later, that it became pretty much the opposite - the ending of life as we know it; or in other words: the peak of evolution paradoxically leading to the end of both evolution and life;
this is why the early engineers try to spend life, the later (being higher developed than the early ones) probably try to extinct mankind (maybe they fear that mankind is going to repeat or even top the faults the engineers did?);
besides the obvious bio-mech elements in the later engineer, you can see the evolution of the engineers at their spaceships - the first being much closer to our "mechanical" flying saucer, the later looking more organic, probably bio-mechanic;
maybe this could also - i'm really speculative today ;) - lead to the spaceship from alien one - where the xenomorph eggs become the last chance / hope to extinct mankind before they evolve to far; but that's just a guess, but on the other hand i would wonder when scott & co prepare a different planet in "prometheus" where they could easily show us the planet from "alien" and not giving us an explanation for what happened on the other planet/space ship later on...
-> so while the engineers tried to give life and created something like the xenomorphs, humanity tries to use the xenomorphs as weapons from the beginning of the series, so you wouldn't want to imagine what they would make out of such power in comparison to what the relatively "friendly" engineers already did; so the engineers could be right with that fear;
ok. but enough for now.
sorry, me english sucks sometimes - especially when i'm in a hurry... i hope you still understand what i try to say ;)

MemberOvomorphJun-23-2012 12:29 PMprometheus theory:
i've seen the film now; i'm in a hurry but i'll give you some thoughts that i had, even though i have to do it in short words; so it's rather some spotlights than a single, completely coherent story;
-squid: mutated sperm, xenomorph from that looks different from alien I-IV and wall-scultpures - i think the point here is not that it's "breeded" within a bio-mechanic engineer, but it's descendant from human sperm and not bio-meachinical (the later ones) engineer-sperm; (bio-mech engineers' sperm -> bio-mech xenomorphs --> really deadly ones);
maybe this (sorry… i have to say it again:) "sperm"-theory could also be the reason why we only see male engineers…? -> almost like monks, no (surpressed) libido: no xenomorphs, no death, but: evolution - in the sense of engineers fusioning with technology into what we call bio-mechanical lifeform; the price they have to pay is: having to skip all the sexy times…
maybe even their superior evidence (titan, god-like) compared to ours could have something to do with the black goo and it's meaning for evolution of lifeforms;
also a big clue for the sp*rm-theory is the pretty obvious statement of her not being able to give birth to a child - so that pretty much wants to tell us: what's growing within her is NOT a real baby or pregnancy (without having done research in pregnancy-issues, i guess she has no egg-cells or something, otherwise she could have her own babies); so: it has to be the male part (sperm) solely;
so: black goo is promethean "fire" -> life (evolution) & death in one thing (also prometheus is the one that's giving technology to mankind, which is also important to the movie and its own mythology); paradoxically: if you want to seed life you have to sacrifice first (see beginning - and later david tells us: sometimes to create one must first destroy …or something like that), but if you want to give life (sex), death - in the form of the mutant "srpem"-cells and xenomorphs - is pretty much what is the result;
maybe that also means that the engineers' plan is to sacrifice earths' mankind/life similar to the self-sacrifice of the engineer at the beginning - to propel life even further rather than just destroying humanity or breed xenomorph eggs (don't see the point behind that theory at the moment - would be easier to spread the black goo than to pack xenomorph eggs into your spaceship...); …but that's just a guess; another point could be that of going there (earth) before we evolve technology (see below);
the xenomorphs were often described as perfect lifeform - like pure will: one goal only: survive, reproduce (pretty much like sperm-cells actually - existent for one reason only: to reproduce, some philosophers described the xenomoroph as pure libido: pure WILL or WANTING if you like);
worms often reproduce with themselves - so maybe thats a hint too for the (giant)worm part;
also - even though it's highly speculative - engineers seem not to want us getting into the state of developing technology (contact planned for 2000yrs ago); maybe they want to prevent us - mankind - or "stop" us - mankind - from doing the same thing (errors? ….?!?) as they did -> what lead them into the bio-mech stuff; but not only the bio-mech but also the xenomorphs (so in this case and if this theory is true it would not be a weapon in the first place... - but this theory probably makes more sense with the prometheus-myth...? but i'd have to read it again to be really sure...)
at least the later engineer seems to become angry when touching david (probably recognizing that he is an android lifeform by touching him); before that moment he seems rather calm;
also with all the religious stuff in the movie you can read that sperm/sex thing also to some degree in religious contexts as: being abstinent (enginieers: giving life) vs. sin / libido (christian morality) as giving death (maybe there's something to that xenomorph-devil-theory?!? even though i think it would be too simple and i hope they skip that part)… but i think we'll have to wait and see for prometheus II (or prometheuses if they keep their practice of naming ;O) ); i have a feeling that there could be some female engineers in the following parts, but also that's just a vague guess….
there should be more hints if you read deeper into greek/roman mythology: the engineers - in my opinion - being far closer to the mythological figures of the titans than the greek gods (!); also in this aspect it's interesting that the timeframe is "2000 yrs ago" - where the old greek/roman myths meet christianity and christian myths (with the birth of christ).
so but that just being my 2 cents after having seen the movie a few minutes ago; not having seen it again; and not having read the myths et al. or having the time to rethink the whole thing again;
i think the key elements one should consider for deeper analysis are: fire & prometheus myth; evolution & technology; christian religion and myths; sexuality (maybe other instincts…?); for me it seems that scott & co try to fuse some of the strongest and biggest of our cultural "myths" - greek/roman mythology, christian religion, darwinism & evolution, technological "evolution" - into one big story; i don't know if this works out quite well or if it's too ambitious for a movie of that kind… but I'll wait for the following movies to give you my final dictum for that.
i'm pretty sure there are some things i've overseen; but maybe - if not everything in this post is stated somewhere else already - it helps…

MemberOvomorphJun-23-2012 2:15 PMin 2094 we would have a small chance?
"The Xenomorph was meant to be unleashed upon us 2000 years ago.
Back then we wouldn't stand a chance, now I'd say we'd have a small chance"
I don't buy kill the "queen" if we subscribe to Ridleys accepting of the queen then no more face huggers. Xeno can be killed "if it bleeds we can kill it" in the future with weapons and tactics we couldn't dominate a ship coming to earth in 2094? If that engineer thought he was going to get close with ought getting blown outta the sky then he is smoking that alien goo.
I like your theories snorkel but I do not like the go take out humans to create xenon...if that is the case then I don't like that conclusion, it seems corny to me and really just another oh aliens want to destroy us. And if the engineers wanted to destroy us 2000 years ago they changed their minds because they have had 2000 years to carry that out. Perhaps there are no engineers left, maybe this was a rouge operation? Overall great stuff though

MemberOvomorphJun-23-2012 2:21 PM@kissco I want to address your alien ship statement. I don't think that the ships have "evolved" I think the ships we see in Alien and the ships in prometheus are bombers or fighters type ships and the bigger ship was for lack of a better term a "mother" ship...

MemberTrilobiteJun-23-2012 2:22 PM@ Osiris... ???
The Engineers originally intended to deploy their deadly cargo on Earth in the first century AD.
Using humans to create Xenomorphs? You have read the OP, Its all about harvesting us for our genetic material.

MemberTrilobiteJun-23-2012 5:07 PM- It makes no sense to fly a spacecraft full of Xenomorph Eggs.
- it makes no sense to have an Engineer send a warning signal to keep people away.
- It makes no sense to point to a location we may never reach.
The substance is engineered to ensure the final product will result, as shown by our existence and the appearance of the Deacon.
Also the conclusion I drew above is not that the Engineers replacing us with the Xenomorph, but to use the Xenomorph to harvest our genetic material.
Also if it wasn't for the Atmosphere Processor going nuclear the Xenomorphs would have emerged triumphant, not the colonial marines. they had already defeated most of the team and of the 4 marines that remained, they took 3 of 'em.
Also if anything the Xenomorph has shown that it is not easily defeated even by 2179, so in 2093/4 they would have been more effective than you first presume.

MemberOvomorphJun-23-2012 4:59 PMIt doesn't make any sense for engineers to seed a planet, creating an entire biosphere, for the sole purpose of waiting 4 billion years to then wipe out a single species (which may or may not evolve on any given seeded planet), in order to breed more of something else. They could have just cloned themselves if that was their purpose, or used prisoners the way humans do to breed xenomorphs. It would be the single most stupidly inefficient way of doing something ever devised, and if that was actually your purpose, who is to say that your descendants in 4 billion years will still want to do it? Or hell, that you'll still have living descendants in 4 billion years? Do you expect humans to still be around that long from now?
Xenomorphs are also a little overrated as "planet killers." They're great in close combat in tight spaces, but let's be real: if not for the nuclear reactor, the colonial Marines would have wiped them out in minutes. If they arrived on Earth in 2094, they'd stand no chance at all. They have no long-range weapons, no means of crossing large bodies of water, and they'd be at a huge disadvantage in an open field even against enemies simply armed with bows, spears, catapults, and fire. Even in Roman times they'd likely take out a city or two and otherwise be contained. Actual germs are the way to go if you're looking for a biological weapon. Black Plague wiped out more than half of Europe and a hundred times what a payload of xenomorphs would wipe out. They'd be great for taking out isolated outposts of unarmed people, which is what we've seen them do in other films. They're not a means of taking out an entire species spread out over an entire planet.

Nuck Chorris
MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 2:25 AMWell the engineers (or their bosses) must have lot of patience to wait for millions of years in evolution till something (or maybe nothing) comes out of that sacrifice engineer who "seeds" his dna on some planet.
I think we simply dont know the logic and can use all the hints and reconstruct the life processes and nonetheless we can be on the wrong path, or it will never be answered in any sequel to keep the mystery alive, to make sure people also debate in 20 years what it all could mean.
Thats the trick, Potter! Not minding that you will never get an answer and your brain is fooled and will never stop to search for the answer - but in this case, there IS NO ANSWER as this is a sci-fi plot, coming from the brain of a screenwriter sitting in a cafe in new york and having a smile...

MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 7:41 AMWow, you've put a lot of time into this conclusion and it was a good read. But if the black liquid is a evolutionary accelerant why do modern day humans not continue to evolve at this accelerated pace? (10 hours = approx.3 months). When did this accelerated evolution stop? Also if the Engineer DNA seeded life on Earth, why don't all organisms on Earth have common DNA with the Engineers? Let's face it, the Engineers and Humans were an exact match on the DNA doo-hickey. You would think that their DNA would have spread throughout the world and there would be a lot more modern day animals and maybe even plants that came into contact with the Engineer DNA way back when, and then evolved slightly differently from us because of their slightly different starting point DNA and different environmental conditions over the years but would retain some similarities and possibly evolved intelligence as well.

MemberTrilobiteJun-24-2012 7:55 AM@ Katanga, Think about it...
[i]But if the black liquid is a evolutionary accelerant why do modern day humans not continue to evolve at this accelerated pace? (10 hours = approx.3 months). When did this accelerated evolution stop?[/i]
The evolutionary accelerant would have been diffused, diluted over time. It would have vastly mutated life on Earth immediately after the Seeding, but would have weakened gradually with each generation.
[i]Also if the Engineer DNA seeded life on Earth, why don't all organisms on Earth have common DNA with the Engineers? Let's face it, the Engineers and Humans were an exact match on the DNA doo-hickey. You would think that their DNA would have spread throughout the world and there would be a lot more modern day animals and maybe even plants that came into contact with the Engineer DNA way back when, and then evolved slightly differently from us because of their slightly different starting point DNA and different environmental conditions over the years but would retain some similarities and possibly evolved intelligence as well.[/i]
But most vertebrate lifeforms on Earth follow the template of the Engineers DNA - Alligators, Cats, Fish, Elephants, Birds, Primates all share similarities... four limbs, five digits per limb, two eyes, two ears, 1 mouth etc, etc.

MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 8:00 AM[quote]But most vertebrate lifeforms on Earth follow the template of the Engineers DNA - Alligators, Cats, Fish, Elephants, Birds, Primates all share similarities... four limbs, five digits per limb, two eyes, two ears, 1 mouth etc, etc.[/quote]
Nice try. But then how are Engineers and Humans an exact match? Humans and alligators are lightyears apart.

MemberTrilobiteJun-24-2012 8:17 AM@ Katanga...
Lightyears, nah nowhere near. You do understand the many and various aspects of [url=]Evolution[/url]...
You do know that Humans, Canines and Felines all share a common ancestor, which itself shares a common ancestor with all mammalian life, which evolved from paramammals, themselves evolved from reptiles. Of which Crocodillion's are, of whom predate the dinosaurs and have themselves been on earth for 350-300 million years. Reptiles of which eveolved from amphibious life, which evolved from lung/lobefish whom ventured onto land from the oceans.
Regards why only humans have developed to mirror the Engineers - Genetic Engineering/Programming, something of which they are obviously experts at.

Hadley's Hope
MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 9:44 AMYou are describing a process of increasing diversity, with mutations, adaptations, and interbreeding of closely related genomes, on a planet beset with challenges, natural disasters, hostile predators and poisonous plants, and many, many intermediary species of primate, any of which could have branched off to be the dominant species.
It does strain credibility to think that after billions of years, the genome would suddenly re-express itself as a match to the original.
We share common genetic material with all mammals, but we are getting less like them, not converging towards them. Evolution is a divergent process.
If I were to shred a jumbo jet, and give it to the Apes from Planet of the Apes, and wait for their technology to advance to intercontinental flight. Would we expect a 747? Or something that had some common features due to the technology it gave rise to along the way?

MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 11:56 AMThanks. I was debating with a friend whether or not the liquid inside the vials was the same liquid leaking from the urns, so I'll show him this page.

MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 12:04 PMSo, maybe black goo + seed makes egg? Ship crashes urns break eggs grow? Or has this been discussed and discounted. It's my theory and I'm sticking to it...

MemberTrilobiteJun-24-2012 12:15 PMWe see in the film that the contents of the urn when combined create a Xenomorph, which would in turn create an egg.
An egg is not produced when the urns are triggered/smashed as shown in the film - there were no eggs in the chamber when the crew returned and discovered Milburn and Fifields remains.

MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 12:28 PMNot sure I follow. I'll re-read the topic but I don't see examples in the film of what u mention.. consider Achems Razor.. goo + seed = egg seems pretty elegantly simple to me...

MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 12:46 PMYea, I do like where you're going with all this.. but I'm missing something you're seeing... It all makes somewhat good sense until G + S = Xm
I'd say your argument makes much more logical sense as G + S = Eg
If you are going to extract and propigate DNA from a host the later equation seems both wasteful and unessary redundant..
But that's just me. Good theory though. The best I like so far.

MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 1:00 PMOk. Let me put it like this.. to accomplish what you suggest you want a FACEHUGGER... That's the little bastard that's going to accomplish the job.. By definition the xenomorph can not exist without the cross contamination of DNA types... isn't that A L I E N 101? It's the FH that is the champion DNA splicer.. and the Engineers true WMD..
But then again we're bound to argue of which came first, the xenomorph or the egg aren't we?

MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 2:06 PMInteresting note:
O'Bannon's early drafts of ALIEN had Kane entering a room full of urns, not eggs. He curiously removes the lid of an urn only to have a facehugger jump out...

MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 2:31 PMWe've got ourselves a nice Atmosphere Processor here... It's a 4 footer.

Mopar McNeer
MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 2:31 PMSo, I wanted to clarify, are the OP's "facts" actually proven facts or just theories? If they are proven, can you cross reference the sources. I'm most interested in a particular fact, that the seed and black goo are not the same.
It does totally make sense to me, but the movie doesn't necessarily support this. If the black goo is Xeno DNA, I can see that the work turns into the space snake, but then when Farfield (sp) goes face first into the black goo, he turns into a wolf/zombie superhuman creature, not really any Xeno characteristics there.
Can anyone help explain this (sorry if I've missed it somewhere else in this thread or on the forums).
And thank you to the OP of this thread, it has given me a lot to consider. I thought alot about this yesterday when I went to see the film for a second time.

MemberTrilobiteJun-24-2012 3:26 PM@ CULTOFALIEN
Regards the theory that Seed + Liquid = Egg. As stated in an earlier reply this is not shown in the movie...
When the Urns are triggered, the Seed and the Liquid combine before leaking from the urns, which in turn accelerated the worms into the hammerpede (acid for blood).
To clarify...
- Seed + Engineer = Engineer based mutagen
- Seed + Black Liquid = Xenomorph based mutagen
@ Mopar McNeer
Everything in the OP is logical deduction and evaluation from what is seen, shown and inferred from both Prometheus and the Alien franchise.

MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 3:33 PMI don't see the goo and seed combining during the oozing. The atmosphere triggers condensation which is responsible for the sweating of the urns... I'm not so sure there is a seed mixture going on.. but that's just my best guess given your theory (which is damn good IMO)

MemberTrilobiteJun-24-2012 3:39 PMThe atmosphere triggers condensation, which in turn triggers the Seed within the vials to be released, mixing with the Black Liquid, and the resulting chemical reaction causes the combined substance to ooze from the urns.
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