What strange new Neomorph-Trilobite like Alien is this from Aliens: Fireteam?!
AdminEngineerJun-23-2021 12:24 PMThe official trailer for the Aliens: Fireteam Elite game dropped today and in a very short cut-scene we get a glimpse of a very strange, new Alien creature players will have to survive against. In addition to showcasing environments similar to the Engineer temples seen in Prometheus and Alien: Covenant, as well as the Neomorph-like white skin, we can assume this creature is some abomination creation or a mutated creature by means of the infamous Black Goo bio-former. Obviously we'll get to see more and learn what exactly this is when the game arrives this August but until then, what do you think it is?
Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphJun-23-2021 2:34 PMLooks interesting, if I recall correctly, devs did say there will be lots of unexpected moments in the game. It appears there are also some kind of pale head-crab like creatures running around.
Also, its really nice to see Engineer facilities. I wonder if we will get to see a live Engineer.
MemberDeaconJun-24-2021 4:11 AMNice to see something DIFFERENT some of these have ELEMENTS/DNA of some of the UNUSED Concepts for BOTH of the Prequels.
The Screens are Interesting what do we HAVE is this on a SHIP or a OUTPOST if its a OUTPOST is it somewhere on LV-223 that we have NOT yet Seen. I HOPE that this PLACE is NOT on Planet 4 unless its the INSIDE of a SHIP thats Docked Underground on Planet 4
What i have NOTICED is that the Engineers Technology/Architecture is more Mechanical than Organic as we saw in ALIEN i can ONLY assume that THEY have Decided to STEER AWAY from the Bio-Mechanical HR Giger Aesthetic for some Reason.
I say that as THESE SCENES look LESS of a HR Giger than in Prometheus/Alien Covenant (Juggernaught)
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberXenomorphJun-24-2021 10:47 AMAw they're so cute
also that other alien thing looks like something i'd make up it looks pretty cool
MemberNeomorphJun-27-2021 3:10 AMThat looks like a mutated dog, it looks a bit strange compared to what we've seen this far. Maybe it can work, I'm not sure. Prometheus introduced the black goo so it can be used in different ways. Hopefully we'll see more of the Engineers in various alien-things even though they shouldn't be over-used or else it will be like the Xeno that we've seen a lot of times before.