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MemberChestbursterFeb-22-2017 7:21 PM


Well, here is the sneak peek! The commercial on Fox was just a link to this basically. It is GREAT

Not a map, an invitation

82 Replies


MemberOvomorphFeb-22-2017 7:40 PM


"Sometimes to create, one must first destroy." 


MemberOvomorphFeb-22-2017 7:42 PM

I loved it. Little homage paid there to Alien. Wonder if this will be in the actual film or if it's just viral content.


MemberPraetorianFeb-22-2017 7:56 PM

Just viral, but it's so good to see them.

Walter hasn't slept enough...


MemberOvomorphFeb-22-2017 8:06 PM

SUCKED. Ridley Scott famously was the no bs "Make me fucking believe it" director.  I'm sorry, I just don't believe it.  This comes off as a bad improv by actors trying to "play" real. The ending is so hokey - with that terrible music - it's like REALLY bad.  Prometheus at least had the amazing trailers that everyone wanted to copy.  This movie...meh...The series became a comic book after #3.  


MemberChestbursterFeb-22-2017 8:10 PM

I think it is just viral content. But yeah, the homage was obvious, but great fun. Also, I can't totally tell what was up with Tennessee (McBride's character) and his, "Are you kidding me?" when Wlater says, "I've got your back." It felt like everyone (or most everyone. The whole vibe of the scene changed.) were thinking what Tennessee said. Or was it some sort of joke about "the wrong hole"? 

Also, Bill Crudup's character seems to be...not the greatest. A s&%*talker, a bit of a teacher's pet, and he tried to take over Daniels' speech. So some tension between him and some crew members will be hanging around. 


This also confirms that the crew is made up of all couples (and one Walter). Walter. Walter is very androidish. Almost creepy actually. 

Back to McBride's character for a moment, he said that there is no comic relief, but his character is indeed a goofy one. He has some issues. Seems to be a more obnoxious Fifield. Maybe sort of, like, Parker too. It doesn't seem like a bad thing. Seems like a good character 

Not a map, an invitation


MemberXenomorphFeb-22-2017 8:11 PM

I dig.


MemberPraetorianFeb-22-2017 8:12 PM

Jesus again...




MemberFacehuggerFeb-22-2017 8:17 PM

Same sex couple on a colonization mission? Apart from black goo involvement, how exactly will they help colonize a planet?


MemberFacehuggerFeb-22-2017 8:20 PM

As Ridley would say, this scene was too on the nose. Like it was forced.


not sure how I feel about it.

Want some candy?

Not Ryuuko

MemberOvomorphFeb-22-2017 8:21 PM

@Drake  I was thinking the same thing. It's in there because Hollywood isn't exactly keen on traditional values.


MemberPraetorianFeb-22-2017 8:22 PM

They will help with their brains.

Dr. Curt Connors

MemberChestbursterFeb-22-2017 8:49 PM

Isn't it okay for people to like the same sex, fucking shit, time to get over it people. Let people love who they wanna love. And by the way, prologue was awesome!


MemberFacehuggerFeb-22-2017 8:57 PM

Prologue is great! Remember, this is 'viral', like other Prometheus viral media, so it does have a different feel.

Franco sick before cryo is interesting. Wonder what significance that will play.


MemberXenomorphFeb-22-2017 9:00 PM

Kill him off in hypersleep to create drama for Daniels.

Maybe the gay couple are taking off into space to get away from homophobes.

Dr. Curt Connors

MemberChestbursterFeb-22-2017 9:01 PM

@S.M    Hahaha, exactly well said

Dr. Curt Connors

MemberChestbursterFeb-22-2017 9:02 PM

Double post


MemberOvomorphFeb-23-2017 12:37 AM

I can't wait for this movie. I was instantly back in the alien world when I watched this clip. It gave me chills and made me laugh. I also LOVED the nod to the fans about " come on the food can't be that bad" line. I am so happy to see more alien movies come out.


MemberFacehuggerFeb-23-2017 3:16 AM

I thought that girl who was coughing was gonna get a neomorph... but I don't think they went onto paradise yet. 


MemberFacehuggerFeb-23-2017 5:16 AM

Nice little scene though. I am very happy they didn't give away anything major.

@Dr. Curt no need to get all defensive. I just think it's funny that a gay couple is part of a colonization mission. All the couples around the table are going to have children and colonize a planet. Those two dudes will not. Just thought it was unnecessary and funny. Not being mean or anything.


MemberPraetorianFeb-23-2017 5:30 AM

I'm with S.M. on this one.I DIG IT.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberFacehuggerFeb-23-2017 5:35 AM

I like all things Alien and this movie has me stoked. The more I see the more i get excited.


MemberFacehuggerFeb-23-2017 5:39 AM


You actually asked a good question as it makes towards the plot of the movie. If they are not there for part of the colonization, what is their true purpose...?


MemberPraetorianFeb-23-2017 5:51 AM adopt the children of the parents who will die due to unavoidable accidents.


MemberFacehuggerFeb-23-2017 5:58 AM


Totally Plausible solution...

On with the movie!

Dr. Curt Connors

MemberChestbursterFeb-23-2017 6:34 AM

@Drake It's all good dude


MemberOvomorphFeb-23-2017 7:01 AM

I think it's great there's a gay couple on board. It dosn't matter WHY they're there. They may be biologists, chemists, anything at all, and nothing to do with the "cargo" they're carrying - Birchir and Dean make a fine couple. Although it would be highly ironic if they're the only ones left after all the carnage.


MemberFacehuggerFeb-23-2017 7:03 AM

Didn't we have a thread talking about other potential 'bursters' lol  Maybe Ridley wants to make everyone uncomfortable, including LGBT viewers.


MemberFacehuggerFeb-23-2017 7:13 AM

Im pretty sure on of the homosexuals will get impregnanted and they will view it as a miracle. Virgin Birchir kind of way.  

Then bursted! Or something along those lines

Want some candy?

Shasta cyclone

MemberFacehuggerFeb-23-2017 7:52 AM

The last supper.....before the shit gets real. Lol I thought it was good. I got the scence that they where trying to feed of each other to tell themselves "it's going to be ok" and when daniels was going to give the speach and paused my first thought was she was going to say "wer'really all gonna die". I think the whole "couples" thing has nothing to do with sex, I think it has more to do with going into deep space to colonize a world ( obviously there job) and having companionship which the scene touched on imo.

Kane's new face

MemberOvomorphFeb-23-2017 9:58 AM

Looks like this short intended to highlight Walter's character in a very specific way. I'm thinking him being the ending shot was  some foreshadowing. 

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