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MemberChestbursterFeb-22-2017 7:21 PM


Well, here is the sneak peek! The commercial on Fox was just a link to this basically. It is GREAT

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82 Replies


MemberOvomorphFeb-23-2017 11:05 AM

I have to say I think it's fantastic. It's clearly not part of the movie and already we can like or dislike some characters over others, feel the weight of our knowledge that their mission is doomed, and see what these people are losing when they find hell on paradise.

It was very creepy hearing Walters voice for the first time, opening shot examining Daniels is amazing and made me feel like first time I saw the original, something about his cold demeanor, like yeah and then there's gunna be aliens trying to kill you too...

I think we're in for a great movie, that will be very scary, and thought provoking, and create a richer backstory for the alien Universe. Some of the criticisms i'm reading are so petty, regarding the gay couple, I mean they're just another couple on a ship with a crew of couples.... as joked about when Danny McBride says " I'll colonize all over this..." They arent literally going there to have sex with each other until a colony is formed... I think there are many people first of all stowed away, and second of all the more diverse the crew I think the better, as they are prob the best of the best from whatever pool or program they came from to enlist for this mission.

And its great they were able to do the (yes kinda of silly) tribute to John Hurt OUTSIDE of the feature. I'm really excited for this movie, and this was a great watch 3 months out. 

Dr. Curt Connors

MemberChestbursterFeb-23-2017 11:23 AM

@LV226  Agreed, well said


MemberTrilobiteFeb-23-2017 1:40 PM

That was pretty good!

So Walter has a role with the backburster.


MemberFacehuggerFeb-23-2017 2:04 PM

I liked it but then I'm desperate to see anything at this point so maybe my standards are low.

Certainly a fair question from Drake: gay couple on colonization trip.  No question they are a value (scientists, etc) and they need to have a partner for emotional reasons.  But the one thing they won't do is reproduce.  But again, no big deal but fair question.


MemberPraetorianFeb-23-2017 2:48 PM

Walter intrigued me.First,i/don't believe he had an accent like David.Him helping Callie Hernandez was unexpected,the crew just sat there,he's the one who actually helped.It reminded me of Ash and how he just stared at Kane initially,obviously waiting for it to happen.I'm also curious why Branson is sick.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberTrilobiteFeb-23-2017 3:13 PM

I am bad with character names. The guy that said that it”is pure majesty” – he was interrupted twice when the toast speech idea came up- first by the CPT and then Daniels- he looked a little peeved. I wonder what that is about.


MemberPraetorianFeb-23-2017 3:16 PM

Don't know character name,but the actor is Billy Crudup.He's the guy that gets the facehugger in the trailer 

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberTrilobiteFeb-23-2017 3:22 PM

Maybe he was irritating and Walter led him to the egg to shut him down. May as well jump to conclusions now.

Side note. This scene was good for character development- I hope they build the characters like this so the impact is heavier when they get killed.


MemberFacehuggerFeb-23-2017 3:31 PM

I agree with the thought that this is a bit more about understanding the dynamics between the characters and its an innovative way to do it.  By having these brief vignettes it frees us the rest of the movie to move quicker.  With such a large cast it would be difficult to developed all the characters enough perhaps....might drag a bit.  Now we are able to see a bit into the characters so we have an idea going into the movie


MemberTrilobiteFeb-23-2017 3:37 PM

SteveRogers1973- Yep. We see one couple act stuck up towards Tennessee and his wife for drinking, the choking victim and her spouse both were grateful to Walter and said thank you, and Walter keeps us second guessing. I hope you are right about vignettes so they don't need to spend a lot of time in the movie proper.


MemberXenomorphFeb-23-2017 3:48 PM

"I wonder what that is about."

Trying to assert a little authority as 2IC and failing dismally.


MemberTrilobiteFeb-23-2017 3:59 PM

SM- that is what I am thinking. Looks like he may have had a prepared speech in the booklet he was holding early on.


I just noticed Daniel's wink at the CPT before he left.


MemberPraetorianFeb-23-2017 4:13 PM

Perhaps a spoiled brat.I think it may have already been said,but maybe he does something to Branson.They are both captains

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberTrilobiteFeb-23-2017 4:15 PM

The cause of the queasiness?


MemberXenomorphFeb-23-2017 4:54 PM

The 'purgative'?


MemberTrilobiteFeb-23-2017 4:58 PM

purgative- apparently something to do with a laxative effect.


MemberTrilobiteFeb-23-2017 5:21 PM

What song is playing while the guy is eating meatloaf?


MemberXenomorphFeb-23-2017 5:31 PM

"I Can See Paradise By The Dashboard Light"


MemberTrilobiteFeb-23-2017 5:34 PM

SM- lol!

Not Ryuuko

MemberOvomorphFeb-23-2017 7:52 PM

There is so much biblical symbolism in this prologue. I hope it continues in the rest of the film. The biblical stuff is what has always put the Alien franchise up and beyond most other sci-fi IMO. All of the scriptural Easter Eggs were my favorite part of Prometheus- which is one of the reasons people talk about that movie so much (even though almost everyone I know seems to hate it). 


MemberTrilobiteFeb-23-2017 7:59 PM

Not a fan of the biblical stuff but can understand it. At least it seems to be done in this scene that it doesn't have to be seen that way- despite the title.


MemberTrilobiteFeb-23-2017 9:41 PM


I actually like Tennessee in this scene. He seems like the kind of person who can be aloof and fun but be all business when things go side ways. The crew seems to respect him and that is a sign of a good leader.


MemberPraetorianFeb-23-2017 10:23 PM

Except the captain,he called him a jerk.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberChestbursterFeb-23-2017 10:49 PM

 @dk Yes it seems that Tennessee is either a great underneath a rough exterior, or he will go through the arc to becoming a noble person. 


He said in an interview that each day during meals the cast kept getting smaller and smaller... And we see him in the trailer interacting with Daniels (I think he gives her a gun or maybe just follows her when she turns down a corridor) and that scene looked really intense and he seemed scared out of his mind. So yeah he does seem like a good character from what I can tell. 

Not a map, an invitation


MemberNeomorphFeb-23-2017 11:03 PM

don't know why but iv taken an instant dislike to daniels. cant explain it. also Im not great at identifying the actors, whos the guy who wanted to do the speech? seems he looks a little resentful towards daniels so could he be a human bad guy during the film?possibly trying to undermine anything daniels suggests during the film? I think also theyr showing franco being sick to help explain his early demise in the film?


MemberPraetorianFeb-23-2017 11:10 PM

He's the one who gets the facehugger in the trailer ali81 

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphFeb-23-2017 11:15 PM

ah gotcha. its nice to see walter will have a distinctly different accent and manner to david. swaying more to walter being ur local friendly android now but looks can be deceiving


MemberTrilobiteFeb-23-2017 11:16 PM


I think he is also a CPT under Jake who is ill. Tennesse seems like the second in command. Seems like Tennessee commands more presence and respect among the crew than the "majesty" guy.


MemberPraetorianFeb-23-2017 11:19 PM

I noticed ali81 

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphFeb-23-2017 11:29 PM

dk, yea I got that aswell. I think in normal circumstances the character in question will be a bit like whats his name from alien3, the one with the low IQ, 87 is it? anyway, I think hel just become cpt out of chain of command where as tennesse would have been probably the better choice, though he may be dead at this point. r they all couples in the prologue? I know the folk in stasis r couples but what about this lot?

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