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So so confused.

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MemberOvomorphJun-02-2013 2:08 PM
I am so confused by this movie From what I personally gathered from this movie is that we were made from the Engineers DNA, but for what purpose? The black goo seems to be a life starter and ender? Higher forms of life are destroyed or greatly altered but lower forms are mutated into face suckers? What is this goo? Bacterial sperm? Are the big headed aliens the desired result of this goo? It must be because of the wall mural. Does that mean the Engineers had a specific goal for Earth? Are we cattle or the unexpected result of the dissolved DNA? And if so, why have they been visiting us and showing us an installation of theirs on a planet for the past 35,000 years? It doesn’t make sense that the black goo when drank turns an Engineer into DNA particles but when comes into contact with the skin of a worm, turns it into a face sucker. And somehow reanimates a dead person? Does that mean the manner of contact with the black goo decides the effect on the living form? Also, if an “accident” originally killed off the Engineers on LV 223 (?) where’s the empty or opened canister? All the canisters seen in the movie are full and unopened. The substance seems too volatile and uncontrollable to be used as sabotage, so I guess it was an accident. Although, having the cargo room FULL of these canisters RIGHT NEXT to the bridge of the spaceship seems….not too prudent. I have A LOT more questions if anyone would care to respond, please?
13 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-02-2013 3:22 PM
I think we were meant as cattle. Just hosts for the Alien. Just before David wakes the Engineer, he says that he worked out the broad strokes and finishes with "Sometimes one must destroy in order to create." So the Engineers destroy the humans they created by making them into Aliens? But if so, how can the guarantee making the face suckers? They would need a queen to lay the eggs or face suckers made from earth worms?


MemberXenomorphJun-02-2013 3:39 PM
Dawning I believe (this is my opinion) that : 1 they use us to grow there own genome that hey then give to the elders (they have the same relationship with the elder engineers we have them)they rebelled and thried to break away and got into a war with still loyal engineer factions. They r eengineered the xeno's To be liquid(or stole it from the elders) after the events of lv 426 (which happened 2200 years ago to prevent the eggs from from killing again ) and there lack of proper understanding cuased there downfall. They decided to destroy us as we were no longer allowing them to manipulate our genome for there benifit . The black goo according to a file released by fox is both able to infected by ingestion and airborne routes. I will try to find the link later don't have it now. Sorry . Hope this helps


MemberXenomorphJun-02-2013 3:55 PM
Dawning I started a thread about this file released by fox explaining the natue of the ampules. The problem is that the link to the original image isn't working . I can email it for you If you like . Just pm me with your email .


MemberDeaconJun-02-2013 4:09 PM
Well it is kind of abiguious how the Goo is explained and shown and it like other parts does seem to not add up..... But depends how you see it, as Lindloff is a fan of writing scripts that lead each viewer to make difference conclusion. Spaights script explained the goo better, only it was not goo but nano Scarabs, these tiny bugs digest and break down the Engineers DNA and the broken down molecular cells are stored in the Scarab it in effect carries the DNA like how a Mosquito can carry disease..... Spaitghts script then shows one of these Scarabs comes in contact with a Primitive Primate and bites her and as it does it passes on the Engineer DNA and it starts to mutate and Evolve the Primate into a Hybrid of Engineer and Primate which becomes early Human. This is basically what i see with the Goo, it breaks down the Engineers DNA and combines it into a substance and this substance then gets diluted into the water and comes into contact with a basic single cell organism and it then mutates this organism passing on Engineer DNA and causing the basic Organism to Evolve into more complex life. The Goo in the Urns seems to mutate the Organisms it comes into contact with .... pretty much like the 2nd part of the Sacreficial scene, i.e the broken down Engineer DNA containing substance that mutates the basic life forms found in the Water. And also like the Scarab that bites the Primate in Spaights Script. The confusing part is that the stuff in the Urns seems to pass on traits that are of the Xeno Organism as opposed to the Engineer. How come Mankind had a match with Engineer DNA, and not had Xeno DNA, and vice versa how come those infected by the Goo in the Urns never had Engineer traits/DNA but Xeno.... The only logical answer is to see the start of the movie and read Spaights interpretation of what was in the Sacrificial Bowl. It is then why is the Goo in Urns and acts as a Weapon as opposed to create life....... Well the Goo does not create, it simply breaks down one Organism into a substance that can then carry the broken down Organisms DNA and Traits onto any Organism this broken down substance comes into contact with. So why does the Urns mutate life to having Xeno DNA.... basically because the Urns in my opinion contain broken down Xeno DNA. If we look at the Deacon Mural it shows the Xeno life cycle and standing before this Mural is a Altar that has a Green Orb, well in the early trailers the Orb was actually the Sacrificial Bowl the Engineer drank from at the beginning of the movie. Combined with the Xeno/Decon being in a Sacrificial pose like Jesus Sacrifice on the Cross. To me it points to it depicting that the Xeno or a related Organism is Sacrificed via same method as the Sacrificial Engineer did to produce a broken down substance that contains Xeno DNA. Basically the base substance is used by Engineer and breaks his body down into a substance that can then mutate and pass the Engineers DNA onto what ever Organism it comes into contact with. If the Elders simply placed the Engineer into a large bath, and then when he broke down the substance was then collected and stored into Urns, it would be right to assume they could then release the contents into a Lake and it would have same effect as what happened to the Engineer. So why cant same process break down Xeno DNA and have the substance that is created stored in Urns. For what purpose.... well as a Re-Weaponizing of the Xeno Organism. Imagine if you are carrying a Cargo of Eggs, we all ready know how hard it is to contain a outbreak and keep Eggs intact, and how do you deploy them? Xeno Eggs can be destroyed, now if you drop them from a height how do we know they could survive the impact, so how are then deployed? Surely not by hand as carrying Eggs or transport them onto some other means, is risky... Maybe the Derelict would have a conveyor belt that comes down and the Eggs are dropped off that way..... who knows.. Now if they instead break down Xeno DNA and store it in the Urns and the combination of how the Goo in the beginning of the movie, breaks down a Organism into a substance that carries and passes on the DNA of the organism who had taken and thus got broken down at a molecular level by the Goo. If this substance is stored in a Urn these are safer to handle and maybe Engineer Space Jockey suits are in effect a Bio Hazzard Suit. Also the substance in the Urns would not only be easy to store that way, you could drop them from a height and they would smash and the substance would escape and mutate anything it touches into Xeno DNA killing machines. End of the day lets say the Engineer could have created life in a more different way, lets take what if they could use needles or such and carry out some kind of genetic upgrades to organisms, to pass on the Engineer DNA. Surely the Goo and Sacrifice was a faster way to pass on the DNA. And this is what is done with the Xeno, the Goo is a way of re-weaponizing the Xeno Eggs into a more convenient, more deployable and more easy to contain, store and transport Bio Weapon. This is not to say this is what the Goo does etc,, its just my interpretation that makes more sense, and also when looking at how Spaights Script had the effect of the contents of the Sacrificial Bowl it kind of adds up.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconJun-02-2013 4:19 PM
Regarding the Fox information.... It was done to kind of make the Goo more explained... But all it does it adds more confusion... You see it states that the Substance when it is ingested, breaks down the Organism, it dissolves their DNA,..... the more that is ingested the faster the process. 1) If so then how did Mankind have Engineer DNA? If the Engineer basically just broke down into atoms..... Well he did but his broken down material mutated basic organisms it came into contact with, hence the start of Evolution in the Water. 2) Then why did Holloway infect Shaw in a way that produced the Trilobite Face Hugger? If the substance just broke down his DNA like the Engineers at the start of the movie, then Shaw should have had passed onto her Holloways Human DNA. The other effect of the substance is if it is inhaled, when this occurs the Goo when inhaled mutates the organism that inhales it and it mutates and evolves the organism cells. 1) Well if thats the case why did no one else get mutated as the crew took off their helmets? 2) The Worms and Fifield did not inhale the substance they was submerged in it, basically they came into contact with the liquid and thus it had contacted their skin/body. So that Fox file well basically contradicts what we saw in the movie. The worry is i dont think Ridley or Fox may go onto to explore the Goo in the other movies and will not further explain its purpose..

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJun-02-2013 7:36 PM
Big Dave- Fox's efforts to market Prometheus went a long way to show they had no idea what they were dealing with, which is so very unfortunate! Dawning- I think it's probable anything that could study and package the Goo might also find a way to manipulate its functionality into a form that would serve them. I've always assumed there were many iterations of Goo. It's proximity to the Juggernauts bridge is somewhat in keeping with the spartan brutality implied by the Derelict, these guys definitely do things differently.  Insofar as humans are concerned, cattle is not far off the mark, but I don't think our genesis on Earth was in the interest of breeding Morbs, but I do think that's how we started, on LV223. My take is we were evolved into a sort of endgame to create Engineers that could multiply on their own, and perhaps be free if their masters. Periodic upgrades. That was the last Engineer's mission. In which case, Shaw, one of their children, may have inadvertently perpetrated a cosmic tragedy.


MemberOvomorphJun-02-2013 7:57 PM
Holy moley this is a lot to read! I'm going through it! will ask questions after!


MemberOvomorphJun-02-2013 8:21 PM
Major Noob thanks for responding! I don't know about the Engineers wanting to create more Engineers. That pilot at the end of the movie seemed hell bent on killing all the human race by turning us into aliens. And if we were a failed experiment, they would have known that 35,000 years ago, no?


MemberOvomorphJun-02-2013 8:34 PM
Big Dave, thanks for the response! "The confusing part is that the stuff in the Urns seems to pass on traits that are of the Xeno Organism as opposed to the Engineer." Well from what I gather, there are two "stuffs" in the Urns. The black liquid in the vials break down DNA in quantities larger than a drop or in the least, takes more time. AND the goo in the urn seems to mutate life. You are right on the money about Shaw, she should not have been able to get impregnated by "other" DNA if Hollaway"s body was in fact being broken down by the black liquid.


MemberOvomorphJun-02-2013 8:38 PM
oh it just clicked for me. lol. Of course the two liquids are different. One breaks down life and allows DNA to bond to other DNA and the goo in the urns provides the new DNA for it to bond to!

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJun-02-2013 9:59 PM
Dawning- but who's to say we were a failure? Shaw interprets David's deliberate obfuscation as meaning: " they want to destroy Humankind " but that's not exactly what he said. Yes, the Engineers murderous actions seem to bear it out, but there are other possibilities for his rampage: He was horrified that we had progressed so far that we had an Android ( possibly he sees David as a mechanical version of himself, offering parallels with his own creators ). After all, 2000 years had passed, so he was running a bit late for our next upgrade. Maybe we had progressed too far? Maybe he was infected the way Fifield was, and becoming homicidal. Perhaps he was offended by Weyland's request for immortality, the impudence of it. Perhaps he was all to familiar with this pursuit, and where it leads. Maybe he was initially charmed by these little humans, but remembered where they were, one of the most infectious and deadly places in the Galaxy. I really don't think we were expected to come to LV223. Not on our own. The Goo could be breaking Holloway down simply because of his relatively fragile physiology. Or perhaps he was becoming more Goo. They appeared to be streamlining the process for producing Morbs on a grand scale, something more stable and easy to deliver than eggs. A sort of viral weapon, wherein the enemy becomes its own enemy. Perhaps they divined from that a way to sacrificially introduce their DNA into appropriate ecosystems and produce self replicating versions of themselves ( I believe they are clones, designed by, working for and trying to be free of something else. And they can't reproduce ). I'm thinking dealing with the Goo and its results was so tragic it gradually made them superstitious, and eventually spiritual. I've heard it said that if their culture is so old they should be way advanced over what we see, but what if they've already conquered all the physical laws out there, and their tech stalls? Until they find the Goo. Not make, not at first, but find. Either as a byproduct of some fantastical organism ( the "natural" Morb ), or on some planet close to the site of the Big Bang ( possibly a remnant from the first creation). The Goo could be God's industrial waste. I'm liking your bonding theory.


MemberPraetorianJun-03-2013 8:19 AM
@Dawning...welcome to the site! @BigDave & Major Noob, you guys always come up trumps. As ever, love reading your posts. Good to see you BigDave :)


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2013 6:40 PM
My confusion is that : In the discussion on this forum was a lot about Deacon and what possibilities are of its developement. Of course Prometheus runs parallel to Alien movies but we sort of deducted the timeline. I am confused about one fact. Why is there perfectly formed Alien (or Alien Queen) figure we know from Alien series, sculpted in one of the "rooms" of the Engineers ship? That would suggest that Deacon isn't a first hybrid that was developed from Man ( engineers) an black goo "DNA", right ? If aliens we know, where developed from Facehuggers and Man on Nostromo, how come evolution went the same way on LV-427 when there was additional "DNA" from "squid" ?
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