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The Truth

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MemberOvomorphApr-11-2013 9:43 PM
***REDACTED*** Sorry, this post should not have been made.
54 Replies


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2013 11:55 AM
Ps- no one wants to see Marines vs Engineers!!! God help us if Cameron gets near this one. Aliens completely spit in the face of the original. I am at a point where I deny anything past the first film. I never want to see an Alien queen or any cheesy marines. We will meet God in the second film.


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2013 1:07 PM
P1 was all over the place. the science team was bitten by goo, worms, water snakes, cobra-like snake, large Squid (the Engineer got bit), a science guy turned zombie, finally alien bursting out of Engineer's torso ... leaderless, confused, divided all die, except for the ineffectual Dr. Shaw. David manages to save himself by appealing to Dr. Shaw. But David can't be trusted. no seems to be able to handle things or prepare for unexpected events. through error the crew is always on the run, behind the 8 ball. a "science" crew member naively takes off his helmet, another plays here kitty with cobro-like water snakes, another throws a fit because it's not about his rocks... and not even a pea shooter comes along when entering a foreign vessel. is this the best man can do in 2092-93 ? none of the crew seem up to the job of confronting anything. was this the best plan for Weyland's important financial investment: all will be well in space. They will welcome man arms open? rather naive to expect only the warmest welcome. after all, we are mankind ? Unquestionably P1 has superb imagery, but the mental preparedness of the science crew was where ? Prometheus's captain is interested in exploring? hell, no, just Vickers' bedroom manners ...after all, that's why we travel 2 yrs asleep into space to chasse tall-legged chicks? were there any strong characters in P1 besides arrogant and ueber-ambitious Vickers ? the dialogue did not develop any strength in any of them, no special moments and no memorable lines .... all in all, the text did not shine and did not bring the cinematography of an alien environment to life. P1 is disappointing after a long wait. spectalural images, yes, but no interesting, unifying content or dialogue.


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2013 1:26 PM
aw,i was just thinking about the same thing - dark angels,while reading this thread again)) i can't imagine the way to portray God,actually..cause it's everything,right?it's energy,it's tiny and huge,it's elusive and permanent. it can't be like someone's sitting on a throne and giving orders,huh? would be interesting to see anyway,this is just a movie after all:)) and,yeah,i too hope bio-weapons,alien queens won't be the core,just decoration,but then again it's a movie for the masses,so..we'll see


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2013 2:05 PM
Hi, I liked how you expanded my Prometheus 2 Pitch idea. Hey read my Part II and Part III It will blow you away :) I hope


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2013 2:08 PM
hadeze - david can't be trusted,for sure))) and on your other notes - there are moments like that in the "alien(s)" too,i believe.and in a lot of other movies,not only scifi ones,it's just an exaggerated reality. i've noticed the things you pointed out too,some of them,yes,but i wasn't that disappointed,maybe because i didn't expect anything. i like the dialog between shaw and david at the end,i like someone's scottish accent,or it's irish,whatever,nice))all david's hanging around at the beginning.


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2013 3:15 PM
Fleshvessel-Have to agree with you on this one regarding Cameron! There is no doubt that the guy is super talented and genius capable, but his work invariably lacks psychological depth and as a result, he can do terror but never horror. For that you need Ridley Scott and that is why RS will always be a more powerful director in my opinion. All in all, its amusing how far afield this post has gotten so it has turned out one of the more entertaining ones in quite a while, regardless of the fact that I find the actual proposed story uninspired! lol.


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2013 4:10 PM
the facehuggers (the large Squid) has become massive in P1... the result is the same, since it is an alien (almost like the aliens of Alien) which tears asunder the Engineer's chest. more complexity in the non-human kingdom. what is the connexion of the immense squid that fights with the Engineer. how does it connect to the face hugger & aliens of Alien 1? P1 touches down on LV 223 in the year 2093. Nostromo touched down on LV 426 in the year 2122, some 29 yrs later. therefore, the company knew from events on LV 223 about non-human lifeforms from Vickers report. she surely communicated all happenings in detail to home office. Vickers wants to be in charge and to lead at all cost. she wants to be on top of things. nevertheless, all is murky for what exactly does home office know about the alien species and/or the Engineers in 2093 ? Vickers is killed. the Alien does not arrive on the scene until after Vickers demise. the 2 alien space vessels from the outside look identical. there are differences in the pods inside. the shiny metallic pods on the Engineer vessel on LV 223 are for seeding planets. the larger organic pods in the alien vessel on LV 426 are for gestating aliens. if Ridley fought the aliens in Alien 1, 2, 3 ... the new heroine, Dr. Shaw, does not confront them. is she even aware of their potential ? she has met the (bad) Engineer, the massive Squid, but not the alien that was implanted in the Engineer. Dr. Shaw goes off in another direction, looking for the Engineers home world. her mission is therefore only tangential to the older alien story. are we going to see the relationship between the aliens, the Squid, the Engineers and the species that programmed the Engineers in P2 ? Lots of threads that may or may not be tied together.


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2013 4:13 PM
He is now living in Pandora ;) [img][/img]


AdminPraetorianApr-13-2013 6:02 PM
Just so you guys know, to avoid any confusion, any celebrity, etc. that joins the site will have VIP written on their status. :)

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-13-2013 9:59 PM
Nostromo-totally agree with you about Cameron, but with regard to Benito, be nice! Prometheus has sparked his imagination, and he's having fun with it. I think RS would approve! Benito- don't stop. Hadeze- maybe the Trilobite is the original face hugger, or one designed for a larger species, like.. the Space Jockey? Svanya-I am very popular with my dog. One could say she finds me to be a celebrity. Can I get a VIP?


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2013 11:10 PM
@Watts-Spaihts. Nostromo001 has a good point. Maybe don't use Spaihts in your screen name and pretend to have insider info. If you truly are on Ridley's writing staff I doubt he would allow you to spill the beans on here or any sci-fi fan website for that matter. From an average movie-goer perspective a Prometheus backstory movie is too anti-climactic. It doesn't bother me personally but then I'm a cheap date as a geeky sci-fi Ridley movie fan. It just wouldn't sell too many movie tickets especially when Ridley has declared P2 to be called Paradise and that he's constructing a movie about that. He could go back on his word but then he would need to say it himself publicly.


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2013 11:44 PM
Thanks Theseus, I'm not trying to knock the wind out of anyone's sails that wants to come up with their own story! I'm all for folks inventing new stories, but I just don't want anyone misleading others into accepting their story as gospel as we don't need more misinformation on the subject. To Benito Lopez Fondeur, by all means have at it and come up with new stories, just qualify your writings as your own so we all know the difference.


MemberOvomorphApr-14-2013 12:14 AM
Wow, this has really got many people stirred up here and on Facebook.


MemberOvomorphApr-14-2013 12:22 AM
Great idea BUT if Ridley Scott and Fox studios want bums on seats it's not a good idea to get too clever with the audience. Half of prometheus problem is that a lot of people didn't understand it and if p2 is succeed it needs to start including what started it off in the first place. Films are made to make money and Ridley Ccott does that rather well.


MemberOvomorphApr-14-2013 12:48 AM
@hardboiled. That can be a clever lure... to confuse people so they have to go back and watch it again to figure it out. I admit, one sitting watching P wasn't enough for me to satisfy my curiousity. The first time I watched Jacob's Ladder I was highly puzzled and had to watch it a few times to make sense of it and how it all tied together. That's just me though as I have an inquisitive mind and don't get put off if I don't understand something. For some people it just turns them off and they don't care to investigate. They want a nice tidy, simplified movie with a happy ending like a sweet wine with no character. P is for sci-fi geeks like us and that's who Ridley, I think, is trying to reach...the wine connoisseurs of sci-fi movies.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-14-2013 2:54 AM
Holy Cow Watts-Spaights wrong thread! My apologies. Nostromo- no apologies to you you're a Mr. Smartypants! But a likeable Mr. Smartypants.


MemberOvomorphApr-14-2013 9:18 AM
Hi, to everyone :) Prometheus 2 Perfect Pitch is my idea alone and is a progresive story to have fun as a fan of Alien. I am not part of any studios but who wouldnt wish to have the opurtunity to help Ridley with P2 because of the horrible job Damon Lindelof did on the script. My P2 pitch witch I posted a day before Watts-Spaiths Truth has great comments from him and how his ideas or Ridleys were similar to witch he posted Truth thread. I'm posting my final pitch part IV today or tomorrow and if the writing team are looking for ideas and like mine then go for it. Spoilers in the last part I have Creator Gods and Xenos and their real relation to us and the real and scary truth that can never make it to Earth. I hope you enjoy in my final.


MemberOvomorphApr-14-2013 12:57 PM
Thanks Benito! Btw, 'witch' is a cognate and the one you want is spelled 'which'. The problem with cognates, or words with different spellings but pronounced the same, is that spelling correction algorithms don't catch them since 'witch' is a real word so the spelling software with sees no problem with it. It would need to recognize context and grammar for that to happen and that is beyond any spelling correction application that I have seen, but it sure would be handy if anyone ever came up with it and worth a lot of money! Any takers out there? Anyway, Thanks for finely clarifying your information so people don't get mixed up. I was trained as a scientist and they made us provide references for any statement that was novel or bold enough to require it. This is especially necessary when publishing in journals or even when setting up powerpoint presentations. So naturally I learned to be very careful regarding sources. Whenever you deal with intellectual property and copyright infringements you learn to be especially careful so as to avoid lawsuits or stepping on someone else's ideas. Since, in this case the story is your own, you should be honored to make that known so no one else can take credit for your imaginative work! It also helps readers to see where writers get their ideas from.


MemberOvomorphApr-14-2013 5:00 PM
Nostromo, I completely agree about Mr Cameron (and about qualifying writings, and stating clearly the IMO part) The only flashbacks I can tell you will most certainly happen, are those involving a young Peter Weyland. I'm sure this is why Guy Pearce was cast and then made up to look like the dried up, see-through, skin of an orange, old man in Prometheus. This, of course, is only My Humble Opinion. I'm sure we will learn more about young Peter, and I would be okay with some backstory, as long as P2 is a forward-moving film for the most part. Prometheus, I think was a story about Peter Weyland, and his sad quest for immortality, and his vanity. David was merely one of his tools in achieving this. (Though he was a very interesting, and possibly rebellious tool) I am convinced we will see more of Guy Pearce in this series, which is cool because he is a hell of an actor as well.


MemberOvomorphApr-14-2013 8:41 PM
Anyways where is @Watts-Spaihts to discuss what we have posted here??? :p


MemberOvomorphApr-15-2013 9:43 AM
You misspelled 'now' Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Just kidding my friend- I couldn't resist. I love all of you guys here (especially you, Nos01) This site is like a drug fix for me- I frequently take 'bathroom breaks' at work simply to come read new posts or ad my annoying opinions. In the case of this thread, I still don't see the Xeno as being God or God-like; I have always seen it quite to the contrary!! A self-preserving, perfect survivalist killing machine. There is no way this organism has ever created ANYTHING!! (Other than pure chaos) May the real God (whom we will hopefully meet in P2) bless you all!


MemberOvomorphApr-15-2013 11:24 AM
Yep I know lol It's this stupid smart phone lol get it smart lol I type so fast and it corrects me or select words for me so fast that its more work lol


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2013 2:49 PM
like censored? good question, who and why should this thread get cut up? we shall never find out. it's a dark universe, no real answers to so many questions.


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2013 11:05 AM
Er, so does anyone know why this thread got REDACTED by the poster?
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