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The Truth

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MemberOvomorphApr-11-2013 9:43 PM
***REDACTED*** Sorry, this post should not have been made.
54 Replies


MemberOvomorphApr-14-2013 10:13 PM
thanks Major Noob... this trilobite (large Squid) grabs the Engineer just before the latter's attempt to throttle small Dr. Shaw. suddently a large face huggers implants an alien embryo in the Engineer & we see the alien breaking though the Engineer's chest. same kind of unpleasant "naissance" we are familiar with from other Alien films. the connexion between the 2 species (small & humungous face huggers) is unclear in Lindelof's text. however, the alien gestated inside the Engineer (in P1) resembles the aliens from Alien 1,2 & 3 ... still there are differences. why I dunno. as scifi movie fans we come from an alien story which begins about 1979/80 to P1 (in 2012) and probably (some of us for sure) had hoped for clarity as to the mystery behind the dead gunner we encountered in Alien 1... why, dunno, but P1 does not give us this saught after clarity, instead P1 adds to the complexity (and confusion) of an already murky story or stories? Prometheus lands in 2092/93.. some 29 yrs before the landing of the Nostromo on LV-426. is there connection between P and the first alien story ? Lindelof leaves that up in a distant galaxy. Lindelof who came on to "polish" an existing script did not reinforce any connection between the original alien story and the prequel of P1. Lindolof must have got a green light from RS to diverge as he obviously did. then, if Lindelof did indeed leave behind a trilogy of which P1 is the 1st installment why would he (Lindelof) break with RS? His comments re: why he left his role as writer for the P films and 2ndly ... how he (Lindelof) remains on the best of terms with RS & Co. & that they are all best friends somehow rings hollow -- not that it matters much where the truth is. I'm more interested in the story as we see it. can't change what we don't know anything about. but until we find out more, something concrete, from someone connected with P2 ... for me, at least, P1 just added to the confusion. with RS's approval? is this what RS wanted ? to make the alien story ever and ever more complex ? anyway I'm game ... as long as the next science crew in P2 takes some effective weapons along when they enter an alien vessel, something a little more lethal than their levitating scanner pods. if the blue-light image projection of the Engineers running for their lives is true then science crews should be worried and real weapons would a wise choice. a weakened Dr. Shaw defends herself against the dissed off Engineer at the conclusion of the film P1 with an axe ... yes, an axe ... as I see it, a weapon specialist would have been required in both in P1 and in P2 as well if someone knows how to tie together the disparate story strands left by Lindelof. How does this work anyway? who has the final word on dialogue, the writer or the film's director ? should be team work, where a text can be adjusted if the words or their meaning are off target.


MemberOvomorphApr-14-2013 11:38 PM
Everytime i ask a question i have to put "No grammar suggestions please" to prevent getting the third degree by everyone (No disrespect intended) I mean im good at reading and english and all but when i type or text on a regular basis im not really worried about grammar. Because it would look like this "Wen i type & txt on a rglr basis im not wirried bout gramer" Sometimes i dont even get my questions answered because people are too busy telling me my grammatical mistake and i see im not the only one. I mean most people havve spell check on their computer and know grammar but just don't use it because its just not necessary. So i ask is the story goid? Is it intresting? I get "Well if you dont capitalize your i's and space your paragraphs correctly, you mess yourself up" (Again no disrespect intended). So i have SPELLCHECK if i wanted a grammatical opinion i would ask for it(again, no offence) so pleez just answer people'ss questions. If you feel the need to gibe your opinion on grammar at least answer the question first! Its very discouraging to see the three answers youve been waiting fir are only about grammar. Anyone else agree or disagree? Which I got it


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 12:35 AM
Hey its Spaihts the guy who wrote Alien Engineers in Atlantis.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 12:38 AM
Im kidding of course but in all seriousness its a good idea that they are working on this. I'm getting really excited and maybe they will show the "Creators". They probably look human just like the Engineers do only maybe they are possibly bigger.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 12:40 AM
So is the whole P2 movie going to be David with his funny illuminated opaque sunglesses hat on watching Shaw have endless dreams/memories about stuff Shaw and Holloway discovered that wasn't shown in Prometheus? The Prometheus ship was destroyed with all their equipment. In the Engineers' ship I don't think David can watch Shaw's dreams and mental content without the groovy hat. Plus the Engineers' hypersleep chambers aren't really designed for downlinking into someone's mind to watch their dreams anyway. I'm surprised this is where Ridley is in devising the screenplay and disappointed Paradise won't get explored until Prometheus 3. LV223 was cool and all but we (the movie viewers) have already been there.


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 12:51 AM


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 1:24 AM
I see. That's alright I suppose but lacks the excitement of moving to the next realm in space we haven't seen yet. I think you could get maybe 20-30 minutes of footage out of that but then okay, now what? I think part of my disappointment is I was getting excited to see P2 be that trip to Paradise that really brings the pieces of the puzzle together. Oh and on a side note may I recommend you read The Urantia Book. I think any sci fi movie writer could get so many great story ideas out of ultra impressive work of fiction let me tell you.


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 1:37 AM
wtf we don t go paradise in p2


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 2:04 AM


MemberOvomorphApr-15-2013 12:26 AM
There is no copy right infringement here, sorry but just read the law. My suggested ideas for a sequel to Prometheus 2 is via a "Pitch" Regarding P2, we can't even comprehend let alone explain in laymen's term the technologies these beings could poses. Imagine some South Pacific Islanders in the early 1900's when they first saw an airplane. Just imagine the tribal leaders asking for it to be explained based on their known science at that time lol, ok Do you hear me Now? Or should I Bluetooth my ideas to you to be sure you understand me and maybe agree with me?? Thank you :) no hard feelings here


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 3:26 AM
so P2 will be 'more back story'? Hope not. :)
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MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 6:21 AM
interesting truth:) war,weapons,worship - believable,pretty much.c'est la vie. as a girl (dhahaa) i'm interested in the depth,the way the story can be transformed,compare and associate your reality,whatever. ..interested in anything actually,if it's gonna be made as beautifully as prometheus,strict and elegant,with good soundtrack,and,well,a good looking female character)engineers are fecking adorable too as well,nevertheless))just feel pleased watching them,the things they create and build,new forms,some mystery - always nice. even if it's a pure bloody evil at the end,huh.hope finally it all won't be too desperate though. k,i'm off with my amateurish sht

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 11:32 AM
Watts- who is Walter? Natalie- I too am hoping for no space war, and I highly doubt we'll get one, except maybe as brief exposition. Just don't think it's Ridleys style.


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 12:46 PM
[quote]5 words to ponder how they may play a part in Prometheus 3 - Egyptians, Slaves, Pyramids, Moses, Exodus.[/quote] from @Watts-Spaihts. If an alien race is so advanced why do they need slaves? this is Prometheus, not Cowboys & Aliens.


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 1:53 PM
[quote]They probably look human just like the Engineers do only maybe they are possibly bigger.[/quote] from @Anunnaki50. Who knows but personally I hope not, because it would be very obvious, unimaginative and monotonous. Besides, it's like an arrogant way of saying that a creator or alien life form has to be elementally human. Quite the contrary in the Universe not all forms of life must be similar to those on Earth, or carbon-based.


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 1:53 PM
Besides, the fact that this film is based on the ancient astronauts does not mean that the filmmakers must follow to the letter that theory, because it is only the base. In this sense I hope more imagination from the screenwriter.


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 2:49 PM
Watts-Spaihts - I think it is time to clarify that your take on P2 is just your opinion and that you do not in anyway possess any inside information because people are responding as if this is factual and it clearly is not. I can't believe you probably saw that people were reacting to your yarn as if it were real and didn't bother to enlighten them! That is very dishonest. Regarding your story, I do not even like it as a fiction. The creator gods...where did you come up with that one. According to the movie Prometheus and any footage that came out as deleted scenes and even including the easter egg info in Aliens CM, it would appear that there were an ancient race which Shaw and Holloway termed the Engineers, who used their own DNA along with a powerful mutagen as shown in the begining of the film to generate human beings on earth millions of years ago. We are also assuming they have used this technology to generate more races like us on other earth like planets although we have no actual evidence from the movie. They then began warring with another faction of Engineers who wanted to destroy us likely because of our violent tendencies since their decision seems to have been at least 2000 years ago, the approx time of Christ. This corresponds with the space Jesus theory that an ancient emissary of theirs was killed by us causing them to instigate the destruction of us through xenomorphic bioweapons, which they were planning on dropping on us in the form of the urns found on LV223 by the Prometheus crew. This didn't work out due to an outbreak and then later by the interruption of their plans by Prometheus. Following that Shaw and David set out on another ship to find their home world Paradise. There, so that we are now operating on the factual plain, this is all we really know about Paradise, and Ridley Scott and some other writers are the only ones who actually know the truth about where this series is going. Anything else printed here and elsewhere unless it is referenced to an actual interview or other source, is simply false and should not be spread around as this will only muddy the waters about what is actually happening, which is what any true fans really want to know.


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 3:34 PM
LOL @nostromo001, I think everyone here knows that this is not real, and there are no reliable sources. With the thing that any true fans really want to know; I just say that it's relative to their taste. Some of them want to know more about the engineers, others about the SJ and the eggs from LV-426 and we can not forget those who want to see space marines vs aliens vs engineers. Just saying.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 3:50 PM
Shambhala- yes. I for one want to see that talking bear from AI in a pivotal role.i don't see why not.


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 4:38 PM
@Major Noob, I think it's obvious that Ridley Scott does not want to please the purists or the Cameron fans. But that is not necessarily bad, in fact it's great because He is giving us something new and it's a shame that not everyone can appreciate this.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 5:03 PM
Shambhala- well there is certainly no lack of passion here, and its very cool to have a space horror movie that is so unique that even after its been played out over 30 years and 6 films so many still have it dear to their hearts. I can totally see how Prometheus would be a very frustrating experience for them, and I do respect that, it could have happened to me, too. But you and I are of a mind, this new direction has tremendous potential and is really exciting. It worked, it has people talking and as you know, I'm all for spinning yarns. Prior to the films release there were so many amazing ideas bouncing around here. I'm reluctant to say that now that the story has been told, its sacred. I don't think that was the idea anyway. IMO.


AdminPraetorianApr-12-2013 7:06 PM
Interesting story either way, and isn't Ridley working on a project about Moses right now. Seems a popular subject with him if the stuff in this thread is to be believed.. [url=]Ridley Scott's biblical epic (Moses)[/url]


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 7:23 PM
That's right, and obviously has nothing to do with Prometheus.


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 7:25 PM
but no doubt will be a version with steroids of Moses :p


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 10:04 PM
Hey I hope my Engineers are not gonna get destroyed cuz they're my favorite alien beings after all. I agree it might not even be a real because it just doesnt seem like something Ridley Scott has had planned. I know plans change but this, this is ridiculous having Paradise being shown at the end?.....HUH! What did I hear that right?.... Bullcrap Watts-Spaihts. Its not even the real John Spaihts because people that have become famous dont talk to the fans only when we want an autograph. Besides I'm not worried at all the movie is still 2-3 years away.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2013 11:36 PM
Shambhala, I know that some people can tell the difference like you and I, but if you read some of the responses you can tell that, at least initially some people were accepting 'The Truth' as having been spawned from authentic insider info! This is why I wanted some clarification here! My stomach was beginning to turn! I'm all for folks creatively writing new stories and more power too them, even if I disagree with some ideas I read. I have even been known to piece together a likely scenario for Paradise based upon what we now know. I just think it only fair to make it clear to readers when we are spinning a yarn as this is a varied group of fans coming from different backgrounds and different countries some speaking English as a second language so you can't assume they automatically know the difference between fact and fiction, science or otherwise.


AdminEngineerApr-13-2013 3:48 AM
Hey [i]Watts-Spaihts[/i], interesting topic! Just wanted to let you know I edited your post, adding some spaces between each point so it's a bit easier to read. I also fixed some spelling errors. Nothin major. As for the topic itself, I'm not sure if [b]Prometheus 2[/b] will venture further back in time, being essentially a prequel-prequel, as that might get a little confusing. However I am intrigued by your mention of [i]Egyptians, Slaves, Pyramids, Moses and Exodus[/i]. Whether the themes of each are used in [b]Prometheus 2[/b] or [b]Prometheus 3[/b], it's still interesting. I think for sure there will be some issues within the Engineer society. Whether all the good Engineers are wiped out already, or converted to the "dark side", I'm not sure. But your mention of their rebellious acts against their creators makes for a whole new set of questions. Don't you think their creators would be similar in relation to us and the Engineers? Surely the Engineers would be weak and small in comparison. However, you do bring up the 'Xenomorph' factor which could be the turning point in this feud war. You say the Engineers created the Xenomorph, after extracting their "super-human" traits out of their own DNA, but what if the Xenomorphs were the tools of their Gods, [i]Their[/i] Gods' fire, which they steal and try to use against them instead? Would make for quite the [b]PROMETHEUS[/b] reference, not to mention ironic comparison to that of the Humans which went looking for them.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2013 3:53 AM
thank you,nostromo001! now i can see. but,yeah,it's really interesting to read some posts,gonna understand it all bit better now,thanx [quote]Natalie- I too am hoping for no space war, and I highly doubt we'll get one, except maybe as brief exposition. Just don't think it's Ridleys style.[/quote] Major Noob - absolutely.thank u:)


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2013 11:18 AM
I wonder which Engineer will be Michael and which one will be Lucifer?


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2013 11:51 AM
Egyptians, slaves, pyramids, Moses, Exodus... "You are all so stupid" -David 8. These are all from a new movie about Moses. Nothing to do with Prometheus at all. In my opinion (also stated by Ridley) we WILL meet God in the second film, the Engineers are not Gods, they are more like Dark Angels. (Doing God's bidding-maybe)
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