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Alien: Covenant Neomorph vs. Tomorrow War White Spike - Which alien wins?
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Adult Neomorph vs. Male White Spike - Which Alien Wins?
50% (5 Votes)
White Spike
50% (5 Votes)


AdminEngineerJul-05-2021 11:19 AM

Having just watched Chris McKay's The Tomorrow War, it's very clear this film borrowed heavily from the Alien franchise - specifically Prometheus and Alien: Covenant, which I outlined in a recent article here. The White Spikes as they're called, are the hostile alien species which seemingly "invade" Earth. I'll try to avoid any spoilers in this topic for those who may not have seen The Tomorrow War yet, so I won't go into much detail about their origins and purpose, but I can assure you, the premise has an abundance of Prometheus vibes. One thing I will note, is that I love the design of the White Spikes. Created by concept artist Ken Barthelmey (see more here), these Xenomorph-esque are very comparable to the Aliens seen throughout the Alien movies, Prometheus and Alien: Covenant. Their temperament reminds me a lot of the Neomorphs especially from Covenant.

So, for the sake of fun debate, I'm asking those of you who have seen The Tomorrow War - if  the Engineers managed to capture and pit 1 Adult Neomorph against 1 Male White Spike, which alien creation do you think would come out victorious and why?

Although I refer the Neomorph as an overall creepy Alien creation, I would have to give the win to the White Spike. Reason being, both Neomorph and White Spike are very similar in size but the White Spikes have something the Neomorph does not - long range bio-weaponry. White Spikes have two tails which shoot spike-like quills at their opponents. Considering both aliens are very fast, very agile and very aggresive, the only real advantage with this match-up will be the ranged attack capability.

What do YOU think? Cast your vote and let me know what you think below! 

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7 Replies


MemberFacehuggerJul-06-2021 1:13 AM

As Chris has said, the movie’s creators have leant heavily on Prometheus and Covenant, but I suspect the writers have been reading these forums too! I penned a suggestion here a couple of years back that the Engineer ship could be “alive” and had the ability to fire “darts” from its skin. When I saw the White Spike firing darts, I thought hmmm…

I think it would be a close call in a fight. But I’d have to give the win to the Neomorph because it seems to be more devious and sneaky. Also they’re a bit more purposeful and don’t flollop about the place.


MemberDeaconJul-06-2021 7:19 AM

I have NOT seen The Tomorrow War

But doing a Comparison i dont think the Neomorph would STAND much of a Chance unless its SPEED is Vastly Quicker and it Attacks from Behind.

The White Spike looks like it would take care of a Xenomorph and Engineer with NOT too much Problem.  It also looks a BIT like one of the New Monsters from ALIENS: Fireteam.

Verdict/Vote:  The WHITE SPIKE

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconJul-06-2021 7:21 AM

I will add that the White Spike would have made a NICE Alternative to the Xenomorph had they NOT got HR Giger On-board as it has some Elements of the other Prior Concepts.... but i am GLAD they got HR Giger involved as he Designed such a UNIQUE Monster.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Reaper's Wineglass

MemberOvomorphSep-03-2021 6:34 PM

The Whitespike. He not only has ranged weaponry, but seem to have more self control and intelligence than the rabid Neomorph. 


MemberPraetorianOct-21-2021 11:38 PM

I don't think we have seen the full capability of the neomorph yet, they are still shrouded in mystery. Like how do they reproduce those tiny egg sacks? Are they pack hunters, do they have a hive structure like their xenomorph cousins?



MemberPraetorianOct-21-2021 11:38 PM

I don't think we have seen the full capability of the neomorph yet, they are still shrouded in mystery. Like how do they reproduce those tiny egg sacks? Are they pack hunters, do they have a hive structure like their xenomorph cousins?



MemberDeaconOct-22-2021 8:11 AM

The Neomorphs came about from the Puff Balls (kind of Spore/Fungi) the LIKELY Origin of them is some of the BLACK GOO had leaked from a URN after the CRASH and had came into Contact with some Fungi/Spore or Mold and EVOLVED them to become a Hybrid Spore that Creates the Neomorphs.

We dont know HOW the Neomorph would Procreate what we do see is the Neomorph and Xenomorph in Alien Covenant seemed VERY DRIVEN by Instinct and were VERY Aggressive.

I am NOT sure we would have seen the Neomorph again it DEPENDED on WHERE we would see Ridley  Scott take us in the Sequels, the Xenomorph would have Appeared again... and i SUSPECT that Ridley Scott would have SHOWN us the Egg Morph Method of Procreation.

I think the WHITE SPIKE is more Deadly than the Xenomorph and Neomorph. To me the Xenomorphs method of Procreation is WHAT is the Horrific Part about it.  And i mean the Eggs/Contents rather than the QUEEN.... thats NOT to HATE on HER..... as SHE would KICK the White Spikes Ass for sure.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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