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A Closer Look at the Bombing Sequence
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MemberChestbursterAug-14-2017 3:47 PM

OK, I know there are no actual bombs - but since we are all calling it a "bombing" - If you watch Bavari's bombing sequence from Alien Covenant, you see little black specs swarming all around the Engineers and attacking them, and Engineers vomiting black fluid, but there is much more to it than that.

Freeze frame or watch in slo mo and you will see moving black tendril shapes with curves and hooks erupt from the Engineers. These are forms are moving organisms, not just black fluid.

I assume this is the pathogen replicating itself, as David said,  then attempting to get to its next target. There is no trace at all of any of this stuff when the Covenant arrives, so it most have disintegrated over the years when there was no more fauna to infect.





179 Replies


MemberOvomorphAug-18-2017 10:14 AM

@Sothoth - About time.

The Spaiths script that was released is just one of dozens of drafts he wrote, so looking that one drafts does not give you the full picture. Lindelof also wrote dozens of drafts.

Watch the Furious Gods Documentary on the DVD. There is another chart with the character names from Spaiths script and Lindelofs that shows the trilobite.



Yog Sothoth

MemberFacehuggerAug-18-2017 10:22 AM

@ Thombach

I admit when I make errors, unlike some people on this forum (Kethol). All I need is evidence then I will agree and change my mind. I still think there was 1 original black goo pathogen to start with. I still see no evidence of the original black goo raining down as a "swarm" or anything. But hey. Im sick of debating that point now.


MemberNeomorphAug-18-2017 10:23 AM

that's it yogi everything has been left so open that a dozen people can watch it in a theatre and when they emerge, theres 8 different versions of what they saw. if you bring the novel into the fold, then david says the ovamorph egg was already there so it could just so be that the engineers had much more things lying around that david stumbles upon. who knows what real and what isn't. I just get the feeling RS and fox are bashing out 3/4 of a story line then when asked 'oh so how did this work?' they have room to manoeuvre in their replies and explanations. by keeping things so vague, its hard to prove them wrong

Yog Sothoth

MemberFacehuggerAug-18-2017 10:30 AM

There does seem to be some structure in the life cycle etc. But yes it is very vague and Dues Ex Machina at times - It does this simply because it other reason.


MemberNeomorphAug-18-2017 10:36 AM

could be true yogi and that would be fine and dandy, but again, nothing has been given to show this so in the mean time, wer all left to debate it out. it is fun debating it tho and seeing all the different theories people come up with.

Yog Sothoth

MemberFacehuggerAug-18-2017 10:42 AM

I'm gonna have to re-write some of my theory now after reading this script...DAMN IT. I had it all worked out as well. Im gonna sue RS for being too mysterious.


MemberOvomorphAug-18-2017 10:57 AM

@Sothoth - Why all the hate on Kethol? I read this whole thread and it seems he and others gave you the same evidence, which you said was wrong, but later said was right and why you changed your mind. At least 3 times in this one thread you did that. Maybe 4 if you are admitting MACRO means a zoomed in close-up in the script, now that you have read it.

We all have different theories on things and won't agree on everything, but it is fun debating. Seems to be some unnecessary bickering going on though.



MemberNeomorphAug-18-2017 11:18 AM

hahaha yogi, aint it just sickning when that happens. iv done it myself on here. iv said 'naw man its like this' and then someone hits me with something and I think 'u bastard, I had that sown up tighter than a ducks ass and now uv made me rethink' hahaha dam u ridley scott lol

Yog Sothoth

MemberFacehuggerAug-18-2017 11:48 AM

@ Thombach

I've been arguing with Kethol for a long time about 2 specific points.

1) Was there one black goo to start with, or many types of it?   2) Does said black goo (or a type of it) have the power to instantly produce life out of itself?

I still don't think he has supplied any strong evidence for there being more than one original black goo. I will hold to my idea of one goo util he (or anyone else) supplies such evidence.

On the "goo producing life" question, well before reading this Logan script I would have said "No never", but now reading the script I'm not too sure. The wording used by David seems very ambiguous. I'm just going to read it a few dozen times and make my mind up.

Before that we also argued about the motes from the egg sacs. I thought they were tiny blobs, he thought they were insects. He was proven right by showing me evidence of David's drawings from the "Advent" scenes. I accept when I'm wrong.

That "Macro" question was just beacuse I hadn't seen the context of the script. Now I have read it I accept it is talking about a zoomed in view. I was confused by the term "Macroscopic" vs "Microscopic" which mean zoomed out and zoomed in. But it seems that when talking about's different..and this script is using that terminology. Again I admit when I am wrong.

Kethol has shown evidence for a few points and I have agreed with him each time he did. But on the multiple black goos question he hasn't given me enough evidence at all...yet still holds to it as fact. That is my main argument with him now, along with his idea that the blobs of black goo rained down by David are "insects", I discount that also for lack of evidence. But anyway.



MemberOvomorphAug-18-2017 12:50 PM

OK, but go back a few pages. The MACRO thing had just been posted - a quoted section directly from the script. Your replied in the next post that there was no evidence and argued that MACRO meant zoomed out, even though the script described a close up. I confirmed macro meant zoomed in script, which I just read, then you rudely told me to stop being professionally wrong. Others also chimed in to try and explain you were wrong. Now you agree with us.

Point being, you were given the same evidence you later claimed changed your mind, but told us we were wrong anyway. It just seems so unnecessary.


Your point #1, I am still on the fence with. Seems it could be either way. I have not seen any hard evidence presented here for one version. Lots of things indicate it has to be more than one, or just inconsistent writing on the writers part.

I have not seen your point #2 to argued here anywhere, but I have not read all the threads. I'm not sure if I agree the black goo can instantly produce life out of itself. I don't know how that could be argued. Seems it needs some animal DNA to mutate or infect first.


Yog Sothoth

MemberFacehuggerAug-18-2017 1:17 PM


Look, I'm sorry ok, I just had no access to the script. I saw you using the word "Macro" and was confused as to the context. I only called you "professionally wrong", because I thought you were misusing the word, turns out I was wrong and I'm sorry for that. I will be sorry if I ever make errors. That's why I'm honest.

Back to those points 1) Most of what I have read about both movies points to just one pathogen, with varying effects based on different genome of victim (different animals), different dosage (a drop vs a face full of it), and the method of infection (in the nose, or in the mouth).

2) There are some bits in this script that seem to point to the black goo producing life on it's own (hence the mold with the egg sacs), but the wording is very ambiguous, I'm siding with your view I think for now, that the goo always needs other DNA to work on, but here are the quotes from the script -

David - "It was designed to infect every living being. Either kill them outright, or mutate into a different lethal form, so the slaughter would never end until every humanoid life form was dead. Thus the creatures that attacked you: Human DNA infected with the virus and creating yet more deadly mutations ... An endless spiral of predation."

David - "The pathogen took so many forms, and was extremely mutable. Fiendishly inventive in fact. The original black liquid turned to lethal particles when exposed to air. Later stages produced parasites and invasive insects. From their eggs came, well... this enviable bestiary."

ORAM - "There were things like this on the ship, they grew out of a kind of black fur, like mold ... An evolution from the pathogen I take it?

DAVID - "Yes. I was curious so I brought them here and nursed them along. Did a bit of genetic experimentation, some cross breeding, hybridizing, what-have-you."


I know this script isn't final, but I doubt these ideas were changed much cuz they arn't very consequential. I'm still sort of guessing the Black goo pathogen needs host DNA to work on, it's just confusing how the script calls it "the virus" when its talking about the insects infecting humans. So confusing. Glad they fixed that bit at least.


MemberNeomorphAug-18-2017 1:35 PM

yogi, if I may. I took from the discussion between urself and kethol a disagreement on the theory there were more than one form of the weaponized mutagen. speaking only for myself as kethol can quite clearly speak for himself lol I believe yes, there was only 1 original source of the black goo that the engineers have then taken and through whatever process they used, have created several types of the mutagen. I take this from what I have seen in Prometheus and AC. we see the sacrificial scene where the goo seems to bubble and move. then we have the goo that oozes out of the urn when the crew alter the pressure in the room. when we do see it, it seems to me to just be a thick liquid, nothing to suggest insect or worm like organisms within it. then we see the bombing scene and for me, it looks like the cloud of good moves and swarms. we then have the different effects from one engineer breaking down, to worms and members of the crew 'mutating' to engineers being turned to charcoal.


MemberChestbursterAug-18-2017 2:13 PM

Ali81 - Nailed it. My thoughts exactly on each point.

Thombach, the idea that there have to be several forms of the pathogen I have discussed many times here - I made a whole topic here on it - but I have never said black goo can instantly produce life out of itself, or anything like that, nor have I had any discussion about that idea with anyone here.

I don't even remember anyone here saying that before. Interesting idea, but I don't think anything in the movies, scripts or book indicates that. Pathogens would need proteins to read DNA and replicate itself, create new cells, et cetera. They don't do that. They just steal that stuff from cells they infect and make the cells do it for them.

This is the Alien universe, so anything is possible though!


Yog Sothoth

MemberFacehuggerAug-18-2017 2:19 PM

@ali81 & Kethol

Well that's your view, I need a lot more convincing to believe in multiple goos. David says the pathogen "generates a unique reaction with every genome it encounters" not The different pathogens have unique reactions.

So that's how I interpret it.

Yog Sothoth

MemberFacehuggerAug-18-2017 2:22 PM

@ Kethol

Maybe I had that discussion with someone else. Sorry.


MemberNeomorphAug-18-2017 2:25 PM

I get what ur saying yogi and u may even be right. the issue here is the films have left everything about the goo so open. even in davids dialogue and description of it can be taken in several contexts. u have ur theory as u have preserved all the material as have I and we have come to 2 different theories. I do enjoy the theorising tbh and in a way don't want it to end by having something definitive produced but I would like to think wel see something that will straighten it out. I do think that the 1 source is tied in with the creature depicted in the mural. not sure how, another topic I think.

Yog Sothoth

MemberFacehuggerAug-18-2017 2:34 PM

Oh I would much rather this was explained fully, in some decent backup material. I find it annoying that inconsequential things are a mystery. I mean, would it change the overall story that much if there are multiple goos each with it's own reaction, or one goo with multiple reactions by genome. It wouldn't change the story much at this is such a pointless mystery.

Ridley Scott might as well be saying "Guess what's in my hand?".  We say - "a matchstick?"   "nope"   "a jelly baby?"   "nope"    "a button?"   "nope"     "a coin?"    "YES!!"   

"Well that's solved that then....."


MemberNeomorphAug-18-2017 2:45 PM

yea these little things do try and test us but its something that I think adds to the engineers mythology. but I do agree, the direct story involving the humans, no it doesn't change it much. but u have to remember alien is nearly 40 years old and is almost a Hollywood 'national treasure'. it is close to perfect imo and will stand the test of time even in another 40 years. fans who grew up with it like myself want it all tied up nice n neatly in a pretty red bow and in a way that does the original justice. for me, I just want to be really entertained, have the alien universe opened up and explored and then have it all fit in with the derelict on lv426. its not a lot to ask but RS seems to be losing some things here.

wer a fickle bunch but wer passionate about alien and the franchise. you could argue only star wars rivals the alien universe for such passion and that spills over into continuity where stories and plots are concerned. he cant please everyone, I get that, but at the very least he can please me lol


MemberOvomorphAug-18-2017 2:46 PM

Ali, I agree, David's dialogue seems to be purposefully written to be taken in several contexts. Even in the John Logans script David says "The Engineers were ingenious with their pathogens" - plural.

Then the very next sentence says "It was designed to infect every living being" - singular!

Yog Sothoth

MemberFacehuggerAug-18-2017 2:49 PM

You have to add Doctor Who and Star Trek to that list also dude lol.

Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek and Alien. The sci-fi franchises that grown men will fight over.


MemberTrilobiteAug-18-2017 2:49 PM

Late to the party here. To the OP, nice captures, and I liked this scene but thought it was a bit odd to see the pathogen take effect immediately on contact.

Yog Sothoth

MemberFacehuggerAug-18-2017 2:52 PM

@ dk

David says, in the "Advent" extension, that the pathogen "generates a unique reaction with every genome it encounters"

One effect is killing engineers quickly, with super fast parasite burstings.


MemberTrilobiteAug-18-2017 2:56 PM

Yog Sothoth Yes, it helps to explain and even excuse discrepancies- reminds me a bit of the different gestation times of the chest bursters during all movies including AVPR. I will just go with it and enjoy personally.

Yog Sothoth

MemberFacehuggerAug-18-2017 3:06 PM

@ Thombach

Yeah, it does mention pathogens then talks about the singular "it". Hard to grasp what he means. Could it be that David is refering collectively to all the urns as "their pathogens", but each urn contains the same pathogen?


MemberChestbursterAug-18-2017 3:55 PM

Nice catch Thombach! I completely missed he went from plural to singular there when I read it.

I Moon Girl

MemberChestbursterAug-19-2017 5:25 PM

This is very deep thread and I am not reading everything, but here is what I think about the different urn sizes.

In the bombing scene in A:C, all of the urns organized themselves in the air in a circular pattern.  It was vary organized.  So, I think the different urn sizes is related to their organization before the contents get released.

It would make sense for the bigger urns to go to the outside of the formation and the smaller ones to go towards the middle because the bigger ones have further reach than the smaller ones.  Anything or anyone towards the middle (where the small urns are) have NO CHANCE OF ESCAPING.  If they run, they will only run into more black goo.  So, there is no reason to pour as much goo in the middle.  Now, the things or living beings towards the outside could actually run away from underneath the bombs.  So, there are bigger urns on the outside to have more spread when the explode.  This would hopefully, in war, kill the things or beings towards the outside.  

Of course, this is just speculation.


MemberOvomorphAug-19-2017 5:46 PM

Aren't all the urns in the bomb bay exactly the same size? I'll have to check again but just watched it on a big screen last night. I could swear they were all the same. I'm still trying to figure out why they all explode like they hit an invisible shell in the sky before the black clouds start to swarm down.

What I thought was interesting is that the urns float into position before dropping. Nothing touches them.

I like how when they drop, they form a pattern like a DNA helix too.

I Moon Girl

MemberChestbursterAug-19-2017 5:56 PM


You may be right, but, as far as we know, that juggernaut came from LV-223, so why would it be different?

Isn't the one found in Prometheus holding different urn sizes?

I can't remember that detail.

Also, Thombach, if you can, take a screen shot of the urns suspended in air if you can!

I would really appreciate it!  


MemberChestbursterAug-19-2017 7:03 PM

The urns in the first juggernaut in Prometheus are all kinds of different sizes, but the ones we see in the bomb bay room of the ship David and Shaw took seem to be all the same.

The screen shots post so small that is is difficult to see, but they are floating. There is no carriage or rack mechanism to suspend and move them, but something moves them.

In that AVP podcast with Dane Hallett and Matt Hatton they seemed to think this was the urns breaking on the planetary shield described in the script.

I Moon Girl

MemberChestbursterAug-19-2017 7:34 PM

The look of the storage room David is in by the opening looks like a place a never saw in Prometheus.  Maybe there is structural order to the way they must be released.  I guess the big ones are released first so that they have the space to float to the outside and then the smaller ones get released to fill in the middle.  That way the urns don't collide as they move around and get into position before exploding. 

Thanks for shots Kethol!

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