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Alien: Covenant - Member Reviews
Forum Topic
9370 Views17 Replies


MemberPraetorianAug-04-2017 3:49 AM

Pending the release of Alien: Covenant on DVD, Blu-Ray, and digital streaming we have decided to create a special thread to act as a portal to every member reviews so that we can share, comment and discuss them in the forum without having duplicate threads of the same topic clogging up the feed.

We ask you to follow the original instructions for posting a review of the film by following this link


NOTE: Please do not start a forum topic for a film review


We will attempt to host links to everyone's reviews from this thread.

This thread will then become the one-click forum portal for member reviews.  



Average rating as of August 2017:  3.7/5  


1. murnau rated Alien: Covenant 4.0/5. Read their review here!

2. Silla Gokpora rated Alien: Covenant 5.0/5. Read their review here!

3. David 4510 rated Alien: Covenant 1.0/5. Read their review here!

4. Bujar KURRUMELI rated Alien: Covenant 5.0/5. Read their review here!

5. paren rated Alien: Covenant 5.0/5. Read their review here!

6. Timmy the ultramorph rated Alien: Covenant 4.5/5. Read their review here!

7. Starlogger rated Alien: Covenant 3.5/5. Read their review here!

8. nakedlunch rated Alien: Covenant 5.0/5. Read their review here!

9. David Black rated Alien: Covenant 5.0/5. Read their review here!

10. PickleBack rated Alien: Covenant 4.0/5. Read their review here!

11. CW Gortner rated Alien: Covenant 3.5/5. Read their review here!

12. JayLeV rated Alien: Covenant 2.5/5. Read their review here!

13. Necronom 4 rated Alien: Covenant 3.0/5. Read their review here!

14. Sparkz rated Alien: Covenant 2.0/5. Read their review here!

15. joylitt rated Alien: Covenant 2.5/5. Read their review here!

16. Centauri rated Alien: Covenant 5.0/5. Read their review here!

17. cuponator3000 rated Alien: Covenant 4.5/5. Read their review here!

18. Newborn rated Alien: Covenant 3.5/5. Read their review here!

19. sherris rated Alien: Covenant 3.0/5. Read their review here!

20. Protista rated Alien: Covenant 3.0/5. Read their review here!

21. Micro changes in air densityrated Alien: Covenant 2.0/5. Read their review here!

22. milpeva rated Alien: Covenant 1.0/5. Read their review here!

23. richardbrucebaxter rated Alien: Covenant 5.0/5. Read their review here!

24. Tamara Sooyawawakhay rated Alien: Covenant 3.0/5. Read their review here!

25. Hemlock rated Alien: Covenant 5.0/5. Read their review here!

26. Khenen rated Alien: Covenant 5.0/5. Read their review here!

27. Hero Lam rated Alien: Covenant 4.5/5. Read their review here!

28. Batchpool rated Alien: Covenant 4.5/5. Read their review here!

29. sophialotus rated Alien: Covenant 2.0/5. Read their review here!

30. xenoswagmaster420 rated Alien: Covenant 4.0/5. Read their review here!

31. Working Joe rated Alien: Covenant 3.5/5. Read their review here!

32. Snake rated Alien: Covenant 4.5/5. Read their review here!

33. Chris rated Alien: Covenant 4.0/5. Read their review here!

34. [email protected] rated Alien: Covenant 1.0/5. Read their review here!

35. ridinvail rated Alien: Covenant 2.5/5. Read their review here!

36. Seph7 rated Alien: Covenant 4.5/5. Read their review here!

37. ali81 rated Alien: Covenant 2.0/5. Read their review here!

38. Lawrence of Arabia rated Alien: Covenant 5.0/5. Read their review here!

 39. dk rated Alien: Covenant 4.0/5. Read their review here!




17 Replies


MemberTrilobiteAug-04-2017 3:57 AM

Thanks for starting this. An observation: when I click on the link, I can see the reviews but do no see where to click to post one. 


MemberTrilobiteAug-04-2017 3:58 AM

DK, there's an add review button beneath the movies poster!


MemberPraetorianAug-04-2017 4:08 AM

updated dk, with all current reviews for Alien: Covenant.



MemberTrilobiteAug-04-2017 4:30 AM

Gavin Well color me embarrassed ad apologetic. We are attempting to make a great forum even better. 


MemberChestbursterAug-04-2017 5:52 AM

Was great to look back and see how i felt back then. I was almost closing one eye, squinting as i clicked....

What have i said ? i was about to cringe.....

Actually i was ok with my review from a few months ago. As i said in another thread i rate it a little higher now after getting over my issues at the lack of reveals.

EDIT: Sidetracked sorry. IRaptus that is a happy medium i think. Thank you for offering us the opportunity to give our input and this should do fine !!

Take This.... This is the blood of our lord


MemberDeaconAug-04-2017 5:55 AM

If Reviews are out of 5  then mine would have to be 3/5 however maybe after reviewing the DVD i think it may push to a 3.5/5

I think its nice to have this Sticky Thread for Reviews.

I also think it would be good to Base TWO Reviews of the DVD/Blu-ray release.. One Review for the Movie and another review/score for the Extra Content on the Discs

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Capt Torgo

MemberFacehuggerAug-04-2017 10:23 AM

Big Dave, one can only hope for that Awakening at Fox! Some of the deleted scenes are near perfect and others are on the right track. Will have to put my review on there as I also did not see the option to add review on the linked page. Better days ahead


MemberFacehuggerAug-05-2017 12:55 PM

Posted mine! I wrote far more than I had intended to!


MemberPraetorianAug-05-2017 4:46 PM

Seph7 updated with the latest reviews


MemberNeomorphAug-15-2017 11:41 AM

posted mine

Lawrence of Arabia

MemberChestbursterAug-15-2017 12:10 PM

Posted mine :)


Initially I posted it as a 10 Cloverfield Lane review by accident lol

"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."


MemberNeomorphAug-15-2017 12:22 PM

hahaha I nearly did that aswell


MemberPraetorianAug-15-2017 7:03 PM

Lawrence of Arabia, ali81

your review links have been added to the OP :)


MemberTrilobiteAug-16-2017 12:51 AM



MemberNeomorphAug-17-2017 8:36 AM

cheers, great reviews by the way everyone


MemberFacehuggerAug-22-2017 1:02 PM

Here's my review of Prometheus:

And im afraid alien covenant is much the same... it felt better on the ship before they landed but then all crap mother Mary of the most awful messy stupid crap poored out from the screen :D .

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberChestbursterOct-11-2017 12:52 PM

I still think a few answers to the Engineers  mythos and it would of got another 1/2 or even another point. That would put it in a very special place.

Take This.... This is the blood of our lord

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