MemberTrilobiteJun-29-2017 10:32 PMThere is a lot of really good writing from members here. What if an existing short was decided on and arrangements could be made to do a ten minute short? Members could pony up a few bucks to an Admin sanctioned fund perhaps and make something by fans for fans? Here is an example:
MemberTrilobiteJun-30-2017 2:42 PMsherris, Tiwaz, Im Durp, Facehuggers!, and Batchpool have all brought up very valid hurdles/observations/suggestions and things to consider.
That said- after thinking of Facehugger!'s idea more, it is fun to imagine what we all look/sound like!
Should we maybe get ideas, list and vote on a separate thread? Maybe Admin could sticky it so it wouldn't get buried.
MemberNeomorphJun-30-2017 3:15 PM@dk
With a documentary, Scified could easily establish itself as a video creating platform; which would inevitably bring attention and support to the more ambitious projects.
Possible points of discussion in documentary:
-Fan theories
-For example: "What did you think the Space Jockey was
before the prequels?"
-Interpretations of the ALIEN franchise (philosophy)
-Movie theater experiences (relating to ALIEN)
-Dreams about the ALIEN universe
MemberPraetorianJun-30-2017 3:27 PMFacehuggers! yes i think your idea is a perfect start to get the ball rolling. It will test how we all work together on here, get the creative idea's flowing, see who is interested in this sort of thing etc. Once we have an established platform we can look at doing a short film or animation next. This will be a lot of fun!!
MemberTrilobiteJun-30-2017 3:39 PMFacehuggers! I was ready to PM, but you answered my question. It might be good to have a set of questions for everyone to answer instead of random stuff like "Alien rules dude!!!"
It might be interesting to have something identifying each member as they talk- something like this maybe?
MemberChestbursterJun-30-2017 5:03 PMGuys...I was at the mall today, enjoying my summer break, when two of my students spotted me, started yelling my name from across the mall, then ran up to me, apparently to marvel at the fact that teachers continue to exist, even outside of school.
Now I am trying to picture how my students would react if they saw me in an Alien fan documentary. <_<
Some of them once very earnestly warned me that I definitely wouldn't like the rated PG-13 movie "Passengers" because it "has lots of very inappropriate stuff in it".
My students certainly wouldn't peg me for the Alien type.
(From my understanding, the inappropriate content they feared would disturb me in Passengers includes a character coughing up a small amount of blood and someone saying the word "shit")
MemberTrilobiteJun-30-2017 5:05 PMDoes anyone disagree that a documentary about Forum Members by Facehuggers! would be a good way to start things off before going after more ambitious projects (not that Facehuggers! idea is not ambitious. It will be a lot of work but could be inclusive to anyone willing to participate)?
MemberTrilobiteJun-30-2017 5:12 PMVivisectedEngineer That is too easy! I will not show my face and have a few disguise ideas in mind heh heh! I suspect others will be more elaborate and distort their voices. There might be some totally fine with showing their real selves. It could be very entertaining to see what members do. BTW the above pic isn't me- it is my thrash hero Gary Holt of Exodus/Slayer.
MemberChestbursterJun-30-2017 6:55 PM@dk
Haha, ok, AGREED! A documentary would be awesome and I would love to participate.
MAYBE I will wear a disguise...or maybe I'll just be super sure not to say any swear words in my interview...
And I'll conclude my interview with a little disclaimer to all the middle school kiddos at home, warning them not to watch rated R movies without their parents' permission :P
MemberTrilobiteJun-30-2017 6:58 PMVivisectedEngineer As a kid, doing things behind parents' backs is part of maturing lol! Remember- the forbidden fruit is the sweetest.
MemberChestbursterJun-30-2017 7:07 PM@dk
Oh, gosh dammit! The last thing I need is a bunch of parents calling me up saying I influenced their middle school child to watch Alien...
I already ruffled feathers once for reading the Roald Dahl story "Lamb to the Slaughter" to my class, which was apparently too grim for some (even though my class read it when I was in middle school).
Ok, ok, maybe I will wear a disguise!
MemberTrilobiteJun-30-2017 7:17 PMIndyFront Don't nevermind. Lots of great ideas are here. This has never been done on this forum. This can be the one that shows what can be done around here.
MemberTrilobiteJun-30-2017 7:23 PMVivisectedEngineer You are perfectly fine. If what we are doing is like the link below, you would have a valid point. Otherwise, have some fun!
Oh, gosh dammit! The last thing I need is a bunch of parents calling me up saying I influenced their middle school child to watch Alien...
Oh, gosh dammit! The last thing I need is a bunch of parents calling me up saying I influenced their middle school child to watch Alien...
The best way to get them to watch is to tell them it is evil, naughty and never watch it.....or else. There will soon be a new generation of Alien fans lol!
MemberPraetorianJun-30-2017 8:02 PMIDEA: How about we all distort our voices with the whole Bishop/Ash dying android voice. Whispered with a light phaser vocoder effect.
Would tie it well with the atmosphere of what we are trying to do
MemberTrilobiteJun-30-2017 8:08 PMCool! Is there a download for that?
I have a few physical ideas in mind and will share via PM. I have a built in webcam thing on my laptop that has some interesting effects too. The possibilities are mind boggling. It will come down to what Facehuggers! puts out for requirements needed.
MemberPraetorianJun-30-2017 8:19 PMI don't think so, not that ive been able to find. But It's easy enough done through Cubase or any of the audio recording software. I have Cubase 7, I can easily run everyone's soundbites through it if we need.
I may have used that effect in the past.... ;)
MemberTrilobiteJun-30-2017 8:55 PMI have Cubase but haven't used that in a long time. I will disguise my appearance but have no problem if my voice comes through. Each to his/her own.
MemberTrilobiteJun-30-2017 9:35 PMLooks like Facehuggers! has a plan. I think he may be collating with Mother.
MemberChestbursterJun-30-2017 9:44 PMIt would be pretty awesome if we could all sound like dying androids.
Also, David's voice sounded like that too, while Shaw was re-attaching his head in "The Crossing". :)
MemberTrilobiteJun-30-2017 9:48 PMVivisectedEngineer Then do so! We just need to hear from Facehuggers!' guidance. There is huge fun potential here!