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Gay Kiss Cut From Chinese Version of Alien: Covenant
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MemberFacehuggerJun-18-2017 11:28 AM

Gay Kiss Cut From Chinese Version of Alien: Covenant

"Over the years, the Chinese government has implemented censorship laws on films and shows, under the guise of protecting children from sexual or violent imagery. Chinese TV shows are forbidden from showing gay relationships, but films don’t have the same restriction. Even so, it’s not surprising that the kiss between David and Walter was cut, as censors err on the side of restrictive when it comes to LGBT representation. Brokeback Mountain was denied a release for its depiction of a gay relationship, and Best Picture winner Moonlight’s prospects of getting a release are slim-to-none by this point."

58 Replies


MemberFacehuggerJun-19-2017 11:05 PM

@Ati et al:

Don't get triggered over the 'fingering' thing.  I'm just talking about what happened in the movie.  Tons of sexual innuendo there.  Sometimes, I think that some folks saw some other movie.  Nobody's saying anything negative about gay people or the gay lifestyle, even in space.

If Sir Ridley tweeted that there was no sexual innuendo (or outright sex) in the film, or that the earth was flat, you guys would swallow it all and re-tweet it.


MemberNeomorphJun-19-2017 11:41 PM

Ripleys_Ghost Honestly, I don't care much about what the director or the writers say. The movie speaks for itlself. We should all agree that Alien Covenant is not the movie that is going to help you accept gay people. And I am quite certain the writers have included David's homosexual traits to reinforce the notion that AI is something that you are supposed to fear. Because you know, in the world of today we don't fear AI since it doesn't exist, but a lot of people fear homosexuality, and this gives the threat much more immediacy.


MemberChestbursterJun-20-2017 5:58 AM


What? Where is that coming from? You do realize that all the Covenant crew were couples and that Lope and Hallet were gay, married characters don't you? We were not supposed to fear or not accept them. They were written as normal people, just like the other characters. The film makers obviously did not see anything wrong or abnormal with ones sexual preferences either way.

David on the other hand was abnormal in every way imaginable, compared to a human. In the movie he kissed both a male and female character, and told both a male a female character he loved them. He also said he loved Shaw. He still killed her and attempted to kill the other two. He was an equal opportunity psycho :)


AdminPraetorianJun-20-2017 6:26 AM

@Ripleys_Ghost Thanks for the link! Also, with regards to David's scar, on the Weyland site it says David 8's can repair themselves to a certain extent so perhaps the whole repaired itself since it is so small. I'm pretty sure Ridley even says David cut off his own hand and simply took Walter's place, he never said David swapped programming with Walter. 

It's funny you mention women factoring men's personalities into sexual attractiveness, because after seeing how David treated Shaw, etc. he became repulsive regardless of his very agreeable physical attributes.

@Kethol Yes David did kiss members of both sexes, one being an exact physical copy of himself. I didn't see it as a gay kiss at all, more of an expression of his narcissism and his exploring a newfound sexuality. 

@joylitt Nah, like Kethol says, there's a male homosexual couple in the movie, they are shown even in the viral campaign as a normal, affectionate couple, nothing in the movie is against homosexuals. David is kissing himself, it's more narcissism and exploration than anything else. Technically speaking the kiss would be incest (they're brothers) so don't go reading too much into it imo, lol.

Like I said before, the only kiss in the movie that people should find disturbing is the one David forces on Daniels. 



MemberChestbursterJun-20-2017 8:59 AM

@Ati's first post ITT: well said there.


MemberFacehuggerJun-20-2017 9:37 AM

How robots actually manage relationships (straight or otherwise):



MemberFacehuggerJun-20-2017 9:42 AM

@Lilly (Svanya): "Also, with regards to David's scar, on the Weyland site it says David 8's can repair themselves to a certain extent so perhaps the whole repaired itself since it is so small. I'm pretty sure Ridley even says David cut off his own hand and simply took Walter's place, he never said David swapped programming with Walter."

I still think that Sir Ridely is pulling a bad retcon.  David's hair is much lighter, and his voice box was broken before the crew left the planet.  In terms of the what we saw in the movie, it makes no sense to assume that the android aboard the Covenant at the end of the film WAS David.  I see that most people really cling to the idea that it was David... but they must have been watch ing a different movie than I did.


MemberChestbursterJun-20-2017 10:04 AM

Where on the Weyland site does it say the David 8s can repair themselves to a certain extent?

It says David 8 can conduct his own maintenance procedures, like replenishing his high-turbidity hydraulic fluid, but nothing about repairs. In fact, it specifically states for physical damage he must be taken to an authorized Weyland Cybernetics facility.


MemberFacehuggerJun-20-2017 10:22 AM

@Kethol: "Where on the Weyland site does it say the David 8s can repair themselves to a certain extent?"

People are saying a lot of unsourced things on here.  Personally, I think that the actual movie should be considered canon.


MemberChestbursterJun-20-2017 10:32 AM

All the Weyland web content is on the Blu Ray with the actual movie, so I consider that cannon if/until a something in a future movie contradicts it. But this 'David can repair himself' stuff is not there or in the movie.


MemberFacehuggerJun-20-2017 11:00 AM

Yes, I agree with that... with some caveats.  There are lots of unused concepts in DVD extras.  If the movie contradicts those concepts, then what you saw in the movie should take precedence.  Offhand remarks and opinion that contradict what you actually see and hear in the movie don't hold much water.  It comes down to critical thinking.

Even Sir Ridley can't make a movie and show us something and then tell us that something different happened... that is, unless he retcons it in the next movie.  Then, you just have two different versions.  I wish that film makers didn't do that... it's bad practice.


AdminPraetorianJun-20-2017 11:07 AM

@Ripleys_Ghost @Kethol

"It makes no sense to assume that the android aboard the Covenant at the end of the film WAS David.  I see that most people really cling to the idea that it was David... but they must have been watching a different movie than I did". -Ripleys Ghost

It was plain as day to me and everyone else watching that it was David. Anyways Ridley Scott has confirmed it's David a couple times, once in the interview i've linked below. 

As for the maintenance, I had assumed that it could equal small repairs, such as the broken voicebox and the small hole in the chin. That's my interpretation of it because on the Weyland site it says major physical damage/repairs cannot be done by him, but small ones can. I could be wrong though. 

Ridley Scott talks about the logic of it all and "cheating" the audience with regards to the details of Davids physical condition once he boards the Covenant in this interview (23 min in). Basically, as BigDave said, the lack of a broken voicebox and hole in his chin it's simply an oversight: Alien: Covenant Spoiler Special With Sir Ridley Scott

The whole interview is worth listening to, Ridley talks about details like David taking Walters place and how Weyland knew David was dangerous as soon as he had created him. I had assumed everyone here had listened to this as it was featured a couple times here. 



MemberChestbursterJun-20-2017 11:08 AM

@Ripleys Ghost - I'm not talking about unused concepts or offhand remarks. I'm talking about the official content, like everything from the Weyland Industries website, corporate timeline, David 8 specs, Ted Talk, Quiet Eye, et cetera. All supplemental information that compliments and expand upon the fictional background of the movie. It's all of the Blu Ray.


MemberFacehuggerJun-20-2017 12:14 PM

@Lilly (Svanya): "It was plain as day to me and everyone else watching that it was David. Anyways Ridley Scott has confirmed it's David a couple times, once in the interview i've linked below."

It's not "plain as day".  Walter's missing that wound, his hair is darker, and his voice box isn't smashed like David's is.

Also, I don't think that you speak for "everyone else", although I respect your opinion.

Sir Ridley can say what he likes, but what he's saying doesn't match what was filmed.  I paid and watched a film, not a Ridley Scott interview where he makes up crap as he goes.

Obviously, it was intended to be Walter's body with David's progamming in it, or they messed up bad then the movie was made.


MemberChestbursterJun-20-2017 12:46 PM

It was intended all along to be David wearing Walter's clothes, with self inflicted wounds. The missing chin wound is just a bad continuity error. It was given away that Walter was actually David, literally in next scene we see him in after the fight, then again several times in the Covenant. If you missed it, no big deal. The movie works either way.

"You knew Walter was David fairly early…That's why I had him go there and turn and look around (after the fight, when David appears in Walter's clothes at the edge of the plaza, he turns and looks back with a strange look on his face)…in that moment, AI or not, I am a very logical person. So I'm thinking, wait a minute, you mean he cut his hand off, changed his clothes, cut his face open before going out there? So I was thinking, if I just do it, it'll fly by, because I think you are sandwiched between so much reason to get out of there, and then the appearance of the alien, it will get forgotten. So that's sometimes where you cheat, as a playwright. So it's about 20 minutes that I cheated with…if you only found out (it was David) when he was tucking her in (Daniels), you have not enjoyed the possibility that something is wrong." Ridley Scott


MemberFacehuggerJun-20-2017 1:00 PM

Well, again... that's what Ridley says... but Ridley either changed his mind after the fact, or they goofed up the movie... David wouldn't have time to dye his hair and somehow fix his crushed vocie box.  They should have done the movie properly.  Very problematic.


MemberChestbursterJun-20-2017 1:11 PM

No, he did not change his mind. As he said, he just cheated screen time by having something happen in a few minutes that would have taken about 20 minutes.

The only goof up was the continuity issue with the chin wound, unless they decided to cheat with that too.


MemberFacehuggerJun-20-2017 1:18 PM

Nope.  You're leaving out that he had to dye his hair and fix his voice box.  You can keep ignoring it... it's up to you.


AdminPraetorianJun-20-2017 2:48 PM

"No, he did not change his mind. As he said, he just cheated screen time by having something happen in a few minutes that would have taken about 20 minutes.

The only goof up was the continuity issue with the chin wound, unless they decided to cheat with that too." -@Kethol 

Exactly, it's David in his own body, pretending to be Walter. 

@Ripleys_Ghost But, David's hair is no longer blonde, it's the same base color as Walter's, he cut the grown out blonde part off earlier in the movie and left the natural roots. It's actually that scene where I realized that a switch was going to happen. 


MemberChestbursterJun-20-2017 3:07 PM

Yes, it is very easy to see David had dark hair in the movie. Only the long bangs still had the blond color, and he cut all that off. It was VERY easy to see this in the movie.

As far as his voice, we don't know that David had a "damaged" voice box, or even how his voice generator works. He was on his back gurgling that white fluid from his wounds, just like Ash did when he spewed a mouthful of it before talking in Alien.


MemberFacehuggerJun-20-2017 3:42 PM

I fully enjoyed the movie, don't get me wrong.  But, there are flaws and plot holes in it, in my opinion.

I guess that we won't agree on this one.  It's cool.  Cheers.


AdminPraetorianJun-20-2017 4:24 PM

Yiss! Found the.gif I was looking for, of the kiss. David and Walter look exactly the same, right down to the haircolor. 

And yes, we will have to agree to disagree. :D

*(I'd love to know who made this .gif, so I can credit them properly. If anyone knows plz tell me, TYSM!) x


MemberChestbursterJun-20-2017 4:50 PM

@Ripley's_Ghost - We won't agree on what one?


MemberPraetorianJun-20-2017 5:03 PM

The Kiss Of Death or such in The Godfather, take just that scene by itself and it can be seen as aggressively sexual.

Frankly, I think far too much is being made about two android characters kissing. Frankly, I'd have done a bit in The Crossing where he kisses Shaw (and as we know she kinda comes to a nasty end) which would set up things better for the David-Walter kiss, and lend more shading to the scene.






MemberDeaconJun-20-2017 5:08 PM

David indeed has Brown Hair... the Prometheus movie showed him Dying his Hair yet it was already Blonde, so why?  The answer would be to Bleach his Brown Roots.. which means his Hair maybe Grows.

AC confirms this when we see David with Long Hair and he has Brown Roots and all he does is then Cuts off his Blonde Locks.

Davids Hair has more Volume than Walters and is more scruffy but i am sure he got a Comb from someplace lol

Yes there are a number of Problems with the movie as far as pacing... but these are just Plot Devices... as otherwise they would have to show another Scene where Daniels and Co leave before Walter/David arrives... and indeed there was such a Scene intended where they encounter the other Neomorph.  Other ideas earlier was to also have a Neomorph vs Xenomorph confrontations... these scenes could have bridged a gap for our Crew to take up time.. to explain away extra time that David could have used to change places with Walter.

But FOX put a limit on screen time... hence many rushes scenes and events like Xenomorph Gestation, and also why a number of expanded and details scenes from the Novel do not make it to the movie.

Because it would mean a near 3 hour movie.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


AdminPraetorianJun-20-2017 5:23 PM

@BigDave You've read the novel, right? It even mentions David can grow a beard and has shaved. O_O


MemberNeomorphJun-20-2017 6:24 PM

Lilly (Svanya) David's hair is curly. Also, here and in other scenes Walter looks taller than David.


MemberFacehuggerJun-20-2017 8:16 PM


Good points.  Yes, more mistakes, plot holes and retcon.  Sad, really.  Sir Ridley had to explain what happened because they botched it so badly.


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