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Take your hatred out on me; make your victim my head!

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MemberTrilobiteJun-07-2017 8:18 PM

The news of the direction with the upcoming novelization has brought a lot of general hate. This thread invites wide open hate!

23 Replies

cabin flutist yacob wagner

MemberOvomorphJun-07-2017 8:41 PM

You will hereby be punished by nostral fluting !


MemberPraetorianJun-07-2017 8:43 PM

First, everything to do with ADF's Prequel novel...well I've never really thought too highly of him, and now my considerations of his ability are even lower.

The Prometheus Sequel novel I am just dreading, if he's writing it, well...nuff said in relation to his Covenant Prequel.

In the end, ADF doesn't give a damn about the damage he's helping do to the franchise, he's just loving the cashy money rolling his way.






MemberChestbursterJun-07-2017 8:47 PM


Great topic title.




MemberTrilobiteJun-07-2017 8:57 PM

QueenElizabethShaw Indeed. I can't come up with a better idea than Manson! Seems fitting somehow. Tourniquet.


MemberTrilobiteJun-07-2017 9:01 PM

Let it go folks! Few threads invite all out hatred forum rules being considered.

I wasn't really tracking the novel coming up but I thought it would be about David and Shaw. But now.......Frck it!!!!!!


MemberChestbursterJun-07-2017 9:56 PM

Yes fuck it I say. 

Ok let's just assume for one second that Ridley has a master plan and he's going to deliver in future film(s)... could he think for one second that jumping 10 years ahead and giving vague answers about what happened in those 10 years was going to fly? Especially after it was already clear most of us left Prometheus yearning for answers! Does he know people? At all!?

If he does have a master plan, what good is compounding the weaknesses of Prometheus in getting us to the final hurah!? Is he really so out of touch (or drunk) that he couldn't see the danger a move such as this could pose to the plan?

Now let's assume they're making it up as they go. That's where it crosses the line into outright disgusting.

I should have known. We all should have. Shame on us for thinking that he could pull off something worthy of Alien without O'Bannon and Schusett. He may have created the look and feel of alien, but he had little to do with the story.

Screw Fox, screw Ridley, screw Lindelof, and someone go ask Logan and Harper how much they were paid to hand over their balls.


MemberChestbursterJun-07-2017 9:59 PM

 Now that I've got that off my chest, I'll be going to see Covenant again one last time. After all, it's a fun watch. :)


MemberPraetorianJun-07-2017 10:15 PM

I have to say I'm more dedicated to completing my story than I was before.

It's taken a LOT of work to straighten out the unthinkable mess this franchise has become, and unlike the movies, yeah I Give Answers. I stay with the principles of Continuity and Congruency.

Now, if an amateur like myself can accomplish what I am steadily completing...then what's THEY'RE excuse?






MemberTrilobiteJun-07-2017 10:19 PM

Blackwinter-witch Answer your own question with HATE! I promise you will feel better after the fact!


MemberPraetorianJun-07-2017 11:22 PM



It's because I hate what they're doing that I am writing ALIEN: Manticore. ;)

I intend to show them up for the weak, fluff-minded, unprofessional kludgewits they are.





Something Real

MemberTrilobiteJun-08-2017 12:30 AM

DK - rrrrrrrRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHRRRRRrrr! *Blushes and then runs away*


MemberChestbursterJun-08-2017 12:31 AM

Finally realised last night that all of this interest i have in this franchise is wasted. Every time i accept what goes on and try and brush it away because of hope.

foolish hope that the next release or book or whatever it is will  finally mature into its potential.

But after a:c it was really tough. part of my acceptance around it was the fact that we had another shot at it with the prequel novel.

That hope is gone. Maybe prior to a:c we could debate that even though the books synopsis was off topic, it would probably be included elsewhere in the story.

Today that sounds foolish.

It will have nothing to do with David and Shaw. It took a:c release for me to finally realise that: "there is only death here now" Thank Shaw for that heads up - at the end of Prometheus


Take This.... This is the blood of our lord


MemberPraetorianJun-08-2017 1:05 AM

I really hate how this franchise is hurting it's fans and breaking their hearts. I share the same feelings, but I really sympathize with my fellow fans and the feeling of being betrayed and played as fools.

IF, by some quirk of fate, FOX wants to Option ALIEN: Manticore, they'll have to give me complete and total creative control as well as full and complete control as Producer.

And I will NOT let anyone 'tweak' my work a-la Lindelloff.






MemberPraetorianJun-08-2017 2:37 AM


I'd say your gifs say it all! :D






MemberChestbursterJun-08-2017 2:39 AM

Blackwinterwitch -

Just from seeing your passion in the comments on this site, I have no doubt whatsoever that your instalment will dwarf anything we get from FOX.

If only they had passionate fans of the franchise that could stand up for themselves and deliver what we crave.

You could easily deliver that i would say, if given a chance.


Take This.... This is the blood of our lord


MemberPraetorianJun-08-2017 2:56 AM


Thank-you VERY much for saying that!!
I really appreciate it!!
I would also say that your words also apply to a good many other writers lurking around here. :)

I will also state that there are other VERY talented writers here on this site who like me have a serious love of this franchise and won't go along with the FOX-approved slopfest.
There might be ways we can get it across to FOX that there's people out here in the fanbase that are far better versed and invested in the franchise than the scriptwriters they've been hiring.
And that they should never let ADF write any ALIEN-related novels ever again. He doesn't care about the universe and it shows pretty clearly.






MemberPraetorianJun-08-2017 3:32 AM

La Quang Tien is a spammer. Dont follow the links members!


MemberPraetorianJun-08-2017 3:55 AM

Hence why I reported all that spammer's posts I could find. ;)






MemberOvomorphJun-08-2017 4:45 AM

La Quang Tien........DO ONE!

Crawl back into your hole, We're not interested in your fake products and viruses.....


MemberFacehuggerJun-08-2017 5:08 AM

A Curse on the houses of RS, ADF and FOX...!

I keep asking myself, "Why do I keep putting up with this nonsense, ineptitude and wholesale ass-clownery...?"


I feel great when the franchise does well and I feel like crap when it goes south...Yes, I am moody but I am passionate about this.

Somebody! Anybody! Please help us put this dumpster fire out!!!!!! 


Capt Torgo

MemberFacehuggerJun-08-2017 5:13 AM

I was under the impression that the Novelist is just making use of the bare minimum SCRAPS that Fox and Almighty Ridley have given or allowed. Seems they are just stalling and this novel is akin to a comic type fiction where it really has no relation to any film. Not sure I wholly understand what is happening with it but I am not surprised. The general population has kinda rejected the David Show/Religion/Creationism and maybe Fox is trying to make things right. I doubt it, as David/BladeRunner is burned on Ridleys soul! I have read some folks saying David represents a "fascist" nazi type leader, with this German opera crap, Shock Troopers, David's Uber Arian crap, then the deaths head skulls of David's birth viral marketing from Prometheus. See, it's this SHIT, however unique, that pollutes the story, resulting in this psychobabble that turns the casual viewer off and then telling their friends don't go see Ridley Scott's steaming pile of intellectual drivel. Mr. Scott loses focus of any grasp he had on telling a story to focus on HIS interests not what general fans want. Most did not want xenos, we wanted intelligent characters. He has failed twice now with Covvy being an absolute slaughter to the common sense of the audience. Now, he may be raised to Uber Director one day with these two prequels akin to BR but I doubt it. Time for some fresh meat to tell a story wether it's new or continues this. Ridley is driving away audiences like a mcguffin goo bombing.


MemberPraetorianJun-08-2017 5:26 AM

There's some excerpts from my work here you might all enjoy as a breath of fresh air away from what the franchise is doing.

ALIEN: Manticore

There's a complete short story found at the links here that ties in directly to the story above.

ALIEN - The Silent Dark 'The Lander'






MemberTrilobiteJun-08-2017 9:00 AM

IRaptus reported spammer.

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