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Just watched it! Here`s my short thoughts. Some Mild Spoilers.

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MemberOvomorphMay-09-2017 10:29 PM


So, I was lucky to attend a screening today. As a life long Alien fan and a fan of Ridley as a director I have followed this film for years. As I did with Prometheus. 

I´m frustrated. I´m really frustrated.

I don`t wanna say more. The film look and feel great, but I have no idea what they want to do with this. 

I think Prometheus was better. 

But go see it. Thanks for this site, love it. 



61 Replies


MemberTrilobiteMay-09-2017 10:38 PM

Glad you saw it. If you think Prometheus is better, why do you tell me to go see it if I hated Prometheus?


MemberOvomorphMay-09-2017 10:45 PM


You have the Prometheus sooks to thank for this. If people let Scott do what he'd planned from the beginning instead of crying "Wheree are the aaaaaaliiiiens?" we'd be watching the Awakening story instead of this mess.


MemberOvomorphMay-09-2017 11:08 PM

I know. But then again. If Alien is something that should be put into the frame, then do it in a great and original fashion. 

Don`t give me a running, screaming critter. This is just a bad film. What is Ridley doing? He does not care about the xeno. He use it as a tool to tell the A.I story. As in Blade Runner. 



MemberChestbursterMay-09-2017 11:24 PM


"He does not care about the xeno. He use it as a tool to tell the A.I story. As in Blade Runner."

This is probably true. I'm leaning towards the idea that Ridley was frustrated with the crowd that booed Prometheus because they wanted so see another Alien movie, so he did what they asked, but not without a little poison built in.

I have a theory Ridley is taking revenge on the xeno fans who rejected Prometheus by diminishing it's worshipful status as some unknown darkness. Having David act as the creator works to dethrone the xeno in a very clever way. Just enough disruption to send a message to those who are somewhat zealous about what they personally think the xeno should be (while still keeping it's origin interesting I might add)

And if reports are true that Ridley does not showcase the creature's ability to strike fear from the shadows, but instead shows too much of it plainly, I'd assume this is another "fuck you" to the "xeno fan boys".

Not saying I support this way of thinking. Just suggesting that (in considering how staunch and direct Scott is) I wouldn't be surprised if he pulled this kind of move as an intentional slap to certain fans who he feels deserve it.


MemberTrilobiteMay-09-2017 11:36 PM

David was the only reason to watch the movie imo. This issue has gone on for years. I will allow that Prometheus might be a bit better after watching AC. MAYBE.


MemberOvomorphMay-09-2017 11:52 PM

It`s just bad storytelling. I can go with this story of who and why and what is the xenomorph, but at least TELL that story in the BEST way possible. He DIDN`T. It SUCKED. 


MemberFacehuggerMay-10-2017 12:19 AM

I so agree with @QueenElizabathShaw says. 

It's good to know in advance that this movie is not gonna solve much of the mystery or origins. I will appreciate it as an action thriller, and I am still glad it's a good one. 


MemberFacehuggerMay-10-2017 12:19 AM

sorry double post


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 12:23 AM

Jonesy: It isn`t. It fails to deliver on a action / thriller film as well. It just isn`t scary at all. The pacing is completely off the grid and it just doesnt hold up. The first and only film I didn't feel a rush or fear or excitement seeing an Xeno. I love the big questions in Prometheus. We didn't get anything in this. It fell between two pieces. 


MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 12:37 AM

clovenberg2 Maybe you should let Jonesy decide just like I and others will decide for ourselves?


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 12:50 AM

Jones decided it was a good one. I said otherwise. The way you responded the first time made no sense. i just state my opinion. 


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 12:51 AM

Jones decided it was a good one. I said otherwise. The way you responded the first time made no sense. i just state my opinion. 


MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 1:02 AM

Negative. Jonesy stated "I will appreciate it". Jonesy hasn't seen it and is making a confident prediction. You are entitled to your opinion, but you stated it as if it was definitive. Go back and read what you wrote. I have copied it in the event you edit it.


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 1:10 AM

You said this:

"Glad you saw it. If you think Prometheus is better, why do you tell me to go see it if I hated Prometheus?"

Which make no sense. How do I know you hated Prometheus? Lol.

Jones said this:

"I will appreciate it as an action thriller, and I am still glad it's a good one. "

Which implicates that he says/thinks its a good one. Not sure if he had seen it or not. I said that it wasn't. I kinda answered his question. 

Thats it.


Micro changes in air density

MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 1:13 AM

What you are all missing here is a little thing called CASH. Fox wants the bread. Fox doesnt want fans to be walking away from it's Alien universe. Scott was forced back to Aliens when in 2012 he said their was nothing in it. I've seen this movie too and I could have written the script. 4/10 and most of it for gore. Too many leaks also. Again a huge amount of unanswered questions at the end. I was 17 when Alien came out. I'll be dead before I get an explanation of that movie!! The only way to revive this is with Alien 5 and let Scott wonder off into the antarctic see where it gets him!!


MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 1:17 AM

You don't know whether or not I hated it because I did not say and it was rhetorical. You stated that you didn't know what to do with this but seemed ok to tell others what to do and think.


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 1:17 AM


Fun because midway trough Covenant I was thinking about Alien. WHAT a masterpiece. Its like the nuclear A bomb. It shouldn't exist. It was so rare and happened probably way earlier than what the history had planned. Alien is just a god damn masterpiece and I don`t think Scott can make something like that again. Probably no one. 


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 1:19 AM

Dk, this post is not about that anymore. It`s about the film. Let`s move on before I make you watch Covenant 4 times in a row.


MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 1:21 AM

Then start a new thread clovenberg2.


MemberPraetorianMay-10-2017 1:28 AM

So, clovenberg2 where did you see it?






MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 1:34 AM

what the film really delivered was great great image and sound. Has to be experienced on the biggest canvas. I am just very intrigued to see if there was many scenes that was cut out due to timing in the 3 act. Alien continues its legacy but I was disappointed with this because I just want it to deliver on all strings because those films and history mean so much for me. 


MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 1:38 AM


Let`s move on before I make you watch Covenant 4 times in a row.

 I would invite that. Put up or shut up forever.


MemberNeomorphMay-10-2017 1:41 AM

dk You have to understand where clovenberg2 is coming from. There will be many brokenhearted fanboys, believe me. I should show you a picture of this youtuber I follow before and after watching the movie. First he recorded a video celebrating the good reviews, he was cheering like he was in a stadium. Then he recorded his review; he even gave the movie 3 stars out of 5 but what he said was more appropriate for a 1 star. And he looked so sad! I felt bad for him. But of course, the film will probably be a satisfactory experience for many.


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 1:46 AM

Show this film to anyone and they will most probably be much more upset because it's frankly this simple:

the film is not good. It's not a well told story. Sorry to say. I just hoped for more.


MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 1:47 AM

joylitt With due respect, I stand by what I have said on this thread.


MemberPraetorianMay-10-2017 1:53 AM


Good points and confirms a worry I had when I read thwe reviews.
This movie has the potential of splitting the fanbase in a manner akin to what happened with the 2009 Star Trek reboot.

I suspect clovenberg2 is feeling like the fan joylitt spoke of...angry, frustrated, and feeling somewhat betrayed regarding the franchise.

Some of us will LOVE A:C, and it seems some of us might feel like it's a sort-of betrayal. I am hoping the flaws are due to R. Scott knowing that these days you do what you can with the limited time avilable on a movie theatre showing vs what you can do via a DVD, and I did hear he shot a LOT of extra footage and such when the movie was being produced...






MemberNeomorphMay-10-2017 1:54 AM

dk I understand. I keep the optimism myself!


MemberFacehuggerMay-10-2017 1:55 AM

I haven't seen the movie yet. (Pardon me for my English is not good, so it may avoid confusion : )

I will go to watch it tomorrow (#excited inserted).

After reading @clovenberg2 and other reviews, I got the idea that I should take this film as more an action thriller. I hope there will be some mysteries got answered, but it's still okay if nothing much solved, as long as it is a good film. 


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 1:58 AM

Do we get to see much of the Engineers city?


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 2:01 AM

Let me write a longer note tomorrow. the film is a mess and miss some great opportunities. 

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