MemberPraetorianFeb-17-2017 4:30 PMNothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for
MemberPraetorianFeb-18-2017 7:03 PMDune (1984) by David Lynch - stars in the eyes
The eyes are watching you. :)
MemberTrilobiteFeb-18-2017 7:14 PMA good look at the argument of AI is the Star Trek TNG episode Measure of a Man.
MemberPraetorianFeb-18-2017 7:19 PMNothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for
MemberPraetorianFeb-18-2017 7:23 PMNothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for
MemberPraetorianFeb-18-2017 7:25 PMNothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for
MemberPraetorianFeb-18-2017 7:26 PMNothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for
MemberPraetorianFeb-18-2017 7:45 PMNIN, I think that is not in the starting novel. :) I gave that book away as well. :)
As for the series and AI, I know that you started watching the new Battlestar Galactica, but you think it's not so good. Don't stop. The second season speeds up, new characters, good actors, beautiful battles, AI everywhere, religion, gods, angels, everything you want, I think. And the final episode will freeze you, it changes everything you thought about the events. But you mustn't jump to the closing minutes, that would ruin the experience. :)
MemberPraetorianFeb-18-2017 8:28 PMNothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for
MemberDeaconFeb-19-2017 3:56 PMFantastic Find Neomorph..... indeed maybe its more than a Coinsidence
@ATI yeah should have thought SM was on about the Laws of Robotics, i have never read that Book but i think I-Robot the movie and others have touched upon very similar themes.
I liked Ex Machina
And how it also tackled AI
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberPraetorianFeb-19-2017 4:07 PMEx Machina is a masterpiece.One of the best sci fi films in recent memory.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for
MemberTrilobiteFeb-19-2017 4:15 PMI watched I-Robot last night and didn't really care for it although I really wanted to. Too action Hollywood for my tastes. I should get the book. I have read some of Asimov's short stories that were fantastic.
MemberPraetorianFeb-19-2017 7:54 PMNothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for
MemberTrilobiteFeb-19-2017 8:02 PMI still say the ST TNG Measure of a Man is a great example of the AI/human/soul debate.
MemberPraetorianFeb-19-2017 8:03 PMNothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for
MemberPraetorianFeb-19-2017 8:20 PMNothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for
MemberNeomorphFeb-20-2017 1:07 AMthey say robots/ computers cant make mistakes, but humans do. we would be the ones programming them so inevitably, we will make an error somewhere when creating them. so in short, don't create them.
MemberChestbursterFeb-20-2017 8:30 AMninXeno426: Yes, it's interesting that many wants to point out the dangers of AI (and contacting extra terrestrials)? We have Ridley Scott and Stephen Hawking e.g. But isn't there a bit of a humanisation when we look upon David? He reacts as if he has emotions (jealous, disappointed, angry, sad etc?). Even if he is programmed to learn he would still be programmed for specific tasks which a computer/robot/synthetic would follow. He couldn't possibly get a soul and free will?
MemberDeaconFeb-20-2017 9:20 AMOpps image was for other thread ;)
But yes i think we will be shown David has a Soul of sorts and i have covered how this comes to play in other topics.
Fassbender has said its the Human/Emotional Traits of David that causes concerns as far as how others persevere David.
And so indeed thats a clear hint that David 8 has some how gained much more Human Emotions than a Synthetic was intended.
But we are talking Weylands Personnel Favored David and his Son.
And so as God gave Lucifer a bit more free-will than the other Angels... Weyland has given David the same and in both cases this leads to consequences.
And a Rebellious and Sentient nature.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberChestbursterFeb-20-2017 10:21 AMBD: It's probably a good comparison with Lucifer. But Weyland Industries describes their product (David 8) thus:
"Heart and Soul
David 8 can record, process, understand and express many complex emotions, but he will never know true human feelings such as love, grief and compassion."
Will he then, somehow, evolve beyond this?
MemberPraetorianFeb-20-2017 1:11 PMNothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for
MemberXenomorphFeb-20-2017 2:33 PM"Will he then, somehow, evolve beyond this?"
Only if he's programmed to.
MemberPraetorianFeb-20-2017 3:13 PMPerhaps he's figured out a way to override his parameters.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for
MemberFacehuggerFeb-20-2017 3:29 PMWhat's really coincidental is that I recently watched an x-files episode about an infestation of robot bugs. Mulder and Scully went to the leading Robotics Scientist-Engineer and he stated that the mind is to complex to copy and create. That's the problem with robots, humans are a mix of hormones and the affect of memories deciding future decisions. Robots or androids don't really have a system of thinking in a complex way, they are just programmed for reaction to different situations.
MemberFacehuggerFeb-20-2017 3:40 PMbut the idea of AI being engineered through millions and possibly billions of lines of codes reacting to different situations is actually theoretically possible for now a days. The AI's judgement system would be a system of complex situations being broke down and understood bye the AI. Now it would copy and recognize these decisions and choices comparing them to future decisions and then therefore making the decision.
Its complicated but makes sense in the long run.
MemberDeaconFeb-20-2017 4:29 PM"
"Will he then, somehow, evolve beyond this?"
Only if he's programmed to."
To answer you both, i think it would depend if his Programing has become compromised, SM your correct to state that a Robot would be bound by Programs, and these could be stored on various Chips.
We saw with Robocop he was a Cyborg but he had a built in Program that gave his his Directives and in latter movies we see these got edited/disabled.
I would assume that there are problems with the Latter Models, it seems Weyland Industries had some problems with Recalls for David 7 models... and maybe David 8 models had likewise.
But i would think that David 8 is actually Weylands own Personnel Robot, potentially also one where the previous incarnations as far as Prototypes have their Memories past onto the newer Weyland own Personel David models.
This would make the Scene where David in white in the white room with the Piano and most likely Weyland from the past, fit in as relevant to David 8
There is off course no Facts for this... its just a speculative theory.
If i go back to the Lucifer Root... again likewise i think David 8 was allowed more relaxed Programing if you would compared to what the others are intended.... just as it seemed God Gifted his Favored Angel Lucifer with more Freedom of Will.
Its even a theme with Adam and Eve, the Bible and Paradise lost seems to imply had they not Ate from the Fruit from the Tree of All Knowledge of Good and Evil, they would not have Sinned.
So this Tree gave them complete knowledge of Good and Evil, so before that surely they would have behaved in ways that God intended and lived and performed tasks and worship as God intended... WITHOUT QUESTION
Its likely the Forbidden Knowledge gained from this Fruit would have impaired or open their eyes to have more Total Freewill.
Thus they had to be thrown out, not only for disobeying but maybe now because their minds was Re-Programed.
I think indeed David already possessed a relaxed Programing, or there was something Weyland had done to his Programing or Circuits that allowed him to have a bit more Freedom.... this came at a cost.
At the Hubris and Hindsight of Weyland.
Fassbender teases David has a Soul, he said that its the elements of his Human like Emotions that are a concern for Humans...
David is in essence the same as Adam after he ate from the Apple.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberPraetorianFeb-20-2017 5:28 PMWould he have had Shaw reprogram him perhaps?Think the The Terminator in T2.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for
MemberPraetorianFeb-20-2017 6:07 PMHere's a theory on how David may be reprogramed.His detached head,perhaps Shaw would have possibly disabled him,sort of like how Ash was disabled,in an effort to control his behavior.But since she's not an engineer(no not that kind)she instead does something wrong,and David becomes more aware than he previously was.Really of the wall i know,but it could be a reason behind his reconnected head.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for
MemberPraetorianFeb-20-2017 6:17 PMAnother more likely angle.It likely that Shaw assisted with the reattachment of David's head.David would have obviously instructed her how to do so(Like the aforementioned T2.)Without her knowing exactly what she's doing,he has her turn of any behavior inhibitors that he may have.He then work be able to operate with the free will he may have previously lacked.After all,all his previous actions were likely orders.An example would be infecting Holloway.Of course he's also known to disobey.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for