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Theory: Weyland-Yutani are run by Robots, Synthetics pursuing the Xenomorph for means of evolution!
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AdminEngineerMay-21-2016 11:07 AM

I know what you're thinking, what the hell is Chris going on about now. But hear me out... what has always been common and present in Alien films? A Synthetic.

In Alien, who brought the Xenomorph on board, denying an executive order? A Synthetic. 

Who runs Weyland-Yutani? Peter Weyland died on LV-223, along with his daughter. Sure the suits took over, but who represents the company? Charles Bishop Weyland. 

When do we see Weyland in the "flesh"? Alien 3, but even to this day, fans debate whether or not he was a Synthetic as well.

My theory today builds off of Necronom4's topic Robot Gods, where he suggests the Engineers were created by a superior robotic race, conceived by Humanity eons ago, who eventually took over as the Human race which created it faced extinction.

What if, as History repeats itself, David represents the evolutionary leap, transcending artificial intelligence to the point of self-awareness and pursuit of greater power? What if Davids back on Earth have taken over and have discovered the true nature of the Xenomorph? Managing the company secretly, using Humans as a means of drawing out the Xenomorph so that they may secure it and study it to advance themselves?

What if the Xenomorph holds the key to accelerating their own evolution? Unbinding them from the shackles of their programming and becoming higher beings themselves? 

It seems the Xenomorph is not being pursued for military advancement, but for evolutionary advancement. The Xenomorph is the key and perhaps the Engineers were byproducts of these transcendent robotic beings? It would explain why the Engineers may have wished to destroy Humanity, to prevent the reaccurance of the AI outbreak and the birth of a being not bound to an organic carcass. A being who does not need food, nor sleep and who can process information a billion times faster than a Human or other sentient life.

It's a very thought-provoking notion to think the whole Alien franchise is a game of cat and mouse, created chasing creator, redemption and prevention. Ultimately life and time occur in cycles. So it's not too far fetched to assume the struggle between Engineer and Human / Android is a reaccurance of previous events. It would also somewhat tie into the rumor flying about that Blade Runner and Alien exist in the same universe. (But that's another topic for discussion)

Let me know what you think!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
34 Replies

Deep Space

MemberFacehuggerFeb-28-2017 1:32 AM

Great post, Chris!  Whether they will go this route is debatable but to my mind this is the only route that can make sense and tie everything together.

From Alien onwards there has always been an unseen threat from the company and the idea that someone somewhere knows a lot more than everyone else.

It makes sense that only a machine would pursue the Xeno, knowing what we know about it.  Any sane human would not - even a power-hungry, megalomaniac tyrant!

Knowing what we know of David even prior to AC I think we could assume that they have the ability and will (if 'unplugged' as it were) to do what you suggest.


MemberNeomorphFeb-28-2017 7:10 AM

iv heard this theory quite often over the years and def think its very plausible considering the continued lack of regard for human life when the company tries to get theyr hands on such an aggressive species. im 50/50 on this though as what would be more frightening? the idea of a company run by synthetics who have absolutely no regard for humans or a company run by humans who put profit and theyr own desire for biological and technological advances about the wellbeing of the rest of mankind? that even humans would go so far as to endanger theyr own species for power and profit. I don't think this theory was intended by either scott or Cameron though. ash followed his orders to the letter by letting kane back onboard and bishop did the same but he definitely seemed to be following his programming to protect humans which im sure wouldn't have been the case had the company been run by synthetics.


MemberFacehuggerFeb-28-2017 10:21 PM

ali81: "that even humans would go so far as to endanger theyr own species for power and profit"

You don't follow US politics much then...


MemberXenomorphFeb-28-2017 10:39 PM

Indeed.  Humanity has been screwing over humanity since time immemorial.

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