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Totally premature Alien Covenant theory

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MemberOvomorphDec-31-2015 9:25 PM

I've started to rethink some of my pet theories with the recent news that Alien Covenant will take place 10 years after Prometheus.

First, we need disregard the part of the synopsis that states "Bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy".  The people writing this stuff are completely clueless when it comes to comprehending galactic distances.  Remember Vickers "half a billion miles" line from Prometheus?


18 Replies


MemberOvomorphDec-31-2015 9:53 PM

I actually think the Covenant will be old tech.  According to the Weyland industries timeline, hypersleep chambers were patended in 2030, and the first FTL capable ships were built in 2034.  It's conceivable that the Covenant was launched 2035-2040 towards some star with ship full of colonist.  The events of the movie should be taking place around 2103?  That would give the Covenant 60-65 years of travel time.  If Prometheus could travel 17LY per year, we can  assume Covenant was slower.  Lets go with 10LY per year for round numbers which would place the Engineer world David finds at around 600-650LY from earth.

That being said.

I think what is going to happen is Shaw is going to be stuck in Hyersleep for the vast majority of the movie.  If we see her it all, it will be in the beginning or possibly some scene later where David shows her to someone (Covenant crew or an Engineer).

I think David lands, and he finds a small group of Engineers left on the planet.  I think what eventually happens here is that David makes a deal with the Engineers to help them in exchange for helping himself evolve.  It's the classic pinocchio, "I want to be a real boy" substory.  David needs humans, and it's possible he knows that the Covenant will be passing near his current location, or is actually destined for his current location.

He lures the ship in with a distress call, or waits for them to land.

We know there are going to be multiple Davids.  I have a feeling that Prometheus David will be the main antagonist of the story, and an old model David that was onboard the Covenant will be a major protagonist.  Old model David will discover what new model David is up to and try to stop him.  Fassbender will play both characters.

I need more information to formulate more.


MemberXenomorphJan-01-2016 6:57 AM

I like that plot....But I think the David synth is new tech and if he is aboard the Covenant Probably means the ship and crew are late 21st technology.So...When was David 1 manufactured? 

I suppose this could be the first David model on the Covenant. David 8 would probably get a good laugh at such old tech.

David 1: "Father loved me the best"

David 8:"He called me 'son' on more than one occasion.."

David 1:"Father turned off many of my safety protocols...he trusted me"

David 8:"Let us not argue...we are brothers and as brothers we will kill the humans"


MemberOvomorphJan-02-2016 8:21 AM

It's one of those little things that I just find a bit too far fetched, Interstellar travel by 2034? It's now 2016 and we can't even get to bloody Mars yet. NASA seems to have given up on manned space flight, so it's a big stretch to believe we will develop FTL capable space vehicles in 18 years. Hypersleep by 2030, that's possible, but I really don't believe we will develop FTL travel any time in the near future. I know it's only a movie but I still need some sort of attention to realism and logic in Sci Fi films to facilitate suspension of disbelief and enjoy the movie, otherwise it's just total fantasy like Star Wars and Star Trek.

Christopher Nolan seems to buy into the hoax conspiracies (Interstellar) about NASA faking the moon landings, which got me thinking about the possibility that it was all bullshit to stuff up the Soviets, maybe we can't even get to the moon yet, who knows? Some of the evidence is plausible, but who can say for sure? Sorry gone a bit off topic here.

It's one of the things I found a bit unrealistic about Blade Runner, FTL travel, Androids indistinguishable from Humans, Offworld colonies, all by 2019? Now only 3 years away and we haven't even begun to come close to any of these. Now I love Blade Runner as a film so I always thought of it this way: It was a typo and they really meant 2091. 


Alien was set in a more realistic time frame for developing FTL travel, advanced androids and offworld colonies, 2122 seemed plausible, but 2034 sure doesn't.


MemberOvomorphJan-03-2016 9:08 PM

Obviously ALIEN/Blade Runner are a different universe/reality than the one we live in today.  Those were dates taken from the Weyland Industries website, and they are completely unrealistic in our current reality.

NASA hasn't given up on manned spaceflight, we as a society have.  It's all a matter of funding.  The moon missions of the late 60's and early 70's were proof that anything is possible if a society has the will, and you throw enough money at a problem.  I firmly believe we could have fusion power plants by now, but oil and coal is so cheap that it's not a priorty.


In 1966 NASA represented 4.41% of the federal budget.

In 2014 NASA reresented 0.50% of the federal budget.




MemberOvomorphJan-04-2016 5:34 AM

Maybe, as with Independence Day: Resurgence a "forward engineering" of fusing alien tech with our own to give us an accelorated advantage In secret Weyland Industries and/or Untani have in their possesion an alien Juggernaught which they have "forward engineered" onto existing "Human Tech" of the near-future times for humanity that are to come technologically.

They could have deciphered the concept of its propulsion system(s) and found a way to intergrate it and make the alien tech more user-friendly with our own. That could go some ways to explain how the concept of FTL travel became a breakthrough for Humans in such a short space of time in the Weyland history of time.   

And for Blade Runner I always thought it should be something like 2119 for the date at the begining . . .



MemberDeaconJan-04-2016 8:39 AM

The latest information unviels more than meets the eye... but you have to have a very good eye for detail and clues and read into them...... i will go into his detail in more detail latter.....

I had no soon as the synopsis was out, i had theories to what was going on as far as timescale.... now we have confirmation it takes place 10 years latter... well the Covenant discovering David 8 from Prometheus......  this means 10 years has past since David and Shaw left LV 223 and landed on what ever World David is found on by the crew of the Covenant.

We have to assume the Engineers ships are thousands of years more advanced than that of Earth and Mankind in the 22nd century...  we have to assume had the Engineer been able to had escaped LV-223 before Prometheus could Ram into it, then there would be no way Prometheus would catch up with the Juggernaught by the time it reached Earth... Prometheus took about 2 years, we have to assume the Juggernaught would make that journey far far faster, and even faster than the 10 months the Nostromo would.

so we can assume that from when Shaw and David left LV-223 that 10 years is enough time to Reach the location of the Planet the Covenant find David on... 10 years is enough time to get to this Place (Paradise?) and for a lot to go down, and the after math is David alone on this world with something Evolving related to the Engineers Bio-Weapons Tech.  And leaving a number of years or at very least many months after such a event before the Covenant arrives at the aftermath.

I speculated this as soon as Covenant was announced...

The problem then comes with Covenant ship and Technology and Time Frame...  where all we know is that a Colony Ship ends up on this World where they find David, and yet they had assumed they would find uncharted paradise....   for this i think they do not have any idea of Paradise or information about David and Shaw and there mission..... i cant rule out them being re-directed to Paradise at some point but i think there mission would have been to go to a surveyed Earth Like World they have found far out in the Galaxy and that they are heading into a sector of the Galaxy before maybe being diverted... i doubt they are sent out from Earth to go to Paradise based off any information gained from Prometheus or David.

I think maybe as the company sends out ships to find suitble worlds to Teraform, i would say that Worlds that need no Teraforming at all to support Human life are few and far between as far as within local distance that a ship could get to within a span of 50-100 years....  So the company detect a World far away that may indeed be Earth Like and send off a Colony Mission to explore this World.... they are basically doing the same thing the Missions in INTERSELLA where doing.

so they set off to the location of this WORLD in the year xxxxx and at the time of setting off this World is supposed to be Earth like.... now remember in real life a Star that is seen via naked eye that is 200LY away has taken 200 years for that light to pass to us, if at the time we saw this Star it was then destroyed we would not see the Star disapear from our skies from Earth for 200 years.

Bare in mind this.... and how ever far this world is within Light Years..... by the time the Covenant actually arrive a lot could have changed.... never mind what Hell David has brought to this place by the time the Covenant has arrived....

10 years is enough for David to arrive, bring hell with him... bring Chaos to Paradise, and leave the place a World of destruction and devistation..... the Covenant crew come out of Hyper Sleep and what they find is a World that does not match what they was expecting at the time of there departure...

The biggest mystrey is when did Covenant set off to this World.... was it after Prometheus set off?   We have to remember Prometheus was the Jewel in the Weyland Crown... fastest ship they had.... if not then why would Weyland with such short life span left, go on a ship that would take 2 years to LV-223 when other ships can make it faster...

Thus the Covenant must have been a similar or less spec ship that left Earth a while before Prometheus set off in 2091.....  or it set off after Prometheus but then at a time when a newer faster kind of Ships where produced...  The Nostramo Travels at about 46-47 X Speed of Light and came into production in the year 2101 some 10 years after Prometheus set off....  if we are looking at trying to make the movie fit in as far as Science... within the realms of the Franchise... then a ship produced the same time with same maximum speed, if it set off in the year 2101 would only travel some 150LY by the time the Covenant finds Paradise.

If the Covenant had similar specs as the Prometheus and we assume a 20X Speed of Light Travel, and it set off at around the time that the Prometheus Class of Ship was produced then by the year 2104 then such a ship would reach upto 600 Light Years away.

We have to assume that as of 2091 there was no faster ship and Weyland could not wait a few years for one to be produced thus Prometheus was his one and only ticket to LV-223.... unless Yutani had faster ships but would not allow Weyland to use them?

So i assume the Covenant if they are going to stick to the Science behind the ships in the Franchise Speeds.... then the Covenant would most likely be a ship that had left Earth after the year 2070 but prior to the year 2090....  we cant rule out that it left earlier and was thus slower ship than Prometheus class... the  Heliades class was launched in 2034 and we have to assume they traveled far slower than the Prometheus class that came out in 2071.

The only other explantion would be the Covenant set out after 2091 but before 2104 we need to leave some years for Travel, and then we have to assume that prior to the Nostramo launch in 2101 but after Prometheus in 2091 that within those 10 years another class of ship was produced that either match or excel the speeds of the Nostramo and thus would have to be 50X Light Speed on a 5 year journey thus 250LY distance or a ship that is faster than the Nostramo.

So we yet dont know the Speed of the Covenant, or its departure but we have to safely assume that it is not able to travel at speeds greater than 25LY per year and set off way before the year 2090 but after 2070  or that the ship is faster than the Prometheus and Nostramo and thus faster than 50LY per year but set off sometime between 2096 and 2100

If we have Paradise as being some 500LY + and Covenant sets off after or around when Prometheus did so year 2090 or abouts... then the only way this would happen is if they encounter some kind of Worm Hole..... otherwise... Weyland would wait a few years to go onboard such new craft produced after 2090 but before 2094 that would travel to LV-223 in a matter of months....

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconJan-04-2016 8:50 AM

As far as my meets more than the eye comment.....

The latest information comfirms that the Covenant crew find the Place where David is, some 10 years after Prometheus.... but the same information sugests that Ridley had discussed plans about the movies Plot as of August 2015 with key Production Staff......

This means any information that Ridley had released after August 2015 regarding the next movie, could well be about the Plot.... and he has released information since then until Covenant name was officially released with that allusive synopsis....  the released information between these dates that Ridley had released touched upon David and Shaw and going to Paradise, and Shaw putting David together, and how The Engineers role and agenda was similar to the tale of the Fall of the Angels that rebelled against God in Paradise Lost Poem... and that if the Engineers are our forerunners.... then who and how where Worlds Created to be able to support Life in the first place and allow the Engineers Methods of seeding life to take place.... Ridley pondered that none of this is accidental or coinsidence... that there is more to how Worlds that can support life are witin the Goldielocks Zone to allow Life and even Questioning if the Big Bang was a accidental event or that something more devine was behind it all.

Then he asked... where is the Big Guy in this...

This information was released after September 2015 and so when the Production Staff who mentioned Covenant was set 10 years after Prometheus, released about how Ridley had discussed the Plot of Covenant back in August... why would Ridley mention the things above if they do not play a part somehow?

I also think Micheal Biehns interview gave a MASSIVE CLUE.... he said that he was informed Aliens and Covenant took place on different Worlds and thousands of years apart.

This Logically means we have 3 Plots to the movie.... some Scenes set thousands of years ago... some Scenes set between 2094 and 2104 (David and Shaw and what they find on Paradise) and a majority of the movies plot set about the Covenant Crew after 2104.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJan-04-2016 3:27 PM

In tandem with what your saying Big Dave and in addition to FTL capabilities and the "possible" use of wormholes as was the case in Contact, couldn't both Prometheus and Covenant use gravitational assists from large stellar objects adopting the classic "gravitational sling-shot effect" to get them to their prospective destinations? Think Pioneers 1 & 2 and Voyagers 1 & 2 doing the Grand Tour of the Solar System. Could this technique not be a fundamental prerequsite for attaing vast distances above or below normal space, opting to move through Bulk space and in doing-so 4 or 5 dimensional reality for travel is the norm?...


MemberDeaconJan-04-2016 4:06 PM

I would say that gravitational assists are redundant when it comes down to the creation of FTL Travel.

So as far as Prometheus and Covenant goes we are left with a few Questions....

Was Prometheus traveling to LV-223 at its fastest speed?  If not we have to ask, why on earth not as surely Weyland would want to get to LV-223 for his Agenda sooner rather than latter. Unless there was a matter of some other kind of business left to explore first of great importance... i.e Did Prometheus travel directly to LV-223 or did it have other hidden objectives that the ship had to explore first while the crew were unaware....

However surely the Pilots and Captain would known and Questioned how  Prometheus arrived at its destination slower than intended or possible.

As far as the Covenant goes, there are a few things we dont know that can paint the picture and they are

1) Date the Covenant Class Ship went into Production. (this can detertmine its Tech Level).

2) Date the Covenant had set off on its voyage to what ever destination it was set for (unless the section of space that Paradise is on, is the intended destination from the get go.

3) The distance to Paradise (or the world that the Covenant arrives at to find David).

The synopsis seems to claim that this World is on the far side of the galaxy this leads us to think its very very far as well the Galaxy is 100'000 Light years accross so the far side from Earth could be something over 50'000 Light Years away...

Bare in min Prometheus Synopsis "The discovery of a clue to mankind's origins on Earth leads a team of explorers to the darkest parts of the universe" 

The Darkest Parts could lead us to think far away corner of the Universe never mind Galaxy and 39 Light Years is by no means the futherest parts... but it could mean dark as in not far away but as in a area of the Universe that holds some Sinister goings on.

So we can not be sure where Paradise is... all we can do is go by the data we have in the Franchise as far as a Range.... If we look at Prometheus Class Ship then its maiden voyage was 2073 if we look at this year and when the Covenant would get to Paradise we have about 30 years at the Speed Prometheus traveled to LV-223 would give this ship a Maximum Range within 30 years of upto say 600 LY if we are rounding up/down. (theoretical 20LY per Year)

If we look at the Nostramo Class with a theoretical 50LY per Year, and operation date of from 2101 then its range by the time of Covenant would be just 150 Light years.

The  Heliades class started to explore space in 2034 some 39 years prior to the Prometheus class maiden voyage... we have to assume the Prometheus craft is significantly faster as this seems to be what all information points towards... thus it would be safe to ASSUME a  Heliades class leaving around 2034 would not travel as far as a Prometheus class leaving 39 years latter as far as where would they reach by the year 2104.

So yes there is a lot of unkowns.... and so i can only logicaly assume one of 4 things.

1) The Covenant is a different class of ship that is either produced a few years after Prometheus set off to LV-223 (by the time this New Class was Produced Weyland would have been dead) and that this class of ship can travel faster than the Nostramo class that was created in 2101.  Which we can only assume how fast such a craft would be but it would be right to assume a Speed of 50 LY per Year to 200 LY per Year safe assumption for a range of 500 Light years to 2000 Light Years.

2) The Covenant is a ship that has similar speeds of Prometheus and set off at some point after the Prometheus class maiden voyage 2073 but many years prior to Prometheus setting off in the year 2091 and so the Covenant has been on a 20 year journey maybe less maybe more. But i would assume between 15 years minimum and 25 maximum for a range (based on distance per year Prometheus traveled to LV 223 of.... between 300-500 Light Years.

3) The Covenant was a ship that was created and left prior to the maiden Voyage of the Prometheus Class in 2073 but after the  Heliades class in 2034, if we assume such a craft left between those dates and so around 2050 and assume its speed would be between half of Prometheus and 75% and thus 10-15LY Per year... this give us a range by 2104 of 500 Light years to 800 Light Years.

4) The Covenant regardless of age and when its voyage began encounters some space anomoly that allows it to travel through to a further reaches of the Galaxy or vast distance in a short span of time... i.e a Worm Hole...

I am not sure we would want to go the route of 4)  and so if we look at the others we can only assume maybe Paradise would have to be about 500 Light years away?  But it could be any distance but i would assume it is much futher than the 39 Light Years that LV-223 was away and i cant see it being futher than 1000 Light Years away due to the Time Frame and Technology as far as FTL Speeds within the Franchise prior to the year 2100.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJan-04-2016 4:50 PM

Hmmm.... Well what would be wrong with option 4? We have to assume these things crop-up in the Alien/Prometheus universe as a means to get around... Why have people got a problem with the inclusion of wormholes/black holes/time travel within these films? I want to see how they get around the galaxy explained and explained clearly and if the partial use of wormholes or a black hole(s) or time displacment from one point to another is the means by which they do it then I can accept that. They must do it somehow!....


MemberXenomorphJan-05-2016 4:34 PM

The only reason I'd go with wormholes is to get some weird mind bending field effects ala 'Event Horizon' or the 'The Black Hole' Maybe some wormhole accident gave rise to the Engineers?


MemberDeaconJan-07-2016 5:10 PM

I think the main reason for Worm Hole Flaws  would be how come the Engineers never used them to undo any wrongs in the past and if the company find the location of such a thing that can cause travel through time then it just adds a big mess to what Agenda the company would have... if they had time travel...

Whats worse would be technology that can be used as Time Travel.... i just think such things introduced to the Franchise would cause problems unless..

1) After some War or Event thousands of years ago, the Engineers are all but gone and so they can not take advantage of the Time Travel to correct Problems... or maybe a few Engineers are alive and they made a Covenant to never use the Bio-Weapon Tech or Time Travel again.

But someone from the movie uses it and goes back 2000 plus years ago with the aim to destroy the Engineers on LV-223 but only get as far as LV-426.

2) some events triggers a partial and temporal distrubance in Space.... a Super Nova that rips a hole in Space and Time and Sucks a Engineer Ship into it and thrusts the ship back into the past.....

Maybe somehow they destroy the Planet or System in Covenant and as they Nuke it, and try to travel away onboard a Engineer Ship....  the explosion causes a tear in space and the ship then enters into the Past... and as they go towards LV-223 the Chest Buster event occurs.

Regardless of which of these, we could see Shaw used as the Space Jockey and ultimately a Heroine.... however i dont buy this idea as the size of the Space Jockey and also the Alien SOS.

So for me the Space Jockey is a Engineer or a Race at war with the Engineers, be that another faction or even a Race who created the Engineers and this being the Space Jockey ended up on LV-426 thousands of years ago.

Off Screen Ridley had confirmed this to be the case... he has already told us the Space Jockey Story.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJan-08-2016 8:29 AM

I agree in events that possibly take place as you describe them Big Dave but I want to know how they get there, get around to them. For example how did they traverse all those distances to all those distant planetary systems? And to Earth and back? Unless all those hologram planets were just what they have observed from a distance but didn't physically go there to them, I don't know. But lets say that world at the begining of Prometheus was in fact a primeval Earth (we're not sure now due to the editing down of the film) how and by what means did they traverse the vast distances of space to there and voyage back again? Don't you want to see that explained upon film? I want to see how it is done. It's not satisfying to have it always implied in the background and assumed they jump from here to there to over there between film edits and jump-cuts.

I was wondering if that holographic map of the Engineers was the transit systems they have explored in space like their version of a galactic underground/subway system all linked together with wormholes potentially anchored to massive stellar objects like the stars of those very same systems like our Sun (perhaps thats how they get here, through the Sun Spots that act as temporal enterences and exits from within our own system) or the gas giants that reside within those systems too like our Jupiter, Saturn of the parent planets to LV-426 or indeed, LV-223...


MemberDeaconJan-08-2016 9:02 AM

You bring a interesting case....  The World at the start of the movie... could have been Earth, could have been another World... Ridley said it does not have to be Earth, the Back Story for the Engineers was they create life in many places. Ridley explanded this by saying Earth is not the only place in the Galaxy to support life the way the Engineers created it and there could be many more.

The source i had did go on about bigger things, they even said Paradise is not the Engineers Homeworld at all, it is just the outpost they base creation from within our Galaxy and the theme is bigger than our Galaxy....   now i know  i always said to take it with a pinch of Salt...

Ridley months latter seemed to touch upon a lot of stuff that backs this up, and one latter interview prior to Alien: Paradise Lost.... he speculated that Earth is not the only place where Humans are within the Galaxy.... could he had meant as in colonies that Mankind from Earth had explored?  or that Humans could have been seeded by the Engineers elsewhere in the Galaxy... so we are talking like a Star Wars or a Battle Star Galactic Scenerio.

Ridley touched up on at that time also about the Engineers creating life across the Galaxy, and even proposed that if they are the Forerunners for Life, then it is purely Accidental that worlds like Earth Exist, that are in the Goldy Locks Zone as far as being able to support seeded life... he went on to sugest that Science is not sure even if the Big Bang was a Accident and if so then where is the BIG GUY in all this.

Bare in mind all of the above and i will take you to the Hologram Map...

You will notice the Engineer Activates the Map and in the centre is this Sphere and within it as its inlarged we see lots of dots, and these expand into systems and then planets....

But if you look outside this Map Sphere you will see rotating around the Centre Large Hologram are more Spheres... what is inside this.... planets? NOPE! they are Galaxies.... so we assume they select one of these Spheres that contain a Galaxy and this is then inlarged to the centre of the Orrey as a Map of a Galaxy.....

Thus the Scope of the Engineers Travel is beyond Galaxies... and so yes... there has to be a way they can travel  vast distances... and at speeds maybe we cant comprehend... or indeed they can open and use WORM HOLES!

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconJan-08-2016 9:09 AM

So i can buy a WORM HOLE theory... we then have to ask why did no Engineers from Paradise or other Galaxies come back to find us....   and that a Worm Hole type Technology does not mean something is easy to find...

Earth could be a needle in the Haystack.......   Take Google Earth at the click of a button you could zoom into a above view of my home right now, it wont be close up but its enough to make out the difference between Cars parked outside, be that a Small car, a 4X4 Car, a 7 seater Car or a Bike.. a Van or a Truck....  Some placed on Earth you can even then go to Street View.

If i gave you my Address you could zoom in and get a more close up of my Window im am actually near now.. not as close as to see me, but if you follow street view and move down the street you will see still images of people (faces blurred) out.....

So its easy to find me on the grand scale of the Earth Map..... but how hard is it for you to explore at maximum Zoom every place on Earth?  Near every Place is on Google Earth, but to Zoom in as far as you can then scroll the map to cover every single meter would take more than your life time.

I could not find your home on google without a co-ordinants, you could live in a big Mansion a massive place as big as Buckingham Palace and show me a Photo from outside... if i was to use Google Earth to manually search every building for a Match its a needle in a Haystack.

Give me your Zip/Postal Code and it takes seconds to then Zoom right ontop of your home and see what kind of Cars you have outside, or if you have Swings for Children, a pool? a Hot Tub etc.

This is the best analogy for how maybe the Engineers Tech at best could work... so once the Juggernaught enters Space it could what take moments to reach Earth? we dont know.. maybe there is only certain points that the Worm Hole Tech can take you as far and then you have to Manually travel at FTL speeds from these certain points...

So yes i can buy the Worm Hole theory....  however as long as it is not TIME TRAVEL.

If we had Teleporter Tech in the Future that i just need Google Earth Co-ordinants and then step into my Local Teleporter in the area of the UK i live and then in seconds i am at a location in the USA then if someone on here is in say Texas and invite me to meet them, i could go to my local Teleporter and be with them witin Seconds of stepping into the Teleporter..

But i would not be able to Travel Back in Time....

So yes NO TIME TRAVEL and i am open to any other kind of way of getting from A-Z...

My problem is with regards to how Humans within the Franchise can make such leaps however, with Human Tech.... and so i dont want to see any WORM HOLES... unless its Travel onboard a Engineer Ship.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJan-08-2016 4:17 PM

Big Dave I would absolutely LOVE THE IDEA of those "planetary holographic projections" within the control chamber of the Juggernaught in Prometheus being galactic locations in their own right! I want to see this idea explored as I'm of the thinking that you can fall into a galaxies central black hole and ride an under-space or over-space inter-galactic/interstellar transit system coming out a galaxies black hole, close-too or much further away! I would fucking LOVE THAT IDEA! Travelling through objects an emerging from within them, inter-galactic/interstellar tardis-like effects!

And the idea that either the Engineers or their original "Masters/Creators" are lurking behind the curtains of the universe like a gigantic temporal tardis and that is potentially their long-lost temporal "paradise" is a huge idea! The possibility of closed dimensions, mirror universes and the space between space... I FUCKING LOVE IT!! :-)

Now your talking Big Dave! :-)


MemberDeaconJan-08-2016 5:11 PM

I dont quite want to see Time Travel as far as a Tech the Engineers or their creators have.... but Worm Holes, so they can go from point A-Z without having to go B,C,D,E,F and G etc... i can buy into and it makes sense.  When you consider the Orrey Room showed other Galaxies and so the concept of Travel beyond our Galaxy is not beyond them...

We have to look at this in context of distances... LV-223 was 39 Light Years, if the Engineers have maps for other Galaxies we have to assume they can traverse to them and well the distance is then Millions of Light Years... do the Engineers travel in Cryo Sleep for Millions or Hundreds of Thousands of years?

I am not sure, and i would think they would have a faster means of travel.. via Worm Holes or similar.

The only way i would buy into the Engineers or Creators having Time Travel would be that the ones in our Galaxy on Paradise had been involved in some event some War, that resulted in them all or nearly all of them being destroyed....  and they thus Made a Covenant to never interfere with Earth or Mankind on Earth... and LV-223 or maybe even all Mankind in the Galaxy and all things related to the Xeno DNA and Bio Weapons...

So they could undo events with Time Travel... but they make a Pact a Covenant to let what has happened, to be done and to learn from this and move on...

Then as far as so few Engineers or Creators are concerned... if we are looking at the bigger picture and they can traverse Galaxies then would it be a bit Narrow to assume that its our Galaxy and the location of Paradise that holds the last remains of these Ancient Biengs or Gods.

Surely there would be others in other Galaxies?

But maybe in the context of things as i had discussed on a topic about compare the Orrey Map and Earth to say a location on Google Earth... lets say the very Front Door to your home and a space of 25 Meters within this....  this is your Home your Yard, and Garden and direct Neighbourhood.... but when we zoom out of Google Earth to see the Globe... it its but a insignificant spec, that you can not even see when you are all the way zoomed out.

So maybe other Engineers are unware of Earth, LV-223 or they just consider within the vastness of the Galaxy never mind Universe, we are just a insignificant spec.

The GAME CHANGER however is when David turns up with one of their Ships... as i am sure if they know Mankind has Space Travel and can use Engineer Tech... then this should lead to a concern for the Safety of the Galaxy and Universe at the Hands of Mankind and the Engineers/Gods Secrets.

I still however think the Space Jockey and Xeno Origins are set in the past 2000 years ago and the events of Covenant and David bear no impact upon those events... but thats not to say we cant see how the Xeno Came to be.... if David follows the same recipe and experiment that the Engineers had done in the past..

We can take this as the Deacon of Shaws.. the event that led to this.. could be done again.. after the timeline of Aliens or Alien Resurection... all it would take in theory is a sample of the same Goo that was in the Urn David used and to spike another Male Humans Drink before they had Sexual Intercourse and if we see such a thing done a number of times to a number of test subjects...

Then surely the same or similar Trillobyte could be created, some hundred years after that event in Prometheus... I think the next movie would show the same with the Xeno... or that the Xeno Scenes are Flash Back or Hollogram?   but somehow David can find out the process (or remains) and unleash them again.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconJan-08-2016 5:20 PM

As far as all these Grand Ideas HyperNova..... maybe and hopefully we shall see them.. because the clues point to the Engineers not being Gods, but prawns to Gods, and the whole Scope of the Franchise is HUGE!  it goes beyond Earth, beyond Zeta 2, beyond the Xeno and Ripley...

The Engineers play a part in creation, they are creations themselves and they or their hierarchy have their hands in creation on a Grander Scale... and also role in how Planets can support Life...  how Planets can be located in the right place, with the right set of climate, and rotation.

Maybe even it goes as far as to some Force or Hierarchy playing a role in how Worlds, and Stars are formed.....    A MASSIVE UNIVERSAL SCOPE

This is what to a lesser degree Prometheus hinted at, its what the Source i had sugested was the Actual idea and Plot and not just about the Xenomorph never mind Ripley (the draft they said they had information from which was October 2014 they claimed never had Ripley links) These could be changes made latter... John Logan Draft? after the Summer 2015?

Months latter Ridley was also comming out with connections that lent to such Grand Scale of the Scope of the Engineers and who ever is above them in the Hierarchy.

The Potential is HUGE!  But its a very big BOLD Scope, one maybe too Bold... and hopefully one they are not going to completely abandon for a Xeno and Ripley Fest!

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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