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Prometheus 2 plot, possible just speculation not FACT

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MemberDeaconApr-05-2015 6:43 AM

As i mentioned on THANATOS_CONTAGION post, i had a conversation with someone i know, who said they had spoken to someone who has some idea of what Prometheus 2 is about...

I can only take these as pure Speculation but this person did 6 months ago or near enough, say that they also seen some concept work for the movie....

Anyway here are the things this person was hinting at, and by no means can we take these as FACT in any shape or form, but may be interesting to discus these points if they are some area the movie could go....

1) The Movie will have 3 Plot Elements, and Shaw and Davids mission to find the Engineers Homeworld is just one of those.

2) The Engineers are not God or our creators, but a servant race for some other purpose. So merely as David is to Mankind.

3) Shaw and David will not be getting the Answers they want, what they find is truely Horrifying Agenda. Revalations that seperate even futher the original answers Shaw thought they would find when they got to LV 223 in the first movie.

4) The Movie will give us more of a link between LV 223 and LV 426, and it will provide some answers to the Alien fans but it wont be a Alien based movie.  

I guess the fanboys fix will come from Alien 5

5) There will be two Monsters One new, both will have loose connection to the Xeno but they will be different.

6) There will be some connection between Engineers and Prometheus Myth but this is loosely.... related to the Fire.

7) The movie will not be based largely on Shaw and David shenanigans aboard the Juggernaught but there will be some screen time devoted to Shaw and David during the trip but not actually interacting as such on the ship. As Shaw will be incapacitated for the most part.

8) Prometheus was not the FIRST company mission to the Zeta 2 system.

9) The Black Goo is not quite how its shown in the movie, they are going the route that it is the Origin of Life, the Blood of Life and all creation.  And kind of like from the Tree of Life and Forbiden Fruit.

Pretty much i guess how the Comic Books Fire and Stone was going.

10) If we are expecting a evolution and more depth to the Ancient Aliens connection, this wont be the case but we could see a slight connection as far as some Ancient God connections. As far as Hierarchy and Order of creation.

They kinda said like how David is part of that Hierarchy.

11) David wishes to play God himself and continue the order of Hierarchy.

12) They are following some ideas from Star Beast as far as connection between the said Hierarchy of creation seen in the movies. This could be regards to Engineer connection to their purpose. And connection to Sacrifices.

13) The movie plot has kind of a Matrix and Blade Runner theme to the Agenda of the creators. And Engineers.

14) The movie will have larger cast than Prometheus and so not a small Cast as we may have thought or been led to i.e Shaw and David on a ship to find a God.

15) The comic books followed LV 223 and 426 and while the events show what could happen, the comics are to be considered a alternative. But underlying themes could be explored.

Updated *** as forgot at time of writting this.

17*) There could be some ideas and things that they never got round to include from Prometheus that could be done in Prometheus 2

They said kind of like how AVPR shows what happens to a Face Hugged Predator to create Pred-Alien.... this event is not canon to Alien Franchise, but it is accurate as far as a what if Predators was part of the cannon and got impregnated with Xeno Embryo

The above is kina what was said, it may changed bit word for word as i trying to remeber every detail...

The Person did say to me months before that some Concept work seemed to show like Clones of Babies with tubes and it had a Matrix look as far as how Mankind is kept in Stasis and the Matrix and Alien Resurrection clones and the 6th day Clones Scenes....

Another showed a very Giger looking Facility with a Bio-Mechanical Humanoid connected to it, in a simular fasion to how the Deacon Mural looked in Prometheus.

Again is any of this true...? I cant be sure, but i take it as a pinch of salt, and i expect as months go on we shall see more hersay rumours etc...

LOL anyone remember the early Prometheus screening that was actually nothing like what the movie was... so just assumption and made up based on maybe Scenes shown from Trailers...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

188 Replies


MemberDeaconApr-12-2015 7:31 PM

Anyway those views are what i could make out if i was to give my two sents on the points i was given, but i could be way off with my intrpretation of them as far as fitting with what we seen and know about Prometheus and the sequel... and again... i could have basically tried to give my two sents to information that is pure FAKE... im not sure...

But when i add it all up, and how i see it fit in.. and assume how they could connect it paints a picture that some how kinda has a plausble feel to it...

I guess over the next 6 months stuff should start to come out as far as Prometheus 2, certainly by Christmass i think we would have some clues and comments and maybe ideas of shooting locations etc....

In the mean time all we can do is speculate....

Next i will tackle as i said before the LV 223/LV 426 connection, Xeno connection and Goo as far as what this person said roughly and how could that be explained and fit in?

Im sure that seeing what ever David does with the Goo, and what ever another mission to LV 223 finds when added up would provide some more clues to the connections.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-16-2015 5:05 PM

12) They are following some ideas from Star Beast as far as connection between the said Hierarchy of creation seen in the movies. This could be regards to Engineer connection to their purpose. And connection to Sacrifices.

I have been trying to think of what this could be....  the person did say that the relation between Engineers, their creators and purpose as far as Hierarchy of creation they would be using some unused ideas from Star Beast in its similar connection to Sacrifices..

Alien had to leave out some of Star Beast ideas, Prometheus has been influenced by some more of those that never made it to Alien.

Im just trying to think what was never used in Alien, and what maybe not used in Prometheus that was in Star Beast as far as any link to the goings on as far as maybe that Temple and Organism and Sacrifices...

Only few things i could come up with are....

Star Beast tried to show us.....

The Temple Comblex had a Sacrifical Chamber with Mural and Fresco, and Prometheus Mural and Big Head room had a similar look and purpose. So to a degree Prometheus covered this...

But Star Beast was sugesting that the Temple was what was left of a Ancient Alien Civilization that had long since been vanished, and there World is now baron and dead, but beneath one of their Temples was the Chamber that contained the Star Beast Spores/ Urns.

To a degree this could been covered in Prometheus because these Temples are what was left of the Engineers Civilization  on LV 223 complex that they had left clues on Earth how to reach.. with only one Surviving Engineer (or so we are lead to believe at present).

But could this be what we also see on Paradise?  A Baron World that was once different and full of life, and Ancient Alien Civilization that is all but gone....?

Star Beast hinted that the Temple was...

"Then that tomb... must have been some
               kind of fertility temple... where
               they stored their eggs, and maybe
               held mating rituals... "

Thus was a place where the young/starting cycle to the Alien Organism was kept and where Rituals was performed to allow its life cycle to begin....

Again Prometheus could be classed as showing us that with the Mural Room etc..

Star Beast shows us that another lifeform was used to be Hosts for the Organism, and ths Sacrifical Host was shown to be a Organism very Alien, that had like a Ant head like look as far as Mandables goes, or could it be beaked?

The background information sugests that the Ancient Race on the World of where Star Beast was, used a beast similar to how we have say Cows or Ox, and that these was used by this Ancient Race to be Sacrificial Hosts for the purpose of allowing their off spring i.e Eggs/Spores to begin its Life Cycle... i.e via Face Huger to Host...

But Star Beast seems to show this Organism reaches a Adult Stage then it uses Hosts to mutated into Eggs/Spores to re-start its Life Cycle......  With for some reason no Hosts to use, and maybe some other event that left the Star Beasts Civilization in ruin... and the World had become Baron.... maybe after a War..? or just after many many thousands of years there became next to nothing left of this Ancient Alien Culture.

So if this Temple contained the Eggs/Spores and of the Ancient Alien race who built the Temple, they must have been inteligent, the Temple is described as having an ancient tomb full of fantastic artifacts.

But i cant rememer where i read or found out, but i think its same place that i found information about the Sacrifical Animal in Star Beast Mural that was to this Alien Race as a Cow or Ox is to us...

I am sure i also found out that it sugested that the Spores and Star Beast was not the same Race that created the Temple and Drew the Mural and created all those artifacts.

O'Bannon did refer to after Alien draft that the Temple that contained the Eggs was that the Organism was like the (Blood Related) Yog-Sothoth from the Cthulhu Mythos  and now when we think of that the Star Beast Mural does show creatures that look like some depictions to the Yog-Sothoth the Octopoid Face Huger from the Leathry Urns/Spores does have that look to it, which also Shaws Trilobite after C-Section did.... Latter the Star Beast in the Mural is shown to look even more like the Yog-Sothoth and also like the fully grown Trilobite.

O'Bannon then also said the place Alien/Star Beast takes place on is the World of the Great Old Ones from the Cthulhu Mythos.  I think the early idea was the planet was not a planet but a Astroid that was once Part of Planet of the Great Old Ones which then evolved into being a Planetoid that once contained some Ancient Alien civilization.

This makes more sense that some other Race created the Temples and had the Ancient Civilization than the creatures from which the Spores are part of.. i.e  a O'Bannon take on the Yog-Sothoth so the actual Ancient Civilization was that of O'Bannons take on the Great Old Ones

Anyway i am not 100% the best when it comes to H. P. Lovecraft. work..

But Prometheus and maybe Star Beast does seem to have some elements of At the Mountains of Madness to it, so maybe the Elder Things (Ancient Race who built the Temples) and Shoggoths (Star Beast Spores) could fit more to what Star Beast was showing..

i.e that the Temples beloned to a long lost Ancient Culture that is now vanished... leaving behind inside their Temples some other Organism for some purpose..

Funny enough the Elder Things are described as being the first extraterrestrial species to come to the Earth, colonizing the planet about one billion years ago.  This kind of seems similar to the Prometheus Elder Engineers Scene.

Anyway gone off Track a Bit lol

Back to it...

So Star Beast shows us Ancient Culture that is now gone, with all that was left is a Temple, that contains Some Organism (Spores) that is  the Star Beast (which becomes the Alien/Eggs).  Are we to assume the Alien built the Temples? Or some other Race?

If so and from what some information and comments by O'Bannon sugests, have we not already explored this with Prometheus?

Star Beast showed a Mural with the Spore/Star beast Life Cycle.... in Alien Gigers redesign of the Fresco/Murals for Alien showed instead of some Alien looking Organism, that had a Ant head look or a Beaked Organism look, that was used for the Sacrifice to procreate the Star Beast......  This Organism described as being the Ancient Cultures equivalent to a Cow.. is replaced by Humanoid Race in Space Suits, that look somewhat to a degree to the Engineers in Prometheus....

Gigers alternative Face Huger designs show Bald Headed Unmasked beings being Sacrificed, who's suits look like the Masked ones in Gigers unused Alien Mural only with Mask Removed..

Do these beings (Space Jockey/Engineers) represent the Sacrifical Creature in the Star Beast Mural and so are neither the Star Beast/Alien for whom they are Sacrificed to procreate.  Neither are they prehapese the Ancient Race that created the Temple in Star Beast...

Ridley said they never wanted to meet God in Prometheus and so our Engineers who seem to be doing a lot of Sacrificing (also on the Mural in Prometheus) are not GODS

Thus there could be some other Race/Being or something else that are the Gods...

So while Star Beast's Temple etc has some connection to Prometheus.....

Prometheus shows us that LV 223 is not the Homeworld of the Ancient Race that created the Temples and Xeno....

Wether this Paradise Homeworld would be in ruin as the Ancient (unseen) Civilization in Star Beast was.... or not we cant be sure...

But as far as the Hierarchy and Sacrifices goes...  and connection to Star Beast, maybe its showing us that our Engineers are purely created to serve a purpose for some other more Ancient Races Agenda, and maybe part of that is to play Host to some Organism related to the Xeno as far as ancestry?

So will we see the Ancient Race at the top of that Hierarchy and can we peice together that our Engineers are merely servants and Sacrifices to their Agenda... and somehow a Organism related to the Xeno plays a part in that Agenda?

I know this post is long winded.... but i really am trying to think... What unused idea from Star Beast in Relation to the Hierarchy of the Ancient Culture who created the Temple in Star Beast and the Spores within it and Sacrifical Aspects could make it to Prometheus 2?

If we go back to the SYNOPSIS of Star Beast.... in relation to that...

"Certain clues in the wrecked ship lead them across the hostile surface of the planet to a primitive stone pyramid, the only remnant of a vanished civilization.  Beneath this pyramid they find an ancient tomb full of fantastic artifacts.  Lying dormant in the tomb are centuries-old spores"

"Then that tomb... must have been some kind of fertility temple... where they stored their eggs, and maybe held mating rituals... "

Now if i go back to what the person who said there was a connection to un-used Star Beast Hierarchy Elements.... they described seing also Concept work of a Vast set of Chambers like Cryo Pods like the Scene from Matrix when Neao is awoken from the Matrix... and these Tubes contain Clones of Humanoid Babies similar to some shots from Alien Resurections....

Could this fit in with the some kind of fertility temple... where they stored their eggs as in we are not talking Eggs but a Facility where they are growing some Organisms?  could this be Engineer clone Facility?

I just still cant fit the un-used Star Beast Hierarchy Elements and Sacrifcial aspects in anyway apart from that there is some other Ancient Race on Paradise that are producing Engineers for servant and Sacrifical Purposes...

Could this fit in with maybe a Rebelion by some of these Engineers who was fed up of being used in such a way, and some how this is how Mankind came to be... maybe in such a way that the Annunaki Tale tells of a Rebelion by the Iggi Gods against their Annunaki Hierarchy and so Mankind was created to take the place of the Iggi...

This Mankind created to take the place of the Engineers as Sacrifices?

I just cant be sure....


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-16-2015 5:27 PM

Just going through Cthulhu Mythos The Elder Things and Shoggoths as far as connection and not appearence.... could sugest a Annunaki/Iggi relation a Gods/Angels a Titan/Olympian....  In that the Shoggoths was created as a Servent Race by the Elder Things but the Shoggoths rebelled and thus caused the demise of the Elder Things civilization.

The Cthulhu Mythos has the Elder Things as being in a War with 3 Races...

1) Star-spawn of Cthulhu

2) Great Race of Yith 

3) Mi-go

Could one of these fit in with the Alien Xeno or its Original Ancestor?

Whats interesting also is the Ubbo-Sathla to some degree does have some links to the Black Goo...

So maybe the Shoggoths are our Engineers and not the Xeno or related Organism in context of Prometheus being based on some loose elements of Cthulhu Mythos?

But then the Shoggoths are also described in a way that we could interpret as the Black Goo..

Anyway i do not know if and how much of Alien/Prometheus is based on the above Mythos...

In context to the Star Beast connection i can only assume that our Engineers could have been created by a Ancient Race for some purpose and a faction of them rebelled against their Hierarchy is concerned..

How Mankind and Xeno fits in with it i am not so sure.... maybe  the Engineers in part was used as Sacrifices for the Xeno or related Origins? And Mankind was created to replace the Engineers.. who knows... this trying to figure out the connection between Engineers, their creators, Mankind and the Xeno in relation to anything not used from Star Beast is certainly hard to figure out..

But then again as i have said these notes about potential Plot points from Prometheus 2 could all be just Fake and in no way real at all. So i am trying to make sense of something that never is lol


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-21-2015 9:34 AM

5) There will be two Monsters One new, both will have loose connection to the Xeno but they will be different.

Now Bare in mind was a while ago now... i am sure they said TWO main Monsters, but they could have meant more than one Monster but ONE will be New

Trying to figure this out and Ridley had said there would be a New Monster and one that will be like the Original but a more fresher take on it and different to those in Prometheus which he felt was too close to the Aliens we saw in the Alien Franchise.. but how can he do a fresher take on the Original?  and i think me meant the Alien one or the Giger work it was based off..

We know Ridley said David is bringing Hell with him (Black Goo) and what happens if that stuff infects a God or Machine..... so maybe we can safely assume that what ever David unleashes will provide us with the NEW Monster...

This does not have to mean this is the only Organism apart from Engineers and Humans and Androids.... i think Ridley means this NEW Monster is something they are going to be showing us connected to the Black Goo.

But if we are to also be shown a second mission to LV 223, then regardless of not seeing the Deacon or Hammerpedes, and even assuming that all the Goo released in that Temple and also the crashed Juggernaught ... is of no more use... i.e its spilled but has dried up and has no effects...

We stilll have maybe other Temples to explore, there would have to be other places where the Many More Engineer ships  are docked, and do they contain the same Goo?  or a different version...

So there is much potential for seeing new Monsters and not just ONE...  But as that person said ONE IS NEW do we get to see the Hammerpedes or Deacon?  Or is other infections with the Goo on LV 223 just going to produce similar results that we have seen in Prometheus?


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-21-2015 9:43 AM

9) The Black Goo is not quite how its shown in the movie, they are going the route that it is the Origin of Life, the Blood of Life and all creation.  And kind of like from the Tree of Life and Forbiden Fruit.

Pretty much i guess how the Comic Books Fire and Stone was going

15) The comic books followed LV 223 and 426 and while the events show what could happen, the comics are to be considered a alternative. But underlying themes could be explored.

I can only assume that they are going the route that the Goo is going to be shown to be something that is similar to what the Comic Books shown, and that it is a Biological Substance that not only can manipulate and Evolve/Mutate Life... but that it in effect is the basis for all LIFE

What is interesting is the Tree of Life and Forbiden Fruit..... could this mean the Goo is the FIRE if it forms the basis for creating and evolving all Life, that would fit in with the "sometimes to create one must destroy"

But why was the Engineers messing about with the stuff on LV 223, was they using it to create something they maybe should not have..?  Or is that what ever they was doing down there was a way to extract or obtain the Blood/Goo of Life from something?

But then the Tree of Life got my thinking there has to maybe be some Biological Element they are going to show that is the source of the Black Goo, where it comes from and that it would have some symbolic connection to the Tree of Life and Forbiden Fruit.

Does this stuff come from God... or who ever or WHAT EVER will be shown to be the devine being...

But then how does Ridleys David is bringing Hell and what if the Goo effects God or a Machine Qoute mean?   If this substance comes from the Blood or Body of some being or creature or Biological Giger Horror peice,  then how can the Goo infect it?

I think we may have to look at what we seem to be shown in the Comics, and while not take them as THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS NEXT but rather a this is what happens IF?

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-21-2015 10:05 AM

4) The Movie will give us more of a link between LV 223 and LV 426, and it will provide some answers to the Alien fans but it wont be a Alien based movie.  

I guess the fanboys fix will come from Alien 5

Now for the BIG ONE the burning question....

But then i am not sure exactly how they would connect LV 223 and LV 426 as well Prometheus did do that, only vaguely... and i dont think they are going to go the route of showing us the Space Jockey and how he got down there on LV 426 and Eggs etc... or like a Spaight draft...

Maybe it could.... but maybe it would just provide futher links between the Space Jockey and Xeno Eggs on LV 426 and LV 223...

Prometheus gave us the Mural and Frescos that gave suptile clues of some connection, we saw the effects of the Goo that seemed to connect to Xeno DNA, and how a set of events that led to Shaws Baby that was in essence a Human/Xeno Hyrid Face Huger that thus lead to a Human/Xeno Hybrid Chest Buster.....

We was shown that the Juggernaughts and Derelict are similar, they peform the same task.... however one Cargo was Urns containing Goo that under certain circumstances can produce a Face Huger/Chest Buster releated Life Form.....    the other contained Eggs that contain Chest Buster Life Forms.... via Face Huger.

There has to be a connection and that is that one of these 3...

1) Goo can lead to a Organism that leads to the Eggs. (does not have to be laid), i dont by the Urns become Eggs idea..

2) The Goo comes from the Eggs via re-weaponizing them.

3) There is something that produces the Eggs but also the Goo can come from also.

Maybe we would get more suptile links? 

Will we get our clues from the Engineers Homeworld?  would that hold some connection to the Xeno Eggs or the creatures in the Mural?   Will we get our answers by something David does with the Goo that goes on to produce something related to those Eggs? (not saying David's actions are why the Eggs are on the Derelict).

If there is another mission to LV 223 or indeed LV 426 or a mission that can decode some of the Signal or gain clues as to more of what LV 223 is as far as connected to LV 426.....

We had those vague clues in Prometheus.. another mission to explore that Temple, the Juggernaught or other Temples, or something they encounter could maybe provide more links to the Xeno and Eggs?

We just cant be sure.... i mean the LV 223 and LV 426 link could be more vague that that as far as Xeno DNA....  Prometheus hinted that LV 223 was at some point being used as a Weapons Facility to create and test Bio-Weapons and that somehow this Bio Weapon was connected to the Xeno Eggs and a Creature that has some connection to the Xeno....

We could just be given more clues to the purpose behind why this place started to create these Bio Weapons and maybe what was the Goal of the Goo, was they testing it and trying to make sure first that a CERTAIN result would be obtained?  

Or was the using something to try and re-engineer?

So its not quite sure how and what they would show that would provide more answers....   Prometheus never did, it just left clues and the movie was done in a way that some was tooooo vague... and also a bit of a mess and incoherent, so maybe its more likewise clues that are less vague and less ambigious or incoherent.

One Example was the Juggernaught..... the other 3 Cryo Pods was Chest Busted, and the Props used showed 100% Chest Buster Holes and not the size of Deacon Holes i.e the Human/Xeno Face Huger that produced a Fetus that was near fully formed and had a lot of Human DNA.

But they could had been chest busted by something more similar to our Original Face Hugers, or something that would lead to a Chest Buster event all the same...

Why was those Engineers Chest Busted.... maybe we could see more clues to that?

What ever is shown, this person says it would provide some more clues to the fans as far as the Xeno Eggs relation to LV 223 and LV 426....  but it seems it wont be a Xeno fest like Spaights draft...

But somethings that Alien 5 movie would show would connect to the Xeno DNA/Eggs on the Derelict and what our Engineers had got themselves involved with in Prometheus but more in a Xeno Fest way...


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-28-2015 4:35 PM


And as i was busy, i may have forgoten some now lol, but Thursday i spoke a bit to the person who informed me of the stuff in this Topic, and he added some things, they are not new things but stuff he forgot to mention before hand...

Again with pinch of salt here is what THEY said and then my thoughts on it....

Fans hopping to hear the Space Jockey Story and for the Space Jockey to be something Alien. Will be disapointed as their will be clues but we wont get to see the actual Space Jockey mission, crash and how those Eggs got on that ship... There would be more clues to some connection between the LV 223 and LV 426 goings on..  The Space Jockey however is just a Engineer, and overtime he grew out of his Chair.

Do we need to know what happened? Will we let go of the Space Jockey not looking like our Engineers?  We just have to accept it, Ridley has said they are connected, the movie shows that for all intensive purposes Space Jockey/Engineer Derelict and Juggernaught are the same of very related.....   The purpose is the same, Bio-Weapon Cargo Carrying War Ships.... one has Eggs the other has Urns and maybe we would get some connection to how that could be.... who knows.

There is to be more clues but i guess how vague they would be is anyones guess, Prometheus left a lot, just you had to think about them.  The Chest Busted Cryo Pods on the Juggernaught are maybe another massive clue... and maybe another mission to LV 223 could study them in more depth, maybe interpret the Engineer goings on and Temple hieroglyphics and Mural more?

David and Shaw are set to meet more than one Life Form...

Again what is more than one?  is 3 Engineers 3 lifeforms? or one kind of life form, does any new Monster count..... well i would assume as the Engineer says he comes from Paradise we could see some Engineers, but Ridley said he never wanted to meet God in the first movie so our Engineers are not God and so there would be some other Race.  But how many who knows.... More than one is well very vague and ambigious.

The Hammerpedes wont feature, they only have limited life Span just as the Xenomorph does,  but they could procreate like the Xeno does.  But those unfortunate to go to LV 223 are not going to be Alone.  This is where one of the Two Main monsters will be shown.

What does that mean? Maybe the Adult Deacon? Also how long would a rescue mission take and be sent out?  So we dont know how long the Hammerpedes could live for.. and if indeed Xeno DNA produces Organisms that have a limited Life Span then this makes great sense as far as a Bio-Weapon goes... It would fit in with Alien canon, and even AVP as far as that Temple....and what if the Predators die but Xenos dont...

Hammerpedes as part Worm can re-produce they are hermaphrodites if they have Worm traits and so Two Hammerpedes could mate and thus both would get pregnant and produce Eggs, that are stored in a cocoon....   What could a Part Xeno Worm do?

Also the comment above could explain why no Xenos was found on the Derelect but only Eggs for some reason the Eggs Survive. And can do so for period of time.  I am not sure if it was Alien ideas, or in Aliens and who said it but i think someone on the production team hinted the Xeno only had limited life Span... But how long is limited?

The Goo is actually a Parasitic Micro Organism, similar to some kinds of Algae, it also is a Catalyst for creating and manipulating Life. It acts like a Virus.

Now when i think about that... some stuff that never added up now does... David did say "Organic" he also said "Big Things have Small Beginings" and when we see him examine the Drop on his Finger we did see inside the like buble of Goo it apear to be reacting there was movement inside... i thought it was a chemical reaction as the Goo had been exposed to enviromental changes....   we see the consistancy of the Goo at the start change as soon as the Sacrifical Bowl was opened.

However.. Micro Organism?  This is exactly what Spaights draft was.. Nano Scarabs.. what if the flying Scarabs was replaced by Nano Organisms.....  but why does it have a Goo apearence..?  Maybe because it contains hundreds of thousands if not millions of nano micro organisms...

come to think of it look at Sperm.... yep its a Sticky Goo like white/clear substance but under the microscope we get..

Is this what Holloways Eye Worm was? 

Also in the back ground of the Prometheus Fresco we have strange shapes....

Similar is found in the Alien unused one!

I always wondered what they was..... maybe indeed then these are what the Goo contains?  Certainly has to make me think about how i thought the Goo came from lol

The Xenomorph wont be shown but clues like we saw in the movie would be expanded upon but they are a combination of two Organisms DNA well the Origins are and one strand of DNA is Engineers.

If true how can this be.... the Fresco as shown above was interesting... is this connected?  The other one showed us a Xeno like Hands holding A Egg but  if we examine it more than it could actually be the creature in other Fresco, it has the same hands and arm.... so is his creature the result of Engineer DNA and something else... or is it these two in that fresco when combined that gives us the Origin to the Xeno.?

If this is true then it appears the Engineers created the Xeno or they was used by some other being to create the Xeno, the Xeno could still be Millions of years old however as our Engineers seem to be more than Millions of years old.

Also if the last two points are true, well it kind of goes against what i was interpreting as how they could have came across the Xeno and what the Fresco and Mural meant.... to a degree i must be a bit wrong but some parts would still fit.


Thats all i can recall.... if i remember more i would post.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMay-11-2015 6:33 PM

Just realised when i looked at the OT...


I had 17 points..... but only 1-15 and no 16 actually i was told 18 or 19 points i must have edited the OT and deleted some by mistake i trying to think what those points was...

16) was about Budget as the person claimied its 50% more than Prometheus so $180M

18)  They told me that they had a finished draft as far as October 2014... and its just commitments of Ridley and cast members that is needed to be sorted.  And a few things had been slightly changed since then but as of March it was pretty much similar to the Final Draft they had in October....

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMay-11-2015 6:38 PM

When i read at the info released by these few sites, the points do seem to fit with what i was told at the end of March.




R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconSep-19-2015 6:19 PM

Well i have spoken to the person who informed me about the Leaks today... this person has not first hand seen or been told anything, it is someone who had informed him... so its kinda one of them potential friend of friend of someone in the know scenerios and so as i said before take it with Pinch of Salt....

I asked if they had any more news or information and they said they spoken to that person last about 3 weeks ago and they dont wish to give more information but they indeed still claim what they said is True as Far as the ideas behind the movie as far back as early this year.. And that the more information that comes out and leaks that may occur such as Production Information will come to light after November and why they said come November we should start to see more and more things maybe being found out...  the person i know who spoken to this other person said that they mean its after November Production mainly starts and this would include gearing up for Shooting and thus, Costumes, Props, Locations and Cast Members will all start to be well away and so after November is when we could see the odd photo here and there are certain things... such as like when leaked photos of the Star Wars Sets came to light during Production of those last year etc.

The person i know tried to gauge some answers about certain things but not much new was said apart from that when this person had the information which was end of March the Person who gave him it had gained inside information about early March and end of Febuary.... and back since March 2015 the status of the Movie was as follows.

Draft Finally completed as of October 2014 (but changes can happen once shooting is about to start, and i guess a example of this is how some parts and dialog was different in Lindeloffs Final Draft compared to what we actually got on Screen and was Shot... i.e the Final Draft will enter a Shooting/Action Script and changes can happen at this point.

In the Process of September to December 2014 ideas about the Plot and Draft had been fleshed out as far as how they want things to look and so then Concept work started at the end of the year but also carried on early 2015 but its a work in progress as not much time is dedicated due to Ridleys other Projects.

As of March they had some Concepts worked on, and roughly knew what kind of Budget that the movie would have to work towards but this can change but its supposed to be 50% more than the Total Prometheus Budget but things can make this rise during Production..... the person seems to think there is a chance that a few things may be allowed to slightly go over budget rather than having to be scrapped due like with Prometheus Scenes they could not budget for....  If this is true then indeed it seems after some of the disapointments with Prometheus.. Fox and Ridley really do want to push things with this movie and make this one RIGHT!  This could also mean why they may indeed try and be less vague with stuff as far as unanswered questions because of criticism regarding Prometheus and its half answered questions.

They said indeed Casting was not yet done by then (March 2015) but they would have some ideas who to draft in and yes we all know Rappace and Fassbender are scheduled but off course they have to work around those Actors and others they want to sign up.. Work Schedule.  But the movie has a Larger Cast, and all the supposed Leak said is still the movie would require a Larger Cast than Prometheus.... and the tone this was mentioned the person i know thinks points to not just a few more cast members but its unknown how vastly more cast is needed.

Production was set to begin Fall 2015 and Shooting to Wrap up for most part by end of March 2016,  that was the idea as far as back in March 2015 but offcourse it looks like this has been pushed back but the leak has no information on this as they have not heard nothing new...  they either (if they telling the truth) are not directly involved... or they are keeping tight lipped.  So from this source they cant confirm a Shooting time only that it was to Originally Planned to Wrap up by end of March for majority of principal photography.

The person did not know the release date but they said it would  be unlikely in 2016 and more likely to be a March-April 2017 but thats not Garunteed but they said it looks likely to be released between Spring and Summer 2017 for certain.....

As far as new information on the Plot, the persons source said they have not had no changes or news since March 2015 and they had told them that the information given in March was all they could release... but they have touched up explaining a bit of that a bit more but are unwilling to spill more beans..

So only new things that are not new, but what the person i know was not told at the end of March but is information from then are as follows...

The movie has a very Bold Plot, they are trying to distance the Engineers and Earth and all the Ancient Culture and Gods links as far as Religons i.e  Gods created Earth and all thats on Earth connection, they wish to tone that down, well actually going for the route that Earth is not Important we are not the Centre of the Universe as in Ancient Cultures and Myths including Bible and Greek Myths etc.....  but we can draw lose connections between how Mankind came to come up with such stories and connection to the Engineers.  They said the movie is not about Mankinds creation by Godlike biengs in our Galaxy never mind Solar System but something more broader.

They also said that Paradise is not the Engineers Homeworld as such... just the focal point of the Engineers and the Hierarchy in regards to our Galaxy and it stands between the Galactic Centre and Earth.... and so is very far away.  They said the idea is to drop hints that the Engineer came from Paradise but this place is not where Creation is based from....

The person i know interprets this as if we look at Prometheus and God Connection, then yes we are talking about God and the Garden of Eden, Heaven and Hell which is set within our Planet located in our Solar System, and other cultures likewise are set in similar seting as far as Gods/Creation... be that Heaven or Mount Olympus or Nibiru or what ever.......    And he thinks reading from what he was told its not limited to the God/Creation as per Bible and other Ancient Cultures... as back then thousands of years ago most cultures did not know about the Galaxy and its size.... but this person and i agree seems to read into the information given to them, that you know what... it goes futher than these Engineers being from some place in our Galaxy.. they could be touching upon more than our Galaxy but the Universe in General....  In which case whoever the Higher Biengs could be... it could be that they  are not unique to our Galaxy and so Paradise could be just the Homeworld in our Galaxy but maybe not the only Headquarters.

Other Plot elements they only added few details, which sugest there are multiple layers of creation and it does not start with the Engineers and may not end with David... So far we have seen Engineers => Mankind => David.. but there are levels above this and maybe could be below...  (Well Ridley has hinted they may meet Gods in this movie and that they never wanted to met God in the first and Thus our Engineers are not the top of the Hierarchy.) They added that the theme of Father and Son and Son growing to be and see themselves as equal or greater than there Father and challenge for dominance and so Rebelion as a theme will be explored and Prometheus shows us the seeds of that within the movie.... and we see this in Ancient Culture and Religon right from the Bible and Lucifers Rebelion to overthrow God and Gods fear of this and War and casting Satan out of Heaven...  and with the Greek Mythos we see this on Multiple Levels,  of Father Son, Fear of Betrayal, Rebelion and being overthrown that results in drastic measures as we see, for example they said how Cronus ate his Own Children but Zues was replaced with a Stone... etc

They was told in March about lose connections to such things, as i mentioned on my first post about this so called leak.... well the above is just what 3 weeks ago the person i know managed to get from the source as far as a expantion....

As far as The Goo, they never added much to it only that it is the Power/Lifeforce that alllows for all creation and its a powerful Tool that has many applications and the movie of Prometheus vaguely tried to send us down a connection of use of such Power Corupts and can lead to destruction and what we was seeing was in a way similar to stealing of Fire by Prometheus and the Eating of the Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge etc.  The next movie will losely cover these things...

As far as Monsters they wont give any information but said the movie touches upon many Species of Life, and that two lifeforms we will see would be losely connected to the Xeno DNA.... and they cant give more information apart from that David wants to play God himself.

When asked about Alien links, they said the movie is distance from that but there would be answers that would vaguely explain LV 223 and what that was all about but not going to be concentrating on that aspect as the movie wishes to explore more deeper events...  But after the movie there would be more clues that people can use to add up a Xeno/LV 223 and LV 426 connection but we wont have a Spoon Fed explanation to the Xeno or Space Jockeys Story and we may never get a Spoon Fed Answer.

The person asked the source about Shaws death again and they said Shaw does not Die... but there is a big role she plays but they can not give any information on that..... this was said 3 weeks ago... in June the person said to this before... Technically Shaw does not Die... what ever that means....

They asked about what was meant by Prometheus was not the first time Mankind had been to the LV 223/LV 426 system.... they said again they cant say but we shall find out....

They are unwilling to go into details... and cover other stuff but the person i spoke to said while he source is not being as giving... they said more will come to light after Fall 2015 and by Summer 2016  there would be enough information out there that would SUPPORT THEIR CLAIMS!

Finally i forget the person said indeed the movie is set up to be more than 2 and how Bold the ideas are they could go off and make more than 3 movies with the Universe they are expanding... But this it not to say we are going to see a Prometheus 2,3, 4 and 5 etc...

So thats latest i can pass on, and again take it with a Pinch of Salt, as i have not directly spoken to would be source etc and it could be all just a Hoax... but they claim as time goes on that we will see things match what they said and we find out for sure by sometime in 2017...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconSep-19-2015 6:45 PM

" Power Corupts and can lead to destruction and what we was seeing was in a way similar to stealing of Fire by Prometheus and the Eating of the Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge etc"

cant seem to edit but i forget to add, what they said was not destuction so you have bare in mind some stuff i may not relay it word for word.... anyway they said like regard to stealing of Fire and Forbiden Fruit.... that play with Fire and you may get Burnt and that Eating of Tainted Fruit has consequences and as in both related to the use of forbiden knowledge leads to Corruption and disasterous consequences (no destruction sorry) but i guess it can imply the same thing...

So yeah... if these leaks are all BS! they are interesting none the least... but they claim they are Legit but off course certain things can be changed and tinkered with from Final Draft to Shooting Script....  so be interesting to see....

But when i look at certain things said back in March 2015 they are now starting to add up to comments Ridley is comming out with as of late.....  everything regarding Prometheus not bieng the first time Mankind had been in that system from Alien/Prometheus.... got me thinking did they send a earlier mission or a probe, but would that technically count... Mankind has not been on Mars.. or past the Moon... but our Probes and Crafts (Voyager 1+2) Have so is that in a way that Mankind has explored or been to futher places than Earth?

But now looking at Ridleys comments........  as of this month.... about how Humans may not only be limited to Earth, and how he said before the Scene at the start does not have to be Earth at all........  then who knows.. maybe Mankind being on LV 223 say before year 2093 could be that what if Mankind was created someplace else and then seeded on Earth.... was we created on LV 223? that would be like WOW! what a cool idea..... or could it go in  way of Engineers comming to Earth over the past and taking some Humans to LV 223, for experiments?  We just dont know..

But i am now thinking the leak i got, of Prometheus was not Mankinds first visit to the Zeta 2 system as got me now thinking its actually physically that Humans have been there before.... and maybe as in thousands of years before...

Like the information about TWO MONSTERS.... Ridley backed that up later by saying there will be a New Fresher form of the Original Monster.... this source also said back in March that we shall see more than One Species and the movie has a Larger Cast....  and well Ridleys new comments seem to be pointing at the Engineers and who ever is above them playing a role in Creation Across more than Earth, as in Creation is vast.... and he said there could be Millions of Earth like Planets.....

So i am very excited as Ridley is exploring a Very Bold and Vast.... direction with this movie... and so yes some things comming to light are adding up with what was said to me in April from someone who had this information at the end of March..

Bring on 2017 ;)

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-29-2015 12:49 AM

One of the writers of the last movie said at a meet and greet a few years ago that the Engineers were based off the Biblical Nephilim.Also said that the ones who created them were very much still around in the Universe,didn't add anymore to that comment.With Scott bringing up the poem "Paradise Lost" it's pretty simple to see what elements the next movie will have.


MemberDeaconSep-29-2015 8:46 AM

Yes as i replied in your other post... we cant rule out a Nephilim connection..... Ridley However keeps refering to the Engineers as Fallen Angels.... but there is no reason that they cant be Nephilim..... i think loosley they could be connecting to the Bible in a Metathoricall way and not Literal

Also i feel they are more loosley connecting to Paradise Lost Version of Events as opposed to those in the Bible....

When i was trying to figure out the Movie then i looked at what was similar to all Ancient Cultures and Religon and especially the Bible and Greek as those are the ones that are linked to in a Metathoricall way in the movie..

When i think of that... i was then always drawn to the Annunaki Tale as bieng the one that connects those two... this Tale is also the Oldest Recorded of Gods and Mankind and Creation and its Fable has many things that we could see the Bible and Greek Mythos as being based off...

And yes some refer to the Annunaki as Nephilim.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconOct-06-2015 4:29 PM

Here is a update that i got today... apparently..

As far as Ripley goes and the source i have, they wont spill no beans but said as far as they was aware Ripley does not feature at all in the next movie, and the movie was planned over 3 parts and one part would deal with loosely LV 426 and how the company knew more or less what was there on LV 426 before re-routing the Nostromo but nothing about Ripley being involved in the next movies time line...

They also said Shaw and David will be off to near the centre of the Galaxy over 3500 parsecs they said, not Light Years if this is the case that would take Prometheus over 600 years.. we have to assume the Engineers Ships are faster but how faster?

The person wont release no info.... not any more but said that come Novermber stuff will become more apparent that adds up to what they was saying....

Either this person has been making it up.... or not read the entire draft, or that indeed Ripley wont be in Alien:Paradise Lost.... or indeed maybe they could have re-written the draft they had finished in October 2014?

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-08-2015 6:11 AM

This is probably a long stretch but what if the Engineers had brought early human ancestors to 223, 1000s of yrs before, as in the early civilizations of man to experiment on them. And maybe something went badly wrong there to do with the outbreak.


MemberDeaconOct-09-2015 9:30 AM

Well one theory i had was that if we look at the Sacrifical Scene.... it does not show Mankind being created but either the Start of Building Blocks of Life.... or more likely (because the world had plant life) the Catalyst that caused basic Life to Evolve into complex... Ridley also said this scene does not have to be Earth....

Which gets me thinking what is the purpose of the Star Maps? Coinsidence i think not, a Trap? doubtful a Invitation... maybe its what Shaw thought but she was wrong, but maybe it was to start with before we had upset the Engineers... was LV 223 Paradise?  a Place mankind can go to once we are ready?

Thats one theory.... another is just as Ridleys clues... The Engineers are Gardners he said.. so they are Genetic Gardners... Earth is their Garden...  so what is LV 223?  Every Good keen Gardener has a Nursery a Green House if you would where they nurture new plants before they plant them in the Garden..

This is what i thought LV 223 was... it was a Greenhouse for our Engineers, where they came and took life from Earth to LV 223 to then futher Evolve them and then plant the results back on Earth... a way to Qaurantine new experiments and make sure they are right before they plant them in the Garden (Earth)..

Ridley said the Engineers had been back over thousands of years to Evolve Mankind... not just Genetically but also Technologically this fits perfectly with the Ancient Alien Aspect and Star Maps... and yes Alien Abductions lol

The Star Map was to show us where Mankind was created...(evolved) and not where the Engineers came from!

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconOct-15-2015 5:47 PM

Hopping to get some news.... Saturday maybe tomorrow... asked few questions to be passed on and mainly about if the movie will shed light on Xeno and Alien now its changed name and Ridley said they comming in from the back end etc...

keep you posted...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2015 9:41 PM

Again, the Ringworld angle.  Everything your friend-of-friend listed could be interpreted as a plot synopsis of the Ringworld series....  Engineers, Pak Children, Pak Breeders, Pak Protectors, Tree-of-Life virus, Gouls, Vampires....  it's all right there, really.


MemberDeaconOct-17-2015 3:19 PM

I have had bit information about the Alien links, after the Source was asked about the movie being a Alien movie, and here is what was said.

Unless Ridley has made changes to the Plot since working on The Martian the movie would not be a direct Alien movie, there will be clues to the Xeno but they are similar to Prometheus only more detailed and less ambigious, the movie was set to explore a bigger picture but there would be loose connections but they would be done in the same way as Promethues just more detailed and more Alien-y looking but will not explain the Xeno completely and that a 3rd movie would touch upon that more and be more like Spaights draft as far as Xeno Connections.

They did however as far as the supposed ideas October-March said the following.

1) The Engineers did not create the Xeno as per say....

2) Prometheus has the Answers but you have to look for them, and Part 2 will cover similar things but less ambigious.

3) The Experiments on LV-223 play a part on the creation of the things we see in Alien but is not the place it all started from.

4) Humans play a role in the DNA of the Xeno. Not Engineers.

5) The Hierarchy above the Engineers created the Engineers and the Origins of the Xeno DNA Biology.

6) The whole Agenda for which and includes the Engineers was similar theme behind the Star Beast Original idea, and relates to Sacrifices.  They said that Alien used some stuff from Star Beast, Prometheus other stuff not used in Alien and the next movie would use and expand on yet other elements that never made it into other movies.

7) The Biology is a weaponized biological warefare.

8) Some connections of this Biological Warefare, backfired and it can loosely be connected to Paradise Lost as in Serpents and Dragons. And that reading these in Paradise Lost then looking at the clues in Prometheus sheds more light.

9) The Xenomorph is not God or connected but worshiped for freedome from Bondage.

10) Xeno DNA will be seen in the movie, but asfar as DNA end connections to the Xeno Bio-Tech, but not as in Xeno itself.

They finally said all these would be loose, but the real connections we will see would be via the Two Monsters that we shall see in the movie, these will have more Xeno look to them than the ones in Prometheus but they will still be different to the Aliens from the Franchises.

Oh they was asked about the Mission to LV 223, and they said yes there is a ship with a crew but they cant say what its purpose is but that this is not the only Humans in the movie or other beings, and to think of it as similar to Nostromo mission, in more than a few ways but it plays a big part in the plot and is one 3rd of the Movies Plot....

But that a 3rd movie would cover more of the mysteries of that System but they can not go into details..... the details about the Xeno connections they said are points that will be covered vaguley. but the Human involvement in it all is one of the main Plot devices that will be revealed.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconOct-19-2015 5:52 PM

I maybe shooting myself in the foot with this information and i wont post detailed one unless asked, i have PM a few about it however...

But the source has informed me that David will be going to a place related to the Engineers,  related is not the same as Paradise is it?  They said while our Engineers are not God, that those above the Engineers are not God or the top of the Hierarchy either.....  

They said back in March and i think i covered it on here in April if not i PM people then, about concept works of Nebula that seemed to be the Eagle Nebula and something about the Sagittarius Arm and location that is near the Galactic Centre of the Galaxy well between Earth and the Centre.....

But information i had 2 days ago, have teased maybe they dont go to Paradise in the next movie. at least not at first because they said that they are going to a place related to the Engineers.....  and this would be close to the Pilars of Creation.....  then they said that Paradise is a outpost in our Galaxy and not the Home of God... this indicates the Scope is bigger than our Galaxy and so Paradise is merely a Outpost in our Galaxy rather than the Throne of GOD!

They released information about the supposed location at the time of Fall 2014 of Paradise and its a constellation located near the  celestial equator and so i may in may had misinterpreted Centre of Galaxy as such.

I have been told the name.... but it relates to Serpents and Gods...... and it plays a big role in Paradise Lost Poem....

I was given the name of the System.... well Constelation and doing a Google Search has thrown up some interesting results and yes it could fit in with Prometheus that we have seen, and that Myth and many Mythos and Paradise Lost....

I then found a passage in the Book about this System... Serpentarius 

Seems to fit well.... not sure if they are hinting at this place being where they find God, but certainly where they will find out the so called beginings of where these Engineers started to make that Bio-Mechanical Biological Warefare that Ridley was on about in his latest comments....

Oh well i dont think the source will release any more information so here it is


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconOct-19-2015 6:05 PM

Again this is all to be taken with a pinch of salt....

Looking into that system and how it connects to the Bible, Greek, Babylonian Chinese, Sumarian and Paradise Lost well it is refered to in all of those as having sightly different themes but when you connect them all, then indeed it adds to what we was trying to be Shown in Prometheus.....   There is connection between this Constilation and Serpent, and Eagle as in as if both are interchangeable, a common theme occurs as in Serpents being sent as Punishment, and Eagle as Punishment for Stolen Fire.... the Ophiuchus has connections to being the Forbiden Fruit in the Garden of Eden... even some information about links to Paradise and Ophiuchus.

Its also linked to Medusa and how she has Blood that can destroy anc give life, and Mythos in a number of cultures including Babylonian and Greek relating to Ophiuchus as both forbiden knowledge and gift of Immortality

This person never mentioned none of that, only name of Ophiuchus Constilation being important as far as the Plot and connection to Paradise Lost and whats going on, and from the vague comments they could be pointing to this being Location of Paradise, or the Location of the other place related to the Engineers Agenda that David goes to.

So yeah very interesting....  If its TRUE that is

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconOct-19-2015 6:33 PM

Some more digging....  this constellation is supposed to have seen within it two Super Black Holes Merging (ngc-6240)

Certainly looks like a Nebula, which is what the source said they saw as concept work that had Nebula in the background of a Engineer Ship....

Another interesting thing is they said back then that Paradise was located between Earth and the Centre of the Galaxy, which with the latest information on Ophuichus which is at the Galactic Equator i thought had i got that mixed up?

But looking into Ophuichus  there is indeed a SuperNova that went off in that Constellation this Super Nova is located 13,000 LY from Earth....  which is funny enough half the distance of Earth to the Centre of the Milky Way which is 26'000 LY

Is all of this coincidence?  Ridley was talking about bigger things, and hinting at the creation of Worlds and not just life on them, and to see in that Constellation the merging of Two Starburst Galaxies which is a Galaxy undergoing an exceptionally high rate of Star Formation.....  (Creation)  and Super Nova too thats (Destruction) goes hand in hand with "Sometimes to Create one must first Destroy"

Ophuichus also has connection to a Scorpion Monster... i always felt the Xeno was more related to a Scorpion as far as its Exo-Skeleton Look...... sometimes Scorpion and Serpent go hand in hand... as does Serpent and Dragon.

Ophuichus is also considered the 13th Zodiac Sign, 13 is a number considered to be Bad Luck, there are connections that the Garden of Eden had 12 Main Fruit one for each month that could be eaten, and one Fruit that could not be Eaten.... the Forbiden Fruit i.e 13th Fruit. That is connected to the Serpent and Ophuichus 

Does this Star Constellation thus tick a lot of boxes with themes that we was being shown in Prometheus and clues maybe Ridley had been saying about the next movie?  or just purely coinsidence

If this source has been making stuff up, he surely has a knack of stuff that ticks boxes....

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconOct-19-2015 6:36 PM

While i am at it as they had told me back in March about the New Monsters which i was not allowed to go into detail here...

I have given weeks ago this information to a few people on here via PM... but i wil roughly go on to say the one Monster is from a NEW EVENT i.e not prior to Prometheus and it is to be based loosely off Gigers Original Necrominicon 4 which was also the idea for Spaights Ultramorph so the idea is to resurect that idea and as they say to make a fresher take on the Giger Work that inspired the Alien..... but they also want to make it well more see through like a Jelly Fish than the Bio-Mechanical Look of the Alien Xeno and indeed those from Aliens and onwards....

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-19-2015 11:03 PM

@BigDave  I find it really interesting that they want to make it translucent.  I hate Jellyfish. Thanks for the info :) 


MemberDeaconOct-24-2015 7:24 AM

Yeah hopefully not transparant as in a Jelly Fish....  but when we look at some Prometheus concept work, they had a translucent look to them Here is a Fifield Concept

There are a few others that have similar look....

Doing some research they planned to have the Alien Xeno Translucent too here is a unused suit that they never used as the effect just did not look right, maybe with new Technology and Special Effects this could be pulled off nowadays.

I also came across this peice of Concept work which may be from Spaights Ultramorph...

I certainly like this image, it has the Xeno look to it, yet its different and if they tried to make this but sort of transparent and more lighter colour such as in the Fifield Concept which is what they was looking to do in Spaights Draft, as opposed to the Dark look of the Alien from the Franchise especially Aliens version and Alien Resurection.

Then i think this would be interesting... the source did say there was a number of ideas and things they had worked on for Prometheus that they never ended up using that would be re-done and used for the new Movie and indeed the Ultramorph is one of those unused concepts and this was based off the Necromonicon 4 Artwork by HR Giger that the Xeno was based off, but wether this is something they are using who knows.

So when Ridley said fresher version of the Original Alien, maybe he meant the Artwork that inspired it?

Who knows but a design thats like the last image above or similar i think would be pretty Amazing.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Sci Fi Movie Gadgets

MemberOvomorphOct-29-2015 12:04 PM

Very intresting ideas on where promethues is going, The first one was slightly tied in with the alien movies but if there looking to find where everything comes from then my personally opinion is that there will be nothing related to anything "Alien". It proberly will be more of a Religious vs Science theme. Dont know ehat to make of a sequel but Lets wait and watch.

Love Sci Fi, Love Movies, Love Gadgets

Sci Fi Movie Gadgets


MemberOvomorphNov-01-2015 6:57 PM

Thanks Big Dave, interesting read.

The beuaty of what they have told you is that it can lead in multiple directions.  Couple of comments re some of your material.

1. Another ship makes sense, hard to see a man like Wayland not having a back up plan if things go wrong, would not be surprised if he is still alive and what we saw was a clone/android.  Are we sure everyone other than Shaw and David died?  

2. Some kind of rebellion by the engineers or their masters makes some sense.  If they were so pissed off with us why did they not relaunch the mission to wipe us out?  Maybe they no longer exist/have the capability?

3. Why do they hate us, has to be a pivotal point of the sequel.  Are we just brood stock, an experiment or are they pissed that we can recreate and they cannot?  Have they tried to re-engineer the goo to enable them to re-produce only to create the alien strain?  

4. Were the engineers that seeded man kind acting out of rebellion to create life without 'god' knowing and when he did find out he sent soliders to destroy us?

5. Why did the mission to wipe us out go wrong?  Maybe that is the opening scene for Paradise lost?

For me it will be interesting to see whether religeon plays a part as it will be a gutsy move and there are strong hints it will.  Ridley does seem to have an interest in religeon as seen in the Exodus film.  I can see why he left it out so far, once way to alienate a part of the potential audience that the studio heads would not like.

Finally, as a prediction, I reckon we will find David seeing the alien strain/goo as the key to his kind re-producing and that David will be shown to be in charge of the Weyland corporation hence the company knowing about the aliens in the original movie and diverting the ship.


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2015 9:21 AM

I would love to see Ridley incorporate more of Giger's artistic ideas into the sequel. Maybe the engineers are cold hearted scientists who love to play around with the goo to create new things. They don't have the ability to empathize. They don't have human emotions. They may look at us as lab rats. 

I think they should give more information on what was said between David, Weyland, and the Engineer. I'd also like to see David divulge more info on what he learned from the symbols and writing. He knows a lot more than he lets on. Given that David told Shaw that they were setting out to create, but first had to destroy, it would be nice to know what David knows about that. Maybe that will be answered in the sequel.



MemberOvomorphNov-14-2015 11:32 PM

This is extremely interesting! I greatly enjoy the way in which you have described some of the possible elements that could show up in the next film! 


MemberDeaconDec-02-2015 6:12 PM

Ok here is a recap of what i was told in March and was about last week in March sometime around 27th 2015 unless stated otherwise or as a update....

Production Information

1) They had finished a Final Draft as of October 2014.

2) The movie was scheduled to Wrap up main Shooting in March 2016 but this could have been a misinterpretation but March was signifcant as far as Shooting, so it was either Wrap Up March 2016 which i think is what was said but it could have meant Shooting to start March 2016.

3) They had started fleshing out ideas of how they want the Draft Story to be looking as far as visuals and some doodles had been worked on around the Fall of 2014 and some concept work had been worked on in February 2015

4) Main Production should begin in detail around Fall 2015 (hints some could begin before then). And Ridley will be working with a number of Production Team who worked on Prometheus.

5) The Movie would require and have a LARGER Cast than Prometheus, emphasis on Larger (but never said how much Larger).

6) The Movie would have a 50% Larger Budget than Prometheus but Fox would be more flexible with certain Scenes if they would go over Budget some what... for example a few Shots was never done that was intended for Prometheus due to Budget... Ridley would be allowed a bit more slack on the Budget Strings.

7) Production and Shooting had been held up because Ridley and other Cast Members had Commitments, mainly Ridley with offer to do The Martian, while other Cast Members for Prometheus 2 are tied up. And that the movie has since then gone through a few  changes of ideas as Ridley who is someone spontaneous and can after Drafts was done, come up with few tweeks and changes. And a few things had been slightly changed since then but as of March it was pretty much similar to the Final Draft they had in October.

8) Movie Release date was not mentioned but they assumed we would be looking at a March 2017

Update around  June 2015 they said after Ridley had confirmed after lack of news and concerns the movie was on Hold, Ridley said the movie will be his next and shooting to start in the New Year 2016 (January) that its likely expected the release date would now be March 2017 to May 2017. But definately between Spring and Summer 2017

9) Update August In the Process of September to December 2014 ideas about the Plot and Draft had been fleshed out as far as how they want things to look and so then Concept work started at the end of the year but also carried on early 2015 but its a work in progress as not much time is dedicated due to Ridleys other Projects.

10) Casting was not yet done by March 2015 but they would have some ideas who to draft in and yes we all know Rappace and Fassbender are scheduled but off course they have to work around those Actors and others they want to sign up.. Work Schedules


Plot Information

11) The Movie will have 3 Plot Elements, and Shaw and Davids mission to find the Engineers Homeworld is just one of those.

12) Shaw and David will not be getting the Answers they want, what they find is truely Horrifying Agenda. Revalations that seperate even futher the original answers Shaw thought they would find when they got to LV 223 in the first movie.


13) The movie will not be based largely on Shaw and David shenanigans aboard the Juggernaught but there will be some screen time devoted to Shaw and David during the trip but not actually interacting as such on the ship. As Shaw will be incapacitated for the most part.

They re-informed be in May, as the above was my interpretation, but the Shaw and Davids trip to find the Engineers would only play a small part, Shaw would be incapacitated for most of the movie and play small part. We wont see much time devoted to them interacting on the journey but there would be some time dedicated to interaction between the two and how things go, but they cant say no more about this (and how he gets back together) and this is one thing i was told not to mention.

14) The Engineers are not God or our creators, but a servant race for some other purpose. So merely as David is to Mankind.

15) And the Engineers are not the Top of the Hierarchy of creation, they serve a Higher Power/Force.

16) The movie will cover Multiple Biengs, and Humans are not the only creations of the Engineers.  And they would show more then ONE Lifeform they encounter! now i assume this means not David, or Xenos or related but maybe Humans, Engineers and another Race? They was vague however.

17) The movie would show us who is above the Engineers in the Hierarchy but these beings are not God, hinting that there is more than one layer above the Engineers in the Hierarchy.

18) The order of Creation/Hierarchy does not Start with the Engineers or end with David 8.

19) David wishes to Play God himself, and continue the order of Hierarchy (May Update) He is free and sees Engineers as less superior to himself. But he has sympathy as the Engineers are pretty much as David was before Freedom.

20) The movie would focus on Order of Creation/Hierarchy and Rebelion against Hierarchy/Creator on multiple levels and that Rebelion leads to disaster and punishment.  Updated in Summer with this.

They added that the theme of Father and Son and Son growing to be and see themselves as equal or greater than there Father and challenge for dominance and so Rebelion as a theme will be explored and Prometheus shows us the seeds of that within the movie.... and we see this in Ancient Culture and Religon right from the Bible and Lucifers Rebelion to overthrow God and Gods fear of this and War and casting Satan out of Heaven...  and with the Greek Mythos we see this on Multiple Levels,  of Father Son, Fear of Betrayal, Rebelion and being overthrown that results in drastic measures as we see, for example they said how Cronus ate his Own Children but Zues was replaced with a Stone... etc

21) If we are expecting a evolution and more depth to the Ancient Aliens connection, this wont be the case but we could see a slight connection as far as some Ancient God connections. As far as Hierarchy and Order of creation.

They kinda said like how David is part of that Hierarchy.

21) There will be some connection between Engineers and Prometheus Myth but this is loosely.... related to the Fire, the movie would futher explore loosely connection between Forbiden Knowledge and Power and in the wrong hands how it can lead to disasterous consequences and punishment.

22) The Black Goo is not quite how its shown in the movie, they are going the route that it is the Origin of Life, the Blood of Life and all creation.  And kind of like from the Tree of Life and Forbiden Fruit. And play with Fire and you get Burnt.

Update Summer... The Goo is actually a Parasitic Micro Organism, similar to some kinds of Algae, it also is a Catalyst for creating and manipulating Life. It acts like a Virus. But is also a Forbiden Tool used for creation and destruction.

23) The comic books followed LV 223 and 426 and while the events show what could happen, the comics are to be considered a alternative. But underlying themes could be explored. (think basically how the Goo works).

24) The Movie will give us more of a link between LV 223 and LV 426, and it will provide some answers to the Alien fans but it wont be a Alien based movie.  These Clues will be vague but not as ambigious as Prometheus.

Fans hopping to hear the Space Jockey Story and for the Space Jockey to be something Alien. Will be disapointed as their will be clues but we wont get to see the actual Space Jockey mission, crash and how those Eggs got on that ship... There would be more clues to some connection between the LV 223 and LV 426 goings on that would show us how they are connected however.. but yes the Space Jockey is a Humanoid in a Space Suit.

25) Prometheus was not the FIRST company mission to the Zeta 2 system. Updated Summer the person confirmed and so i misinterpreted that Promethus was not the first time Mankind had been in the System (LV-223/LV-426) but they wont go into detail.

26) There could be some ideas and things that they never got round to include from Prometheus that could be done in Prometheus 2 (these could be from the drafts and ideas they had when working on the idea behind Prometheus).

27) They are following some ideas from Star Beast as far as connection between the said Hierarchy of creation seen in the movies. This could be regards to Engineer connection to their purpose. And connection to Sacrifices. And Ritual Aspect.

28) There will be two Monsters One new, both will have loose connection to the Xeno but they will be different. I was given more detail and told not to mention it but i did a few months ago, and One Monster will be from a new Event within the next movie. i.e not a event prior to the end of Prometheus.  And this Monster would in part be created at the Hands of David or a event caused through his actions... This Monster will be based off the Original Alien Concept idea of HR Giger that inspired the Xeno design, they had planned to use similar design in earlier drafts and concept work for Prometheus.. The Ultramorph and thus the New Monster will be based off the Necromon 4 Giger Work.  It would also appear to be see through like a Jelly Fish to a degree as opposed to Bio-Mechanical like the Xeno in Alien was.

29) The movie plot has kind of a Matrix and Blade Runner theme to the Agenda of the creators. And Engineers.  It is a Big Bold Plot, that has loose themes we can draw connections to the above movies...

updated stuff i was told that the person knew when i was first Told but they did not pass on, so newer information i got around end of Summer. Following the Hell on Earth Rumours..

30) They said the movie would not be Hell on Earth, and the Working Title is Prometheus: Paradise Lost, but they was also considering Prometheus: Pandemonium or Dark Paradise and its likely the Prometheus prefix would be dropped but it is in no Way Hell on Earth or based on Earth.

The move will be based over 3 Parts.... which at the time i assumed Promethues Parts 1-3

31) There will not be a Army of Davids, but they can say nothing more.. only David features mainly in the movie.

32) Shaw does not Technically Die, but they can not go into any details.

33) We shall see David head towards a Planet connected to the Engineers...

34) The movie has a very Bold Plot, they are trying to distance the Engineers and Earth and all the Ancient Culture and Gods links as far as Religons i.e  Gods created Earth and all thats on Earth connection, they wish to tone that down, well actually going for the route that Earth is not Important we are not the Centre of the Universe as in Ancient Cultures and Myths including Bible and Greek Myths etc.....  but we can draw lose connections between how Mankind came to come up with such stories and connection to the Engineers.  They said the movie is not about Mankinds creation by Godlike biengs in our Galaxy never mind Solar System but something more broader.  And loosely connect to things in the Bible, but in a very BOLD WAY.

if we look at Prometheus and God Connection, then yes we are talking about God and the Garden of Eden, Heaven and Hel, Rebelion and Punishment but only loosely.

35) They also said that Paradise is not the Engineers Homeworld as such... just the focal point of the Engineers and the Hierarchy in regards to our Galaxy and it stands between the Galactic Centre and Earth.... and so is very far away.  They said the idea is to drop hints that the Engineer came from Paradise but this place is not where Creation is based from....

The Plot is going for greater Scale than our Galaxy alone the Plot is not limited to the God/Creation as per Bible and other Ancient Cultures... as back then thousands of years ago most cultures did not know about the Galaxy and its size.... but this person and i agree seems to read into the information given to them, that you know what... it goes futher than these Engineers being from some place in our Galaxy.. they could be touching upon more than our Galaxy but the Universe in General....  In which case whoever the Higher Biengs could be... it could be that they  are not unique to our Galaxy and so Paradise could be just the Homeworld in our Galaxy but maybe not the only Headquarters.

36) The Hammerpedes wont feature, they only have limited life Span just as the Xenomorph does,  but they could procreate like the Xeno does.  But those unfortunate to go to LV 223 are not going to be Alone.  This is where one of the Two Main monsters will be shown to Originate from.  But does not have to mean  a event after the events of Prometheus.  They informed me not mention this detail but we shall see seeds of DNA from the First Movie, but they wont say if this is from a event connected to LV-223/LV-426 and what time frame, just that it would connect some clues towards the goings on in that system.

The Xenomorph wont be shown but clues like we saw in the movie would be expanded upon but they are a combination of two Organisms DNA well the Origins are and one strand of DNA is Engineers.  However they say that Mankind plays a greater Role in the Xenomorph Origins but they wont devulge information, but person i know who spoke to the source says they seemed very hyped about a Human Connection. and that Humans play a role in the next movie but they wont release no information. But its a Bigger part of the Plot.

September Updates....

37)  They are loosley connecting to Paradise Lost Version of Events as opposed to those in the Bible.... but also connections loosley with Greek Mythos and so its not Literally but Metathorically connecting to those tales.

38) The Location of Paradise, or where the events shall mainly be shown are within the Ophiuchus Constellation, they did not specify where but that it would be a Place within that Constellation that would be the seat of the GODs within our Galaxy. I cant quite remember what they was saying but i vaguely remember that it is a place that is about either 3500 parsecs or 600? one of the Two and located within Ophiuchus and near by the Sagittarius Arm of the Galaxy half way between Earth and the Galactic Centre.

I think thats the information, i may have missed some but this information was given to me end of March 2015 for most of it, some i had to keep to myself as i knew bit more than i posted, but after i was given more information over the summer, and especially September i decided October to go into more detail... some stuff i may have forgot but i am sure i had spoke about it within topics i had made on here....

THE SOURCE claims that the information i had been given from March to September was correct as of March 2015 and that some changes had been made only slighlty to the October Draft... but that as Fall 2015 more information would come out that would validate what they had passed to me... i had mentioned that as far back as April that the source said come Fall and Especially November as this is when More Information would start to come out finally regarding the Movie....

which actually did.....

They did say in end September/ start October that as far as the draft October 2014 Ripley was not connected to the movie, but that you cant rule out Changes to the Drafts happening as months go by and especially in relation to Changes that had to be made as far as Blomkamps Movie.  

Then 6 weeks after i was told this we got anouncements of Logan re-working the Draft and not one but Two Name Changes....

The source i dont think will release any more information but i think it have covered what they said, i may have sent more detail to 3 Members on the Forum 3 months back as so they can back up these rumours in detail as the Source said November and onwards that stuff would come out that would back up what they had said.... so i had few members i sent information to, instead of posting it on here... but i had in October posted a few of these bits of information that i was told not to... OPPS!

So again take with Pinch of Salt, and Check posts on Topic from April until September, periods before Ridley started to officially talk more about the movie in detail and things  since then are adding upto what i was told some 3-5 months prior to Official News..




R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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