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Alien Isolation: The Next Alien Game?

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MemberFacehuggerOct-21-2013 3:47 PM
20th Century Fox has just filed trademark for Alien: Isolation. This next video game is to star Ripley's daughter and is rumored to be released on both the current and next gen consoles according to a [url=]Kotaku[/url] source: [i]The game is called Alien: Isolation, and we hear it will be on both current- and next-gen consoles next year. Isolation is developed by the British studio Creative Assembly (Total War); it's a first-person shooter that uses both stealth and horror elements; and it's inspired by games like Dishonored and Bioshock, according to our source, a person familiar with goings-on at Sega, who spoke under condition of anonymity in the interest of protecting their job.[/i] [i][/i] [i]Perhaps most importantly, our source says that Sega took the critical reception to Aliens: Colonial Marines very seriously, and that the publisher put together a postmortem following the near-unanimously negative reactions to their last Aliens game, which was developed by the studios Gearbox and TimeGate. They want to make sure Isolation is a better game, and according to our source, it's already been delayed at least once—Sega originally planned to announce the game at E3 of 2013.[/i] Thanks to [url=]AVPGalaxy[/url] for the news.
14 Replies

Judge Baggins

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2013 4:04 PM
Well, I will admit that it sounds quite interesting. Maybe this can be the true sequel to [i]Aliens[/i] unlike [i]Colonial Marines[/i].


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2013 4:37 PM
Gah. I hate the idea of playing as Ripley's daughter. Just leave the original storyline alone. The fact that it is called [i]Alien: Isolation[/i] does give me some hope though. The title implies that it will be slower and more atmospheric instead of run and gun. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out.

Judge Baggins

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2013 5:35 PM
I know how you feel Nostromo. The character of Ripley has been done to death in the movies, games, and to some degree the comics, but I still think that this could be good to explore her daughter. Maybe it could remove the stupid [i]Alien 3[/i] and [i]Resurrection[/i] out of the official film timeline.


MemberChestbursterOct-21-2013 6:00 PM
I don't know if i am a huge fan of the story following her daughter, but if they do a good job and make it entertaining, then hey, im in! haha i already know that I'm buying it!

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MemberOvomorphOct-21-2013 6:17 PM
Humm, well I enjoyed ACM myself. Had it's flaws but it's not enough to make me boycott another Sega Alien game, so I'll give it a go... They better make good on the "stealth" and "horror" elements of the game though. @Judge - In all fairness, considering Ripley's daughter was long before Alien³ and Resurrection and had no impact on them I doubt the game would do anything to erase either from the official film timeline. End of the day, they're there and it's the movies that determine the canon. Plus A³ wasn't *that* bad..

Judge Baggins

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2013 6:38 PM
@CplHicks, I suppose that you are right. The film did have its flaws, but it is no where as bad as people make it out to be. Really, [i]Alien 3[/i], [i]Resurrection[/i], and the [i]AVP[/i] films had great ideas. They all just suffered from terrible scripts.


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2013 8:35 PM
@JudgeBaggins I agree this could be, but at the same point Aliens Colonial Marines, had it have gotten the support and the right type of commitment from the developers etc it would have been the game everyone was hoping for... I personally thought, believe that the story of ACM does still show that it was closer to a true direct sequel than Alien 4 ever could have been... the game should really have been released with a mod or SDK especially if the creators had already decided to debunk and disown it... as there is still a fan base... just a very annoyed and let down fan base but they are annoyed at the way the developers just let it go without trying to rectify it... I personally did enjoy the game mostly for its story and the fact that it bridged the gap between Aliens and Alien 3... and opened up a plausible reason how Hicks (who should never have died) could be brought back into the fold. but then the real downfall of it was greed... they wanted to make money off a franchise that had a seriously great following to... had they have focused on the game and not the money they would make off the fans then it would have been truly amazing... Alien 3 also if you watch the normal theatrical release... flies by, feels rushed, but the directors cut explains much more and although I believe they should have still kept the Dog as the host for the Xeno as it made more sense with the improved agility and more animal features than that of any of the human Xeno's... AvP 1 I liked the idea as it was based off the first AvP book pretty much the same story but the setting was in my opinion what let that down... still liked it though... bit power rangey in parts but not as much as AvP 2 was though but agree with CplHicks they had great ideas... personally i believe they could have benefited from James Cameron doing to 3, AvP and AvP 2... what he did with Aliens... and as for Resurrection... I cannot seriously look upon that one as a true Alien movie... the only good thing with that movie they did right was the scenes where they showed how the aliens moved under water... and their intelligence... they royally ruined it when they had the queen birthing... before that point it was a watchable movie but even could have taken it seriously but at that moment it was "WHY? seriously why?" if they ever do another sequel in that series of movies, it should ignore 4.... and focus on a true direct sequel... not indulge some silly french director/producer in creating another tripe movie!


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2013 10:51 PM
This Alien game should be a Xenomorph campaign... please SEGA please...


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2013 11:52 PM
This are great news! I mean, I love the shooter games but at the same time I love the suvirval horror games, thanks for the news @xeno_alpha_07 :D

Judge Baggins

MemberOvomorphOct-22-2013 7:07 AM
@Ace781, I do agree with you to an extent. [i]Colonial Marines[/i] could have been an exceptional game if Gearbox had actually put the time and effort into the game. Now, I will be honest. I never had actually played [i]Colonial Marines[/i]. I decided to do the smart thing and wait. When I found out just how broken the game was, I did not even want to play it, but I did hear that the multiplayer in it was actually really good. As for the story, many people, Alien fans included, hated it. There were major plot holes. For example, how were there even remains of Hadley's Hope when that explosion engulfed it at the end of [i]Aliens[/i]. There were just a lot of things wrong with it plot wise. As for the [i] Alien 3[/i] director's cut, I hear that it actually makes the film decent. I just hope that Creative Assembly get it right this time, and we get not just the true sequel to [i]Aliens[/i] but a game that brings the atmosphere of [i]Alien[/i] to life.


MemberOvomorphOct-22-2013 11:16 AM
Did anyone else notice that this doesn't make sense as far as the timeline is concerned? It takes Ripley 57 years to reach Earth after the events of the first alien movie. Not to mention that her daughter Amanda died at the age of 66 and had no children..... 0_o


MemberOvomorphOct-22-2013 11:20 AM


MemberOvomorphOct-22-2013 11:22 AM
And that took me all of ten seconds. So I really hope this game isn't legit cause if they are putting that little research into their fact checking we are looking at Colonial Marines all over again.


MemberOvomorphNov-24-2013 11:47 PM
I think they should leave the original story and make a new game based of course I am a Alien Fan and the games they made so far had been hurting my feelings I would love to see a Alien(creature) based campaign of course who doesn't love that stealth slow moving throat ripping action but yet again I would love to see a AVP game done correctly even if I don't know an exact correctly would look like
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