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MemberDeaconJul-09-2013 6:24 AMHi i found this article about Alien, it includes a lot of the changes made from Star Beast to the Final Alien draft.
I think it has a lot of relevance to Prometheus as well.
Its a long but truly interesting read, and especially some of the unused ideas..
When looking through and looking at the descriptions of the Urns that contain spores to the scrapped Derelict concept that the Egg Hall had things that would lay the Eggs that looked like Pregnant Bellies...
This then seem to fit the bill wit the Original Giger Alien Reproductive System.
This was that the Jugernaughts produced Eggs..... But what if they are fed the Urns and then the ship uses the Spore/Goo to then produce Eggs.
Here is the Webpage...
[url=]Alien Article[/url]
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
7 Replies
AdminEngineerJul-09-2013 12:35 PMAh yes, I've seen this before. Very interesting stuff. Thanks for the share BigDave!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
MemberPraetorianJul-09-2013 2:04 PMExcellent BigDave!
Thank you kindly :-)
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger
MemberOvomorphJul-09-2013 10:55 PMI am aware that Prometheus is based on some elements of Starbeast...and I wonder...if there is still something that can influence some concepts of Paradise, thanks for sharing this.
and regarding eggs, I think we have three possibilities:
1) Urns become eggs.
2) The black goo is like a kind of Giger Matter, and somewhere in the Juggernaut (the chair, the control panel or some other place and artifact) the Engineers can create eggs.
3) Occam's razor, Deacon kidnaps a life form and then becomes his victim in a cocoon and the final product is an egg. Within this same simple idea, Deacon can evolve into a queen, but I know it's a bad idea, but I'm just stating the possibilities.
MemberDeaconJul-10-2013 8:43 AMThis is a problem with Ridleys comments, he seems to change his mind a lot as in he does not really know for sure the ins and outs of the Plots......
By that lets take as you said the eggs.....
Ages ago, he did as well as suggest the Space Jockey was a suit and a Benevolent Race..... he changed that to then also imply a suit but now they was a war mongering race.... But at both these times he suggested the Derelict was a Bio Weapon Cargo ship and Bomber and the Eggs was the deadly Cargo...
No dates was given, apart from that the Ship had been on LV 426 for a long long time...... as a result of getting Face Hugged by one of its Bio Weapon Cargo.
But his last comment after Prometheus was that the Ship in Alien and Prometheus are brothers... (maybe implies they are living) and he goes on to say one of the Cargo got out of control and got to the Pilot (Space Jockey) and while not saying for sure... he said i suppose that the Cargo got out and Evolved and thats the story there... He then goes to say these ships (means Derelict and Juggernaught) are Weapon Weapon Bombers that carry Bio Logical Drums of "!£!$ you can drop on a World to clean it up etc.
That comment confirms that the Jugernaughts Cary Urns of Bio Weapon goo, but it also could hint that the Urns was on the Derelict and they simply Evolved....
I dont like this idea, and the Mural seems to show me different as it seems to show the original Alien Life Cycle.... and the Mural shows me the Xeno or similar was known to the Engineers and they sacrificed themselves to it a long time before the LV 223 outbreak 2000 years ago...
The Original Giger Mural showed some strange design that seemed to produce Eggs, that then we see Space Jockeys then use on their own kind to produce a Xeno...
This design does have a similar look and shape to the Derelict and Jugernaught and Giger Originally designed the interior at the Egg Silo to have like Pregnant Belly structures on the Walls that had orifices on them.. and was in the Egg Chamber....
Combine the two and it seems Gigers vision was the Ships manufacture the Eggs that then some how end up lined up in rows and then have a protective laser membrane over them...
Gigers idea was to have them covered in a actual like sac, and that Kane cuts away this like Placenta and lowers himself down to the Eggs.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberOvomorphJul-11-2013 12:56 AMYeah, well look at it this way, it's all too easy to be swept up in the red herrings of the film and there are many red herrings. One has to think a little in more abstract ways but not to the point where it becomes undue extrapolation.
The logic behind the urns changing over time is sound not because of Ridley's last riddled comments but just by first impression. As much as the film excels at subtext, and often to the detriment to the clarity of the text, the first impression I always had was that these ampules were proto-eggs; to persist in a travel state they must remain under a certain climate, when exposed to warmer climates they melt and become unstable. We've seen what happens when the DNA spreads onto other organisms, what happens in the absence of other lifeforms? I think the Deacon was the design they had in mind, the mural of the deacon is a schematic, perhaps they have already successfully made one in the past via some willing earthlings. But they did their work too well, if these bioweapons aren't under the right climate you can't control them, presumably the micro-organisms inside combine and produce the practical facehugger we know. But as much as this is most likely the case, we can't be sure 100% yet, but I suspect FOX will demand Ridley make it clear.
MemberDeaconJul-11-2013 10:37 AMMaybe the used the Deacon on the Mural to create life, maybe something in its blood is what made the Goo at the Start of the movie...
For some reason this Deacon died off... gone, its life creating substance either depleted or aged in a way it was not effective.
Maybe with what little Goo they had left they tried to recreate the Deacon or the Goo but failed to be able to achieve the desired look.
The Mural to me shows one of TWO Things....
1) Its either depicting the Sacrifice of a Xeno -Esque Life form that was need to be Sacrificed the same way as the Sacrificial Engineer, so that its broken down DNA can be then stored and used to produce a chemical that creates life with Xeno traits.... much like the Sacrificial Engineers broken down material produced life that had Engineer DNA (Mankind).
2) Or its shows that the Sacrifice of some Xeno-Esque organism is what they used to create all life, or that they needed this Organism or something from it, for the Engineers to create life and thus procreate.. because without the Organism in the Mural the Engineers can not reproduce and would die out.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
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