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The First Child
MemberOvomorphJul-05-2013 10:34 PMHello there everyone. I am new to this website, yet I have been spectating it and its fans for over a year now, so I'm not completely out of the norm of this following.
I have an important question.
Not long ago I saw a Prometheus poster with ampules on it and the line "WELCOME TO IMMORTALITY."
Was this a line created by Ridley's team or an Alien franchise fan.
If it is a fan, could one of you please let me know who it is.
The First Being
3 Replies
Major Noob
MemberOvomorphJul-06-2013 12:25 PMTFC- It's customary to submit numerous ideas when considering a marketing campaign. There may have been 5-10 tag lines on the table, and poster comps as well, and Welcome to immortality was one. That said, it could have been fan made too, I'm sure someone here could confirm that.
It's very cool to see all the various directions a piece of art took during its creation, but the trouble with that is it can often dilute your overall perception of the final piece. However I do think the concept of immortality goes deeper in Prometheus than we have even yet seen, and could figure strongly in upcoming installments. It's a fascinating topic, because sentient life does seek to be eternal, but immortality really is NOT desirable.
Co-AdminMemberOvomorphJul-07-2013 2:09 AMMost likely a fan poster TFC, haven't seen it but I will look around. A lot of the concept work can be found in the book Prometheus: The Art of the Film. On another note, my IMAX poster for Prometheus has Shaw looking up the big face statue nose with a flashlight, titled "We Came From Them, They Will Come For Us." If you find a link to it let us know.
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