Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphJul-02-2013 6:27 AM@Pulserifle. Good question! I too wondered why they called it The Hero Chamber, It has to have some relevance. They wouldn't just label it Hero Chamber just because it sounds cool, i'm sure.
On one hand it could refer to Bob (the last engineer.) Maybe it was he who pressed the destruct button which wiped out the other engineers, because he wanted to save mankind for some reason? Then, 2000 years later, a group of humans turn up, waking him from his sleep to ask for more life. Maybe he thought, 'This weak, pathetic, selfish human bean has got the nerve to STAND (not kneel) before me and demand immortality after I saved the human race from extinction and gave them another chance, murdering my fellow engineers in the process and this is the thanks I get. There's no hope for these creatures. I must destroy them!!!'
But on the other hand it could just be what the engineers know it as. Like the Lancaster bomber pilots in WW2 were seen as hero's, which they were!
That's my 2 pence worth anyway.
The poster was good though!

MemberDeaconJul-02-2013 8:01 AMBefore coming across this Image i did suspect Sabotage on the part of the last engineer...
Here was a few of my reasons.....
1) How does a Advanced Race, manage to completely mess up a operation to load up the Juggernauts with the Bio Weapon Urns.
[b].[/b] Surely they knew what the Urns could do and have had appropriate safe guards?
[b].[/b] Surely these Urns had been around for a while before the outbreak, i mean its not a case of they experimented with the stuff just on that date of the outbreak?
[b].[/b] There are signs that there was a massive number of the Urns loaded into the Cargo Hold with no problems, and a large Number in the Ampule Room that seemed to had not suffered any problems until the Crew of Prometheus came across them.
2) How does every other Engineer seem to had been wiped out by the Outbreak apart from the Last Engineer? Where was he at the time? How come he was not infected?
3) How come the Engineers or Hierarchy on the Home World, never bothered to find out the out come of the Mission or why there was no contact with the Out Post on LV 223, due to Engineers all but one being wiped out...
If the Home world Engineers ordered the mission to create these Weapons to use on Earth, would they not want to find out the outcome of the Mission....?
4) And Finally for a Race that wanted us all dead, the Last Engineer in the deleted scenes, and when you see his intrigue wit the Humans and also more so with the Vickers Suit Scene when he was inspired and smiled at the Girl Playing the Violin never mind the other scene not shown when he was kneeling down reading a Book he found...
And how when he first saw Shaw it was not quite aggression as all through that scene he could have killed her in a instant....
To me it made me wonder was the Engineer really angered by the presence of the crew?
To me the Deleted Scene showed that the Engineer was fascinated by the arrival of the Crew and Especially Shaw.
It was only after he saw the Selfish Actions of Weyland to silence Shaw, and in what he was asking David to ask the Engineer about.
I thought at this point the Engineer realized that Mankind had indeed became, Selfish and Barbaric and a race like this who have people who want to be as Gods, surely can not be allowed to have access to the Bio Weapons and Secrets on LV 223 or indeed be allowed to traverse Space.
All these clues, seemed to point to me that the Last Engineer Sabotaged the Mission to ultimately prevent Mankind from Destruction.
Maybe the Labeling of his Cryo Capsule as Hero Chamber confirms the above?
I think a logical answer to those 4 Questions would be....
The Last Engineer did something to cause the outbreak and managed to get somewhere safe.
He then may have contacted the Home World, to suggest the Mission Went as planned, However there was a outbreak on LV 223 and he is going to shut down the facility and that it is not safe to go there.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Indy John
MemberOvomorphJul-02-2013 12:09 PM@BigDave
Your posts always seem so logical at first reading. This what we call last Engineer may have viewed himself as 'god' perhaps a delusional one, but still a player in the grand scale of time and distance.
Say he destroyed all humans in our movie would he be inspired to actually finished the original task and head for earth?
After the LE realizes that David is not human maybe it was an 'a-ha' moment where he, the Engineer has utterly failed in what he thought was the right thing to do. He was angered because now he really has to carry out his destructive mission and head for earth just to make up for not finishing the job 2000 years ago.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

MemberDeaconJul-02-2013 3:46 PMYes thats kind of my thinking....
Its like if you look at the movie Rise of the Planet of the Apes...
Imagine the Scientist created those advanced Apes on another World or say Island like Jurassic Park...
And one Scientist stopped the others from killing off the Advancements of these Primates.....
And decided to let them be on that Island or other planet lets say...
Surfice to say what if those Apes then Advanced to the stage of Planet of the Apes and also actually invented Boats or Space ships and turned up at your Lab and showed that they are Advanced, Aggressive and Selfish and also see them selves as equal to yourself..
You would then change your mind and think... you know what maybe aborting that Mission 2000 years ago was a bad idea.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphJul-02-2013 10:56 PMIts called the Hero chamber because its where they put the main character villain. In movies they use these terms for the storyboards and where they plan the main bad guy to be. He could be somekind of Hero but whos hero is he not ours. Afterall he was judging all of mankind by Weylands own actions and creations. Who says he aborted the mission instead he did that not for his own reasons but for what supposed to happen 2,000 years prior to the outbreak. It was a mission that got postponed not a mind change idea.
The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno

Visionary Alpha
MemberOvomorphJul-02-2013 11:37 PMIt's very likely the last engineer was seen as a hero, who saved us or others from dangers that remain untold. There are competing, warring factions in space, and engineers on LV 223 at the time of the deaths there were apparently in the process of leaving. I don't think they were planning to go to Earth, however. David picked Earth from a selection of planets in the holographic images, and what more likely happened is that some engineers or other humans and whoever else tried to use the weaponry of LV 223 illegally and "the hero" stopped them.

MemberDeaconJul-03-2013 9:48 AMWell thats where the ambiguity comes into it.
We really dont know the reasons for why the Engineer survived, i mean he did go into Cryo Sleep, but apparently that did not save the other 3.
This could be because the other 3 was infected before they went into Cryo Sleep.... It could be that the Last Engineer infected them after they went into Cryo Sleep.
We just dont have the 100% Answers...
If we watch the Movie and ignore all deleted scenes, and concepts it paints a very different picture....
One that the Last Engineer was no hero, and that he wanted us all dead, only when the outbreak happened, he managed to get to his Cryo Pod where he was safe...
How the others did not survive well, the only logical explanation would be that they was infected but never knew or thought that getting to Cryo Sleep would prevent it, or keep them in stasis until other Engineers arrive and maybe can help them.
Thus it was purely pot luck that the Last Engineer was never infected....
However the Concept work, deleted scenes etc, would point to a different reason... as for some reason the Last Engineer survived while all the others never, and surely they would have had fail safes.....
Thats where the Movie has two different conclusions, the theatrical release clues point to a different event in ways to what the deleted scenes would have done.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Offworld seeder
MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 11:00 AMIs it stupid to assume that tje 4 engimeers who
In the First holographic record made it in the big head room
Are the same as in the second holo scene where we see them
Activating the orrey preparing to go to hypersleep
I bet if someone could translate the discussion
Between the two engineers we would know why who did what or what for

Offworld seeder
MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 11:11 AMAnd i think its very clear that earth was targeted
Because the path to earth was clearly green
While all other planets and galaxies were blie
David pickt earth because it was greeisch targetet

Visionary Alpha
MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 11:11 AMWell, if only we could ask the writer. There is no way to know which engineers they were, for one thing because the juggernaut is another direction from what we know, but it's a plausible assumption and nothing stupid. We are left pondering these mysteries, but the writer knows it all, or at least Mr. Scott does.

Visionary Alpha
MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 11:13 AMIf Earth was highlighted in green, that could suggest that, but I thought David picked Earth because he was looking for it. Maybe when he saw it, he highlighted it somehow himself, because the hologram permitted some interaction with the viewer.

Visionary Alpha
MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 11:15 AM@Big Dave:
I think the last engineer sabotaged the other three hyper sleep chambers, because otherwise they would never have had creatures burst from inside them even if they were infected, because the hyper sleep would have kept those processes in stasis. They may have been infected, and there was no cure on hand at the time, so they went in hoping the stasis would keep them safe until help came. The engineer at the end may have been infected, and in stasis, however.

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 11:58 PMMaybe the last surviving Is called the hero simply because he is the sole survivor that all. Perhaps there is nothing more to it.
But one thing rises a big question to me is why would you go into hypersleep before the ship was in flight?
Watching the orrery scene with david. One of the engineers walked out of the room. Does anyone know if it was the hero engineer?
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

Visionary Alpha
MemberOvomorphJul-04-2013 9:05 PMSomeone was probably coming back for him.
As for the engineer who walked out, I think the hologram was recorded before any trouble broke out, because everyone casually walking about.
I would think there could be many others in the other ships, though, and I'd expect to see other life forms there, and on Shaw's ship there to be one or mor engineers in stasis.

Indy John
MemberOvomorphJul-05-2013 7:19 AMSince Shaw/David experienced the waking process of the Last Engineer they would be cautious indeed in dealing with any Engineers on Board their ship to the next adventure. In fact it would keep me from wanting an encounter on the next world.
David instinctively expected to travel back to earth but Shaw wanted to go to where the Engineers came from.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

MemberDeaconJul-05-2013 9:24 AMCant use this as Cannon...
But Spaights script the Orrey Room Engineer Hologram scene was longer and David hit a fast forwards button skipping past the casual Engineers preparing the Cryo Pods...
To then just one who look panicked and in rush to get into his Cryo Pod...
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017