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MemberOvomorphJun-26-2013 1:37 AMI got this when watching Prometheus for like the 5th time. Remember how fifeild went all berserk when he was exposed to the black goo? Perhaps when the breakout happened at the temple, The engineers panicked and attempted to enter the cryo chambers after being exposed to the goo, then i noticed that if you look at there cryosleep chambers, they have holes in them. Perhaps a basic form of alien burst from their chest. But the last engineer? Maybe he was exposed to it and got into the sleep chamber just in time where the alien DNA didnt have time to affect him just yet, he was frozen in time. And when david awoke him, he looked like he was confused and filled with curiosity and wasent angry at first. Then it got to him, and went batshit crazy and killed everyone like fifeild did. then after he was raped by the octopus, the dna mixed and the deacon was born. Then this deacon finds the other temples and impregnates them, this space jockey takes off and crashes on the planet where Alien happened. Just a theory what do you guys think?
11 Replies

MemberChestbursterJun-26-2013 11:08 AMThe only thing i'll say is that Ridley has stated that the SJ from Alien was on the planet long before the events of the movie Prometheus. it is a possibility that it ended up on lv 426 as a result of the events on lv 223 that happened, like, 2000 years ago or whatever it actually is.
Not a map, an invitation

MemberOvomorphJun-26-2013 12:25 PMWouldn't the last Engineer have been impregnated already then?
Why the need to have Cuddles face-hug him?
The 3 burst cryo tubes are a huge plot point though- i agree.

MemberChestbursterJun-26-2013 4:03 PMwhat happens if cuddles had made a mistake and double impregnated him? would it have been a weird mutation/combo of two different monsters, or would one have to prevail over the other when bursting?
Not a map, an invitation

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphJun-26-2013 4:37 PMBased on what we saw, I think the infected Engineer would have had to impregnate somebody to produce a Trilobite ( in Furious Gods one stunt guy kept referring to it as the Troglobite. No one corrected him, could this be the actual name for Cuddles?). Is it possible that since the Engineers can't reproduce ( just my theory) that is why the goo just breaks them down? Or is the other supposition, that there are different types of goo, correct ( that one gets my vote)?
I have the feeling that a double Troglobite impregnation would produce two Morbs. But I also have the feeling that a Facehugger is a one hit wonder.

MemberOvomorphJun-26-2013 5:42 PMI dont think that the awoken engineer had been infected, however I think he may have been responsible for infecting the other Engineers. Perhaps he was some kind of Terrorist who simply set the organism free, before locking himself in the ships cryo chamber. There he could simply wait for the organism to kill all the others, then awake and escape.... Obviously something went wrong tho.

Visionary Alpha
MemberOvomorphJun-26-2013 7:21 PMOkay, here are two BIG clues:
1) The engineer was in there waiting for someone, expecting to be woken up someday.
2) He WASN'T surprised by the humans, only when they spoke a different language than he expected. It looks to me like humans were around at the time of the incident, humans versed in a language the engineer spoke, whether his own or another. He was surprised, and alarmed, when he realized "strangers" had woken him.
It seems to me like the engineer was working with someone, who failed to return for him by the time of the Prometheus' arrival. I'd say humans were on LV 223 quite a bit 2,000 years ago, and I expect to see some on the engineers' home world in the next movie.

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphJun-27-2013 11:54 AMNot bad but i think we all know why the engineer woke up....HE COULD SMELL THE BACON! no really, what else did they make humans for?

MemberDeaconJun-28-2013 6:58 AMIf your only going by the Actual Theatrical Release then yes he goes Ape Crazy for little or now reason, after first having a intrigued look on his face and surprise...
If you see the deleted scene it becomes much more clearer...
The Engineer is at first a bit surprised by finding Humans awakening him, and when they start to speak to him he is intrigued especially with Shaw and what she wants to know.
A combination of the way Weyland and his Merc treated Shaw as to silence her, so that only what Weyland spoke mattered and then when the Engineer finds out that Weyland basically is dieing and wants the Engineer to make him life longer.
These two things upset the Engineer, then we see Weyland approach him and point to David, maybe the Engineer does not understand word for word what Weyland is saying but after he touches David, he realizes David is not Human.
At this point the Engineer has found out that Mankind is or has the potential to be.
1) Cruel and Barbaric and Selfish (Weylands actions and how they treated Shaw).
2) That we can travel the stars and found the LV 223 outpost and the Bio Weapons the Engineers where making.
3) That mankind has create life in their own image. (David)
The Engineer would have known that Weyland may not be the only Human like him, and that in no way can such persons be allowed to have access to such a Bio Weapon.
The Engineer then killed them off and set off to Earth to put a stop to the rest of us....
The Engineer looked intrigued at the Girl playing the violin in the other deleted scene and also there is another scene that was not shown where he kneels down to find a Book and he looks through the pages.
Had this Engineer wanted us all dead, why did he not carry on his mission at a latter date but prior to Prometheus ariving at LV 223.. Again maybe once they go into Hyper Sleep they can not open them, or they are set to open at a latter date than 2100 or indeed there was some failure and thus he would have stayed in the Cryo pods until someone came along.
Or he was waiting until other Engineers arrived but none came...
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconJun-28-2013 7:02 AMAlso while we can not use it as Fact for the final release of the movie...
i cant remember if it was Spaights or Lindeloffs drafts, but it described the Hologram scene in the Orrey Room as more Engineers than there was and all was calm.
Then David pushes a button and the play back fast forwards until we are left with just ONE ENGINEER.... who is described to look in a state of Panic and he rushes to get into the Cryo Pod.
This could tell us he was around during or after the out break but he was aware of things going to pop, but he managed to escape from such a thing...
Or did he cause it then?
As the description given could be similar to say if Someone just Murdered a Room full of a few people, and then was in a panic after he done so, and then having to clear up the mess and evidence.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberFacehuggerJun-28-2013 12:50 PM[b]Why were the other Engineers in the Orrery Room dead?[/b] [size=200][/size]
The door was closed 1000 of years ago.

MemberOvomorphJul-01-2013 8:18 PM[quote]Why were the other Engineers in the Orrery Room dead? [/quote]
Some deadly thing exploded through their chest.
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