MemberOvomorphJun-09-2013 10:05 AMHi everybody
My first original topic.
I know it has been discussed before in various threads and posts.
I would like to give my opinion and asking few questions you guys my contribute and try answer to.
Its obviously my lose findings and thougts that might not have any meaning in the movie.
Some argue that there is myths and religions included in the story of Prometheus, I believe so too and this is my findings:
Is it plausible that christian religion is actually first and foremost the story behind Prometheus script?
1. Engineers could be mythical Angels. They could be beings that "god" created to help him with his work. They would be kind of fully biological robots, manufactured on cellular level but still "slave like" creatures with inbuild lack of free will.
That would explain engineer being slightly sentimental towards David just before he ripped his head off. He have seen similar being wanting to be free but struggling with his limitation imposed by the creator and jelous of free will equiped humans being, favoured darlings of creator.
(Could engineers even be jelous ?)
They could do their jobs as executors of god's will of creating life on planets including Earth and then apearing in our history as acient revelations trying to keep our developement on track.
Them being just kind of slaves or workers would explain mythical or religious tendencies to making altars and sacrifices , despite being higher , older species than man, therefore unlikely mixof advanced so much technologically when being startraveling , using advanced technology and extremally religious at the same time.
2. Perhaps god has an opponent being (Satan ) that either was his rebelled previous creation or other species that is using god's design of angels (enginieers) as his pawns in the game. They would be either swapping sides or coppies of god's creation that have been aditionaly enginieered to have negative feelings ?>
3. Shaw's "virgin birth" could be a suggestion of new being, Deacon that would be Jesus like "saviour the world" or perhaps being that has higher rank than engineers and Xenos, as having both qualities, strenght and inteligence of both, it could be a start of god's plan to turn faiths in to his favour.
Those things would explain mystical Xenomorph mural (enginieers clearly worshiped it) as being their "master" or maybe just higher being.
If christian myths are clear on the god - human - angels relation, their all basicly the same kind of species so Xenomorphs would have to be something completely diferent or something that went tragically wrong.
Maybe god is just trying to create a being worth his attention ?
Major Noob
MemberOvomorphJun-09-2013 3:26 PMUp until just now I wasn't on board with the " Engineer Faction" idea, but if the ones at the beginning represent God and the ones at the end represent Satan, that has possibilities. I read another post that suggested factions divided by worship, one for life, and one for death. Kind of the same thing.
So, ultimately, Faith would be faith in the Engineers, and/or whoever they work for ( I think they're manufactured as well). Maybe that was Judgement Day being initiated at the end of Prometheus?
MemberOvomorphJun-09-2013 3:50 PMAlso I forgot to clarify that I think the mural represents the original Xenomorph or maybe not stupid, hive behaving Xenomorph but diferent, inteligent and highly evolved species that I believe might be image of said "Satan"
Major Noob
MemberOvomorphJun-09-2013 4:51 PMYes the "natural" Morb, if you will. That, or its the first one they created? The image seems to imply a mastery over it, or so they thought.
MemberOvomorphJun-09-2013 5:35 PMYeah but I still think they are going with the whole Anunnaki storyline and how Genesis and The Enuma Elish from Sumerian/Babylonian traditions of these guys. The Faction could either be the Christian concept of good and evil or the Sumerian one with Enki and Enlil how they didn't always get along with eachother. One loved humanity the other.... not so much. In fact I think that he wanted mankind to perish in the ancient flood that occured in the area 10,000 or so years ago. Soon realized that mankind would actually be a contender in the far future.
The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno
MemberOvomorphJun-09-2013 5:45 PMWell ,most religions of human cyvilisation have the same root .
They modified to the tribal and social needs of the region and culture they developed in.
Doesn't matter if its Babylonian, Jewish, Greek or Muslim gods , they all tell the same story.
It might be even the best argument for Prometheus to be a story of our religions turned ancient gods SciFi
MemberOvomorphJun-09-2013 8:43 PMPersonally I believe the annunaki/marduk creation theory suits prometheus best. There are alot of christian ideals/symbolism in prometheus (arms spread open in a crucifixion pose and the suggestion that the decapitated idea of the engineer being 2000 years old when he died). But I think in prometheus the annunaki idea suits best. The writing on the doors and canisters was persian and pre sumerian also, which kinda supports the the whole annunakio idea.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"
Visionary Alpha
MemberOvomorphJun-10-2013 3:55 AMIt's actually based on Christianity. This is saying it wrong, but the surviving engineer in the end was originally written as Jesus himself, if you can believe that. I think the giant statue of a human head represents Satan, and the xeno's are his creations in his attempts to be like God.
MemberOvomorphJun-10-2013 4:40 AMI would love to get explained by someone, how religion came in this movie.... :|
christianity came a lot later than most of religions.
The language written on the the walls and pods looked to me like lycian
I got attracted to that green crystal thing which Dr. Holloway in the movie saw. infront of the cellular painting of real xenomorph. What was it anyway? just asking
MemberDeaconJun-10-2013 5:08 PMWell i dont think they are going to do any one Religious idea.
I think Ridley will be going the route of that these Engineers are either a highly Evolved and Ancient beings, or they are created by some highly advanced ancient beings, and that in all they are far from God, as in the Magical Man who lives in the Sky.
Nope they are going to flesh out the story of these Engineers, who are they where did they come from why, who created them and why they created us and what else have they created.
And that at the end of the day, it is these Engineers and who ever else is at the top of their hierarchy, that visited Earth many times and that led to our religions all being different cultures interpretations of what these Engineers are.
But yes the Generic Tale and one that on Earth does have links with all others is the Anunaki Tale.
This tale is of a Ancient God Like Alien Race who created us to perform tasks for them and then worship them, or at least a fraction of these beings who visited Earth.
The case they may try and get is that maybe that tale is more of the direct telling of who these Engineers are, and that has this tale is passed on and on over cultures like Chinese whispers it creates many diverse religions that all seem to share some characteristics.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberDeaconJun-10-2013 5:15 PMOh as far as the Jesus was a Engineer.....
Well nope he was not, that would be silly, i mean Jesus ant no Bald Black Eyed Engineer who stands 9ft tall, or some nutcase in Australia for that matter lol....
Nope the closest thing to whats going on is David....
David is a robot right? Made to serve and carry out tasks, David can be used for many things, but why is David like David? Why is David not like Sonny from I-Robot?
As David says in the movie when Holloway asks why he is wearing a suit, David says that he was created to look like a Human so he can fit in more with them.
Hense, the whole Jesus angle would most likely be that the Engineers created a Hybrid Human that contained more Engineer DNA.
And they taught this Hybrid a lot of stuff and he had a lot of knowledge and Gifts from the Engineers and he was sent down and created as a Emissary on behalf of the Engineers.
But we turned against him and crucified him.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberOvomorphJun-11-2013 6:57 AM@big dave
Some nutcase in australia?
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"
Kaiju Blue
MemberOvomorphJun-11-2013 2:48 PMI feel the Jesus idea ....even if was the original intention of Scott has been put to rest as it would result in a terrible flop of a flick.
Regardless of what he wanted to do at one point Scott cannot FLOP the studio will not allow it,
Rewrites a plenty until something is green lit that tests well..... Jesus engineer unless casted as TIM TEBOW is a flop.
MemberOvomorphJul-07-2013 12:27 AMIts a little bit of everything from ancient Sumer to the OT and NT. Ridley did base them off of the Anunnaki and the dark angels. In reality if you study both texts the Angels are the Anunnaki. He did use alot of referrence from Z. Sitchins 12 Planet book as well as Chariots of the Gods by Erik Von Daniken. Even the planetoids LV-426 and LV-223 are from Leviticus. The urns too are very reminicent of a cylinder seal showing how Mankind was made with Adamu=first man is sitting on Ninhursags/Ninmahs lap.
The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno