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Prometheus Sequel Officially Titled ALIEN: COVENANT

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AdminEngineerOct-03-2012 12:48 AM

Okay, so everyone has been pretty sure Prometheus' sequel will be titled Paradise from the start, but still it was speculation. 

UPDATE (Nov. 16th, 2015) The title has been confirmed as Alien: Covenant today by 20th Century Fox!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
50 Replies


MemberOvomorphMar-22-2013 12:04 PM
The problem is that site for checking the domain can't be counted on. I checked my site to see what it comes up with. The Registrant/Contact information is listed in Canada. I am in the US.


MemberOvomorphApr-09-2013 7:02 AM
PARADISE is o.k., but not as charged with history as Prometheus, since it is an abstraction. Now, Paradiso comes with all kinds of good baggage.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-09-2013 3:54 PM
Custodian recently proposed the name EDEN, although for a different film that Custodian is craving. Would be cool, though. Hey unclefunbuckets, any connection to uncle fun in Chicago?

Alien junkie

MemberOvomorphApr-09-2013 8:13 PM
I can't wait for release! I wonder if the evolution of the Alien will be covered. Or will the movie cover the "engineer's" planet and existence?


MemberOvomorphSep-23-2013 7:15 PM
I don't know. Paradise is just... predictable ! And the 2 movie should not be, far from what whe could imagine and as dark that whe just want to going under the seat in to the cinema room. And by corollary, to the same plan intelligent. Not like and Alien Vs Predator who's just design for express what we want to see, and not what the director can do !

Ryan Mack

MemberOvomorphMar-28-2014 7:47 AM

The sequel should be titled "Pandora", not "Paradise". Naming it 'Pandora' would keep the title in tune with the greek mytholgical theme already there. And besides, in the original greek myth stories, Pandora and Prometheus are connected. It was because of Prometheus that Pandora was given her famous "pandora's box", the one that let out untold horrors on all of humanity. That is a pretty good analogy for the sequel film. We left off with David and Shaw flying off to look for mankinds creators, even though those very same creators tried to destroy mankind. David and Shaw making themselves known to these creators, along with the rest of humanity in the process, is going to cause trouble. Their curiosity is going to unleash a varitable 'pandoras box' of horror and consequences. 


MemberOvomorphApr-24-2014 10:57 AM

Ryan Mack, I love that idea! I was excited about it being called 'Paradise,' but now 'Pandora" seems even more appropriate.


MemberOvomorphApr-24-2014 10:57 AM

Woops, double-post.


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphSep-24-2015 2:53 PM

I know in a certain scripture says that the garden, which held the forbidden fruit (secret knowledge of eternity)before the time when the Earth and the Sky was as one like a cloud .  Then decay!  I hope these next few movies hold fast to the more biological surreal representation of HR Gigers style.  His biomechanics have ghosts in it's shell, electically alive but decayings and dead at the same time.  I miss the derelict and that old giantly morphed skeleton in the pandor Apparatus to another demension of the forbidden, dangerous and completely ALIEN!


AdminEngineerSep-24-2015 3:41 PM

I'm sure they will Ruh, I'm very stoked to see how this goes!

PS. time to update this topic haha

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2015 11:49 PM


MemberFacehuggerSep-25-2015 1:29 AM

Omg info coming in thick n fast. Paradise lost...that seems top fall in line with the destruction of the engineers empire idea I wonder if it was a paradise at one point. Nice stuff and woods the bio weapon for maybe the demi God thing. Man this could be so good. I missed a premier showing of the Martian last night showing this red carpet stuff first damn would of been nice....back door on alien now that sounds great as well!

Question is now how much do we want to know how much is too much :s. ..



 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberDeaconSep-27-2015 3:18 PM

They had a more simple idea with Alien: Engineers... it went to show us our Space Jockey being these Giant 15ft tall Humans who not only created the Xeno or at least created variations of a Organism that shares the same DNA Orgins on LV 426 but something went wrong, very wrong!   The movie showed us who the Space Jockey was, showed us they had played a part in the Creation and Experiments on these Organisms that they would use as Bio Weapons or to clean up Worlds.....

But Fox decided they should side step away from the Xeno links, and concentrate more on the idea of these Giant Humanoid Engineers who also create Mankind, and to explore why, and what else have they created, Fox and Ridley then felt that the Space Jockey Race (Engineers) was something to concentrate on more and Lindeloff was brought in to movie the Base these Engineers had been creating and experimenting with Xeno DNA from LV 426 to a near by Moon LV 223.

The Name Prometheus came into play after but it was Originally Paradise... as in the place where God/s come from where they created Mankind from... thus LV 426 was Paradise as in the place our Creators had maybe started or nurtured our Creation on or from....  This adds up to Ridleys latest comments on how at the time of after Alien he wanted to do a 2nd movie that would explore Paradise but Paradise would be the dark side of that Moon (LV 426) and so i guess Spaights draft did try and follow that route...

But we got Prometheus as the name and lose tie in with the Mythos.....

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconSep-27-2015 3:52 PM

So lets explore PROMETHEUS!

Yes the movie was to concentrate more on the Race behind the Space Jockey and that they are a Ancient Race of Giant Humanoids who had played a role in the creation of Mankind, and not just a role in the creation of the Xeno or something related...  But they wanted to focus on these Engineers, the connection they had with our Creation and also Evolution of Mankind not only Genetically but also Technologically over thousands of years... for what purpose.. we never are clearly shown... only that a lof of effort would have been put int our creation... it looked more than merely being a Accidental Evolution by a process started by the Sacrifical Scene.... that somehow then started Evolution as in kick start of Basic Life to Evolve into Complex.... or even the process that first seeded the building blocks of life (this is doubtful as the world had Plant Life) but this could have been created by another earlier process not shown in Prometheus..

Nope it seemed to show us more than that, and that the Engineers would have had to come down time and time again, experimenting on the creations that was taking place... Genetically upgrading until the result was Mankind, which these Engineers futher took a great deal of time with us... most likely teaching us stuff, how to build, how to read and write... (this explain why David could communicate with them).

This is what Prometheus was about..... and these Engineers was interpreted as Gods by Ancient Mankind, teh Star Maps, the references to Religon throughout the movie... Scripture links... and Prometheus Links are all there to losely draw connections between the Origins of these Fables and Religons all draw their Orgins from our Engineers in the context of the movie.....

Prometheus set out to show that the Sacrifical Scene was important and vital to the Engineers and especially the Elder Engineers that was shown... they had planned to touch upon the Space Jockey/Engineers being more than just a Giant Alien Race who had horrid Bio-Weapons.... they was thinking big things.... Earth may not be the only place these Engineers seed life on... they could have done it on many many Worlds.... but we dont know why...

At some point about 2000 years ago the Engineers decided to create something to unlesh on Earth... Why? How? we never really know.... there was clues.... "sometimes to create one must first destroy" and Ridley saying that Mankind was behaving in a way that the Engineers never agreed with or indeed intended and they sent down a Emissary to try and get us to change our ways... and we Crucified him....  this was the Space Jesus comment... one which i think Ridley was not trying to say Jesus was a Engineer, but he was maybe a mesenger of them.... and it got to a point that yet again the Engineers Creation was behaving in ways the Engineers was not happy with... after countless attempts to fix the problem.... they decided 2000 years ago was the Final Straw

So they set off to destroy us.... or was it to replace a failed experiment with something else... (i have a theory on the Mural and Xeno DNA and Urn and sometimes to create one must destroy that i have covered before but wont go into detail here apart from they created something... something related to the Xeno DNA a Xeno/Engineer Hybrid whos DNA they saw as more perfect that their own Engineer DNA and thus this new DNA was the Perfect Evolutionary Step the Engineers on LV 223 seeked.

This was Prometheus... stepping away from the Xeno and providing us vague links....

The end of the movie it was revealed our Engineers never came from LV 223 but a place that we on Earth refer to as Paradise.....

After Prometheus was released Ridley had then explained the Engineers, the movie also had some changes... Engineers was tonned down as far as being Individual Free Minded Creators... to being Agressive and Angry Race...  Ridley said that they did removed scenes as they gave away too much about the Engineers and their Agenda and he wanted to save this for the Sequel... was it save this... or because they wish to change some of it?

Ridley said they did not want to meet God in the first movie, which   shows maybe our Engineers are not the Top of the Creation Tree....  Ridley then refered to the Engineers as Fallen Angels....  He then also refered to Paradise Lost by John Milton.

At the point of after the release of Prometheus... Ridley and Fox had been making vague links to our Engineers and the Fallen Angels from Paradise Lost by John Milton... these links would be losely and metaphorically same as the Prometheus Myth Links and Bible References...

At the time of Prometheus release, Ridley and Fox and Spaight had sat down and thrashed out ideas of how not only a Prometheus 2 would go but also a 3rd movie and how they would futher explore our Engineers their Hierarchy and Agenda was in the grand scheme of the Galaxy and not just Earth, LV 223 and LV 426 and they wished to futher themselves away from Alien and LV 223/426.

This seemed to be the idea behind the potential Paradise movie...  Ridley gradually over the years left more and more clues... leading us to that these Engineers are not Benevolent, and that Paradise is not a place that we would think of as a Paradise but a very sinister and dark and ominous place...

And even as of last month all his comments seemed to lead to to that, his latest back then sugesting that the want to explore the Engineers and their Creators and the whole Scheme of Creation and that Mankind and Earth is a small part of this and they wish to step away from the Xeno and Alien...  then he said that Earth maynot be the only place Mankind is found.... and creation in the Universe is no Accident, everything is laid out with a purpose right to how such Worlds like Earth are in the Sweet Spot to support Life.... that without being in such a place Life could not even take place... and that how these Planets are in the right place and can be the basis to support life... is again no mere Accident or coinsidence...

This is Fascinating news...

But the latest comments about, going the back door to Alien, and bringing us to the Alien, and Ripley connection has me very concerned...

Prometheus laid the foundations for massive Scope... something new... and maybe down the line connect the dots to Alien without giving us a Spoon Fed Alien movie... leave that to Alien 5... but to now also connect Ripley? 

sorry the Franchise is bigger than Ripley... Alien Franchise is about the ALIEN!! Prometheus showed us that the Alien plays a small role in the whole culture of these Galactic Creators that are the Space Jockey and that the Franchise... is about THE ENGINEERS AND THEIR CREATORS!!!   

Maybe Fox have lost their Balls and figured its best to Cash in on the Xeno and Ripley which is a dire Shame!!!!

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-29-2015 12:04 AM

I need to correct something.I was at a meet and greet a few years ago where Damon Lindelof was speaking at.He was asked what gave him the idea for the Engineers,his response was the Biblical Nephilim.Damon said people often ask him are the Enginneers the "Fallen Angels" of the Bible, the "sons of God"?He said he always answers with  a simple "no" and that anyone who views them that way needs to look much deeper into that story to understand who they modeled the Engineers after.

Nephilim and Fallen Angels are two very different "beings".


MemberDeaconSep-29-2015 8:39 AM

Yes that was always on possible way......

The movie is very very Ambigious and so much so that they can change any part of it for the sequel....

Firstly Lindeloff did not create the Engineers, Spaights draft was first to portray them.... Lindeloffs just added bit more Religious undertones and connections to them.....  But saying that i am sure Ridley had the idea of where they wanted the Engineers to be and go before he started on Prometheus.. maybe he pitched the idea... "the Space Jockey is a space suit worn by some Humanoids.. what if these Giant beings created Mankind too?" and Spaight came up with a draft off that.

Futhermore Gigers Concept work for the Face Hugers and Alien Mural that was never used featured Bald Humanoids being Face Hugged... the Mural Featured Space Suit wearing Beings with Helmets that had a hose but was more Mechanical i.e looked more like a Space Helmet than something Organic like the Space Jockey.. however ignore the Helmet and back back... (which is same as Prometheus Space Suit Engineers Back Packs) and we notice the rest of the suit in the Mural matches that of the Bald Face Hugged Humanoids in the Face Huger Concept works...

So maybe the Space Jockey being Bald Humanaoids was something Giger had came up with a long time ago...

But back to the Nephilim these are Giant Biengs that came about when the Fallen Angels had seen that Mankinds Women where Lustful and they breeded with them and created biengs that giants....

Now why do the Engineers Seed their DNA...?  The Engineer could have been given this order by another Race Above them and this Race could be Fallen Angels.... or even Angels....  The Sacrificial Scene did not have to be on Earth.

Mankind and Engineers share a close DNA connection.. this could be because even if the Engineers are sons of Fallen Angels and Human Women.... or even if they are Fallen Angels... we have to assume Angels was created in same image of God..

We do not see if Engineers can procreate..  Ridley said they can reproduce in different ways by saying that the Sacrifical Scene was not the ONLY WAY but the way they CHOSE TO  create Life!

If we assume Engineers are all Male and can not reproduce.... if they are Nephilim then it is their Fathers who re-produce... i.e Fallen Angels... and thus a Race we have yet to see... because God said the Engineers are not God... he made a comment that they did not intend to see God in the first movie..... maybe this is why the Elder Scene was removed... they also removed many scenes to tone down our Engineers as being more just Biological Terminators... and Ridleys response was he cut scenes because he did not want to give to much away about the Engineers Culture and Agenda in the first movie...

So yes Engineers as Nephilim could work....

But Ridley did also refer to then as Fallen Angels....  and he keeps bringing Paradise Lost into it as far as vague connection to what was going on......   Paradise Lost tells the tale of Rebelion of Satan against God, and taking some of the Angels on his side of the War.... God creates a new Favoured Race... Man... grants Man a Mate.. Females... (some cultures  and interpretations of Adams time, there was only Mankind at first.... more than one Man and no Females)...   It tells the tale of how the Fallen Angels and Satan want to Turn Gods newest Creation Against God... thus having God then pour out his Wrath upon Mankind....

Connecting to the Bible... one of the reasons for the Great Flood was the curuption of Mankind not only how we was behaving but also by Blood... that our Blood line had been tainted with Fallen Angel Blood... via Nephilim

So would be interesting to see where they are going but loosely yes i think  God/s Angels/Fallen Angels and Nephilim could all loosely play a part!

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-04-2015 5:55 PM

From the moment I saw the Engineer specifically in Aliens Pt 1 as in my profile photo, I was hooked and wanted to know who or what was that thing in that space suit sitting on that giant seat. To this day I am still completely fascinated by the engineers and want too know everything about them.  The heck with the Xenomorphs, Sigourney Weaver showed us whos boss. But the Engineers!! Ha now that's an Alien and a highly intelligent one at that!


I can't wait for this movie to come out. I have been waiting for answers to questions I have from the very first Alien movie that I saw in 1986. To me the real Aliens are the Engineers. When I finally saw them in Promethius I was like Holy sh!! :)

I can't wait.


MemberDeaconOct-06-2015 6:19 AM

True and i think this is what i hope its all about....

Our Engineers are bigger than Mankind.... The Xeno i felt was just as Mankind a creation of the Engineers or some Organism they had came across and Manipulated....  Ripley the Francise... no.. she was a Prawn in the Universe of Alien and nothing more....

Here is the order of importance in the Franchise to me... Top to Bottom and what i want to see explored.

1) Who or what ever is at the Top of the Hierarchy, who ever created the Engineers or even created the Race that then created the Engineers....  Below the Engineers we see this order as far as a family tree to Mankind... Engineer ==> Mankind ==> David 8 there is more depth to it than that but thats the Hierarchy...

And i want to see what the Hierachy above the Engineers is and how many levels is it..

2) The Engineers, more history and depth and Agenda, what was their purpose how and why did they come to be and how and why do they play a part in creation..... 

3) What else has been created at the hands of the Engineers, their creators and the Hierarchy above them.

4) The Xenomorph, connections to how this came to be where did they obtain it and how and what connection does it have Bio-Mechanically to our Engineers on LV 223 as far as their Technology... Ships and Suits and contruction of the Temples etc.... there is a connection between the Xenos Bio-Mechanics and Hives and the Engineers Ships and designs.... finding out this would be great.... we dont have to have a Xeno Detailed Spoon Fed fest... but seeds to them would be great.

5) Weyland - Yutani Company and its Evolution what else to they do...  explore the details behind the fued between both companies some which could be around Technological Patents... i.e how Advanced and Human the Weyland Androids are.... and evolution of the Androids.... maybe even links to Tyrell and Replicants if they want to go that route....

These are the 5 things i want us to explore in the franchise and this could lead to a branch of 2 or 3 different Franchises... none of them branching directly to Xeno Eggs on LV 426 and Ripley....


Of bringing in Ripley and purely showing us Xenos or new kinds of Xenos and Ripley... no thanks... leave this to Alien 5, Alien 6, 7 etc or how far they want to Milk the Xeno and Ripley....  Ripley vs Predator etc lol

Before Ripley, that Space Jockey sat dead in that Pilot Chair, with a deadly Cargo.... the orgins of these creatures the Space Jockey and Xeno and the role they play in the universe is much bigger than Ripley!

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2016 8:42 PM

Don't think this has been posted but this was 'leaked' today:

Back in November, 20th Century Fox confirmed a rumor that their sequel to 2012'sPrometheus will now be entitled Alien: Covenant. This new adventure, which was given an August 4, 2017 release date last month, has been confirmed as the first movie in a new trilogy, which will eventually connect to director Ridley Scott's 1979 sci-fi classic Alien. We have always known that this new movie will connect toPrometheus as well. Earlier today, Bloody-Disgusting discovered a new photo from the set that offers visual proof of this connection.

The photo came from an Instagramaccount belonging to Charlie Tong, which was tagged as being taken at Fox Studios Australia, where production will begin later this month, according to a report from February. The photo features one of the "giant alien heads" that were featured in Prometheus, in the Engineers' secret temple. Here's what authorStephen Messing had to say about these massive heads, in an excerpt from Titan Books Prometheus: The Art of the Film, revealing these Engineer heads were an homage to original Alien designer H.R. Giger.

"Another set that I worked on was known as the 'Head Room.' This was a ceremonial room that contained hundreds of ampules beneath a giant sculpture of an Engineer's head. Julian Caldrow did an amazing job of working out all of the details for this environment and created the set drawings. The final set was built at full scale and was incredible to walk on. I also sculpted an altar area for this set that paid homage to Giger -it is a relief sculpture hanging from the wall and has the impression of an alien form with flowing structures surrounding it. There are a lot of Easter Eggs in this sculpture - including several hidden Giger motifs that were not used in the original film."

All we know about Alien: Covenant thus far is that it centers on members of an intergalactic expedition, aboard the ship Covenant, who discover what they think is an uncharted paradise. They soon find that this planet is a dark and dangerous place, whose only inhabitant is David (Michael Fassbender), the sole surviving member of the Prometheus expedition. Back in November, director Ridley Scott teased thatNoomi Rapace's Elizabeth Shaw, who was also alive at the end of Prometheus, will have a just a small role in Alien: Covenant, but there have been other reports that her role has been cut entirely.

Alien: Covenant also stars Katherine Waterston, Danny McBride, Demián Bichir,Jussie Smollett, Amy Seimetz, Carmen Ejogo and Callie Hernandez. Ridley Scott is directing from a script by Jack Paglen, Michael Green and John Logan. Take a look at the new set photo from Alien: Covenant, and stay tuned for more as we get closer to production starting.


MemberFacehuggerJul-05-2016 8:31 AM

test...ah ok I was thinking my account was broken - kept trying to post in the old black background version of alien covenant not this white background one...ok I can post again ... :S was like that for months.

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

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