MemberOvomorphSep-02-2012 11:52 AMI do think that the secondary jaw will become more "pronounced" during adulthood. The juvenile's secondary jaw looks as if it still has some flesh attached to the jaw and the mouth itself, and through more use, the connecting flesh probably would dislodge itself later on, as if it were just a safety mechanism for the infant.
Community ExecutiveMemberOvomorphSep-02-2012 1:06 PMHaha tongue always adds extra fun to all .. Im agree. All works are really good. Im waiting for more.
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you
MemberOvomorphSep-02-2012 2:27 PMHi ! I'm new here, and I just want to show you my version of the adult deacon alien for Prometheus 2 :
I saw that there is a high level here, a lot of great designers ! That's amazing !!
MemberOvomorphSep-02-2012 4:17 PM[img]http://i892.photobucket.com/albums/ac127/Moorkey/prometheus-1.jpg[/img] I know it's not to the standard of other work here, but I thought I'd have a go. I went with a similar translucent carapace to the original Alien, but with more feminine features.
MemberOvomorphSep-02-2012 6:47 PMSince the Xenomorph mythos is based on the creepy reproduction methods of some real Earth animals, I'm surprised nobody thought of this concept before. Probably because it looks so goofy!
MemberOvomorphSep-02-2012 10:13 PMHey guys, brand new to the site, joined up to submit some art! so here it is, my version of the adult deacon! this was created in photoshop using one of Neil Scanlons concept art and bits and pieces of Gigers art. [IMG]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj241/Rabbit2100/deaconconcept2copy.jpg[/IMG] any feedback would be excellent!
MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 12:00 AM All of you contributors are absolutely AWESOME!!!! I love being here!!! : ) : )
AdminEngineerSep-06-2012 1:53 PM@[b]ImaginedOne[/b] - I like the new sketch! A rear view, looks creepy too! Nice job!
@[b]Sweet_Deacon[/b] - Can't wait to see! Submit as many as you like, there's no limit! :)
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-06-2012 4:35 PM@ImaginedOne. Your art is mint!!!
The poster was good though!
MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 10:41 AMAgreed!!
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.
MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 12:55 PMTha Pig - that's awesome.
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.
AdminEngineerSep-03-2012 12:58 PMWow, welcome to all the new members! Really great work from all of you! Too many good things to say about these new pieces of work. Haha I'm gonna be making mentions of most if not all of the art in this thread on our Facebook and Twitter accounts!
@[b]stra[/b], I really like your shading in your drawing, really well done!
Really, really enjoying the new artwork guys! I'm gonna have to increase the cap of winners, cause there's just too many great submissions! Haha
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 1:31 PMCrud! Forgot to sign mine. Reposting...
MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 2:09 PM[img]http://i892.photobucket.com/albums/ac127/Moorkey/prometheus-2-1.jpg[/img] I went back to re-scan with a signature, and the little aristic voice in my head started singing 'You missed a bit...', so I set to with pencils to finish, and here she is...hope you all enjoy! (I signed it now, too!)
MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 2:13 PMI also am a 3d artist...i would love to do 3d model and all the art here so far is amazing....absolutely amazing!...if i do eventually get around to it....I will have to make a list of all the great concepts i borrowed from....they all seem like a 50/50 deacon combined with original alien.....but then i am also thinking perhaps we are being too obvious....what could we possible bring to the design that would make it slightly otherwise....not what you would expect...i bet this is the type of thing Ridley would ask of his art team (hence the tentacled trilobite)....throw a big old spanner in the works!....any thoughts?
MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 2:46 PMThat would be great juxtapose! I tried a load of 'unique stuff that didn't quite work. Well I didn't think so anyway. So I went back to a piece I did in school whilst studying Gigers work. I blended my piece with ideas from the original and from Deke (literally just the head shape). I didn't even attempt the goblin shark jaw, as I think it wouldn't change. Good luck throwing your spanner in the works, you'll probably kick my ass
MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 4:25 PMHmm actually I have only a normal deacon.. but I'll star to draw the adult RIGHT NOW! Haha :D [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/245/0/4/deacon_prometheus_by_sweetyxenomorph-d5dap0x.png[/img]
Listen and cry... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h08ZUrYbt7o
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; but I'm not sure about the universe.” -Albert Einstein.-
MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 5:42 PMnah moorkey you and countless others did a great job....this thread has become so long that even i decided to skip a page here and their....but overall very promising...and "sweet deacon" that looks great as well.....just bigger teeth.... lol....like a hairless werewolf from hell!!!...;)....some appendages on the back...perhaps a smoother looking head...something morphing slowly into the alien we all know and love.....but what type of weird things might happen in pro 2 and perhaps 3 before we even get to that....so also think in terms of the engineer before reflecting on the deacon and the way we know the xeno's looked like in their ultimate state
I can draw but mostly from what i see....i can combine concepts and form rough sketches.....but not really high quality ones...i find it actually easier to play with shapes in 3ds max and see how those turn out and then start from there...i am good at texturing the final product and maybe rigging and animating it....but i will leave the concepts to those who can.....!....not committing myself to anything....but i think thats the way most 3d artist think!
Perhaps a good idea would be to look at early concepts of the ciger designs and incorporate those into the latest deacon from prometheus...then throw in a bit of the more conventional xeno!...plus a penis and vigina motif...good luck...lol
Necronomicon IV
MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 6:52 PMHere's mine:
Also here:
MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 7:16 PMNice work @Necronomicon IV, I love the mural in the background and the helmet too.
MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 8:25 PM@necro like it alot...especially the cute little hammerpede ...awww
I havnt been paying much attention to this thread as of late...its so far down on recent discussions. Great job submitters of art...very nice!
ALL generalizations are WRONG!
MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 10:28 PM Necronomicon.....I BOW AND KNEEL BEFORE YOU. My liege.
MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 10:33 PM That mural has me suddenly thinking of 'Maria' of Metropolis, for some odd reason. Maybe, it's not 'scaring the living shit out of you' that Ridley should be concerned about, how about the macabre nature of it all.
MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 11:30 AMhere is my interpretation of what the adult deacon could be if it developed a humanoid muscle structure...
MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 4:23 PMHmm okay.. I'm done!! ^^ This is my version of the adult Deacon Alien, I drew it this afternoon. I wanted to draw an original head shape, like the praetorian Xenomorphs. Not very exaggerated, just some little bulges :D Hope you like, [b]Chris[/b]! ![](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/248/e/2/adult_deacon_by_sweetyxenomorph-d5dopgm.jpg)
Listen and cry... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h08ZUrYbt7o
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; but I'm not sure about the universe.” -Albert Einstein.-
MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 8:37 PMFirst time posting... hope this works! This is a concept I did today. I like the idea of the mouth coming out of a more 'female' opening... to keep with the sexual themes Giger liked to play with. I made a double hinge so that the outer mouth could completely widen and the inner jaw hinge would extend quite a distance.
MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 9:42 PM
Disturbingly attractive.
MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 9:55 PM
Damn. Just what is it about the 'alien' that the Engineers are so focused on? That sequels GOT TO BE MADE.
AdminEngineerSep-05-2012 7:57 AMI don't check this thread for one day and all this fantastic art gets posted. Wow, this is great everyone!
@[b]Necronomicon IV[/b] - There are so many things I could say about your art rendition, but lemme just say it's my new wallpaper. Wow. The poster style is epic and I love how you incorporated the Deacon perched on top of the Engineer head/helmet. A lot of really powerful imagery, great work!
@[b]infectionLV-221093[/b] - A muscular Deacon - as if the skeletal version wasn't scary enough! Haha, nice job!
@[b]Sweet_Deacon[/b] - Nice to see you posted your work here! Looked great on Twitter, but even better on a big screen! (I use my phone for Twitter) Thanks for sharing it with us, looks awesome!
@[b]cenobite [/b] - Really incredible work! If you were going for a Giger-inspired piece with a more female presence then you nailed it for sure. Very well done!
This thread just keeps growing with incredible artwork. Keep it up everyone! I'm really loving all the submissions!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4