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Design The Adult Deacon!
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AdminEngineerAug-26-2012 12:34 AM

So, with Prometheus passed and the DvD and BluRay coming up for release, we here at want to engage the artistic fans here and across the globe. We want you to design and post your own version of what you think the adult Deacon Alien will look like or could look like in Prometheus 2. To make this even more engaging, the most detailed and interesting design artists will win a Prometheus poster! We can allow up to 3 winners to start, but if more submit their works, we can always increase that number so that more artists win and get something for their hard work!

How can we tell if it's genuine? We ask that somewhere on the piece of art you add your site display name here on, small in the corner, or under your signature if you so choose to do so. There are already a lot of artist renditions of the Deacon on the internet, but what we are looking for are NEW artwork pieces. So post yours here! It can be any kind of art, from digital to paint. Just post it as a reply to this thread and each day I'll check in and see the artwork! After about 3-4 weeks I'll announce the first batch of winners. I realize creating truly immense works of art takes a lot of time. The contest will remain open until our supply of poster giveaways diminishes. So, anyone can win and show off your talent at the same time! So start your work today share with us your vision of the adult Deacon! Get creative!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
309 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 5:33 PM

I'm not the best of artists but I think the idea is quite plain. It is one of a few different ideas... [url=] Adult Deacon Alien Concept 1[/url]

HICKS ( online again )

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 12:58 AM
coollllll! a trabajar se ha dicho !!! a ganarrrrrr!


MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 2:15 AM
I will try. I do have wacom but not going to use that because I feel comfortable with pencils and ink pen. Will see If I can get make it before the finishing date.
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.


MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 1:40 AM
What a great idea and fun too.


MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 1:58 AM
that is fun!! i wont even bother because 1. i have seen fan art on this site, i would get my arse kicked. 2. i only use pens and pencils, that cant compete with digital, paint, and sculpting for most critics. 3. i don't really like how the deacon looks, i would make too many alterations and it probably wouldn't even look related :/ it would be interesting if people could use the rejected design concepts for the deacon design, i like some of those more then the one they chose for the movie.
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 2:07 AM
I am going to use a technical pencil, erasure and just plain paper...


MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 2:20 AM
Sky I do need a wacom... for creating wallpapers and photoshop stuff.


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 4:56 AM
Don't let me win this thing.... Long Live the Fighters!
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MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 7:35 AM
I'll enter [i]even though I am doubtful that I will win anything.[/i] x) >> 1. i have seen fan art on this site, i would get my arse kicked. Aww, I'm sure your art is great. Everyone has different styles and none is more better than the other.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-26-2012 9:49 AM
What a great idea! Could anybody tell me what the best way would be to upload a Picture drawn with pencil to my computer? Would a Scanner be the best option? and would it scan a picture done in pencil?

The poster was good though!


HAL 9000

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 10:12 AM
Interesting idea and thanks Chris for getting everyone involved! However, is this the new generation of film, design it the way you want it? I'm somehow not sure if this is going into the right direction... Sounds fun nevertheless.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 10:48 AM
necronom4: provided your lines are nice and dark a scanner will work for you, or you could very carefully photograph it nice and square With good even light and get it into your computer that way. Then, if you have a nice paint application or better yet Photoshop you could paint over it from there. Then just make sure your file is a Jpeg and load it up!

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-26-2012 10:57 AM
Thanx Major Noob! I will give it a go. *smiley*

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 10:58 AM
aww thanks leeta! i draw comics so i figured someone that does a more realistic style would make anything id do look like a kids doodle. now im tempted to be silly and enter a stick deacon drawing... LOL although if Don Hertzfeldt is on this site he would beat me too it.
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 10:59 AM
Pencil, Watercolor, Ink [img][/img] Pencil [img][/img] Pencil [img][/img] Pencil [img][/img]
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-26-2012 11:20 AM
Brilliant Gen. Well done!

The poster was good though!



AdminEngineerAug-26-2012 11:27 AM
@[b]genjitsu17[/b] - That is awesome! No way you did that in just 30 mins. ;) haha Very cool! I especially like how you incorporated a Giger-esqu style to the overall dome head and body. Very neat! @[b]belladonna[/b] - Don't limit yourself! Submit your visions anyways! Who's to say yours can't win? This contest has no max number of possible winners! @[b]HAL 9000[/b] - That's the thing, I'm asking you to design it the way YOU want it! If you want to do a Giger-style, more biomechanical Deacon, go for it! If you want to go more "next gen film" design and have it be more smooth, then go for it! It's all up to you. Let your imagination inspire you and get it on paper/canvas! @[b]Leeta[/b] - I've seen your art on here before! Very excited to see what you conjure up! @[b]Sky[/b] - There is no end date. This comp will go on until supplies of UK Prometheus posters run out. Or IMAX, whichever the winner chooses. @[b]Patch[/b] - Can't wait to see what you make bro! I'm so glad to see such a positive feedback to this idea. I just love to see people's talents come to light and shared with those who will appreciate it. I'm fairly artistic myself, but some of the work I've seen on here and around the net is incredible! So I'm really excited to see what you guys and girls come up with and how you each individually view the adult Deacon form in your head!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-26-2012 11:37 AM
@Chris. I'd love to see your work man! I'm very nervous about doing one now i've seen Gens.

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 11:40 AM
You can do it Necronom!!
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.

HAL 9000

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 11:55 AM
@Gen: Very well done indeed, especially considering the time you've spent on it! @Bella: Even though I'm a 3D artist, a proper hand-drawn sketch is always twice as sexy as most renderings. Considering all the technology available these days, they are normally much more alive, a more direct, creative link to a designer's heart and mind! So, don't hold back, give it a go dear! @Chris: That's not exactly what I meant. I was referring to the new ways of film makers to please the audience by potentially getting this kind of feedback beforehand, somehow 'making it easy for themselves'. And I admire everyone who is contributing their artwork to this thread. It takes a lot of guts to put your stuff out there!


MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 12:43 PM
Awesome Gen, not sure the mouth would look like that though.


MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 12:45 PM
Yeah, i kinda took it more Gigery, i wasn't happy with the look of the Deacon in the film.
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.


MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 1:00 PM
Ha ha ha....that is nice, Gen!!! [smile]

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-26-2012 1:13 PM
Love this thread!

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-26-2012 1:20 PM

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 1:25 PM
It's called a deacon for a reason, Necro. It makes sense to me more than what you're suggesting. Anyhow, are there going to be more art conception contributions? Gen is the only one so far.


MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 1:38 PM
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]

Necronomicon IV

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 2:33 PM
I might do this if I have the time. I was planning on drawing an Engineer eventually but this is interesting too.


MemberTrilobiteAug-26-2012 3:34 PM

[center][b]THIS IS NOT AN ENTRY[/b][/center] Found this using a simple google search, thought it would inspire your creative juices...


MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 3:36 PM
That is really cool!!
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.
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