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Blade Runner "Plot Holes" and Prometheus

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MemberOvomorphAug-13-2012 1:01 AM
It seems most of the Prometheus detractors have dissapeared from the forum. However when Prometheus was released they were in full force and pointing, out to no end, what they called "plot holes." Even though most are gone there are still some of you who talk about "plot holes" and poor writing. I'm not sure if any of you like Blade Runner but a large portion consider it the best sci-fi film of all time and if not the best a close second. I'll preface this by stating that none of the things brought up as "plot holes" or poor writing bothered me. If something did, it was something that I never noticed until someone brought it up. I also find a lot of these "problems" with Prometheus quite ridiculous so, in turn, I think most of the "problems" I found with Blade Runner quite ridiculous. However, they are there. Just like in Prometheus. Basically, if you look hard enough you will find what you want. If you want "plot holes" you can find "plot holes." If you want to find something great you can find something great. And if you believe that Prometheus sucks because it has "plot holes" or poor writing then you need to take a second look at Blade Runner because there are many things that parallel to your problems with Prometheus and some that dont. In no particular order... 1)Deckard is presented as this badass, android hunting detective. The best of the best. Yet he blunders along getting his ass kicked at every turn, feeling sorry for his prey and falling in love with them. The man would have died at the hands of his prey had his prey not spared his life. The best of the best acting like the worst of the worst. Hmmm. This sounds familiar. Just like in Prometheus. People on the net were all in an uproar about how these scientists were behaving and the things they were doing. Afterall, Weyland would have got the best of the best according to detractors. Yet they were acting like the worst of the worst. 2)How does the Voight Kampff machine work? It was never explained. This unanswered question could be compared to the "how does the black goo work?" question. Both important, both unanswered. 3)If the eyes of the replicants are of human "genetic design" as Hannibal Chew states, then why do they glow when light hits them? 4)Why do the replicants breath? You can see breath when they are in Chew's Eye World. 5)Eldon Tyrell says they can controll reps better if they give them memories. Bryant says the makers were worried about reps developing emotions. You know love, hate, fear, anger, envy? Memories create emotion. If you think about ba family member who has died you get sad. If you think about a great gift you got on your 6th birthday you get happy. Why would Tyrell give them memories when memories create emotion? 6)If the city is overflowing with people, looking much like Times Square on new years eve, so packed you can't even walk, then why is there no housing shortage where JF Sebastian lives? 7)Why does Gaff help Deckard at Leon Kowalski's apartment yet is nowhere to be seen for the rest of the investigation? To make the story better maybe? 8)Why does a police force of an overpopulated megalopolis have so few Blade Runners that one gets injured and they have to forcefully pull one out of retirment to hunt down 4 reps? 9)Why would Holden read Leon's address aloud as a question during the Voight Kampff test? You can compare this with problems people had with Prometheus like "Why did Millburn, who controlled the mapping device, get lost if not to move the story along? and so forth. So, there's a few. I didn't even finish watching the film to come up with these. I didn't even get to Rachel's Voight Kampff test. I got a few while watching and the rest I pulled from my memory of the film. As I said, I think a lot of these are silly. I feel the same way about most of the "problems" with Prometheus. There's no need to post a list of answers to these questions. I could answer them all myself. Some with actual, factual answers. Some with specualtion. EXACTLY like the "problems" or "plot holes" in Prometheus. So, if Prometheus sucks, then Blade Runner sucks lol!
34 Replies


MemberOvomorphMay-13-2013 2:01 PM
For my media production research I have created another questionnaire which focuses on Bladerunner and it would be really helpful if people could please answer this, many thanks. Questionnaire on themes in Blade Runner 1. What are your thoughts on Blade runner and do you like it? 2. Is blade runner morally sound in depicting the influence and power of large corporations, the omnipresence of the police and the control of humans by biomedical systems? 3. What are the consequences of the replicants and their implanted memories? 4. Is blade runner immoral in depicting the planet as dystopian and presenting the human race as selfish, unlike the replicants who work collectively, is it acceptable that the film asks us to reassess what it means to be human? 5. What are the negative impacts of humans mastering genetic engineering and can humans and robots live together co-operatively? 6. What are the implications of technology on the environment and does Blade runner reinforce a negative view of society when watched? 7. Blade runner raises many questions about the human condition, for example can you describe to me your definition of what reality is? 8. What does it mean to be human and has any themes from blade runner resonated within you? 9. The interpretation that Deckard is a replicant is challenged by some fans who believe the unicorn imagery shows that the characters, whether human or replicant, share the same dreams and recognize their affinity or that the absence of a decisive answer is crucial to the film's main theme. Do you feel that The inherent ambiguity and uncertainty of the film, as well as its textual richness, permit fans from knowing the true meaning of the film? 10. What do you feel are the strengths of Blade runner? 11. What do you feel are the weaknesses and flaws in Blade runner? 12. If you have any other information which you would like to add then that would be kindly appreciated.


MemberOvomorphMay-13-2013 2:58 PM
As a part of my research portfolio into Blade Runner, I have created thia questionnaire and would really appreciate if you could complete it for me. Blade Runner questionnaire for public 1. Do you prefer the director’s cut of Blade runner, if so why? 2. Do you prefer the theatrical released version of Blade Runner, if so why? 3. Do you prefer Sir Ridley Scott’s final cut version of Blade Runner, if so why? 4. Did you like the narrative voiceover from Deckard within the theatrical version? 5. What would you say is the most widely accepted version of Blade Runner? 6. Do you feel the use of music is one of the key focuses on Blade Runner? 7. What do you think could have been improved in Blade Runner, if anything please state what and why? 8. Any other comments?


MemberOvomorphMay-17-2013 4:34 AM
I am conducting research which includes questionnaires into the role of the film festival within the inudustry, could you please help by answering this questionnaire. Questionnaire for Film festivals – Mark’s assignment research: 1. What age range do you fit into? (please circle) 5-16 35-45 16-24 45-60 24-35 60+ 2. What gender are you? (Please circle) Male Female 3. Are you interested in film as a subject? 4. Would you attend a film festival in your local area? Yes – No – 5. Are you aware of film festivals or public events within your area? 6. What is it that you feel film festivals bring to the film industry? 7. What is the importance to you of film festivals within the role of the film industry? 8. Do you feel there are sufficient film festivals for independent film makers and emerging film makers at the present moment in time? 9. What is your view of financial support from local councils and government schemes; do you feel enough contribution is being given to the arts and media sector of society? 10. Are there any comments you would like to add?


MemberOvomorphMay-20-2013 7:59 PM
For the purpose of my current assignment I am focusing on an audience response to Blade Runner, with the chosen study of genre, I have created this questionnaire and would really benefit if you could answer it. Questionnaire - 1. Please state which genre you feel is most defined in Blade Runner and why? e.g. could be science fiction, cyberpunk, future noir, thriller or film noir. 2. What do you feel are the codes and conventions used with Blade Runner? 3. What type of iconography do you associate with Blade Runner? 4. Can you list any visual motifs present in Blade Runner which are linked directly to science fiction genre or film noir? 5. What are the universal concerns from Blade Runner? 6. Are there aspects of the Blade runner narrative that might reflect into other genres? 7. How do you feel the use of lighting, cinematography and mise en scene in BLADERUNNER is distinctive to a film genre? 8. Can you identify any moments in the opening sequences of Blade Runner in which the film uses noir lightings and cinematography? 9. How much does Deckard conform to the central male film noir character who is usually a disillusioned loner, a tough guy at odds with himself? 10. Look at the sequence where Deckard first meets Rachel at the Tyrell Corporation. How do her clothes, hair and make up mimic the 1940’s film noir ‘femme fatale’? 11. Watch the sequence from the point where Batty rescues Deckard up to his own death. Look particularly at the sequence in terms of the mise en scène. Does this succeed in evoking a sense of empathy for Batty?
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