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MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 11:04 PMArticle
[b]Brilliant 'Prometheus' wasted on a generation that can't appreciate it[/b]
When it came up in conversation that my wife had never seen the original 1979 “Alien,” I nearly ran our car off the road. As her husband of more than 10 years, I felt like somehow I had failed her. Needless to say, we watched it as soon as we got home. And despite its age, despite years of sequels, despite all the innovations in special effects that have taken place since it was released, “Alien” still had the power to make us jump off the couch. Because like its peers — “The Exorcist,” “Texas Chain Saw Massacre” and “Rosemary’s Baby” — it remains one of the greatest and most iconic horror films of its time.
Although it has not been explicitly advertised as such, “Prometheus” is a prequel to “Alien” that brings director Ridley Scott back to the genre he made film history in decades ago (Scott is also responsible for the sci-fi classic “Blade Runner”). But unlike the disappointing “Star Wars” episodes George Lucas cranked out at the dawn of the new century, Scott and his team of writers and producers had a firm grasp on what kind of movie they needed to make in order to follow up such an important and beloved property. The spaceships are boxy and functional, the sets look lived in, and the costumes wouldn’t have been out of place in a movie even older than the first “Alien.” It’s as if the people making the new movie wanted it to look great sitting right beside the old one.
But it doesn’t stop there. Whereas James Cameron’s ’80s blockbuster “Aliens” took the series in a decidedly more action-oriented direction that set the precedent for each subsequent entry, “Prometheus” is a 100 percent return to the sci-fi horror category. The gooey, translucent creep factor that came about due to the involvement of Swiss surrealist genius H.R. Giger is brought back and extensively employed. Faces are melted, bodies are mutated, and there is even a scene that approaches the shock level of the “chest-burster” gag “Alien” is best known for. The film doesn’t just deliver all the things fans have missed in the years since the original was released. It tells a compelling, massive story that is impossible to turn away from, no matter how disgusting or suspenseful things get.
And yet, as much as I wanted to stay seated and bask in the satisfying triumph that is “Prometheus” as the credits rolled, I instead couldn’t get out of the theater fast enough. While I know there are going to be like-minded people who realize just how great the film is, it is impossible to ignore the buzzing voices of negative criticism that typify the modern audiences genre fare now attracts. They pick, groan and smirk as a way of life because the majority of the entertainment they’ve grown up with has conditioned them to do so. My dad’s generation walked out of “Alien” with their collective minds blown. These kids walked out of “Prometheus” laughing and bellyaching.
I don’t sympathize with the complaining movie geek masses who take to the Internet complaining that all they get are remakes and other uninspired dreck that plays like watching someone play a video game. They don’t deserve better because they can’t seem to appreciate better. Meanwhile, there still are some of us who know great filmmaking when we see it, and I’m endlessly thankful to Ridley Scott for caring enough about what he achieved to surpass even my highest expectations with his return to outer space terror.
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18 Replies

Forever War
MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 11:43 PMPrometheus wasn't wasted on me and I'm someone who never wanted an Alien prequel in the first place..I didn't want that memory messed with. There is a saying " You can never go home again"..well, Ridley didnt quite go home, didnt really try despite all the talk describing this film beforehand.
Sneaky bastard just went to the end of the street..thanks Ridley.

MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 11:36 PMHere, here!!! ((Claps)) PERFECTLY stated!!! Could NOT agree more with this essay!!! Particularly this part:
[i]"I don’t sympathize with the complaining movie geek masses who take to the Internet complaining that all they get are remakes and other uninspired dreck that plays like watching someone play a video game. They don’t deserve better because they can’t seem to appreciate better. Meanwhile, there still are some of us who know great filmmaking when we see it, and I’m endlessly thankful to Ridley Scott for caring enough about what he achieved to surpass even my highest expectations with his return to outer space terror."[/i]

MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 11:36 PMSo the gist of this review is, "I can't recognize the difference between good writing and bad writing so get off my lawn."

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:03 AMAgreed. For me a great film its the one that makes me think and come up with hypothesis about how why and what will happen, and that is what prometheus did. And its fun , just dont complain so much, the only thing to complain is that they didnt give us all the answers

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 11:48 PMthat's a great article, need to share this with the folks!
[url=]Visit the Mad Max: Fury Road Forums today![/url]

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:16 AMShould read: "The Kind of Appreciation Prometheus Gets from People Who Can't Identify Plot Holes".
Seriously, the movie wasn't bad, but it was no masterpiece.

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:31 AMi think the engineers want to destroy us bcoz people become more and more retarded. they identify a deep layered script as plotholes. *facepalm over 9000

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:45 AMPROMETHEUS is definitely the best sci-fiction film I ever seen, as the entire story line will make the audience to think deeply for it, which also helps to refresh our mind what is the real purpose of developing a sci-fi horror movie......^^

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 3:17 AMwell ...the whole 'lets discover plotholes' culture online is part of our time and day....the movie-industry is to be blamed because movies that go deep are few and far between.
It's a bit sad to see how some react to a demanding movie by shouting 'plothole' but its a sign of our age. The first scene in the 'Headroom' for example doesnt cater to the gives nothing away for enjoy it fully you need quite a bit of cultural references even and you need an audience that sees more than the immediate. People now dont grow up in that kind of cultural climate. A 20-year old now has no reason to look at shaws words 'we changed the atmosphere in the room' and then think beyond the immediate connotations....and certainly not link the words to certain visual elements in the scene. We are used to instant gratification...and if we dont get it then we can slam artists like its nothing.

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 5:14 AMWHY WERE THE KIDS LAUGHING?! Because they were laughing at the plotholes and the things that happened with no reasons, like Fifield becoming a zombie for no reason, or the biologist that sooooo wanted to get the fuck out of there suddenly wants to touch an alien worm that appears to be very agressive.
Just be glad the kids can critic good movies that could have been 100x better and not just go see movies like BattleShip.

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 8:05 AMLOL -
"This movie is great. Anyone who doesn't think so and actually sees quite obvious evidence of poor and lazy film-making, only wanted to see a xenomorph, or is one of a, "geek mass", or wanted to be, "spoon-fed", or just, "complain too much", or they are , "retarded", or only, "20 years old" - and so they can't understand it.
Unlike [i]me[/i] - who, (rather than having made sense of an actual, properly constructed and staged, "Film"), have only just connected what is some loosely-connected cut-scenes flickering on a screen, by way of having created some kinds of convoluted garbage, fan-fic hallucination, in my head, after I saw it.
Due to this, I now feel a sense of self-righteous superiority in my hollow achievement".

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 9:40 AMthe person who wrote that article is an idiot.
"its great becuase i say it is" yeah good one. How about telling us why you think this is so good and clear up all the crappy sci-fi, script and plot holes that anyone with a brain noticed and ruined the film for.
MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 11:37 AMI agree completely with the article author.
We live in an age of immediacy. Ridley Scott makes films that don't work that way. You have to work at them, work at them, work at them.
For an age that may think it is just one [i]American Idol[/i] season away from being a superstar, why waste time thinking about a movie that doesn't give you all the answers up front?

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 11:43 AMWhy do people come here if they hate the movie so...!....Prometheus equals masterpiece and it's the flaws that make it so...why does everything have to be explained....why can't people just enjoy and be more interpretive....I can only imagine what kinda crap music these people must listen to....?

MemberOvomorphJun-16-2012 7:52 AMhi juxtapose, i came to get all my frustration and negativity out and now i have im maybe coming to appreciate the movie for what it is rather than what i wanted it to be.

MemberOvomorphJun-16-2012 7:56 AMwow, [b]fluke[/b], that is some kind of honest admission, I have to hand it to you and give KUDOS for this blatant and transparent statement without consideration for personal expense
You are a Stand Up Kind a Guy !

MemberOvomorphMay-09-2013 5:44 PMI’m glad to see some people are appreciating this splendid sci-fi film. It recognizes its origins but it is so much more thoughtful, and in that way it’s more in the tradition of Blade Runner than Alien. You can tell the writers struggled with how to integrate the engineers into the story. But I think they ultimately succeeded primarily by making them more “human” than the humans, or at least just as flawed. After all, they made two major errors. First, creating people. Second, coming up with a “final solution” that was too lethal even for them. There is terrific variety in the creatures – from the attack snakes in the cave to the tiny seed David finds and drops into Charlie’s drink. All the action scenes are first-rate, which you expect from Ridley Scott. I particularly like Shaw’s furious rush to get a C-section. Sure, there are “plotholes.” One that puzzles me is how what appears to be a fully functioning highly advanced space craft fails to wake the engineer out of cryosleep when the lowly human vessels have no trouble at it. Small matter though. This is a visually striking and thrilling flick that ranks pretty close to the best in the genre.
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