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What Happened to the Engineers on LV_223?

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AdminEngineerJun-09-2012 9:37 PM
In Prometheus Fifield and Milburn stumble upon a pile of dead Engineers in their Bio-Suits in the East wing of the Alien Temple. Some of the Engineers show busted heads, others show busted rub cages. What could have caused this? [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Obviously, something got "out" in the Temple and prevented the Engineers from departing from LV_223 some 2000 years prior to the events of December, 2093. When David activated the holographic recording of the Engineers running away from something, the crew follow them to entrance of the Ampule Room where one of the Engineers perished at the foot of the door before being decapitated by it. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Why were the Engineers seeking refuge in the Ampule in the first place? Where did they go? Were they eventually found in that room and dragged to where Fifield and Milburn discover their dead remains? Also, where are the beings responsible for this? Did they disappear? Or perhaps did they hijack one of the other Juggernaut Space Vessels as it was attempting to escape and this is what brings us to ALIEN? Could the original Xenomorph creation (Seen in the Mural) be the cause of this massacre? Could they have gotten on one of the ships without the Engineer knowing? Or was this something else? Could it have been a different breed of Alien? An interesting thing to note is that the way in which the Engineers were all gathered in one place and then killed (I'm assuming) mimics that of what we see in ALIENS and even a deleted scene of ALIEN - where the Xenomorphs drag their victims to a spot, near the Hive's core where they can be impregnated and the offspring born without danger. Could an Alien Hive have been created on LV_223 inside the Engineer Temple? Could a premature Queen have emerged and started reproducing and forming a Hive? If so, then what caused them to disappear? Why did Fifield and Milburn not discover Hive resin on the walls? Or any remains from the antagonists? Could the Aliens have ventured to another Temple in search of more hosts? Or did the Engineers find a way to stop them somehow? This topic contains many, many, many questions for you all to dissect and speculate over. Post your thoughts and opinions on this here! Hopefully we will get our answer when Prometheus 2 surfaces!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
318 Replies

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 6:46 AM
Well NYFM I'm thinking that what is being foreshadowed is that Shaw's allies will be Space Jockeys rebelling against their masters, who we have yet to meet. I don't think it's a faction thing between equals. There seems to be enough hints at a hierarchical society (like a hive) and the clues of alien abduction and slavery. It's possible that David switches side, to the 'superior' beings, and Shaw is left with a rag tag bunch of giant grey dudes, who are sick of being expendable. That would make it more than just a "run, hide, look for a flamethrower' type of movie.


MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 6:25 PM
@Hadley's Hope That actually sounds like a pretty plausible plot for a sequel. I do not trust that David. He was made before Ash probably, and according to Bishop from Aliens those older models were shaky :P I'm not saying by the way that I think Prometheus 2 would be a dumb action movie. I'm just supporting the theory of some possible ally they will find in either the Engineers or some other (sort of) friendly race.


MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 3:28 PM
These "Engineers" ain't all that. At least the dumb ass colonists on LV426 managed a last stand. I say we nuke their entire site from orbit... it's the only way to be sure there is never a PROMETHEUS 2.


MemberOvomorphJun-26-2012 5:51 PM
Were they wiped out in response to their plan to kill us by their own kind ?


MemberOvomorphJun-26-2012 9:50 PM
Outbreak Monkey, nuff said! =)


MemberOvomorphJun-27-2012 10:41 AM
I have not seen a plausible explaination for why the Engineers(Dead) all ended up in a pile! Thats not what Aliens do it wreaks of the treatment your enemy would give you after killing you. And WHY where some chestbursted and others hole in the head killed. Maybe not the right place to put this but THE Alien we saw at the end was a completely new(Original?) design and I suspect does not yet have acid for blood!


MemberOvomorphJun-27-2012 12:28 PM
In the sacrifice scene, the Engineer takes out a container that begins to bubble once in contact with air (i.e oxygen/nitrogen/carbon). It seems pretty much the same sorta black goo sealed away in those canopic jars at the Engineer HQ or Temple. The stuff that brings life from death, also can just bring death. The black goo is an exceedingly strong catalyst. As Hadley's Hope had mentioned in a previous post, the containers were placed in a "snare" formation" i.e the black goo remained stable until there was contact with air, delivered by any encroaching life-form, making it a prey for the creatures that dwell there. A perfect, bio-engineered experiment/weapon. Unfortunately, the Engineers (like the builders of Jurassic Park) did not leave room for chaos or chaotic interactions. Why an advanced civilization such as the one that the Engineers come from would leave out such an important factor in their calculations, a perfect world says a lot about their universe, literal and otherwise. Perhaps the Promethean Alien, was freeing his own people from that world, a world locked in a death spiral (presumtion here) due to its undying belief in perfection, humans perhaps seem to be just an evolutionary by-product. However, even little by-products have greater effect on final outcomes, just as David the Android might seem to play a greater part than one assummes at first in mankinds destruction/salvation. "Life finds a Way".


MemberOvomorphJun-27-2012 12:30 PM
Oops..double post. Sorry


MemberOvomorphJun-28-2012 4:57 PM
@ Robo Dwarf I believe Prometheus doesn't have enough steam to make a trilogy, but I really don't know much at this point. Just as we "descended" from "uber" DNA, the Aliens can be shown to have descended from us. And the rest is film history. [b]However unlike us, why would things made of the "same stuff" as Aliens want to consume us as food ?[/b] Is Ridley showing us why we destroyed our own legacy because of corporate greed etc. That Chaos (in the form of Weyland)and his daughter Nyx (Vickers) are repeating a similar chain of events from history, which we haven't learnt a lot from obviously. If the Engineers are "angels" and what we witnessed was an "angelic rebellion" or casting out, then who can we presume is God ? Is it a "source" of all living things, as in the Abrahamic God or is there a vacancy for that position and we witness instead the creation of the Demiurge of the Gnostics , presumably David.

Kanes Son

MemberOvomorphJun-28-2012 5:08 PM
Why did David infect Holloway? When we see David 'talking' to Weyland when he's in hyper sleep, Weyland presumably asks him 'what does the black goo do?' David says he 'doesn't know' and Weyland tells him to find out. So why pick holloway In particular....well I think it may be a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. David has been programmed not to feel emotions, and not to harm humans. ....but if you will recall he specifically asks David 'what would you do to get your answers, how far would you be willing to go?' (or words to that effect). To which holloway says 'anything'. In terms of David's logical computational thinking, holloway has simply AGREED to take part in David's crude experiment so he therefore sees nothing wrong with infecting him! Thoughts?


MemberOvomorphJun-28-2012 6:01 PM
The Engineers were killed by ALIENS... But since when do we just find their victims in a pile? Why weren't they glued to the wall? If they died from chestbursters, how did they get impregnated? From facehuggers? From exposure to the black liquid? Where are all the dead facehuggers? Where are the eggs? Were they classic facehuggers or giant trilobite facehuggers? And most importantly, where are all the ALIENS now? Why did the Engineers seemingly die defenseless? They seemed to die in a panic. They died in a corridor, so whatever killed them was confined to a bottleneck... a problem that the Marines solved with the placement of a few Robotic Sentry Guns. PREDATORS can kill them with a freakin' spear. Do the Engineers possess weaponry of any kind? Is their only means of defense to tear your head off or just throw you into a room full of that black liquid crap and wait around a few hours for it to do whatever the hell it does to you? Could you just walk up and cap an Engineer? Would it be that easy to kill one? It makes no sense. So... The Engineers were not killed by ALIENS. So really then, ALIENS don't really have a whole lot to do with this movie. So why is this tied in with ALIEN in the first place?


MemberOvomorphJun-28-2012 6:24 PM
OK, I'm just going to put it out here because its is staring me in the face waving a large banner which says "hello" To understand the fate of the Engineers, look at the shot in the "sacrificial" scene. It is [b]"The Fall"[/b], the guy LITERALLY FALLS, the fall of the Perfect from paradise for fraternizing with a lesser kind or messing with a verboten edict. It is the biblical fall or the Greek legend of Ephestus, for if one pays a little attention, these founding myths are common across cultures and often weave and borrow from each other. + Combine this with how elements of the periodic table affect each other + Exploring what it means to be human surely its not that hard, I'm just suprised that there isn't a mention of this anywhere on the threads, or if it is, then its a veiled one enclosed with metaphors of technology and corporate greed. At the center is Eve, Elizabeth Shaw. Perhaps.


MemberOvomorphJun-29-2012 5:36 PM
All the engineers were killed by the only surviving engineer. Perhaps he infiltrated these groups of engineers as an enemy of their race, I read where the engineer’s race are to be strictly pure, of no sin, selfless acts performed by them for their race is what RS said in an interview by this critic, can’t remember where I read this, but from this site... Anyways, I think the living engineer did the deed and stacked the bodies there after assassinating them, so to speak. The photo appears to be a body dump, it’s exactly how those engineers are lying, as if dumped, they don’t lay in panic, but dumped, killed elsewhere and dumped, trust me on this one, dumped imho or not
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....


MemberOvomorphJun-29-2012 5:39 PM
no they were killed by a DEACON obviously IMHO and with all due respect.


MemberOvomorphJun-29-2012 8:33 PM
I think there is a war going on here at the God level, as in God, Jesus , & Lucifer. Lucifer would stop at nothing to destroy Gods creation because he was looked over for "the" promotion. The best way to get back at God and Jesus is to kill us. This whole "Prometheus" thing is a Bible Story, and I really like it... Just my thoughts:)


MemberOvomorphJun-30-2012 5:19 PM
Shanec, I think you're analysis on page 14 of this thread is extremely insightful and holds several truths. I see the Engineers as a civilization with "pure" intentions (first scene, creating life on earth) that went awry over the passage of time (LV-223 catastrophe). What was their purpose in experimenting with and dabbling in the black substance? I'm not sure. But I do believe the religious signals cannot be ignored... they are beginning to become the most intriguing part of this entire story.


MemberOvomorphJul-02-2012 12:02 AM
Agreed Jack. There is no evidence (other than conjecture) that the Engineers want to destroy earth. Still think the Engineers are a race who after being used for perhaps thousands of years, by another race of creators, are punished for rebelling and all but destroyed by their makers. I reckon we will get some answers in Ridleys next installment. The thought of a "destroy all Humans scenario" is simply too, well too simple.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-05-2012 10:50 AM
".....the religious signals cannot be ignored..." I take this to mean something beyond the Engineers' existance..that in their mind, is beyoind their life.. With the giant Human Head symbol..that is the obvious ..and most significant.. In any case they were not 'gods'..or 'immortals' in their own existance if they have religious symbols ..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-06-2012 7:32 AM
"....Juggernaut Space Vessels.." Since we have only seen one Juggernout ship at a time..,,there must be scenes in future related movies that have fleets of them on patrol..being serviced...used in a proper Engineers' manner.. I just hope they explain the functional design(and power) of the 'U' shape design..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-06-2012 2:06 PM
[quote][i]Since we have only seen one Juggernout ship at a time..,, I just hope they explain the functional design(and power) of the 'U' shape design..[/i][/quote] All I know for sure is they must have massive insurance premiums, the number of accidents they seem to end up in..

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-06-2012 2:59 PM
" premiums..' And throw in the Prometheus driving record..and you would really have a high 'Group Rate"
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 5:51 AM
"...Still think the Engineers are a race who after being used for perhaps thousands of years, by another race of creators..." As we grapple with the various questions..I think we also include 'What is in the best interest of the Engineers..'Another race;..even XENOs??.. For all of the humans,that started this movie,,well only Shaw is left so survivial and revenge might be in her best interest... The 'GOO' presents a problem because the vast quantities of this substance,.in the interaction with various aliens,,seems like a wild card thrown into the universe as we know it, That effect does seem to be in the best interest of yet to be seen...entity... I just hope at the end on this story adventure we don't find it a 'dream'..when someone wakes up,,,and all we know is just what it has been so far...a story..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 8:52 AM
To answer the original thread question...all known what we call Engineers Died,,,There are no more,,,There was no hope and with their 'home' also gone they were trapped.. Shaw/David will find the next space port a gathering of other creatures/other worlds..where they actually do find the path to the 'Supreme Engineer'...
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-15-2012 7:40 PM
As LV420 posted June 28, “ALIENS don't really have a whole lot to do with this movie” and this is what Sir RS says, isn’t it? This movie is about our poking our noses into matters, literally and figuratively, which would never have bitten us if we had left well alone. And for what? The ******* impossible! The counterpoint to our scratching and poking around is the surviving Engineer who would never have posed a fatal threat to humanity if he’d been left to slumber on. The assumption we’re thrown in the movie is that LV223 is a WMD facility but that may just be a red herring dressed up as a character’s guess. As others have said, perhaps LV223 was an Intergalactic Centre for Infectious Diseases. So what did happen to those Engineers all those earth-years ago? Didn’t Shaw say something that others have considered foolish/foolhardy in respect to carrying weapons, “This is a scientific investigation.” She doesn’t know she’s in a Sci-Fi Horror show and neither did the Engineers. So were the Engineers developing a counter measure to xenomomorphism, to ward off being attacked by Aliens in the first place? Remember in Alien3 that Dr Clements was swiftly despatched by the xenomorph while Ripley was merely inspected. The creature detected that Ripley was infested and let her alone. Were the Engineers on LV223 then searching for a vaccine to fool xenomorphs into accepting Engineers as infested and so not attack them? This would assist the Engineers to recover the territories or worlds conquered by their weapon without being consumed by it. This might explain the Engineers’ actions in the playback and the meaning of the murals. They were desperately fleeing from a “Fifield” to a safe environment, a sterile chamber or Panic Room, when struck down by a lethally flawed attempt to vaccinate themselves against xenoism. The murals seem to be in the style of those medical charts showing the stages of a pathogen. It is unlikely that they changed their minds about eradicating humanity so was the sleeping Engineer expecting to be awoken by his colleagues as soon as their work was successful – i.e. they had developed both a viral weapon and a reliable vaccine - which is why he knelt down on being roused from his silent sleep. He was a pilot not a research scientist. Perhaps this explains why the Engineers’ colleagues back on their home planet didn’t try to discover what the h*** was going on at their LV223 base of operations: they got very cold feet. They’re like Bond villains, they try something once; it doesn’t work so they give up on it completely and move onto something else. Only they don’t seem to have tried anything at all for a very long time. I hope Prometheus doesn’t morph into another of those “dead civilisation” tales: the biter bit or the “Engineer” hoist with his own petard. Maybe Shaw and David are on their way … but that’s another thread. Other than that, who knows what their food is like and how safe their cooks’ hygiene standards are on such an isolated facility? They may have all simultaneously had a desperate need to get to the washroom and just not made it in time!


MemberOvomorphJul-16-2012 6:26 AM
I'm going to put this out there The Engineer that survived did so because it wasn't biological. It was bio-mech, it may have also been an android itself? Cuddles wasn't bio-mech either, where as facehuggers are - as they seed bio-mech lifeforms The suit thing still bugs me to hell that it seems to intertwined with the Engineer's skin. Do maybe the Deacon is the first bio-mech as a result of this very first contact with a bio-mechanoid in the form of this Android-engineer


MemberOvomorphJul-16-2012 7:46 AM
The Engineer that survived did so because his cryo chamber was not breached. They are masters of bio-engineering. If you recall, the original Space Jockey creature in Alien looked like its body had fused with the mechanism around it. If you want to call it a mechanism. I think in these movies the distinction between organic and mechanical is not as cut and dry as we are used to in 2012. I would hope to see a lot more weird stuff like that in a sequel.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphJul-16-2012 8:11 AM
But we've not established wether it was a breach from the inside or the outside yet.


MemberOvomorphJul-16-2012 9:40 AM
I’ve got two shredders here: one is for stuff I need to shred into little tiny pieces for the usual security reasons in today’s cock-eyed world; and the other is for stuff I should on no account destroy. No, no. Stuff I absolutely must keep safe to control and keep track of what goes on. That’s the shredder I’ve named “The Lindelof”. Only joking! LOL. Then rub eyes and cry.


MemberOvomorphJul-16-2012 9:43 AM
@MVMNT: If they were breached from the inside, the Engineers would have to have been impregnated before they got into their cryo chambers, then gone into chambers that failed in their design to put them into stasis. Not likely.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphJul-16-2012 11:00 AM
By breach however, I mean by any entity, happening. Not necessarily impregnation. I don't know if an exploding head makes up for much? Nor any other part of their body - as we see in the wall they are climbing up. Don't forget as well, Kane assumed he had a clean bill of health after the facehugger dropped off. Breakfast time was fun eh? So it could still happen. Ritual impregnation - the strongest survive in some kind of race to the ship - akin to sperm racing for an egg. One survives and carries on to another world "spreading the love" On the flip of this - I think that the effects that we saw on Holloway may have been overcoming them all, some it affected before others. However, the process of the Engineers head mutating/exploding seemed to be stopped when he was dead/lost his head before the event. Endless probablitlites, in this instance non of us are the wiser - purely speculation.
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