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1080p New U.K.Trailer Screen Caps Update With a Serious Twist !!!

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MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 6:40 PM
O.K. acquired All 3 New Versions of the U.K. trailer and what I discovered is remarkable. #1- Sadly Both 1080P attempts I made were successful in that I acquired the videos but the Screen Caps are not going to work in either the 1080P or 720P version simply put because the quality of both those videos is deplorable, not just bad, deplorable, they were not done properly, unfortunately. I am Not saying it is anyone;s fault or am in any way upset about it, it is just unfortunate because I was ready right now to do another 60 screen caps for you all in "True HD". #2- It isn't all bad, because along the way I stopped and my JAW FELL IN MY LAP when for only my 2nd time watching this new trailer I noticed something significant I do not think anyone has mentioned yet. Vickers...she gives warning to Holloway and Shaw...but not just a warning the way you would normally give someone a warning, in her tone and delivery is a complete and utter disdain for the so called "Beings" she says with a huge emphasis on the "B" in "Beings"...Listen.... go watch it again and pay special attention to her she says "BBBBBBBBBBB -eings" and by that I do not mean lot's of "B's" I mean she is ANGRY at them, they are an obstacle in her way, I here by now change my last prediciton which was very very close but not perfect, and now it is, she does not have a Mission to Kill any member of the Weyland Bloodline, her SECRET MISSION is CLEARLY TO ME attempt to obtain a sample of the "Xenomorph Organism" they {"The Beings"} may control...she knows about the Xenomorph folks !!! My GOD does that feel good to get that the way I just did !!! There is NO DOUBTS in mind now...VIckers Knows...That's the connection, and she has to be secretly involved with Mr's Yutani who holds a grudge over the lawsuit they lost recently to Weyland and BLA BLA BLA AVP EEESH BLA BLA BLA.
42 Replies


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 6:49 PM
thank you thank you thank you thank you. later on in the video she indicates it was a bad thing to be right to janek !!! I have to be 100% correct about this now !!! There is No Doubt in my mind now !!!


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 6:40 PM
Bump !!!


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 6:47 PM
"Let's just say I'm wrong..." I don't know it sound s to me like she doesn't even believe they will find any creatures down there to me.


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 6:48 PM
I think that BBBBBB mean she belive they will not find anything ...she simply dont belive they will find any kind of being , like later Janek point at her . She look honestly surprised when the mission is a success ( a short living one ) with Shaw's "Prometheus are you seeing this ?" that lead to janek's remark .


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 6:51 PM
If it somehow..turns out I was wrong I will come in here so fast and say what an idiot I was. THE DISDAIN HER VOICE IS CLEAR AS DAY TURN UP YOUR SURROUND SOUND...they are an obstacle to her mission and she knows of them right now !!!


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 6:52 PM
Coool but no sorry but I don't think she's working for Yutani she just wants the tech/organism for herself!


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 6:53 PM
and why else would she tell them to get back to her and NOT SAY A THING TO ANYBODY ELSE IN THE CREW and Shaw and Holloway are just as surrised as I am to be realizing all this. I am on to something big with her.


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 6:59 PM
I was SOOO wondering where you were, Sparty! Now I know! Good stuff!


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:00 PM
Because it's those two who are going on and on about alien beings and whatnot. Even David isn't certain there is anything down there. She's probably like "Pff, whatever. But IF, I don't want you to do a damn thing. The company will decide what should be done."


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:04 PM
Well OBVIOUSLY the company wants to keep it for themselves without anyone else knowing! Remember she is a direct representative from Weyland himself I don't think she'd be a spy! I also suspected that she plays a big role a long time ago but no not a spy just a greedy company executive that would keep everthing secret and sacrifice the crew all in the name of retrieving the alien/bio-tech! She reminds me of a organic Ash in a way! Yutani won't play a major role untill the very end or in the begining!


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:06 PM
thank god...I know I have to be right in most of what I am saying now there just can be no doubting it in my mind alone...I'm happy to read all of everyone else's views and love them all, I just think for once in my life i Nailed something truly Dead Bang On The Money Here...Vickers Is the connection, she wants a sample !

Alien DNA

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:18 PM
Spartacus, give her my number and screen name and tell her that she doesn't need travel all those light years to get a "sample".


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:18 PM
Great intuition, Sparky! I think you might be right on the money. Remember those artifacts in Vicker's quarters? Perhaps those (or something else like some data from Yutani) have contributed to Vickers/"the Company" knowing more about these "gods" then she/they have revealed to everyone (especially the two scientists that discovered the "where").


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:19 PM
wow get this, ya ready for the Bombshell...I just figured out the ending too lmfao...Shaw will KILL Vickers, probably using an axe or a gun, to stop her from doing what I said she is really doing.


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:22 PM
LOL alien DNA and by the way DAVID8 IMO is 100% completely corrupted or incompetent like the rest of the droids in this franchise. In David8's case he is very cute in a creepy sorta way and definitely a Company Biaaaatch IMO and nothing more.


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:24 PM
Hopefully the decapitation will look better than Ash's and she'll be scantly dressed flailing around headless until Lambert cattle-prods her. J/k


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:28 PM
abordoli Wrote... [quote]Great intuition, Sparky! I think you might be right on the money. Remember those artifacts in Vicker's quarters? Perhaps those (or something else like some data from Yutani) have contributed to Vickers/"the Company" knowing more about these "gods" then she/they have revealed to everyone (especially the two scientists that discovered the "where").[/quote] ```````````````````` stick with me Bro in the end I promise you ...either way we will both be laughing are "fannys" off.


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:32 PM
I don't know about the xeno part Spartacus...but I definately think you're right about the bizarre nature of her obvious agenda.....something's going on there and it's ominous in a way you're totally right about....


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:32 PM
No, I think the company just plans to control whatever they find. They don't know the exact nature of what's down there. She says 'beings' with skepticism or sarcasm. Maybe the company thinks whatever life is down there is totally primitive. She's practically rolling her eyes when she says it, at their suggestion that there could be any sort of intelligent humanoid life on the planet. "they find an establishment they weren't expecting," Those are Ridely's words. No one is expecting what they come across, not even Meredith Vickers.

Alien DNA

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:35 PM
I know everybody likes Bishop, but why would the company send a noncompliant android on a mission like that? So yes all the Androids are puppets except for Call I guess.


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:37 PM
[quote]I don't know about the xeno part Spartacus...but I definately think you're right about the bizarre nature of her obvious agenda.....something's going on there and it's ominous in a way you're totally right about....[/quote] No question in My Mind, something is not "KOSHER" lol {sorry, I couldn't resist Craigamore} there. P.S. Have you ever seen the Stephen King Film..."The Langoliers"?


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:38 PM
[quote]I know everybody likes Bishop, but why would the company send a noncompliant android on a mission like that? So yes all the Androids are puppets except for Call I guess.[/quote] For what it might be worth to hear from me Alien DNA...I Loved every single one of them and I love David.


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:44 PM
"No question in My Mind, something is not "KOSHER" You're definately right about that....and yes I saw 'The Langoliers' years ago, can barely remember much of it...


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 7:57 PM
wow... have to say I was worried...and I thought maybe the picture I posted of That Brosnan guy I thinik it is or whatever his name is who also played "Balkie" on that T.V. show, also, "so long ago" as you said, of "CraigyWaigy"... holding a gun in that movie and pointing it at the screen, might have offended you... [b]If So..."Sorry"![/b] ~Spoken Like "Gilly" ! [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 8:25 PM


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 8:29 PM you smoke the MJ??? The Chronic? The Wacky Weed? Or is it just straight cocaine that does this to you? lol..


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 8:34 PM
Nope...did not offend me my friend....


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 8:39 PM
[b]BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!![/b] [img][/img] LMFAO...Please be patient "Otto" and give me a minute here I am very busy making cylindrical and all Zig-Zaggy" kinda objects right now !!! [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 8:41 PM
Bless ya're hilarious


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 8:46 PM
and may the Space Jockey Bless you too bro !!! Where ever he is...and thanks ...that was a classy thing to say !!! [img][/img]
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