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Ripley Clone 8

I'll be making GIFS for members who have at least 100 posts if they would like one. I'd be willing to create a GIF from Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien Resurrection or the Prometheus trailer. Just let me know from what movie and from what scene and I would be happy to cook one up for you. Here's a quick sample of one I just scummed up. Realize this is JUST A SAMPLE and the quality may differ from the actual thing. I will be making these in dimensions roughly around 200 x 200. The reason why is so it looks fit as your icon. If its too small or too big it will become blurry. Unfortunately as of right now, because the Prometheus trailer is uploaded from the net to my program the quality is slightly less than a GIF straight from a DVD or Blu-Ray package. So just grin and bear it with me until the release of Prometheus. Overall I just want the members and I to have fun here discussing our thoughts on Prometheus and thought making some GIF icons might add a little more "life" to the site. Thanks Again! [img][/img] Ripley Clone 8 [Guidelines] I'll will only be creating GIF's for users who have 100 or more posts. If you want to request a GIF photo please let me know either through this Thread or through a Personal Message. I will only be making around 3 every day. This thread will act as a waiting list. First come, First Serve.
76 Replies


You know, I'm not sure how distracting it would be - BUT I think maybe individual GIF's for board icons here in the forums might be rather neat. We scale them down any ways so it wouldn't slow anything down server-side. What are your thoughts? But, maybe cook one up for me Ripley, from Alien where the crew are first entering the derelict. Just of them walking in with their head flash lights on and gear. Add any other bits you feel would make the GIF even better if you wish, I trust your judgement. Great thread by the way!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


Ah very nice, they look pretty cool. Would you mind making me one of the Nostromo landing on LV-426?

Ripley Clone 8

Sure thing guys! I should have those ready for you tonight.


Excellent! Be sure to post the links to the images with the [ code ] tags so that we can upload 'em. Thanks Ripley Clone, can't wait!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


Can you make me one of Jonesy hissing at the Alien?
Fall down seven times, get up eight.


I have plenty pre-made


Thankyou [b]@Ripley Clone 8[/b] that's much appreciated :)


Any chance of an egg opening for mine? No rush, I'm new to all of this and this is my first forum participation ever. Get to the older members first if you want. Thanx in advance Ripleyclone 8!

Bacon Boy

Cool idea!@Db Could I get one of any movie where an alien shoots his inner jaw at the screen? That would be cool and im in NO RUSH!so take your time and tell me when it's ready thanks!


I would loooove one with Dallas at Mother's key board priority order where the message comes up "crew expendable" or to the like. Any the other comment I've only been here 5 minutes so take care of the lifer's. Thanks Ripleyclone8 !!!!

Bacon Boy

Ripleyclone8, you are freakin awsome for doing this

Ripley Clone 8

@ BugHunter Your GIF [img][/img] url for icon default:


the only problem with that file and the others and all of mine is that they weigh too much and I fear that they will slow down the site, I know when I load mine the whole interface slows down...that's why i took em out. Just FYI, maybe we can work that all out somehow so we can use them with zero "problemos", we'll have to find a way to compress them, the one you just made bug hunter for instance is close to 5 MB's.

Ripley Clone 8

Yeah good idea. BugHunter already mentioned that we would scale them down so they don't slow down the site. Also as long as they aren't MASSIVE like 10, 15-30 MB etc. We should be ok.


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorph01/23/2012
Very cool Ripley Clone 8! ~N

Bacon Boy

how do you make these? is there a program i need to download? i love to be able to do this too. plus i could i help you make them for people so dont have to do so many hahahaha

Ripley Clone 8

Thank You Neurion, I appreciate it!

Ripley Clone 8

@ Mentos Your GIF [img][/img]

Ripley Clone 8

@ Jones Your GIF [img][/img]


Thank you very much [b]@Ripley Clone 8[/b] it is fantastic!


Hey Ripley Clone 8, would you be able to do me one of the Predator ship whooshing past the camera from the beginning of '87 Predator, or the Same film, but where the Predator roars after taking of its mask (whats the bet Arnold browned his pants for real when they shot that) Pretty Please.


Hello Ripley 8 I would love for you to do me a Giff of the Alien dropping down behind Bret im new so dont know if ive put this in the right place thanks my new found friend.

Ripley Clone 8

@Snorkelbottom. Unfortunately I don't GIF's from the Predator movies. Sorry man. BUT I can make you a GIF from any Alien movie or the Prometheus trailer. Let me know. Thanks.


No fair RC8, (goes off in a paddy, has a drink of milk and comes back) okay then could you do me the Facehugger attacking Kane instead then?


holy f--kballs I'm glad I'm not the only one who is obsessed with the enigma of Prometheus. This site is outstanding and this idea with the GIFS only compliments the awesomeness of this forum. Alright thats about all the introduction and brown-nosing from this Marine. I just want to ask you for a GIF out of Aliens from the scene where the dropship is released from the Sulaco, plunges down and lands on Aceron while discharging the APC and takes off again....that would be kick ass!!

Ripley Clone 8

@ Db Your GIF [img][/img] link:

Ripley Clone 8

@ Snorkelbottom Your GIF [img][/img] Link:


For some reason I'm having trouble viewing all these. RC8's is displaying fine, along with mine, Mentos' and Jones', but only after I uploaded theirs to our server. I think the site you're storing these images on redirects to a non-image URL. That's why when the site is trying to grab the image is doesn't display correctly. OR it could just be my browser. Have you tried photobucket? They allow you to grab the direct image URL without redirects. Just a thought. Great work though RC8, really enjoying these!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


when I tried putting the link straight into the url on my profile it didn't work, so a pasted the link into my browser and then copied the url of the image i was taken to and used that instead, seems to work fine. long winded but fine... try that BH Big Thanx btw RC8


Very cool...I would like the Alien chestburster from Alien popping out if possible..thanks man! Your rock and roll!
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