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MemberOvomorph12/28/2011Over the last week I have been reading comments in the highest viewed trailers for the film on YouTube. (Especially the one with 4 million views.)
I noticed something very ... unfortunate. Many people are claiming that Prometheus is copying other films or games like Halo, Dead Space, Event Horizon and Avatar. And on this basis they claim the film looks and will be crap. I also found people saying that it doesn't matter that Ridley Scott is directing and it will be bad regardless.
As you all should know, these people are of course wrong. If this was only a few people saying such nonsense I wouldn't care, but about every 3rd comment is very harsh and negative. I am betting that most of them are very young, maybe about 10-13 years old.
I would love to know any of your thoughts on this matter.
[url=]Here is the highest viewed trailer[/url]
(I am 19 years old by the way and I mean no offence to anyone here around the age of 10-13.)
28 Replies

MemberOvomorph12/28/2011this is sad, indeed but i don't think the problem is 10-13 year olds, i am 14 and think of myself mature for my age and i am always around by people my age who are.....mostly stupid. a 10-13 year old would not say something looks like or is ripping off something else, they just like things exploding on the screen, why do you think they still bye the same army game every year? its because they are stupid and don't know/care that its the same game they had last year. and they would not claim something to be ripping off of halo, if they were then they would be saying how halo rips off aliens and star-ship troopers (a lot) so the problem is not the younger audiences, its "EVERYONE" because lets face it, people are REALLY stupid but i think we should all ignore negativity like that, (until the movie comes out) and just keep doing what we do. i am also not saying that we should think Prometheus will be the best thing ever because we have no way of knowing, i think we should look at in neutrally until it is out for us to decide what we think.
No, I'm reading comments by MANY people on YouTube regarding the Prometheus trailer. Basically many people don't like it and that worries me.

MemberOvomorph12/28/2011danrald, he thinks that the negative comments left on the trailers are from 10-13 year olds.

MemberOvomorph12/28/2011not to sound like a bad person but whenever a movie that i am looking forward to is coming out, deep down i hope it does not do good or does not get popular. that's a bad thing to hope and i always feel selfish about thinking that but after what happened with avatar (i was talking about it three months before it came out, and then everyone saw it and loved it and it was not "my thing" anymore) i always hope that. but when that did happen like with Scott pilgrim, i was glad that nobody knew what it was so i could go and tell them about it but now movies like that will not be made that much anymore. but with Prometheus that feeling has passed and i hope this new movie brings a new audience to the original movies (or at least the first two lol)

MemberOvomorph12/28/2011I'm with danrald. Most of the comments are from young kids. The dead giveaway is the mentioning of Halo and Dead Space
But it shows you how little of knowledge they have. I have played Halo. It's clearly a nod to the alien films. From the magazine count on the gun to the ship's design in the first stage. Also, Bungie (makers of Halo) clearly stated that Halo was a nod to Aliens along with other favorite sci-fi films.
I wouldn't care what people say. This movie is going to do BIG numbers. Those from our generation and jumping around in our seats due to Ridley Scott's return to the franchise. We are the ones that matter because we know about a film created in the 70s that started this whole thing. Only a few of the young generation will know about this. This isn't Michael Bay on Transformers with a burning desire to get young kids to pester their parents to buy them anything Transformers. This is for us grown folks who grew up with the franchise.

MemberOvomorph12/28/2011i find that a little hurtful AnubisChe :( like i said i am 14 and love movies as an art and as much as most children my age are stupid you cant ignore them, just like the comic book crash and the soon to be video game crash, if you ignore the young then there will be nobody to keep the fire burning, that might sound a little preachy but its true. what happens when we all die? the alien films will just be forgotten trash? i hope not :(

MemberOvomorph12/29/2011I see that you have been commenting and trying to make them think otherwise, it won't work, don't waste your typing strength with those lower life forms (ironic how I go back and forth from defending them to being against them lol) but yeah don't bother :(

MemberOvomorph12/29/2011It's very easy for naive adolescents - and anyone for that matter - to write off as plagiarised a film that is comprised of many scenes with spacesuits, barren landscapes and malevolent aliens.
[i]Halo[/i] and its contemporaries did not invent the concepts illustrated in the trailer - and nor did [i]Alien[/i] for that matter.
Their remarks are merely an attempt to demonstrate their capability to identify congruent things - nothing more - and should be taken as just ignorant remarks.
IMO, their familiarity with similar concepts gives them a good grounding to immerse themselves in this other thing, and thereby perhaps extend their appreciation of the genre and the rest of of the [i]Alien[/i] cannon.
For the diehard fanboys like us, who cares what Joe Public thinks. We just want our desires to be fulfilled - even if the film is a commercial disaster.

MemberOvomorph12/29/2011NineteenHundred, tell them to read this site if they think the movie is going to be bad.. lol.
and Invaderzim42.. well what can you say.. the 14 year old have it made with all of the special effects of today. You look at movies like Dune, or even go back further to the original "The Thing from Another World" or "The Day the Earth Stood Still" from the 50s, they have nothing to compare to todays movie making techinques. But the great sci-fis are about ideas, which makes them timeless.

MemberOvomorph12/29/2011think of it this way,
when ALIEN was released in 1979,
it got far more negative reviews than it did positive ones
ALIEN seemed to get better with age,
i wouldn't surprise me if some of the um " film critics " look back
on ALIEN, and how they trashed it, and realized (too late) that they
misjudged this great film
as far are the haters on Youtube,
let them hate all they like. if it irritates them, then so be it
i'd rather see PROMETHEUS in a theater full of adults,
then view it with a theater full of A.D.D. texting "Twi-hards"
who would be better suited to see a stupid Michael Bay production
i'm hoping that Scott goes against the grain here,
makes a film that is pensive as it is thrilling / horrific,
which would bore the tears out of most (not all) the "tweens"
while keeping an older audience on the edges of our seats
which is why an NC-17 would be the PERFECT rating,
in regards to securing the perfect target audience,
not gonna happen that way, but at least i can dream

MemberOvomorph12/29/2011[i]Terminator Salvation[/i] should be a lesson for all studios not to try and sell dark science-fiction under a 12A or PG13 rating. It suppresses the tone and underlying story to its own detriment. The irony is that every 12 year-old would have somehow watched the R-rated version anyway! OK maybe not at the theatre but certainly on DVD at their friend's house or with big brother.
I read somewhere (probably on this site) there will be a PG13 and an R version. Coming from the UK, I can't exactly quantify the gulf between those two ratings but I'm pretty sure the same film would have completely different complexions, hence you'd leave the viewing with completely different experiences.
Look forward to learning more about how the dual rated versions will work in practice with respect to distribution and showing - perhaps the R version will be reserved for the DVD offering.

MemberOvomorph12/29/2011I'll reserve judgement of the film until i've seen it. As far as I'm concerned there are no guarantees at all that this film will be anywhere near as good as good as Alien. But with Scott at the helm you expect it to have half a chance of working very well. It's got a lot to live up to and people are clearly expecting a lot from this film. I hope they don't try to hard on this and try to be too clever for their own good. I'm quite concerned about lindelof as Lost turned out to be complete tripe in the end. I fear an over complicated and contrived plot line with the story trying to be too clever.

MemberOvomorph12/29/2011i don't see most of the comments being negative actually.....the majority are looking forward....just a few idiots who have no clue what the plot is about....I think Prometheus is gonna be very critically acclaimed....i don't think it's gonna break any records at the box office....but it won't flop either....but I do also slightly fear a contrived over complicated plot....well' see? will take a lot to ruin this movie for me!

MemberOvomorph12/29/2011All those "hate" commentaries about Prometheus and STUPID comparisons to Halo, Avatar (what?) make me really worry about the rating of movie. I mean, if it's PG-13, we all will have to sit near those little idiots with their popcorns and complaining about how bad this is going to be. It's a torture.

Micro changes in air density
MemberOvomorph12/29/2011Think positively about this. All this negative stuff might convince FOX to concentrate on a higher viewer rating (say 18s) which is what Scott would like therefore giving it a much more Alien type feel to it and allow Scott allow his imagination to flow onto the screen

Micro changes in air density
MemberOvomorph12/29/2011Or it might entice FOX to release a second trailer which would be much welcome.

MemberOvomorph12/29/2011Nah, I don't think that 18 rating would be good. 16 is fine. I'm 16myself & I love Alien and such stuff since my childhood and I'd like to see it on cinema.

MemberOvomorph12/29/2011"Petty Juvenile Jealousy From people With No Understanding Or Appreciation For The Art Of Film Making And All Of The Many Different Associated Art Forms that Go into making an exciting film, Film Making is massive collaborative method."
That's all I can think of to say about the thread title!

MemberOvomorph12/29/2011The funny thing is if they are under 12 then alot of them will have trouble getting into the cinema :D

MemberOvomorph12/29/2011It really doesn't matter to me all bad opinions. The only certain is that this movie (even if it wasn't an ALIEN prequel) has catched me up, because it is the return of Ridley Scott to Science Fiction. If you have seen the documentary in Alien Quadrilogy, he says that he would come back to direct a Science Fiction movie when he found a good story, and that's my point.
And even if this movie doesn't become a blockbuster is not a bad thing. If you think, Blade Runner wasn't too popular in its cinema release, but it became a cult movie in short time!

Let me say this to you my friend, in life people have opinions...if they don't pertain to you, then they don't pertain to you. You can say I like pickled peanut butter sandwiches but I know better.
No harm, no foul :-)

Xenomorph 54
I am 13 years old and I am expressly offended by what you said. I am not stupid/ignorant and I know how to appreciate a movie.
And the fact that they think the movie will suck doesn't mean they are 10-13 years old. It's just a damn opinion. Personally, I don't agree, I think the movie will be good, but there are certain things in the trailer and teasers that disappointed me.
Just opinions...
Have you heard of phoenix asteroids?
They glow in every color of the rainbow...they travel endlessly through space...

MemberOvomorph12/30/2011"54" I am sure you can understand why people say stuff like that.
You were born 20 Years after Alien first played in Theaters.
I was born approximately 20 years before it was released.
If you are 13 that means you weren't born when Resurrection came out either meaning you never saw all 4 of the original films in the theater !!!
People make the terrible mistake time and time again of equating Age with Wisdom and it is Not Fair and it Sucks but that's life.
It makes no sense to me, because i have seen 13 year olds with ten times the intelligence of 50 years olds like me.
What does make a difference though, is sticking to your guns and presenting your point of view the way you just did.
KUDOS to you sir.
"54" that post you made is fantastic. You defended your position very articulately and like a person much wiser than someone with some stupid number assigned as their age.
After all, it is just a number.
I do not give a rat's ass how old someone is, to me it's how they handle themselves that matters most.
But not everyone thinks like I do and it would be foolish of me to expect anyone else to.
We are all unique in our own ways and anyone that tells you you do not matter because of their age is wrong and you have my "go ahead", not that you need it at all, to ignore them all together.
However, at the same time, The people who are older like myself, in general I think, are acutely tuned into things like how hard it is to make a really good movie in today's day and age and like everyone wishes they made themselves, like this one is.
It's easier for us to be critical of younger opinions and attitudes because we equate age with things like VALUE as well. We tell our young..."respect your elders"...because we feel being older makes a person more deserving which is not necessarily true either, but you see my point I am sure.
"42" did NOT mean to offend YOU directly, and was trying to reason for us all why people would want to hate on a movie they haven't seen yet.
He must have read many comments at YouTube and just reflected how they read, as if they seemed to be written by younger people.
In your case, you may not have been one of the people putting the film down...
And you handle it very well...respectfully, so you accomplished something else as a made at least one person, me, look at something a little closer, and in the future, I myself am going to be more careful not offend anyone in lieu of their age in the future.
AGE, CREED, COLOR, SEX, RELIGIOUS BELIEFS... these things don't matter, but how we treat each other does.
Funny, I learned something today from two guys who named themselves after numbers, you have that in common now... YOU ARE ALIKE...."54" & "42".

Xenomorph 54
MemberOvomorph12/30/2011Thanks for your constructive comment spartacus, you're a comprehensive person.
Have you heard of phoenix asteroids?
They glow in every color of the rainbow...they travel endlessly through space...

MemberOvomorph01/7/2012Nicely put and my friend were just saying that the other day...
Age doesn't equate to wisdom...
On another note, will there be a date for a new trailer released soon???
I just can't get enough of Prometheus...
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