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Are the Eggs on LV-426 Still There?
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MemberChestbursterApr-05-2019 3:30 AM

As we all know, at the end of Aliens the atmosphere processor and Hadley’s Hope are blown up. But what about the site where the juggernaut and the space jockey are? And what about the eggs?

The colonists at Hadley’s Hope have not encountered any problems until Newt’s parents get the coordinates (from Burke) to investigate a site. This site is far away from the colony. It takes the family some time to get there with their vehicle.

The climate on LV-426 is terrible. It’s cold (“well below zero”). There are poisonous fumes and no oxygen. The inside of the juggernaut is open to the climate outside. However, the eggs are situated far below ground level (“a cave or something”). It’s warm (“like the goddam tropics”). And the eggs are protected by “a layer of mist”.

The atmosphere processor is run by something “like a nuclear reactor”. When it explodes it obliterates Hadley’s Hope. But what about the alien site (which is far away and the eggs are well protected)?

What are your thoughts? Are the eggs still there? Still waiting . . .

201 Replies


MemberDeaconApr-08-2019 4:06 PM

"it would be difficult to think of a sequel to Aliens."

Well i think it depends... they have options.

1) Reboot Alien 3! i think this could open up the avenue for a Alternative Alien 3, Alien 4, Alien 5 Blah Blah... i think as well as removing a movie from Canon, you have to ask what can they achieve with this route.  How many times can we have the Same Formula Over and Over..

You need something a bit different.

2) Have a Mission back to LV-426 after the Destruction of Hadleys Hope! This could be done 5 years, 10 years, 25 years or 50 years after ALIENS.  Again its a case of if we go this route then you can have another 2-3 Separate Alien Movies (as in not a Ripley Story) but its a case of just replacing a Ripley for someone else is NOT going to be enough of a change, you have to again start to do something a bit different. 

3) Have a Mission go to LV-223, Planet 4 or Origae-6! But its a case of how different are we talking to a Aliens or Alien Resurrection or even Alien here, and again do they give us something different to the Traditional Xenomorph?

4) Have a continuation to Alien Resurrection! Then you dont have to go the Ripley 8 route, but there could be a Few ways to do this, or again we can wonder what happened to the Queen from Ripley Clone 7.  But again its a case of do they give us something different to the Traditional Xenomorph?

So you can replace/change some Elements, but i think changing too much may not SETTLE well with the Core of the Alien Fanbase..... and we have to ask would doing something thats Aesthetically different to the Alien Franchise Queen and Xenomorphs please Fans?  Such as say how the Deacon and Neomorph were Different or are Fans going to Expect or Want a Traditional Xenomorph.

I think having the Xenomorph Explored to be more Intelligent or Controlled could be interesting...  It depends how they do it!

I  would not be a Massive Fan of the route above though, maybe this would be a End Game Objective... but i think having the Synthetics like David being able to have some connection like Hive Mind would be more interesting.

I mentioned on one of my Topics, that we could see David Re-Engineer those Human Embryos to make a Superior Human Race...  IF he then further tries to add more of his Xenomorph DNA to these Humanoids, a Hubris of that would be if these beings gain a Hive Mind that can then Control the Xenomorphs..   And so David would have made the same mistake of his Makers... by Creating something a bit too Superior with Consequences...

David seeing his Creations Manage to have a Hive Mind between them, and Rebel against him, then see him use Humans or other Humanoids as Hosts for Xenomorphs to then Destroy his Wayward Creations... only to then discover they can Communicate with the Xenomorphs via a Hive Mind Link would place David in VERY BIG Trouble.

I am just not sure a Majority of Fans would want to even Ponder such a Plot or Continuation to the Prequels.. i think for some the Prequels are a BAD Memory... and they would see the Xenomorph as its OWN  very Ancient, Intelligent Species and NOT a Engineered Creation by Androids, Mankind or Engineers.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberChestbursterApr-09-2019 12:35 AM

There is always the problem about what can be considered as canon, but If W-Y (or someone within the company) knew there was an alien signal coming from LV-426, then the question is how they knew that? Did they also know that the eggs were there? The solution to this might perhaps materialize in AC2?

Another problem is that Sir Peter Weyland, seeking extraterrestrial life with the hopes of prolonging his own life, probably would have explored LV-426 before the discovery of Shaw and Holloway which lead to the expedition to LV-223?

However, it does seem like a very strange coincidence that W-Y decides to set up a colony on the very same planetoid that the Derelict and the eggs are. The real purpose, of course, might not be mining but getting the eggs (or use the colonists as guinea pigs).


MemberXenomorphApr-09-2019 1:40 AM

"However, it does seem like a very strange coincidence that W-Y decides to set up a colony on the very same planetoid that the Derelict and the eggs are. The real purpose, of course, might not be mining but getting the eggs (or use the colonists as guinea pigs)."

why then send the badasses Colonial Marines with no other mission than a bughunt?

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberTrilobiteApr-09-2019 2:47 AM


more correctly why send Burke and Ripley to Hadley's Hope with a team of inadequate marines (Hudson losses his shit almost immediately, Hicks is reluctant to take command, Vasquez disobeys direct orders and is with drake responsible for the colony's destruction, etc) commanded by a Luietenant with little to no combat experience. 

Yes, marines were sent to LV-426, but they were far from the best-of-the-best, in fact, one could argue the marines were sent to keep up appearances that the Company cared about the colonists, while at the same time sending the worst marines possible hoping they would fail while hopefully having Ripley and Burke be convenient victims.


MemberXenomorphApr-09-2019 8:43 AM

Gavin in this case Bishop should have worked closely with the Company, on a research mission, more like Ash did, not trying to save Ripley, all the more to allow her to leave again LV426. 

I don't know if JC considered the conspiracy theory or the xenomorph as bioweapon.

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberNeomorphApr-10-2019 8:53 AM

Not a fan of the Xeno with three heads, it just looks too dumb (sorry Chris). No more Ripley and do not erase Alien 3. Write new characters, how difficult can it be? Get a competent writer, there has got to be someone out there that is able to do it.

To study the Xeno seems too much like Alien R and we know how that turned out. Maybe it is just that it reminds me too much of AR that I don’t like it, that is possible. I am not really sure what kind of story that could work but to study the Xeno seems to me to have been done.

I totally agree with Daliens, if you want a nostalgia trip go back and watch the old ones. To me, I don’t need a copy of any of them because we already have an Aliens, and so on.


MemberDeaconApr-11-2019 5:27 PM

Regarding what W-Y knew about the Signal...

This is always interesting to debate.... with Prometheus it was the DVD Extras that suggested they detected the Signal, and David was informed to keep a eye on it.  I think we had to look at this as the same way as we had to ask WHY do they go after Ripley in Alien 3... IF there was potential to get Eggs from the Derelict.

The most Logical Answer to that would be that (as others had mentioned on here) knowing Ripley had a Queen inside her, would be a Easier Path to take with less RISK. The objective was to gain a Specimen and getting a Queen thats inside of a Human on a Prison Planet is the easier route.

So with Weyland and his Agenda.. the Star Maps pointed to LV-223, so when they arrived it would be likely that they would CHECK the place out First, then go to check out LV-426.  No Soon as they discover those Humanoids (Engineers) and so Dr Shaws Work/Maps were RIGHT, and Knowing that ONE is still Alive..  then this is when Weyland was woken up and wanted to get down to meet his Maker ASP because his Agenda was solely for More Life.

Regarding the Marines... indeed  we could ponder if they send in a LESS than Best Squad for reasons that Gavin had outlined...   

We could look at maybe Miss Vickers having a Agenda for selecting the NOT best for the Prometheus Mission apart from those who are Necessary for Her Safety (Pilots, Mechanics and Security).

Regarding Bishop... maybe he had a hidden Agenda/Order, which was to get some Specimens on the Ship and Insure some of the Crew Return Safely, so they could be used as Hosts.

If we look at each Movie as far as WHAT the company should have done etc, and NOT make mistakes..  then ALIENS was a Colossal Feck-Up....   we could look at ALIEN in a similar way depending what the Prequels Uncover (if they knew so little at the time of Special Order 937 then the Nostromo Mission was Genius).

As otherwise you would ASK.... why dont they just send in ANDROIDS?  But doing so would not give us the Movies we can Enjoy.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphApr-11-2019 6:54 PM

I wonder if we could look at Alien Covenant 2 as at Ridley Scott's version of Alens.

We have the colonists and a couple of facehuggers, we have the promise of a queen in Advent. The Company is duly informed and they might send the Colonial Marines ;).

And on top of everything, we have David, as if Ash was left behind on the LV426 to observe the lethal effect of the xenomorphs on the colonists.

Why the heck there was no android with the colonists on LV426, JC? How would the Company find out more about the xenomorph if they did not send anybody to study it?

The more I think about Aliens, the more I see only JC's hubris, he designed a queen and he needed to show it to the whole world, the second Giger. 

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberFacehuggerApr-11-2019 8:04 PM

@chli, Bishop told us in all seriousness that the vicinity of Hadley’s hope was about to become a cloud of vapour the size of Nebraska. If that’s true – and there’s no reason to believe otherwise – the Juggernaut would have to be at least 100 miles away from the colony to survive the blast. Probably more like 200 miles.

If the Jordan’s vehicle could sustain an average speed of something like 30mph on LV426 – possible if most of the journey was over cooled lava – that would mean a six or seven hour ride, which is not unreasonable for a pioneer family.

in my opinion, the Juggernaut did not get fried, and the eggs are still there.


MemberTrilobiteApr-11-2019 10:30 PM


Good points,

But remember that LV-426, AKA Acheron is a moon with an equatorial diameter of 12,201 km, and a rotational period of merely 2 hours. The night side of which was, in 2122, beset with a constant and violent Stormfront (think Crematoria from Chronicles of Riddick, but flip day and night)

Using Pie multiplied by Diameter, or 3.14159 x 12,201, gives us an equatorial circumference of 38,330 km (Earths is 40,075 km).

30mph is akin to 48 kmph, meaning it would take the Jordens' prospector 798 hours, or 33 Earth Days to circumnavigate LV-426.

I have maintained lately that I believe it took Hadley's Hope 20 years to find the derelict Juggernaut because the violent night storms prevented travel too far from the colony, and that the colony's Atmosphere Processor may have eventually tamed said night storms allowing for the Jordens to venture out toward the coordinates given to them, indirectly by Burke, Carter J.


MemberDeaconApr-12-2019 6:35 AM


Yeah i forgot about that comment by Bishop ;)

Using a NUKE simulator, which cant be taken as Gospel..  i showed the effects of a 100MT Nuke (Most Powerful Nuke ever developed but only Tested at 50MT) at Ground Blast and did the same for a 1MT Blast to see the difference.

So we can assume something that would Vaporize Nebraska would have to be MUCH MUCH Powerful, doing some comparisons i would ASSUME such a Blast would have to be the Equivalent of 7500MT of TNT and then the affects of such a Blast as far as Radiation may make such a Plot of using Radioactive Eggs and NULL and Void...

But of course we DONT know how much Protection the Derelict would give.

Regarding HOW FAR the Derelict is away... this really is open for debate because we have NO Data... not that i am aware of.

Looking at how fast the Vehicle was going in ALIENS DC and the Terrain, i would say 30MPH is a Good Estimate, we dont know if the Terrain is as Hostile for the Total Distance.

We can only Estimate the Speed of the Vehicle  which i would think would be at least 25MPH but i cant see these going faster than say 80MPH  but again looking at the Terrain and the Video Footage, you could assume they was traveling across that Terrain about 25-40MPH Max.

Then we dont know how long you would take the Kids with you, on one hand would you put the kids through a Long Journey?  Why not have them stay with someone else on Hadleys Hope while Mommy and Daddy have to go some place...  But then maybe if its a LONG Journey maybe they would take the kids with them?

So its hard to speculate on how long they drove for and at what speed...   all we can do is maybe take Bishops Word for it and then a BLAST that Strong would have to have about a 500 Mile Radius as far as Fire Ball effects.. and Heavy Blast Radius (that would Down Buildings and Kill 100% within). 

 But as we dont know any of the DATA and looking at the Engineers Ships, i think we could speculate that MAYBE the Eggs Survived, and also the possibility of them being Contaminated by Radiation is Plausible.

IF they gave us another Movie where they salvaged the Derelict i am sure they could come up with a Valid Reason for its Survival by using a combination of the Protection the Derelict offered and how tough the ship was, and the Distance away from Hadleys Hope.

IF they did this then its likely they would not even give any details... it would be like "Sir we managed to extract the Alien Ship, shes suffered some Damage from the Nuclear Blast but she is intact, we have detected levels of Radiation so we need to take precautions"

I will add that the Simulator only allows up to 100MT  Tests and so maybe i would need to use a Asteroid Test that would give Yields required to Blast Out most of Nebraska?

So as with a Asteroid Impact of that size, we can easily assume that the Blast would Create a Crater and Eject MASSES of Material into the Air, which could BURY the Derelict Far Away.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberChestbursterApr-12-2019 7:30 AM


But remember that LV-426, AKA Acheron is a moon with an equatorial diameter of 12,201 km


It was 1200 km.


MemberTrilobiteApr-12-2019 10:03 AM


Ash did say 1200 km, but Xenopedia says 12,201 km source the Colonial Marines Technical Manual as its source, and some contend the CMTM is canon, either way, it's only a difference of 201 km.


MemberChestbursterApr-12-2019 10:24 AM


Well, I just use official knowledge. Whatever, WY Report said what Derelict located at a distance of 30 km from Hadley's Hope. 1-2 hours drive.


MemberFacehuggerApr-12-2019 1:00 PM

Prior to Bishop's comments about the colony being a cloud of vapour the size of Nebraska, he says that when it blows, it will have a blast radius of 30km, equal to about 40 megatons. Cameron's first draft was

"I'm projecting total systems failure in a little under four hours. The blast radius will be about thirty kilometers. About equal to ten megatons."

I guess he meant that the vaporised colony would balloon out into a very large cloud.

That does put a smaller limit on how far away the Juggernaut could be. But, frankly, I find it extremely hard to believe that a 20-year-old colony would not be aware of that massive ship right on their doorstep. If you're in a craft coming into land at a spaceport you can see well beyond 30km. It's inconceivable that the Juggernaut could be so close and yet remain unseen.


MemberXenomorphApr-12-2019 3:37 PM

The derelict could not be too far from Hadleys Hope, if we suppose Jorden was rescued and taken to the infirmary, where the chest bursts occured. Being the same eggs as in Alien we should calculate the same incubation time for the chestburster. Even if in Aliens the chest bursting occurred immediately after Jorden arrived at Hadleys Hope, how much time could we take into account?

If the incubation was about 12 hours in Alien, so 12 hours for the rescue mission to arrive at the derelict site and take him back, so 6 hours driving distance between Hadley Hope and the derelict? 6 hours by 20 mph gives maximum 120 miles.

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberTrilobiteApr-12-2019 4:00 PM

I think back in 1986, no one thought much about future movies or got too wound around the axles about really fine details. It seems the intent with Bishop's statements meant the great LV-426 Kablooie yielded nothing surviving or being salvageable. 


MemberChestbursterApr-12-2019 9:55 PM

Besides the distance from the centre of the explosion, we also have the Ilium Range to consider which might protect the Derelict (and the eggs).


MemberTrilobiteApr-13-2019 12:14 AM


We cannot presume that Russ Jorden, and by extension, the colonists of Hadley's Hope were subjugated by the same eggs that seen by Kane in 57 years prior...

Remember, Kane was lowered into a deep cavernous and quite extensive structure which housed thousands, possibly millions of eggs. Kane gained access to this "egg silo" from an acid-burnt hole in the platform of the dead pilots which was presumably located in the middle of the vessel. Prior to this Kane, along with Dallas and Lambert had gained access t the alien vessel via one of three vaginal shaped airlocks located to the rear-and-centre of the ship. Yet 57 years later Ann and Russ Jorden enter the derelict Juggernaut through an opening created by the collapse of one of the vessels "arms".

Furthermore, the creature that ended up aboard the Nostromo was not just bio-mechanical in appearance, but if we are to take the directors cut as canon, reproduced by morphing one of its victims (in this instance Brett) into an egg. Conversely, the specimens encountered within the Hadley's Hope colony were of a more skeletal appearance and reproduced courtesy of a mother-caste known as the Queen.

Yes, it was James Cameron's intention that the colonists would venture into the same "egg silo" Kane did beforehand, but from what the movies show us it supports my theory about the derelict and the eggs...

Which in short is that the derelict Juggernaut docked with a structure (previously built around the cave) whereby it would gather specimens of eggs that had been discovered within the cave. While some of these eggs where undoubtedly sent to LV-223 for further research and weaponization, I also believe the pilot of the derelict Juggernaut was conducting his own research on the eggs aboard his vessel, creating a eusocial (ant/bee like caste system) variant, the eggs of which were created and stored in the arm of the vessel which was later explored by the Jordens.

As for whether the eggs survived or not, as per the OT, we can only speculate. but as per my belief that the eggs are but one of many caches of such scattered throughout the galaxy/universe, whether or not those destroyed on LV-426 would ultimately matter very little, in the bigger picture.


MemberChestbursterApr-13-2019 1:20 AM

Remember, Kane was lowered into a deep cavernous and quite extensive structure which housed thousands, possibly millions of eggs.


But only two (or three) sections with a blue stasis field were alive.


Which in short is that the derelict Juggernaut docked with a structure (previously built around the cave) whereby it would gather specimens of eggs that had been discovered within the cave. While some of these eggs where undoubtedly sent to LV-223 for further research and weaponization, I also believe the pilot of the derelict Juggernaut was conducting his own research on the eggs aboard his vessel, creating a eusocial (ant/bee like caste system) variant, the eggs of which were created and stored in the arm of the vessel which was later explored by the Jordens.


I liked the idea that Jordens didn't go to Egg Silo, instead they turned to Derelict Lab. What can opened up the theory that the Queen is experiment of Space Jockey. Good explanation.


MemberXenomorphApr-13-2019 3:17 AM

"I also believe the pilot of the derelict Juggernaut was conducting his own research on the eggs aboard his vessel, creating a eusocial (ant/bee like caste system) variant, the eggs of which were created and stored in the arm of the vessel which was later explored by the Jordens."

In this case, the pilot must be David, he is responsible for that eusocial type of xenomorphs that infested the franchise from Aliens onwards.

I don't know if we'll ever get to see the Big Chap again, most probably all the good eggs were destroyed in the blast.

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberDeaconApr-14-2019 5:11 PM

The WONDERS of Flaws in the Movies ;)  I think as DK indicated its intended to not matter and a case of Oversight!

But it does allow for many debates.

I have not read the W-Y Report, i can assume the 30Km Distance may have came from what Bishop had said as pointed out by HOX and thus added to the Report.

Sometimes Movie Plots are not 100% Scientifically Correct, and so to pick some Flaws, we could counter argue that actually Xenomorphs DONT exist either.

So regarding the 30KM i think this was used as a Plot Device to indicate that the Blast Would Reach the Derelict and THUS render its Cargo Destroyed... (but thats not to say it could have Survived).  I think if we are talking a Blast Radius we need to wonder is this the Fireball?  Radioactive Energy Burst (cause severe Burns) or the Air Burst which at short distances would Destroy Buildings...   The Radioactive Radius even at its Highest Concentration would not Destroy the Derelict, the Fireball Blast maybe could... and the closer Air Blast could BURY the Derelict.

So the Vapor Cloud could be from dust and other Vapor released from the Blast, and not that it would Vaporize the State of Nebraska as well a 40MT Yield would not even scratch Nebraska... as far as a area that would Vaporize the area (as nothing remains).

For a Blast to in effect Wipe Out completely a area of 30KM would require a 150-200MT Blast!

But such things are just Oversights... i think a 30KM distance to the Derelict would suggest that indeed that ATV would have taken about a Hour Drive..

As daliens pointed out though, surely the Colonist would NOT have missed the Derelict being so close... unless the Storms on LV-426 make it hard to detect by means such as Radar etc and also the Clouds/Dust Storms would make it maybe Impossible to Visibly see it when coming to Land at the Colony Outpost.

The whole Egg Silo Kane went into and IF its part of the Ship Debate is a whole different Kettle of Fish!

Prometheus shows us the Juggernaught has different Cargo Holds... If we take those Schematics and assume the Derelict has similar, then indeed the Jordon's could have ventured to ONE Hold in one of the ARM Sections, compared to Kane's more Central one... but then IF we assume the Holds are of Similar Size.... again these Cargo Holds are FAR too Large to Fit inside the Derelict.

This i feel is just Oversight.... it would be interesting HOW they would have tackled this IF we got a conclusion to the Prequels...

As we have NO clear answers as far as on Screen... we have NOT yet seen the Eggs Loaded on the Derelict then anything can be changed!

As Gavin had said we could go the EGG Silo route...

Then it opens up the case of was the Derelict taking Eggs from the Egg Silo, or was it dropping off Eggs there for Storage?  

Which then could raise the Question of the Space Jockey, which would mean during the Docking of the Ship to this Egg Silo he had become infected at some point, and its a case of was he then TRYING to leave but got NO-WHERE as opposed to Crash Landed?

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberChestbursterApr-15-2019 1:05 AM

As daliens pointed out though, surely the Colonist would NOT have missed the Derelict being so close... unless the Storms on LV-426 make it hard to detect by means such as Radar etc and also the Clouds/Dust Storms would make it maybe Impossible to Visibly see it when coming to Land at the Colony Outpost.


The colonists thought that the ship is part of the mountain range.


MemberTrilobiteApr-15-2019 1:52 AM


As pointed out in another thread, Weyland Corp and David knew of the "warning" signal coming from LV-426, therefore it is impossible for David to become the Space Jockey.

Also although the Alien re-created by David was created using insect DNA (among others), there is no clear indication that the 'Morphs he created had a eusocial caste system other than Davids "Queen" statement, which could be inferred multiple ways.

Additionally if, as I believe, the eggs within the silo are the true eggs and those discovered by the Jordens were the result of experiments stored onboard the Juggernaut it is possible, and highly probable that if David does indeed introduce a eusocial caste system to his rendition of the Xenomorph that they are completely unrelated. This is known as Convergence.

It was shown in Prometheus that the Engineers revered, possibly and likely even praised/worshipped the Xenomorph, but the Engineers on Planet 4 had renounced the creature. Originally Scott had the idea that Jesus was an Engineer, and that his crucifixion was the reason for the planned attack on us 2000 years ago. Instead, it now looks as though a less on the nose religious analogy has been introduced, and one more in line with the Prometheus myth - that for abandoning their faith the Engineers are being punished by their gods, The Xenomorph, and their new champion, their new dark angel; David.

As for the debate of whether or not the egg silo is a separate structure, as I believe it is, or not. In another thread, BigDave linked the following image illustrating the likely layout of the egg silo, and its scale in relation to the derelict Juggernaut...


Not only does the image of the egg silos layout share many similarities with the domes seen on LV-223 it is also quite large, and therefore if it was part of the vessel would mean that over half of the derelict Juggernaut was buried underground on LV-426. However, taking into account the Juggernauts we have seen in Prometheus and Alien: Covenant, both of which did not feature such bulbous undercarriages, and the underbelly opening seen in Alien: Covenant (which David uses to bomb the Engineers, and the Covenant crew later use to access the Juggernaut) we can speculate with a high degree of certainty that the derelict Juggernaut docked using a similar opening onto the top of a dome-shaped structure within which the eggs lay; the egg silo.

As to whether or not the eggs were stored there by the pilot or discovered, I prefer the latter idea. Because if there is one cache of Xenomorph eggs on a barren, primordial moon in an uninhabited system, it is possible there could be other caches elsewhere in the galaxy/universe, possibly many, many more - could the Earth be one of the last of the inhabited planets not subjugated by the Xenomorph. Is this why the Engineers turned away from spreading the Xenomorph and instead used what they had learned to seed life rather than destroy it, showing that they not only renounced their gods but outright defied them; a la Prometheus.


MemberChestbursterApr-15-2019 6:02 AM

My “belief” is that the eggs on LV-426 survived the explosion of the air processor. The distance from Hadley’s Hope was probably sufficient and the site is also protected by the Ilium Range. This scenario also opens up for sequels which starts with an expedition (by W-Y) back to LV-426 to see if the eggs are still there (waiting).

As for how the eggs got there and what happened to the pilot, I think I stick to the connection to LV-223. The eggs on LV-426 are neatly stored in rows and there is engineer technology there such as piers and layers of mist. The size suggests a cave which is made into a storage area for the eggs.

The pilot (space jockey) was (probably) either on his way to collect eggs or to place new eggs in this storage facility. He is infected either on LV-223, on his way to LV-426 or on LV-426. He then sets the warning beacon. This scenario would mean that the engineers experimented with the pathogen on LV-223, but the products were stored on LV-426.


MemberTrilobiteApr-15-2019 8:16 AM


Some of the reasons I prefer the opposing theory to the one you state - that the eggs are the source of the pathogen that was then experimented on by the Engineers on LV-223 and that they are but one of many caches of eggs hidden throughout the galaxy/universe, are...

# It allows the story to move beyond LV-426.

# It eliminates sequels endlessly needing to return to LV-426, which would become tiresome really quickly.

# The threat that the end of Alien posed, that of a cache of thousands of eggs, (which Aliens negated if we are to believe that the eggs were destroyed by the explosion of Hadley's Hopes' atmosphere processor) is not only returned to prominence but is magnified.

Also, it is my belief that when the engineers discovered the eggs on LV-426 that they augmented the cave with their technology - such as implementing the blue-mist as a system to warn them if one of the eggs "hatched".


MemberChestbursterApr-15-2019 9:22 AM


As long as David isn’t the creator of the xenomorph, I’m open to suggestions. :) I definitely don’t mind seeing the xenomorph as an ancient species but if they already had “the perfect organism”, what then were they trying to achieve on LV-223? In order to wipe out Earth, one egg would probably suffice . . .


MemberChestbursterApr-15-2019 10:16 AM



I think, Engineers use "the perfect organism" for their own improvement. Look - The Last Engineer looks almost like the xenomorph.


MemberChestbursterApr-15-2019 10:34 AM

That's an interesting thought, Leto! They extract the black goo from the xenomorph (the perfect being) in order to improve themselves: stronger, healthier, longevity etc - the elixir of life! They had already been up that avenue when Peter Weyland shows up . . .


MemberXenomorphApr-15-2019 3:54 PM


Or the alpha and omega is the black goo, not the xenomorph.

By the black goo the Enginners improved themselves and obtained the xenomorphs. 

But while they learned how to safely handle the black goo, they were not capable to tame the xenomorphs. That's why their admiration and fear (the ingredients leading to idolatry) for the xenomorph. 

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

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This Alien Movie Universe community is part of the Scified network. Scified hosts a network of online fan-site communities containing 405,959 posts by 48,261 members (2 are online now). The Alien: Romulus Forum is the most recently active forum. The latest Forum topic added was: Alien: Romulus VFX breakdown by ILM
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Alien: Romulus Spoilers Updated 2024-08-18 08:33:57
Alien: Romulus Movie Trailers Updated 2024-07-18 11:51:15
Get Tickets for Alien: Romulus! Updated 2024-07-11 12:11:21
Everything we know about Alien: Romulus Updated 2024-06-15 10:35:44
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Alien: Romulus Discuss the new Fede Alvarez Alien movie here
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This website provides the latest information, news, rumors and scoops on the Alien: Romulus movie and Alien TV series for FX! Get the latest news on the Alien prequels, sequels, spin-offs and more. Alien movie, game and TV series news is provided and maintained by fans of the Alien film franchise. This site is not affiliated with 20th Century Studios, FX, Hulu, Disney or any of their respective owners.

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