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Guys! I Just Received Some Really Big News! My, my...
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MemberChestbursterJul-07-2017 9:26 AM

I'm pregnant!

My husband says it's too early to tell any of our friends, so I'm telling you folks... I'm making my very own... PERFECT! ORGANISM!

This is really good news because we were praying for this for a while and I was beginning to worry.

I think having another creature growing inside of me subconsciously lead me to become so much more obsessed with Alien lately, lol.

But my husband is getting a little creeped out by all my Alien related jokes in the matter and by me telling him that it's a squid baby...


But I'm so excited right now, and really wanted to tell you folks. :D

52 Replies


MemberFacehuggerJul-07-2017 11:07 PM

Congrats VivisectedEngineer, I can totally feel your excitement. So happy for you. : )

And this thread is so fun to read lol. 



MemberFacehuggerJul-07-2017 11:24 PM


rob clayton

MemberOvomorphJul-08-2017 3:22 AM

congratulations to you both and the little un growing in side of you!


MemberChestbursterJul-08-2017 8:03 AM


Thanks, Jonesy!!! :D I'm so happy for me too, lol!


Thank you so much!!! :D

@rob clayton

Thank you! :D Man, isn't that just wild to think about!? That the kiddo is right here, chilling inside of me?

Lol, today my husband went on a little rant telling me about a bad experience he had at the dry-cleaners and he said a swear word. Then he immediately followed it up with "Oops sorry! I shouldn't swear in front two!" Lol. I told him "Yeah! My baby only likes profanity in Alien movies." hehe.


(But, also, I literally shouted "Oh f*ck!!" at the jump-scare scene where the facehugger in the tank stuck its proboscis out at Burke when I was home alone yesterday, lol... <_<)


MemberOvomorphJul-08-2017 8:11 PM

Even without crossbreeding, hybridizing and other genetic experimentation I'm sure it will turn into a successful specimen. Congratulations. 


MemberChestbursterJul-08-2017 9:23 PM


Thanks!!!  ^_^

<_<  ...And...yup...ahem...definitely no hybridizing or genetic experimentation here! No siree! Perfectly traditional fetus, I assure you.  >_>



MemberTrilobiteJul-08-2017 9:43 PM

Do you know or want to know gender?


MemberPraetorianJul-08-2017 9:55 PM


Been away for a bit due to technical issues (Connection gremlins) and I get back to see this. :)

Pretty sure your hubby would be MORE surprised if there wasn't any ALIEN-related humor involved, given how much of a devotee` of this universe you are. :)






MemberChestbursterJul-09-2017 9:35 AM


I don't know the gender yet, and I'm not hoping for any specific gender, but I would like to learn the gender when it becomes possible!


For a long time I've had this big plan to learn the gender via cake! Like, you have the ultrasound tech write down the gender on a piece of paper in a sealed envelope and you give the envelope to the baker. The baker makes a pink or blue cake then covers it with frosting, and when you take it home and cut the cake you learn the gender.


That idea has appealed to me for a long time, mostly because...any excuse for cake is a good one! lol :)

Lawrence of Arabia

MemberChestbursterJul-09-2017 9:42 AM

Congratulations :) As soon as the kid comes out, bombard him with Alien movies! lol

"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."


MemberChestbursterJul-09-2017 9:49 AM


**Hugs!** :D Thank you!!!

Glad to have you back! Gosh darn those connection gremlins!

"given how much of a devotee` of this universe you are."

Boy, am I ever far fallen! But I can't deny that you're right! The Alien universe has my soul now! Lol.


I guess spending a good 95% of my time meditating on xenomorphs and chestbursters isn't doing much to expedite my escape from the whole death/rebirth cycle but I'd wager there's no funner group to ride to Hell in a hand-basket with than all you fine folks! ;-)


MemberChestbursterJul-09-2017 9:52 AM

@Lawrence of Arabia

Thank you!!! :D

Oh trust me, s/he is already being bombarded with Alien movies!


MemberPraetorianJul-11-2017 12:03 AM


This IS a fun bunch, yes!! I am very glad you're having Fun with your announcement here, as with this fanbase, regarding THIS universe, such announcements are cause for celebration and good humoured fun :D

I'll soon have the driver issues (hopefully) settled then I'll be lurking about in the rafters and superstructural supports as usual.







MemberChestbursterJul-11-2017 8:20 AM



MemberChestbursterJul-11-2017 9:18 AM


This really is a fun bunch! You all are so kind with your good humored celebration of my happy news! (I hope that my own idiosyncratic humor is well received here because, like Ripley 8, occasionally things that I suspect of being funny are not actually :P)


I'm really looking forward to more of your amazing writing!



Thank you so much!!! :D


MemberOvomorphJul-30-2017 4:22 AM

Oh Congrats!


MemberChestbursterJul-30-2017 7:26 AM

@MU/TH/UR 9000

Thank you!!!

My husband and I are super excited! We're going for the second ultrasound this week!



MemberFacehuggerAug-15-2017 4:00 PM

I don't know if I'm late but congrats, It would be cool if he/she dresses like a Xenomorph for Halloween! 

Cleaner than Earth Actually


MemberChestbursterAug-16-2017 8:06 PM



I think s/he'll be a little small for a xeno, maybe like a baby xeno/chestburster, or a facehuger. Also, I was thinking of wearing one of those shirts that has like, an x-ray of a chest burster?



MemberTrilobiteAug-16-2017 8:37 PM

VivisectedEngineer A month later from last post- drone or Queen? Newborn? Or do you just want to see what happens? At any rate, I am happy for you!


MemberPraetorianAug-16-2017 8:51 PM

VivisectedEngineer yes curious, have you made the big announcement yet?! That is an exciting time :)


MemberChestbursterAug-17-2017 4:18 PM


Still too soon to tell, unfortunately! I'm just under 11 weeks, and gender can't be discerned until 16 weeks. I do want to know - I'd like to find out with one of those gender-reveal cakes the ones that're pink or blue on the inside. I'm always in favor of any excuse for cake.


We've told my husband's family! 

I told two friends at work, my first day back for professional development. One of them stood up in the middle of the library and made a big announcement during a staff meeting so now the entire school faculty knows.

That's actually fine because right afterwards a bunch of people volunteered to help me out if need be, or cover my duty if I had morning sickness. I probably never would have figured out how to tell anyone otherwise, and my friend probably knew that :P

Then I told all my temple friends.

I haven't told anyone in my family yet though, lol. ...Not my mom, dad, step-mom, nor any of my sisters... They all live at least four hours away from me, so it's not impractical. I love my family a lot but... if one of them finds out they all will, and some of them are literal David-level psychopaths...

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