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Maybe not looking good for Alien 5

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MemberTrilobiteJan-23-2017 9:21 PM

I saw this on an article today:

Neill Blomkamp recently took to Twitter in order to address a fan question about Alien 5, the movie he was going to make before Ridley Scott decided that he finally wanted to make his Prometheus sequel, which we now know as Alien: Covenant. The fan in question asked, "what are the chances of the alien project happening?" Neill Blomkamp simply and disappointingly responded with "slim."

I guess that's that.

12 Replies


MemberPraetorianJan-23-2017 9:25 PM

That's unfortunate.I was fairly excited about the film.It's funny i have a thread going on and I've discussed the possibilities of him directing a Covenant sequel before making Alien 5.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberFacehuggerJan-23-2017 9:30 PM

If ridley screws up.then ill loss what remains of the admiration i have for him.

I dont like him very much. Hes giving the "we will see what we do as we go" feel last 5 years


MemberPraetorianJan-23-2017 9:35 PM

What do you mean Tiago?

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphJan-24-2017 9:16 AM

I can’t really say that I am disappointed about this. We already have four Alien movies and the last one wasn’t very good (but I like Alien 1, 2, and 3). Please let it be, I am interested in how Alien Covenant will turn out.


MemberChestbursterJan-24-2017 9:38 AM

After Elysium, Chappie, and the idea that A3 and AR never happened, I'm actually relieved to hear this.


MemberNeomorphJan-24-2017 10:25 AM

I still see something being done, just not in the timeline they had in mind. ridley isn't a young man and may wish to complete the journey from Prometheus to alien before he is unable to so alien 5 is something for a later date. plus A5 is a sequel to aliens and ridley is taking us on this journey that will tie in with alien so im not surprised about this. makes sense to bring us upto alien then do an aliens sequel. plus they may have looked at how they were going to do A5 and thought they couldn't do it justice without having some spoilers regarding the AC sequel and maybe further movies leading us to alien


MemberFacehuggerJan-24-2017 11:21 AM

Covenant was always being worked on, even before Prometheus was filmed. Ridley didn't just arbitrarily 'decide' to pee on Blomkamp's party.  Please.


MemberNeomorphJan-24-2017 11:30 AM

if it isn't going ahead then there must be a reason. if u can think of something more plausible then please share rather than just scoffing on someone elses opinion


MemberNeomorphJan-24-2017 11:37 AM

its plausible ridley would decide to finish what hes started as he isn't a young man anymore plus what he is doing leads us to alien, the first movie. he was producing alien5 after all, script was chosen and director and some cast members had been cast. they were in pre production so why else would it be scrapped?? theres no harm in ridley being a bit selfish and wanting his story told before any other sequels come out before he cant do the job anymore


MemberFacehuggerJan-24-2017 2:01 PM

Problem is ridley makes everything up when everything should be invented from the beginning to be cohesive. He says one thing and makes other completly different

We had many turn around interviews about the direction and that for me shows a person who doesnt know how he wants to tell the not saying he isnt good. But hes messing up.

Sort of clumsy feel towards alien story is the feel i get from him,regarding how he wants to tell it and changes his mind every time he makes a interview during this years .


AdminEngineerJan-24-2017 3:06 PM

As I pointed out in the news article, it's ultimately up to Fox and its unlikely Blomkamp is on the up and up with regards to Fox's grand scheme of things. If Covenant does well, Fox are well aware of how badly fans want Alien 5. Films are put in hold all the time. Jurassic World and Pacific Rim 2 almost never got made. But now look, one has a sequel on the way and the other is currently filming. Have faith. 

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberFacehuggerJan-24-2017 4:57 PM


I'm scoffing at the idea that Ridley Scott is so selfish and insecure that he would deliberately step in the way of Neill Blomkamp. I just don't see it.

First, Scott's an accomplished film maker with a storied career, he doesn't need to have one up on Blomkamp. Second, as Chris has pointed out, it's not Ridley's decision. If Fox senses money is to be made, they're gonna make it regardless of what anyone thinks, including Ridley. For whatever reason, despite the praise of James Cameron and Sigourney Weaver, the film has been put on hold. There's a reason for that, but it's not Ridley Scott.

Maybe they like the story, but don't want Blomkamp to direct it. Would that be a surprise? If the story is as good as Cameron says, Cameron should direct it. That would make it a guaranteed blockbuster. Maybe Fox feels the same?

Third, Ridley did not suddenly cobble together a movie to beat Blomkamp. Covenant has been in development for years. John Spaights said that the intention was always to have Prometheus (known then as Alien:Engineers) be part of a duology, or trilogy. The larger story was being planned even then, the framework for Covenant was probably well in place before Lindelof came on board (and was also tasked to write with an extended story in mind).

No doubt that framework had been tweaked and altered several times over, and certainly what Ridley has had to say about these things can be confusing, but bear in mind he's a solid businessman and will publicly support any shifting of the gears on Fox's part, and there's always been quite a bit of that on Alien films.

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