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Another Covenant theory

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MemberPraetorianJan-17-2017 1:07 PM

I got another idea.What if the Covenant is not the first ship to journey to paradise.Since none of us believe those dog tags belong to Shaw,what if there from someone else?I got this idea that maybe others came first and became David's first test subjects.We know he's got black goo canisters,so what if another ship touches down and the same fate that had befallen on the Prometheus expedition has fallen on them(black goo mutations,trilobites,etc.)I believe i've even read that the trilobite was even spotted on set.So what if David did all that,created a trilobite the same way he did in Prometheus,and perhaps forced the trilobite onto Shaw or others and creates a something .We have no idea what would be born of a human impregnated by the trilobite.Maybe it creates the xenomorph.I know it's a wild theory but what do you guys think?

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 

76 Replies


MemberDeaconJan-18-2017 5:16 PM

"I think its very cheap move for them to show the facehugger catching the captain in the first trailer...its like a very anscious and lame response to fans...alien is here bois get spoiled"

The Whole Marketing is very Alien movie driven... and Poster, it leaves not much to the imagination and gives away pretty much the WHOLE Fanboy Xeno Scenes (which is very AVP or AR)

Maybe they are keeping something hidden?

I think these shots etc are to drag in the Alien Fans who was disappointed with Prometheus or never saw it or simply thought it sucked...

so then Rildey can then show them hints at Prometheus connections?

As for the Eggs... who knows... i think it wont be answered myself... it will be as ambiguous as how does the Mural/Fresco and Deacon and Hammerpedes link to the Xenomorph was in Prometheus.

So Alien fans or those who disliked Prometheus will be upset at this... but we see 3-4 Alien Monsters running around and 1-2 of those will be via Egg/Face Huger and that keep them pleased a bit.

I think Shaw is a Big Part to how the Aftermath of events that the Covenant crew arrive at..  either that or she plays a big role in explaining the Engineer intentions... but i think we wont get explained much on screen..

Hence the Prequel Book set prior to AC and after Prometheus.

I doubt Shaw or the Fans through Shaws un-shown story.. will never find or be shown some of the answers to the questions she had... and i doubt the Engineers will never be shown or touched upon..

Maybe they wont in the movie...

But the Prequel Book will

and AC sequel will as i think David redeem himself and be left with Daniels and then she is going to want Answers.. and David will give them her in the next movie

I bank on it ;)


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphFeb-05-2017 3:25 PM

about the covenant's destination, that is cleared up 100%, The crew of the colony ship Covenant, bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy(another planet), discover what they think is an uncharted(it's uncharted, they didn't know it exists) paradise


MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2017 3:41 PM

Yeah that much is clear.The question i was asking was on whether The Covenant is the first ship to arrive on paradise or not.I think it's possible that the company sent a ship looking for the Prometheus and found paradise.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2017 4:33 PM


Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberChestbursterFeb-06-2017 1:07 AM

Well, if Paradise is uncharted and they accidentally come upon a distress signal sent out by David, there would probably be an explored planet even further away in the universe (which the sleeping couples on The Covenant will colonize)? How likely is that given that not so many years (10 years later) have gone since LV-223 was discovered?

Isn’t it more likely that David sent a message to WY (perhaps saying it’s a paradise like planet) and The Covenant set out for this planet?


MemberPraetorianFeb-06-2017 1:11 AM

Yes that could very well be.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberChestbursterFeb-06-2017 1:33 AM

Another possibility would be that The Covenant searches in random for a paradise like planet for the colonizers (it would then still be uncharted). Then they stumble upon the distress signal from David?


MemberPraetorianFeb-06-2017 3:09 AM

Another possibility.Though i think it's possible the Planet would have been previously scouted,Sort of like how LV-223 was in Prometheus Fire and Stone.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberOvomorphFeb-06-2017 5:58 AM

I think WY is for sure doing something about the prometheus expedition, but covenant is bound for a different, specific planet, maybe its under false pretenses, maybe WY sent them to 'stumble upon' paradise by accident.. And i doubt they would send a ship to randomly search the universe, its just to expensive to play dumb luck, still everything is possible, maybe the script is dumb... dunno


MemberOvomorphFeb-06-2017 6:11 AM

I also wonder, im not sure if it was revealed, if this planet that everything is gonna go down at, is much much further than the Calpamos system, and its safe to assume (i guess) juggernauts are much faster than earth ships, maybe it would take more than 10 years for an earth ship to reach paradise, hell maybe covenant was even launched before prometheus


MemberChestbursterFeb-06-2017 7:33 AM

ninXeno426: Do you mean that "Paradise" (where David is) has been previously scouted or where they might have been heading from the beginning?


MemberDeaconFeb-06-2017 7:55 AM


Thats what i was thinking about the movie, prior to the release off the Covenant Badge/Insignia which showed it was a Weyland-Yutani ship and so it would have had to have launched after any Merger.

And so post 2094... likely post 2099.

I think indeed there are a number of silly plot holes a bit if indeed they are off to LV-223 and end up on LV-426 or even if they was heading else where but ended up on either of those.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Movie fan

MemberFacehuggerFeb-06-2017 8:14 AM

Shaw could have laid the eggs, but it would involve a bit of tampering.

Shaw can only have trilobites, so to give her the ability to lay eggs David will have to change her.

David could infect her with the black goo but she will explode(Holloway,Engineer head) so to change Shaw he will have to do something else.

When Fifeild got infected with the ooze he was turned into a creature, the reason why was because his DNA was spliced with the DNA of a hammerpede, so David would most likely infect Shaw with both black ooze and hammerpede DNA thus turning her into a creature.

How the Shaw creature will lay eggs:

1. Because of Holloway's intercourse Shaw now has embryos in her womb that will now grow into eggs.

2. There is a Xenomorph on the planet that mates with her.

3. David injects Shaw with an Engineer sperm.

Obsession is a Power, not a Curse ;)


MemberOvomorphFeb-06-2017 3:35 PM

could be, could be, and playing some barry white in the background while david is getting some engineer sperm and noomi makes out with the xeno, it will be a love triangle romance horror


MemberPraetorianFeb-06-2017 3:51 PM

Chli:That is what i mean.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberChestbursterFeb-09-2017 3:51 AM

Yes, I wonder if we won’t be drawn back into Spaihts’ original script and that “Paradise” is in fact LV-426? We will get The Derelict (David’s and Shaw’s juggernaut), the eggs, the temple ruins, a catastrophe that will destroy the lush planet, and a chestbursted space jockey melted into the pilot chair (heat and gases etc - not fossilised)? The eggs survive until The Nostromo arrives because they are way down and protected by a layer of mist . . .


MemberPraetorianFeb-09-2017 4:00 AM

Yes that seems possible.I personally haven't read it yet(i have it book marked.,i just haven't found the time for it yet)but i do know the general outline.There are things I've heard that indicate that some of Sphait's concepts are being brought back.An example would be the neomorph.It has drawn many comparisons to the beluga morph.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberChestbursterFeb-09-2017 4:53 AM

Yes, Spaihts' script is definitely scarier than Lindelof's/Scott's version. Scott's version is perhaps deeper and more interesting in some ways (focusing more on the Engineers, where we come from, life and death, religion, morality, AI etc)?


MemberPraetorianFeb-09-2017 2:10 PM

As to where Sphait's is more of a straight up Alien movie.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberOvomorphFeb-10-2017 6:38 AM

@ chilli, i think they have to keep the original derelict from 1979 thousands of years old, and judging by the fact that the system has 3 moons, one unknown, this is probably 'paradise' , why would they add that third moon if not? if that is correct, maybe david, during his years on 'paradise' managed to get to acheron, to the original derelict, maybe there was a way, another expedition's ship, the juggernaut might not be a wreck or might not have been at some point... etc... , and i know it's a stretch but maybe he got those eggs from the original derelict... i think it would diminish the mystery and the horror around the original ancient derelict if they decided to make it just 130 years old in the original movie, and chalk it up to a dating error or something, they might do that though, but it would be a bad decision in my book (not like ridley scott is immune to those though)


MemberOvomorphFeb-10-2017 6:47 AM

spaihts' scrips is kind of too 'epic' for me, it doesn't feel right and i totally understand why they felt prometheus was better as it is, i feel like u could take any 10% of his script and make it into a good alien movie... just consider how simple, in essence was even aliens, not to mention alien


MemberOvomorphFeb-10-2017 6:58 AM

prometheus totally did touch and created this 'epic' tapestry, that needs to be further explored, but going soo far as spaihts did, in only one movie as he meant, would just make a simple 'escape attempt' or a 'surviving with a few canisters of gas or whatever was in those flamethrower fuel thingies', totally lacking in horror and claustrophobical elements that these movies rely upon, what im saying is, if u had that backburster scene on a planet where there was a load of stuff happening all over, xenomorphs running, ppl plotting, engineers having their own plot line, it would diminish the crap out of that scene, they need to keep it clean and simple to make it work as a horror movie, every 'epic' revelation needs to be paced just right, i believe they will try to achieve that and there will be no catharsis, just glimpses at possible answers that raise more questions, finally, maybe through AC and the 3rd movie, they will answer a fist full of those gradually, but leave things open to a point... it is how it should be, if they answer everything in detail, its just a sad ending, im not saying they should go full lindelhoff, but they should remember why they liked his approach in the first place, and expand on it


MemberOvomorphFeb-10-2017 7:05 AM

The technical problem here is this imo, alien1979 had sooo much unanswered questions, but it worked for what it was, they tried to expand the universe in prometheus and fought hard to keep that kind of mystery the original film had, but in the original u kind of knew it was not going to be answered, and in prometheus and presumably AC, they tease that they will, just by providing the amount of information they are, its tough to reconcile these two things, when u see an 'epic' movie u expect answers, when u see alien, u dont, ur just scared for the guy thats trapped in the vent with something nobody onboard, and infront of the screen really understands


MemberOvomorphFeb-10-2017 7:27 AM

Maybe taking itself a little less seriously, prometheus and the rest of the new movies we are going to see, could work better... the descision making behind that fifield xeno deleted scene was imo caused by exactly that, they didnt want to make one the best scenes in the movie, riding on the back of a movie that's already been made, i think this is ridley's and the rest of the crew's ego here that made it an issue, they were struggling so hard to make it 'original' that their attempt finally got the better of them, also, i think fifield wrapped up like a present in front of the ship, all broken up, just 'sitting' there like he was crushed, was the only scene in prometheus that actually touched the horror that they should have expanded on (im one of those degenerates that actually likes the movie btw)... they should hire cronenberg to work alongside ridley hahha, that would be something


MemberChestbursterFeb-10-2017 11:44 AM

Loop: Where did you get this about a third moon in the Zeta Reticuli system? And, wouldn't it be a nice ending that every horror and despair is in fact in your own back yard - like in The Planet of the Apes?


MemberPraetorianFeb-10-2017 2:01 PM

As I've stated before I've only read the outline,but if i remember right it didn't even explain where the xenomorph came from.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberFacehuggerFeb-10-2017 3:03 PM

I really love this theory that the result of a Trilobite impregnating an engineer or human results in the common xeno. I think the reason why that the Deacon or common xeno, didn't birth as a chestburster and birthed with legs and arms is that it was birthed through an Engineer. Like in AVPR, the result of a facehugger impregnating a Predator resulted in what looked like a predator and Xeno.

So really you decide :-P


MemberPraetorianFeb-10-2017 3:34 PM

Thank you fire_stream 21.It in my opinion could be a logical link between Prometheus's black goo and the potential creation if the xenomorph.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberOvomorphFeb-11-2017 2:38 AM

Duplicate post


MemberOvomorphFeb-11-2017 3:03 AM

Im going with the idea that somehow "paradise" is LV 426. Our clue is that the crashed ship in the covenant trailer appears exactly as the derilict from the 79 Alien does.

As for Shaw, ive always had this sinking feeling that xenomorphs, humans, synthetics and even engineers have some sort of common ancestory or genetic similarity on some level, with the synthetic element adding the biomechanoid aspect. My theory is that Shaws musings on her inability to "create life" are going to be addressed in the most sordid way possible, beyond that of being impregnated with the trilobite in Prometheus. Perhaps in some way she is the missing link between the black goo and the ovomorph/xenomorph life cycle. We can see in the 79 alien directors cut that Brett and Dallas are obviously albeit mysteriously metamorphosizing into ovomorph eggs. Im guessing this mystery will be further addressed in covenant. Is it possible that David had played out some sort of twisted Adam and Eve type scenario using Shaw to create some sort of universal being? It would certainly explain why synthetics always admire the xenomorph so much, because they seem to sense some sort of commonality with them and the human elements in the xeno have always been a bit close to home, discounting the alien sequels of course, which in my mind are becoming increasingly non canon. 

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