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are the xenomorphs god or satan

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MemberOvomorphAug-08-2015 4:20 AM

i'm sure it's been asked before but anyway here goes:


in your opinion, are the engineers turning the beings they create into xenomorphs through good or bad intentions? i am forever haunted/intrigued by a line that ash said in the first alien movie: and, given the biblical undertones present in the alien saga, i immediately though to parallal it with Corinthians 42 - 44:

Alien: "Ash: You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? Perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility." 

Corinthians: "So will it be with the ressurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power"


Furthermore to my idea regarding the ambiguity of the role of the xenomorph is centred around its' sight. For so long people are obsessing with HOW xenomorphs see, that they haven't stopped to consider the fact that the correct question they should be asking is WHAT do xenomorphs see? again, Corinthians:  "it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body." Maybe the xenomoprhs are what we call those beings that need only the light of the lord to exist?


like i said i'm confused by their role still so any comments on the issue are greatly appreciated

51 Replies


MemberDeaconAug-11-2015 4:17 PM

I however am not sure thats what we shall see, Ridley said that the Engineers seed their DNA in that fashion on worlds not just Earth....  The Engineers are thus a Tool for creation..  The movie shows they must have visited us over and over and potentially upgraded us over and over i.e from Early Forms of Life based of Engineer seeded DNA, they came back to futher Genetically mix their DNA with some creations to eventually create Mankind.

How and why and what role we play, is pretty open to be honest.... i do think Ridley could be going the route of showing us a chain of Creation Hierarchy and Rebelion... also he seems to have left Clues to sugest that the True Agenda of the Engineers and mainly there creators is something that is actually sinister and not like the Traditional Relationship between God/Gods and his Creation as many Cultures have shown this connection to be... but something different...

I am still kind of buying into a maybe Annunaki Connection, and that the Engineers are the Igigi/Igigu within this connection.... The Igigi where servants of the Gods, they was lesser Gods who was tasked with a purpose that was of great importance to the Gods Agenda...

These Igigi or a faction had rebelled against their creators petty much like how Satan did against God.... and so the Gods (Annunaki) created Mankind to overtake and perform the role that the Igigi once had....

What if this role is related to the Xeno and Sacrifice?  Who knows...

Hopefully Prometheus 2 would cover losely some kind of Hierarchy

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerAug-12-2015 6:32 AM

Yes there will be many more links to the bible im sure also pretty sure following my thoughts that the xenos come from the demi god which is the nasty one or satan I guess in this thread (but possibly not at the same high level as satan has in the bible as such)...yes if only we had phillip k dick writing the script or one of the other greats that is whats missing this time round unlike alien which had a legendary writer. I so hope theres some jaw dropping moments kinda like when the demi god slides out from a worm hole in-front of them on the elder planet – also wanna see a fight as such between the higher level god like beings possibly the elder empire vs this one demi does look like the engineers are supposed to be the angels as such but its not a straight forward as that I guess...its hopefully going to be a massive new world opening up with millions of races soon as they get to the home-world :P ... If fact my hopeful idea was the demi god was mind controlling all the crew of promethues and even the engineer a bit possibly to get david and shaw to come to the home planet were it is locked in an everlasting war with the elder empire thats been going for thousands of years and needs help to tip the balance in its favour :D ... a low human / robot life form/s just intelegent enough to do a job for it and not get noticed by the elders or appear harmless to them...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberDeaconAug-12-2015 7:39 AM

I am not sure we would be seeing as many Religious links... Ridley said "No more Gods"

The drafts had Bible quotes in them, the movie had subtitle Bible references as far as religious tones throughout the movie...  We also had the Pictograms of the Star Maps found in many Ancient Cultures throughout History.

The idea, the concept the Plot seemed to be that the Bible is based of Mankinds interpretations of visits from a Race of Godlike beings who visited us and taught us stuff and indeed tried to wipe us out,  and that all Religions and Cultures are all based of the same events just interpreted in different ways.... but all seemed to share one common theme that was Giant Godlike beings from space who had plaid a part in the creation and evolution of Mankind but Genetically and Technologically.   And even left Star Map to Zeta 2 system.

The movie was never going the route that the Engineers are the God of the Bible... Ridley mentioned they was Fallen Angels but he is not going the route that they are the Angels of the Bible, he even teased of a Space Jesus but again he is not saying Jesus was a Engineer.... but that the Engineers are who Mankind interpreted and based religions off as Gods/Less Gods i.e Angels and that they sent down maybe a Hybrid Emissary some 2000 years ago to try and steer us on the right path but we Crucified him.

So its basically saying Bible is based off the events of these Engineers as is other religions etc..


So ULTIMATELY  The movie was trying to show us that our Engineers are a race of less Godlike beings who serve a greater race or bieng and our Engineers are thus like Angels or like Olympian Gods, or the Igigi compared to GOD, Titans or Annunaki... but then they could be Titans but i would assume the Titans connection would be a higher race who knows.

But this was kind of the PLOT and that these servent/lower Gods came to Earth to create Mankind and to visit us and upgrade us and teach us stuff untill one time they just stopped comming and one time we just stopped serving them...... Basically like how the Gods are portrayed in many cultures as  a RACE OF GODS/GOD  who created Mankind in their image and looked and watched over us, nurtured us and we worshiped them..

But the above is now something they are tonning down and moving away from.. No More Gods means i think they want to lesser the links of this Engineers and their Creators playing the Part of creating Mankind and Nurture and Teach us stuff and we Worship them as in CONTEXT of Ancient Religons stories about Gods...

But that the ACTUAL TRUTH is something far more Twistes and Sinister!

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerAug-12-2015 8:56 AM

Yes I meant the subtle links but probably quiet a few of them dont forget we still have a very religious shaw and I think ultimately there will be an over tone of a creator god which of course we will never see but will be there like a god from the bible etc....the engineers may be very religious too they certainly looked like it from what little we saw. I wonder if we might see something like the extinction of the dinosaurs or something too the engineers directing a meteor towards the earth or something like that...kinda get the feeling eventually we might end up with christians not being disproved type sitaution in the end though I hope it could be a bit bolder than that but we will see...(although only in the sense that god may actually still exist but at a higher level not the specifics of jesus and what happend etc.) .  

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteAug-12-2015 1:34 PM

    One of the most abstract and frightening concepts I have played-out in my head is the theory that the Engineers, Mankind and the Aliens (Xenos) are in fact the very same organism - simply evolved in different ways. Perhaps our genetics are a template; one that has yet to achieve its truest expression. We and all other beings that have arisen from the base template are evolutionary dead-ends - the Engineers are too insular and driven by the continuance of life, the Humans are too unstable, and the Xenos are simply too destructive. What if the combined genetic patterns of all three results in the "purest" expression of universal biology? This is certainly something over which I have boggled for hours! :)


MemberOvomorphAug-12-2015 3:27 PM

something real, that is exactly the essence of my inquiry into the xenomorph. like the demi-god that djamela spoke of, the xenomorph falls under the categoru of God-but-not-God for me. It is a contingent life form which appeared upon the creation of the universe,like a computer virus, which the engineers found, and assumed to be God.It is a form destroyer. essentially, it is the pawn in the game of chess which takes place between God (abundance of life) and Hades (abundance of death). The engineers in prometheus rebelled against God by taking the side of the demi-god, which is where the humans come in. If humans are able to succesfully use, subvert, understand and dominate the biostructure of the xenomorph, without adhering to its' process of parasitism (chestbursting, death, etc), then they have become immortal and attained supremacy in the universe, and defeated hades, and attained union with God.

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteAug-12-2015 5:26 PM

THANATOS_CONTAGION - That is an extremely compelling perspective! From your statements, I have devised yet another series of questions: which of the three organisms - Engineer, Human and Xeno - is the closest to the "plan" laid down by the absolute genetic expression of our universe? Which is closest to becoming one with God? What does it take to attain such a union and, if it is attained, what does it mean? I must say, these conversations are extremely engaging! :)


MemberOvomorphAug-12-2015 6:42 PM

if they're not thirsting for power, then humans...but the reason as to why is an eschatological issue above all else. i'm sure there's plenty of humans ready to side with the engineers and even the xenomorphs. revelations in the bible often gets misinterpreted and derided as nonsense, but i really think masterful execution of the sci fi genre like the alien saga/prometheus or philip k dick's literature is really able to visualise what is being said in that part of the bible.

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteAug-12-2015 7:36 PM

THANATOS_CONTAGION - Your viewpoints are intriguing and I agree whole-heartedly with your assessment of the Sci-Fi genre. Indeed, the Alien Saga certainly provides a wonderful mechansim through which certain biblical texts can be brought into a realm to which we can more readily relate. Of course, the vague concepts and mystery that form the whole of these films and their stories is paramount; I would not have as much fun with them if everything was laid and neatly explained! :)


MemberXenomorphAug-13-2015 3:43 AM



oduodu, big_dave,first_child, destroyah, do you perhaps think that the xenomorph in the coming films will take on a role as pawn in a battle for cosmic supremacy between humans and the engineers?



Well i think the humans dont stand a chance against against the engineers they are way ahead of us. 

as to them not being bright ? i believe that they are now working with tech that they have never worked with before as they might be a lower faction of engineers that was enslaved by the "super" engineers if you will. i think that they are slaves like we were supposed to be and for some onforseen reason it may be that who ever enslaved them has dissapeared for reasons unknown (maybe war with some one else). 

i agree with the statement but i also think that the black goo may actually be a genetic mutagen prgrammable via sub space frequencies by some unseen intelligence. that the real war is for control over the subspace freqencies that can control the black goo.

the engineers messed with this and got it wrong since i believe that failsafes in the event of a break of those subspace frequencies the goo becomes reprogrammable and thats when the outbreak occurs with an inconceivable amount of species "becoming available" via the goo - hence the diversity of things it was able to give mutations too.

so super engineers mighty actually be able across space and time to tell the goo have certain properties even passwords for protection. but the level of it is quite high so that perhaps david might be able to have some idea of what is going on.

so you dont need high tech just anything that can relay the subspace frequencies from whoever controls it. like a drone or something that just flies into range renders the subsoace frequencies which comes singel point outside time and space. this makes time travel redundant. 

so perhaps the xenos are pawns but they can be just one of many species that can be grown from the goo based on what the owner of the controlling subspace requencies want.


MemberFacehuggerAug-13-2015 6:45 AM

so yes well "Mankind and the Aliens (Xenos) are in fact the very same organism" hmm not sure how you mean that to come about but its possible but from what we see the engineers have been around 100s of millions of years before humans existed according to Ridley. And I get a feeling the xenos are much older now with this new prometheus plot (the old plot was they came from a harsh planet which evolved them to be mean killers so probably not so old). The idea is supposedly that the engineers made us from their DNA so that was the match part but of course if we were 100 percent a match we would look the same so we are not a 100 percent match.

On "Which is closest to becoming one with God?" pretty sure they are all way off that idea if the creator was say level 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 we are like a level 3 the engineers a 10 possibly and the elders say 100 and the demi god maybe 1000000000 no were near the creator im thinking and there would be things at many levels in-between! kind of unimaginable complexity type stuff...


I do sometimes wonder if this universe is set up like a breeding ground for a kind of 'mate' for the creator and only near the end of our universes existance will one life form / intelligence or what ever you call it by then will break free and be with god as an equal after billions and billions of years of evolution and strife wars extinctions etc etc.....itll probably not even have a body kinda of ball of light type thing maybe billions of lifeforms in one probably maybe much weirder beyong imagination type thing! That is the purpose of the universe :P well one idea anyway teehee...and in the mean time the universe is its playground.

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberDeaconAug-13-2015 2:19 PM

Interesting ideas... for sure...

But i think what we are going to find out is something different, that would maybe still have Shaw asking... so who created all the Universe and Stars etc...  Because by NO MORE GODS i think Ridley is going to show us indeed there is a race above the Engineers or indeed a being or both thus a few more layers of Hierarchy.

But these beings will in no way represent literally Gods or a God as per say in the Bible and other Religons not in the slightest....  not as in Magical or Devine so to speak...

As for frequencies and the Goo we cant be sure, but the Drafts did show our Engineers manipulated a technology that was in the air with their hands that can not be seen by Humans etc.....  so we cant rule out the Goo being Manipulated via such actions as opposed to just being how we saw it on the Screen..

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconAug-13-2015 3:05 PM

I will sit down and give these latest posts some thoughts and contribute but at the moment im a bit to tired to maybe think much about them lol

I will kind of try and show what the person who leaked some information had said about related points.....  i did a Topic on this before, but i will try and recap...

They seem to maybe imply that their is a lot to do with Hierarchy of creation and rebelion of creation against creator, and so this is where maybe Ridleys Fallen Angels comments could come into play and we could had been shown on Screen similar relationship between David and the Human Crew as we could be shown between our Engineers and their creators.

They seem to imply the Engineers have a set of specific purposes and so are by no means as Freewill Divine Beings but merely Pawns or Servants which Angels to God could fit in well but maybe more so the Igigi from the Annunaki tale.

They said that the movie would losely show some things regarding connection between Hierarchy on Paradise, and connection with Mankind that while not being about Gods and Ancient Aliens Theory.. it would losely give us clues that we can relate to such things.

The Black Goo at its base level, is a Tool for Creation and Knowledge and how all things are to be, it is to be shown more in the way that the FIRE AND STONE Commics had touched upon.... 

It would show us a relationship between Prometheus Myth as far as losely, and as in a Stealing and possesing a Forbiden Fruit of sorts and the Punishment that happens for stealing such a thing... could this mean a Direct Punishment from the Higher Hierarchy or could it be a case of Play with Fire and you can get burnt?

They seemed to hint at losely a connection with the Fire theft, and Forbiden Fruit from the Tree of Life.... or as its known Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

So this does not have to mean Literally i.e so its not a case of Fire as in Fire i.e stuff used to burn things and light up things... and not Fruit as in Fruit off a Tree that grants Knowledge and Freewill etc..

Nope i think they are hinting that its a metaphor for the Taking of Something that should only be used by a Established Few, something that is beholds a great Power and that the stealing of and using of such a POWER for those who are not supposed to use it or not to use it without the Consent of the Hierachy and doing so will lead to Dire Consequences maybe not only by Punishment of those in Power on Paradise but also that such a Forbiden Tool/Power has potential Devastating Consequences when used.

How can something like this Relate to Prometheus?

The Prometheus Myth could be Metaphore, but in the actual Myth Fire was a Tool that helped to set Mankind on the path to true Evolution Technologically wise, without this first peice of Technology (as Peter Weyland puts it) Mankind would not have been able to had evolved on a Technologic Level at all.  The Titan Prometheus gave this Gift to Mankind without the Gods Consent and for this he was punished but Mankind was left to be.

How does this related to Prometheus the Movie?  At some point maybe the Engineers had taken some Technology or done something that had enabled Mankind to Evolve that was agianst the wishes of the Hierachy on Paradise.... it does not have to be upgrading us and teaching us at all.... maybe it could be Creating of Mankind in the first place... Remember the movie does not show us the Start of Creation of Mankind but creation of Life on a World.... in order to get to Mankind who look much more like our Engineers than other creations on Earth, maybe a futher Genetic Intervention had occuried against the wishes of the Powers that Be on Paradise....MANKINDS CREATION was a Theft of the Fire.

Or also was those ships never supposed to use the Goo on Engineers DNA, and this action was Theft of the Fire, but surely maybe a latter use after to futher advance some lifes DNA could be... Spaights draft life was on Earth in a advanced form already and the Seeding just helped to fuse Engineer and Primate DNA to create Mankind.

I have been led to this theory before, and upon seeing the links between Prometheus Myth and the Movie and then looking at what the SOURCE informed me about does seem to add more weight to such things.

so our Engineers or a Faction was playing their own God role, in creating us and comming to visit us against the WILL of the Greater Powers.

The Forbiden Fruit from the Tree of Life Comment... when the source informed me that we would be shown losely some connection to the Goo being like a Forbiden Fruit, this leads us to the Bible and as Prometheus has many suptile links to the Bible that are not to be taken Literally... what we have here is again the same as above.... that in the Bible, Mankind was created to be allowed to wonder the Garden of Eden but they was Forbiden from eating the Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge... they was tempted by Satan to do so, and as they did so they would then have gained knowledge that they was forbiden to posess... and they was then thrown out of Eden (displeased God and thrown from Paradise) where the Action they commited would now bring Death and Suffering not only to them (Adam and Eve) but their Offspring... Mankind... and the Paradise Lost Poem explains this futher in more detail as Adam is shown the Fate that comes to Mankind but that there would be a point of Redemption (Jesus).

Now we are not to take the above as Literal but again, that something happened in relation to a FORBIDEN FRUIT and Mankind this Action then displeased the Gods so to speak.... and having comsumed the Forbiden Fruit it brought death to those who do so..  this could also be seen as a Play with Fire and you get burnt.

So in a Metephore sense, the Sacrifical Scene or something being done on LV 223 in relation to Mankind was Against the Will of the Powers that Be... and doing so brought about Death and Punishment for playing with Fire.

Was the playing with Fire the Sacrifical Scene, or LV 223 or both as it could be that our Engineers are taskes to be Vessels for creations intended by the use of the Goo and also that they are to be used with the Goo for a Purpose... but some Engineers simply decided to take it upon themselves to Play God, and Rebel against their Creators and then play God themelves and the Goo and our creation either had something to do with it, or the use of the Goo for the Xeno related DNA was something that was forbiden.

ULTIMATELY.... did the Powers that Be on Paradise know of our creation or evolution, if they did then did they want us punished or just to punish those who created us and leave us be.. (bit like Prometheus Punishment by the Gods and not seeing Mankind Punished)....  do the Powers that be have knowledge of LV 223 and the Bio Weapons, did they send the Xeno.. we cant be sure and we cant be sure if the Gods on Paradise are all but wiped out...

But ULTIMATELY  David and Shaw will either find the Rebelious Faction that overthrown the Powers that Be... or indeed it could be that the Powers that Be are certainly not like the Traditional Gods in the Bible, and Greek Mythos etc...

But they have a sinister Agenda or one that has sinister implications for the purpose of the Engineers and a faction of Engineers stole the Gifts of these Godlike beings to become and play God themselves... but when Shaw and David find our Powers that Be... they find they are not anyway like the Gods of Mankind Culture it was our Engineers who played that Role and got Punished for it.... and David and Shaw then find out the True Purpose of the Engineers Creators Agenda and their intended place in the Hierarchy so i am kind of drawn to our Engineers being the Igigi/Igigu from the Annunaki Tale to a degree...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconAug-13-2015 3:34 PM

The Xeno connection...

ALIEN showed us a Crashed ship that had a Cargo of Eggs and this ship must have been heading someplace piloted by the SPACE JOCKEY... from the events of Alien we could see what befell our Space Jockey... the Xeno was a Organism that would go on a Rampage and kill off Life.....  The DC version showed us the Xeno was actually trying to Procreate its own kind.

We never knew the full purpose at all, but Ridley hinted at it being a Bio Weapon of sorts.... In the rest of the Alien Franchise this is what the Xeno was shown to be.. a Bio Weapon.

The AVP movie was first to show some kind or Ritual but not Religious Purpose to the Xeno but the Predators had been given some kind of Religious and Ritual Purpose.. they used the Xenos on Humans as it was the Ultimate Hunt! We are not shown how they came into contact with the Xeno and it could be a case of they simply came across them at some point... Pretty Much as our Giant Biengs (early Space Jockey) did in the Star Beast Draft and a Early Alien Draft.

Prometheus did give us Religious connections but most was due to the part in creation of Mankind....... The Bio Weapon Goo was somehow related to Xeno DNA, we saw the Mural which does not have to imply God, it could imply Sacrifice of something to create something... be that the Deacon or indeed be that the Deacon Sacrificed to create what ever was in those Urns....  it could also imply something they RESPECTED as Sacred as opposed to Devine like God, and so how Easten Cultures Worship and respect Dragons and how India does with Cows and other Ancient Cultures other animals both real and Cryptic.  None of these mean these Creations being worshiped and depicted in images and shrines and statues are GOD!

The Fresco shows a connection to the Xeno DNA too but its hard to figure exactly what the Fresco means.... is it the creation of the Xeno or related Organism from our Engineers either by Force or with their own blessing i,e a honour to become a Sacrifice... or could it be showing us Punishment of the Engineers... the Fresco is vague and can be interpreted as the ADAM and GOD Fresco...  but then it could also be interpreted as the Prometheus and Eagle on the Rock.

The movie had losely hinted to the LV 223 being a Bio Weapons Facility and Ridleys comments on the movie sugested as such... he refered to the Urns as Biological Drums of $!"$%£" that you drop on a Planet to Clean it up.....

But this goes against the "sometimes to create one must first destroy" comment and the purpose of the Goo at the start of the Movie...

After Prometheus Ridley had talked about the Space Jockey and again seems to hint at the Xeno being a Bio Weapon... he even qouted himself from a old speach recently... sugesting that was the Cargo a Bio Weapon or was it something used to clean up a Planet.

So i think this shows the Xenos role within the Franchise... but then we would be confused with the Sacrifcial Scene and sometimes to create one must destroy comment... Unless they decided that instead of using the Xeno to destroy, they could re-engineer it using the Sacrifcial Goo to SEED its DNA to create something New instead.

So i am not sure the Xeno plays a God like role, but a Sacred and Respected one, for the Predators it was something they used to create the Ulitmate Prey  our Engineers seemed to use them as the Ultimate Bio Weapon.

We still dont know how they came to first be, i.e created by the Engineers or by the Powers that be on Paradise...  or was they something they came across or the Powers that be...

I think they would losely give us a connection on how our Engineers/Space Jockey came to be in contact and use the Xeno by the time we have finished with Alien 5 and Prometheus 2/3 etc but i still think they will never show us how the Xeno came to be... they would keep this a Mystrey! i think.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconAug-13-2015 4:20 PM

New Topic that is relevant to my last two posts...

Freso... Creation or Punishment?

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphAug-14-2015 12:44 AM

Certainly the idea that humans might have been created to punish the engineers as to make them jealous is maybe why they may have wanted mankind dead. like the devil being lealous as bigdave pointed out that man was made to spite the devil to punish them. there might be that 


Nice post


MemberOvomorphAug-14-2015 12:22 PM

hey oduodu, not necessarily to make them feel 'jealous' but perhaps to attempt to make them question their conduct and attitude towards the meaning of the universe?


MemberDeaconAug-15-2015 10:06 AM

We cant be 100% sure the connection and reasons for our creation and anything can go really....

But maybe the references to Gods i.e Titans (Prometheus) Biblical References have some connection and we have to maybe look at any common themes between all of those, and not to forget Holloways comment towards David "we made you, because we could" and to Shaw "all you need is a petre dish"

In context of the Bible God creates the Angels, some Angels lead by Gods greatest Angel Lucifer Rebel against God, the Bible has reasons and paints the picture of a Jelious and Evil Satan... but if you look into it more it paints the picture that Lucifer was given more freedome of thought than the Other Angels and he was Gods Most Perfect Creation and there was a point when Lucifer did not see what makes God so powerful to rule over the Angels under his Rules, like a form Tyranny so Lucifer did not see why he should Worship God anymore and saw himself as Equal or Greater... Thus a Rebelion was started and a 3rd of the Angels sided with Lucifer.

After Lucifer and his followers where defeated and thrown from Paradise, God created a new Race to Worship and Obey God, one that was not tainted by the Rebelion that some of his Angels had made.....  So Adam was created, and given dominion over the Garden of Eden.... in other Fabels, the Angels where said to had been told by God that Mankind is now Gods Favorite Creation and that the Angels must serve Adam... but Lucifer refused to do so.

Lucifers Agenda was to then corupt Mankind to go against Gods wishes as a Ultimate way to upset God and take revenge, to Taint his Favoured Children....  some may think this is for Evil Purposes and indeed to go against Gods Will is considered EVIL, but then another way to look at it was that God had created a New Race after his old one Angels proved they could be tainted... and rebelious... and so Lucifer set out to again teach Adam and mankind that they do not have to submit to the limitations of Gods Rule and Purpose and Set of Strict Rules and Codes, but that Mankind should be allowed to be allowed freedom of Knowledge and freedom to live how they want to..... thus Satans seeds of coruption or freedome for Mankind started to take root.

Thus the Bible shows after Gods creation Angels showed signs of Rebelion and no longer seeing Gods Command and Laws as something they have to obey... God creates or orders the creation of a new Race....  Then we see this Race Mankind also become corupt and turn against God.

Was Satan and the Devils Acts a act to Corrupt Mankind, or to Enlighten them?

If we look at the Greek Mythos we see same patern of creation and rebelion, and we could make comparisons that Prometheus could be seen as similar to Lucifer and if we go for the Oldest Tale of God and Creation The Annunaki we can then see similarities and  parallels to the two above..... In  the Annunaki Tale its Enki who could be most likely to match Prometheus and Lucifer.

The Annunaki Tale reads similar to the Bible... Gods create a sub race of beings Igigi to serve them and then some of these Rebel against Gods and so the Gods create Mankind to replace them...

I think its along these lines we would be taken.... in a way..

But that is not to say that Mankind was created to replace Engineers, it could be, but it could also be that Mankind was created against the wishes or Will of the Gods above the Engineers.

So i am not sure if Engineers are Jelious, but a faction could be.... i do think losely that the reasons could link to such fabels as The Annunaki Tale, Greek Mythos and Bible and others but only as in finding a common link between them... then applying it to why we was created.

The Sacrifical Scene sugests that the creations of Mankinds Soul could be a way back for the Engineers, in what way and why we cant be sure and also the deletion of such scenes could be seen as a way to change what they wish to show us..

I think that they would reveal a more sinister plot and Agenda for Mankinds purpose, or that the Gods on Paradise have a sinister plot and Agenda for the Engineers and a faction of the Engineers created Mankind against the Will of the Gods. 

But the Gods (if they know of our creation) of if they do, maybe its another faction of Engineers who was against it... but these ultimately punnish the other Engineers and not Mankind.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphAug-22-2015 5:16 AM

just going to drop this here. it's from revelations

His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
[15] And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
[16] And he had in his right hand seven stars: AND OUT OF HIS MOUTH WENT A SHARP TWO EDGED SWORD and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.


MemberDeaconAug-23-2015 4:28 PM

Not sure how to fit that in within the context of Prometheus?

But i am sure in context of the Bible it is about Jesus and sign of his Purity and Strength in that he stands firm on what he stands for and can not and is not corupted and is pure in truth.  and that no man who looks into his eyes can escape the truth and that Jesus can see a mans truth and Sins.   And that this Christs words are words of truth and he would release unto the World 7 Angels of Judgement and that his Judgement would be on the believers and non believers.

But i dont think we should get into a whole Bible Debate in relation to Prometheus, if i was to then in context with Prometheus its hard to say... could it be the description of a Engineer, and the Judgement and release of 7 kind of Angels being 7 kinds of Xenos?

I just cant really fit Revelations 1:14 - 1:16 with Prometheus.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphAug-24-2015 8:05 AM

Purity and Strength


didn't ash also say that he admired the xenomorph's 'purity and strength' in alien?


my point with that quote is this: perhaps the form of the xenomorph is no different to the true form of God, but subverted.


it's also interesting that android respects xenomorphs. the androids are lucifer.

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