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MemberOvomorphNov-19-2013 3:34 AMIt just occured to me. The hologram on the juggarnaut is seperate from the one in the pyrimad. It doesn't necessarily mean the it happend on LV223, it could of happend else where. Perhaps the juggarnaut brought the Deacon with it.
When you consider the engineers that were running. They were coming from the direction of the of the juggarnaut. Perhaps the ship landed on auto pilot with 3 dead crew and one protected in hyper sleep.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"
7 Replies
MemberDeaconNov-19-2013 7:00 AMYes indeed Very Interesting...
The Hologram did look like the Engineers preparing to take off...
We see them all go towards cryo pods and the Last Engineer is the last one to do so, we have to remember David in the drafts was able to fast forwards through this scene and described seeing a Engineer panicked and then rushed to his Cryo Pod...
This could mean that maybe the Last Engineer waited for the others to go to Cryo Sleep and infected them with something, than ran to his Cryo Pod for Protection.
Maybe then when the ship docked on LV 223 the 3 Engineers then suffered their chest busting etc.?
You right the Hologram does not have to had been taken from when the Ship was docked on LV 223.
But David did indicate to the crew that the Engineer was going to Earth before everything went to pot. But this does not have to mean that the Juggernaut was heading there from LV 223.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberOvomorphNov-20-2013 9:24 AMI wonder if the Deacon is an experiment. Or is it an animal from another world?
Visionary Alpha
MemberOvomorphNov-21-2013 12:19 AMThis is a good idea, pulserifle. I think the deacon and other xenomorphs are engineered monsters, like bioweapons, but meant to kill off other species--like man--and live in his place.
MemberDeaconNov-21-2013 6:21 AMWell we cant be sure of the Origins....
As anything could be explained by the time we are finished with the franchise or maybe they wont?
The Star Beast Script seemed to indicate that the Alien was found by the Space Jockey.
Also Ridley did say he would like to do a Alien 5 where they would go to the Aliens Home World, does this imply the Xeno was a life form the Engineers came across as opposed to create or at least the predecessor to it?
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
Visionary Alpha
MemberOvomorphNov-21-2013 6:30 AMThat' s a good question, Big Dave. I think if the xeno was to be given a home world, then it is much more than just an animal. I mean I would expect their home world to a place where they have built things, where they use guns and other weapons, and where easily a supremely intelligent, telepathic xeno-queen could live as a god.
The issue is what happens when a xeno or other monster is created by contact with the black goo or other "engineering". I think that in such conditions, the xeno is chosen because of how destructive it will be to other life forms wherever it ends up. Xenophobes are known to oppose any strange, new people, and this is doubly why the aliens are called xenomorphs. I believe they are hostile to any life other than themselves.
A xenomorph is an intelligent, super-fast-growing beast of great size and strength. It could have some telepathic ability, amongst other xenomorphs, and it can learn everything from language to crafts.
Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphNov-21-2013 6:39 AMA Giger Alien speaking English and making origarmi swans? That would be hilarious! :)
The poster was good though!
MemberOvomorphNov-23-2013 7:34 PMNO GUNS, NO QUEEN.
The Xenomorph concept doesn't need to be messed with anymore. It's fine as it is, just expand upon the Vases and the Engineers.
And their connection to the Xenomorph, but do that without showing Colonial Marines or more than two Xenomorphs at best.
Perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility. I admire its purity. A survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.
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