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Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJul-05-2013 9:22 PM
This post could belong in several recent discussions, but I'm renewing the talk here because I think it's its own thing. Ive had a bit of fun trying to rename the Xenomorph ( see Xeno Schmeeno!) and I think the whole world agrees that the Xenomorph would be better named The Morb, ( thanks, world!) but Ive stumbled across a real life naming error, and wanted to set it straight: it's not the Trilobite, it's the Troglybite. I heard a stuntman referring to it as the Troglybite in Furious Gods, and wondered why no one corrected him. Then, re-reading Lindelof's script, there it is: Troglybite. Apparently all the creature names came from DL, unless they first surfaced in a JS rewrite we haven't seen, or RS put them on the table himself. Which is not unlikely. I like this name. It's uber creepy and makes more sense than Trilobite, I think. Troglobites are unique cave dwelling life forms, usually colorless, possibly translucent and certainly blind. The spelling difference in the script may or may not be intentional. It's likely the name came from RS and his file of hideous terrestrial organisms that JS mentioned in an interview. All the Morb lifeforms do have the feel of something that came from a dark, damp place. Maybe the worm theory is correct ( not that I was questioning it). Maybe Prometheus did show us the origin of the Morb, in that little worm. Big things have small beginnings. Maybe the Goo isn't meant to create vile mutations, but its origin is something vile, like the thing in the mural, and it's characteristics are passed on to whatever the Goo touches. Maybe these demons are how the Goo reproduces itself. The Goo is life and death in one package. A remnant of the Gods, taken by the Engineers, for which they have payed dearly. :D
15 Replies

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphJul-05-2013 9:28 PM
I think you are confusing this name with troglodytes, which are cave dwellers, but I may be wrong. I think they need a little more than that, though. I think I can guess at it, but I won't give it away. The creatures are more than they seem...


MemberFacehuggerJul-05-2013 9:38 PM
What are we asking ? Does troglybite mean earlier evolutionary version of troglodyte?

The First Child

MemberOvomorphJul-05-2013 10:52 PM
Is the logo "WELCOME TO IMMORTALITY" a Ridley creation or fan creation? I know this is the wrong place to post, but let's just say I am having computer troubles :)

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJul-05-2013 10:57 PM
Visionary: humor me. There is no confusion. I would not present this to you if I wasn't sure. It's not Trilobite, it's Troglybite. Two official ( I think) sources. Furious Gods, Damon Lindelof. The squid, Cuddles, is a Troglybite. The word Trglobite is searchable, give it a google. Batch: not asking. I know this is one of "those" posts where there's little to actually discuss, which is why I added some conjecture. But the ( apparently) official nomenclature for the Trilobite is TROGLYBITE.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJul-05-2013 11:04 PM
Hey TFC welcome! No worries, that's a great question. Welcome to immortality smacks of a Marketing idea, one of many presented at once for approval, along with The search for our beginning could lead to our end. there was one that was better than either of those, unused, but I forget what it was. What we get from this is that immortality is a driving concept in the framework of Prometheus, but as we've seen, not THE driving concept.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJul-05-2013 11:21 PM
TFC- I think the other one was Thay Are Us. Which I liked. Although it could have been: If They Are Us It Would Suck to Be them. I don't know.


MemberOvomorphJul-06-2013 1:16 AM
I agree, especially considering the animal's habitat.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphJul-06-2013 6:08 AM
@Major Noob. I think you are spot on my friend. I noticed the Troglobyte name in The Furios Gods and in Lindelofs writings too. All of the alien lifeforms, ie the facehugger, the Giger Alien (Morb,) seem to have no eyes, which would suggest that their natural environment is some place VERY dark, underground caves? Worms? Maybe the aliens did originate from the worms?

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphJul-06-2013 11:51 AM
Quick paleontology lesson. Troglodites are cave men. Trilobites are extinct sea creatures that had an exoskeleton and are related to insects, spiders, and so forth. The biological term Troglobite does not refer to a specific type of creature, but to a lifestyle. Troglobites can only survive in dark caves, or some other very dark places. I know you all are going to hate this term, but our friend the Morb may actually be a troglozene, which means that it lives in dark places, but it can come out to feed.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJul-06-2013 11:59 AM
I'm cool with Troglozene. So long as we understand that particular Troglozene is a Morb.


MemberOvomorphJul-06-2013 12:32 PM
@Major Noob, again it's not a species name, it's a lifestyle. But I know how much you hate xeno, so I figured anything that even sounded like xeno would bother you. We can call the creature whatever we want to still, it's what Stephen King referred to in Dance Macabre as belonging to that class of monsters known simply as "The Thing Without a Name." Sometimes it's more frightening if we don't know what we are dealing with, and that may be the case here.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJul-06-2013 3:43 PM
Malex- Im actually ambivalent about the term Xenomorph, but I've seen much dislike for it from other posters, so I thought it would be fun to discuss re naming it! I understand what you're saying, I was just indulging in a bit of humor. I do not propose an official name, though I certainly wouldn't object to the official name being Morb. I like the name Morb for 2 reasons: A- It's creepy. B- I made it up. :D

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphJul-07-2013 7:51 AM
@Major Noob: Okay, yet I am amazed to learn the creatures are blind and that they were called troglybites. It just means a lifestyle, as Malex234 said, though, so I suppose it's fine. I find these names weak, personally, and I much prefer how and why they're called xenomorphs, which means "strange transformations". The marines in Aliens had no other name for them, but xenomorphs sounded sufficient alien.

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphJul-07-2013 7:52 AM
They're scary enough without learning what more there is to them, though.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJul-07-2013 9:54 AM
Visionary-  Agreed, and I have to include here that I hope to never hear these names in forthcoming movies ( not that I think we will). But we have an unusual situation with the Alien universe wherein unofficial tags like Space Jockey, facehugger etc. are the way we've identified the Alien life forms for so many years. I imagine RS and co. wanted to add to the pop culture and provide their own  names for the new beasties.  The name Trilobite left a lot of peeps scratching their heads. I was ok with it, although there obviously is no connection between Cuddles and an actual Trilobite. I just assumed the name came before the actual design for the creature was approved. Troglybite ( that's how it was spelled in the script) is far more appropriate, and I enjoyed learning it has an actual relevant meaning. Personally I'd rather call it Troglybite than...[i]Cuddles.[/i]
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