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MemberOvomorphMay-25-2013 2:48 AMThere's something I have been recently thinking of is whether the Engineers use FTL (faster than light) travel or using an Einstein-Rosen bridge? I know they have cryo-stasis chambers for traversing long distances but what if they have an alternate way of instantaneously getting here or there? If they did can they create an artificial wormhole or maybe use one that the big bang spat out (if any) and adapt it for their own needs.
The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno
4 Replies

MemberOvomorphMay-25-2013 5:08 AMIt's possible, nothing in the film confirms it though it could be something to explore in the sequel. I prefer that they just travel vast distances really.

MemberOvomorphMay-26-2013 3:10 PMAnd it also confirms that they along with the rest of us no matter how they think they are so arrogantly ahead of us in terms of evolution and technological advancement are still bound to obey the law of physics as the rest of us all have to. They have to go into cryostasis even in their advanced technological state as the crew of the Nostromo and the Sulaco and others all have to.

MemberOvomorphMay-27-2013 2:55 AMNah, they used ROCKETS in the film. This was a major downer for me, as I'd always had the idea that the Space Trucker would 'fold space' around the glowing tip of his blatant male-member seating apparatus.
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