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Evil Laughter

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MemberPraetorianOct-09-2012 10:51 AM

I remember reading a post a while back about hearing evil laughter on the Prometheus soundtrack. There is definitely evil sounding laughter included, just after the scene where Shaw tells Holloway that the decapitated Engineer's body is "2000 years, give or take" old!

This may just be part of the soundtrack, or perhaps it's intentional, to make us wonder about the validity of that comment?


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

17 Replies


AdminPraetorianOct-09-2012 12:05 PM
Interesting, I will take a peek once I get to see it on DvD.


MemberPraetorianOct-09-2012 12:30 PM
OK Svanya Let me know what you think. Sounds like laughter to me!


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 1:17 PM
pretty much sounds like a laugh to me aswell.

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerOct-09-2012 1:44 PM
Was it Fifield?


MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 2:30 PM
@Lone, yeah I was the one that posted the evil laughter a couple of weeks ago. ([u]check threads under my profile[/u])The 1st time you hear it is at the end of the scene of the sacrificial Engineer dna converts to living cells, and #2 is exactly after Shaw tells Holloway the carbon dating on the dead engineer, there are 2 more times it happens, but lets see if you can figure it out.... remember Ridley Scott stated throughout the movie there are hints, I think the evil laughtir in the sound effects serves a purpose or perhaps a clue....
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....


MemberXenomorphOct-09-2012 2:48 PM
To all Yes there is definitely laughter as the sacrificial engineer is breaking down .....evil laughter makes me think of that bloke standing behind the alien on the mural in the ampule room ....


MemberPraetorianOct-10-2012 3:34 AM

Hey everyone, thanks for adding to this thread! @fader, next viewing I will have the sound enhanced/louder so I can spot the other times it happens. I was sure there would be more laughter but I missed those on my first viewing.

Yeah I agree has to be a purpose or clue. Perhaps someone watching the whole movie as a playback/recording & laughing at the stupidity of the humans? ;)


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 8:06 AM
It's not laughter. It's the sound of the mapping pup arriving.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 7:10 PM
@Lone, I get this feeling the crew were being watched/monitored by some intellegent life form in the pyramid. The 4th laughter occurs right after David cuts the video feed to Vickers as David enters the map/flight room. @zzplural, there was no mapping pup in the scene of the sacrificial engineer breaking up in the water, nor was there a mapping pup in Vickers living quarters...
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....


MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 8:21 AM
When David enters the map room, it doesn't sound at all like laughter to my ears. There's a double pulse of a sort of croaking ambient sound. Just one weird sound amongst many going on, including Gregorian humming and high squeals, at that time to give the scene mood. If I were to associate it with anything, I'd be thinking more along the lines of an alien sonar pulse, or even a distorted heartbeat, but not laughter. Hell, it is alien after all. The same croaking is present as an ambient effect when the Engineer falls down the waterfall. Again, to add mood, there's the sound of an Engineer's sigh in the background around 01:50. Well, if you've got all these sounds, why not use them?
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 1:39 PM
Not only are those 4 separate scenes have evil laughter present through-out the movie, but I can also hear that flute tune melody several times in the movie as well, not including the first time the Engineer and David play the flute to activate the map room/flight deck and/or pilot chair..... Reason I bring this up is because Ridley Scott claims there are hints or clues through-out the movie to help answer questions or explain the plots better. Imo, after watching all the special features, deleted and extended/alternate scenes, I am satisfied with all the questions I had about the movie, except now... why have evil laughter and flute sound effects within the movie if they do not serve a purpose. Perhaps in Paridise those sound effects can be explained
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....


MemberPraetorianOct-12-2012 3:35 AM

@fader, I agree there is much answered & there must be a purpose behind the laughter & flute effects.

I'm still puzzling over the green crystal though, I know this was changed from the original concept of a container similar to the sacrificial engineers. From the brief glimpse we have of it, it's shaped like the back part of the traditional alien head.

Could be another chamber behind the mural, with something or someone lurking there?

Another thing I missed in the cinema, was the tall statue & its shadow, which appears on the right hand wall during the Weyland briefing hologram. As part of the holograph it should not cast a shadow. Perhaps just a reference to the giant ancient alien theory or the tall engineers & nothing more?


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberPraetorianOct-12-2012 8:28 AM
ROFL @Apex_Pred!


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberFacehuggerOct-12-2012 8:03 AM
The Predators are watching.... ......

Want some candy?


MemberXenomorphOct-23-2013 10:52 AM
I dunno I remember evil laughter when the engineer is breaking down. Has anyone been able to confirm it ?


MemberOvomorphNov-01-2013 4:05 AM
If you've ever read the Star Beast script the crew take holographic pictures of the hieroglyphs/derelict and then study them later on in the ship to learn more about the alien life cycle... Some elements of Star Beast can be seen in Prometheus. Maybe David is watching a holographic representation that is a recording of the events of Prometheus, and is actually laughing because he has deceived people at these points, or almost likes this part of the film... Is gaining preferences and some basic freewill through his love for watching recordings in people's dreams, or certain lines/parts he prefers from Lawrence of Arabia... Perhaps some elements of this "studying the hieroglyphs/pictograms later and the holographic recording tech idea" from Starbeast were present in Prometheus. But now exists in a much different form... If you've read Star Beast you know what I'm talking about. They study the images to learn more about the life cycle. I believe that's what we're supposed to do now, and that the shoulder cams had holographic recording tech in them... David likes movies, so they're not pics that they would study later like in the Star Beast script... and maybe David is watching parts of the adventure and laughing. They might have been recording everything with the cameras. Weyland must have had the tech to create his 3D movie that he presents to the crew... What if everything we saw in Prometheus was edited by David. And his need to serve the company and remain mysterious, outweighed his love of film and freewill at this point. He almost had a choice in which movie he liked, but Weyland liked this movie too. David likes movies, maybe he actually made the 3D movie, and the laughter is a clue that he is messing with people's memories of it... Messing with people's subconsciousness and trying to subliminally affect/condition/psychologically program them, but most of all the holographic movie idea he plays over and over again and watches... As he laughs at certain parts, like he would if he were watching his favourite movie/recording... And this had all happened already. He's been replaying/rewatching their exploration to learn more and to hide it from others... Editing the holographic transmissions Yutani will pick up from their shoulder cams... Cutting out parts of the feed... Replaying HIS new fan edit of the mission, and laughing as he watches it from somewhere beyond Paradise, as Prometheus was just a recording that he planted in people's minds, and edited slightly like Shaw's memories/dream... So, If you're following me so far, the crew all had cameras attached to document the temple... And at one point when the evil laughter occurs David has cut off the feed to Vickers... David didn't want her to see certain parts of the exploration... If let's say the archaeologists know they can study the recordings later, in 3D recorded mode, then they might not have to worry too much about doing actual archaeology because tech does it for them... There's a scene where Shaw is analyzing a hologram recording and asks if there was an outbreak there, while making her log or whatever... They were recording images with the cams. It wasn't just a way to relay images. But what if everything that has been presented to us in Prometheus was a recording... A transmission... One that had to remain ambiguous in certain places to not reveal trade secrets... A recording that has been edited heavily, and improperly, on purpose to preserve things David doesn't want the audience (all of us) knowing... David is treating it like a 3D movie... and perhaps there were things that were purposely inserted into the movie... and if let's say Yutani or Weyland could somehow monitor the signal, they would see only what David wanted them to see. Maybe all of the deleted and alternate scenes are for a purpose and David likes recording/watching holographic transmissions, movies and all sorts of media... He also liked to emulate it, and act it out, making himself look like Lawrence of Arabia, quoting movies, portraying himself as a character in a movie, an "adventure" film... Dropping clues himself in the film that we had all been deceived, and he already knew how the film/story would end... Like Prometheus david makes statements where he almost already knows where things are heading.. "Big things have small beginnings", a good adventure should have small beginnings and furthermore this is a line from LoA... David knows what will happen next... But he's seen this particular film before.... It's too long, so he only skips to the parts he likes... He repeats/acts out the parts he likes.. As well as laughs at them when they get things wrong or he got things he wanted... This adventure happened a long time before Yutani intercepts the transmission David and Shaw get to Paradise. In a Thus Spoke Zarathrusta way, David had was watching this all play out in eternal reoccurences while he edited the movie Prometheus.... And deleted the alternate scenes... There can be no director's cut because David and his love for films/need to deceive have already edited this film a certain way, and cut off our feed to certain aspects of it: placing us in the shoes of Yutani as they intercept the transmissions and enter the story...


MemberOvomorphNov-01-2013 5:26 AM
David would be laughing because he can read certain things and decipher a lot more than they can to be sure about certain things. Like others, I think that the combination of genetics and harvesting genetics is important, Deacon + Hammerpede might need to eventually happen, but I also think that there are many different strands and many paths that run parallel and cross occassionally... That Prometheus is on a parallel set of tracks that intertwines with the original series like double helix strands... And many things will all make perfect sense/connect by the end, even parallel memories/alternate scenes that Shaw will come to discover. After she fixes the robots head and puts it back on, she realizes the robot has already fixed the trasmission/mission log it sent to Yutani and pre-coditioned her by planting editing memories of her father in her subconscious to make her remember the adventure a certain way, as he assumed there would be some post traumatic stress involved for some of the crew and he could shape their minds afterwards... There could be a whole psychological and psychosexual side to things as well as the importance of the x chromosome, needing things to combine the right way etc... Vickers mentions a King, the opposite of a Queen... It could be about how there needs to be females and males, and something happened to the female engineers. Sexual dimorphism makes some female members of a species larger than males in that species, whereas in humans it is the other way around... I think we can gain a lot by analyzing things about David and Vickers. Vickers wanted to be Queen after Weyland "the king" died... Not gonna happen now... David exhibits more signs of wanting to lead through his love of film and mention of superiority... David brings up certain pyschological notions about how all people want to kill their parents.... but he left out the worst parts about that thought -- Freud believed we all want to kill and [b]replace[/b] our fathers, and I won't even mention the mother part. Does David choose to believe in Freudian psychology?, nah I think it's more than that, hes dropping clues in his story, Vickers wants to see Weyland dead too, "time to go home", right after he dies... David would want to be king, Vickers wanted to be a Queen. "A king has his reign and then he dies, it's inevitable"... Vickers was trying to be prophetic, I take this to mean many things for the future of the series... Not only that no King can live forever, but maybe that all species need their Queens to help "minimize risk"... I think this series will be about both Kings and Queens, rulership etc. That there is a hermaproditic side to the alien, but it can split.... It does have two sexes like us., and somewhere out there is a strange alien hive with an Alien King, because usually the Queens are dominant in their species, and the Space Jockies... That Elders and the Engineers have lost the ability to reproduce naturally, but when humanity was created suddenly eve was created out of the all male Angels ribs.. The engineers needed to get fully formed x chromosomes back, and the Deacon lacks these... It's not an egg layer, the egg laying genes are dormant like shaw. It needs the Hermaphroditic side, that contains female and male genetics... the Hammerpede. The worms give it its hermaphroditic nature, Millburn calls it a she, Fifield says it's not a she... The Hammerpede looks like both female, and male parts... It's hermaphroditic -- the filmmakers are dropping all sorts of clues... The Deacon does not have the psycho-sexual look of the classic alien or the Hammerpede yet... It has a pointy head, it may lack the proper x gene traits that the alien needs to lay eggs. Shaw was infertile and never passed on the egg laying traits to the Trilobyte, neither would the Engineer to the Deacon in my theory. The deacon came out with only partially functioning sex genes, which it, and the Engineers may need from humans or the Hammerpedes to complete the cycle. The problem is The Deacon leans more male than female... Our Deacon is a prince like David, who must spread the King's influence, and that pointy head can develop into a crown, or alien god/pope type idea in the absence of the Queen... The Queens normally repress and control the minds/development of males when a hive arises. Queens/hermaphrodites and the morphing process in general may have some form of mind control and this is almost what turns Fifield into a zombie for the hermaphrodite side, reanimated his cells like it did Shaw's eggs, morphed her inactive eggs into useful organic material in her womb. Queens usually come to rule over the minds of the entire hive but killing Fifield the second time stopped the two sides of the genetics from ever fully mixing in Prometheus... The female genetics are not completely within the deacon yet, and it has to rely on its backup mode of survival-- the morphing cycle. The morphing form, spores, relying more on male forms of reproduction.. penetrating and impregnating things to morph them into eggs --instead of the other order to the methods of reproduction it uses... All the previous aliens would have this ability, but it is usually repressed by the dominant female genetics in their species... Queens have an ability to send signals to drones with their minds and almost turn them into zombies... The male side of the genetics turns others into zombies and mutates them into eggs... The hammerpede would have both the sides of the aliens sex and is a hermaphrodite, but it needs a way to impregnate, which the Deacon side has in its jaws. The hammerpede tried to go into mouths and plant spores instinctively, through genetic memory, but it couldn't... it still needs part human and our aquatic evolution on earth in it before the Hammerpede can really get going and start a female dominated hive... Since they stalled its progress the backup male form is going to start morphing everything it can, it needs to find a Hammerpede and combine its genetics... The aliens only need to mate when their normally hermaphroditic form needs to get back to its unique balance... In humans there are anatomical and psychological differences between males and females. On average males are larger. In the Engineer species males would be smaller on Average. In the Alien species, both Kings and Queens grow to be much larger than their servants, big things have small beginnings... But operate in very different ways. Psychologically speaking, human males are actually more instinctive, more irrational and bigger risk takers, while are on average females are more risk averse and highly intuitive.... This ties into why Vickers' likes to "minimize risk", and why Holloway was a risk taker.... Also the way the Queen controls her subjects/operates versus how a King does... Females need the egg laying method and need to stay close to the nest, males are more mobile... Only one queen is needed, so she even represses the growth of other female rulers with her signals from her mind which we see in Aliens, and turns all the hermaphrodites into drones... The Deacon's male genetics have not been repressed/controlled, and turned into an unthinking warrior... Although there are differences between the ways human females and males behave and think, both are equally intelligent. A King and a Queen alien would both be extremely intelligent, and all aliens would have lots of intelligence mixed within them. One Alien alone would be as aware of its surroundings as a king or Queen, but as a Queen OR King arises to dominance, the hive becomes a hive mind to one or the other. Usually it is the female side that gains dominance over their hives... In us and in Engineers the male genetics have been dominant for a long time, but a "king has his reign and then he dies... it is inevitable"... All offspring want to kill and overthrow their parents according to David...
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