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Noomi Rapace On The effects of Oxygen On The Ampule Room

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MemberXenomorphAug-01-2012 10:53 AM

So What About Oxygen?


Thanks to freeplanet posting a thread regarding an interview by charlie rose with noomi rapace and michael fassbender i noticed rapace commenting on the effects of oxygen in the ampule room. This in was in 2 parts on youtube. Please watch from 2:27 to 3:55 in part two.




I want to comment as follows about this:


I cannot remember him saying oops in the movie I saw.  Seemed to have opened the door deliberately and as quickly as possible. The expression on his face was everything but sorry. I believe he knew exactly what the writing on the walls were (or had a very good idea what it meant) and what the purpose of the room was.


I cannot remember anybody coughing when the door opened in the movie.


I cannot remember a cloud of white wisp rushing into the ampule room almost running the length of the room almost like a chemical reaction (obvious from Shaw’s statement) of some kind.


Check at 3:50 (just before she speaks about the oxygen). She gives a very poignant look at Fassbender and check Fassbinder’s finger movements at roughly the same time almost as if he is pointing something out to her(I am being too analytical now I guess). Almost like she knows that she is not really supposed to talk about it and its effects. (Oxygen) (Or maybe that’s want they want us to think. This whole interview (or maybe only certain parts) has a slight reek of being staged???). I cannot help but to agree with Freeplanet that someone on this blog gives us the right info to keep us interested at the right time. From point 1 � 3 (if my assumption/memory serves me correctly) it seems there is material that we haven’t seen in the theatrical release. Maybe that will be in the dvd when it comes out? (Whenever that will be).


 Notes that Shaw was afraid that the changing atmosphere that effected the murals (why: is the murals alive or not made from stone but some kind of chemical substance?) Would cause the engineers head to be damaged and lessen the chances of getting as much correct info on the head as possible when they finally analyse it. That is why she vacuum packs the head in a plastic bag. So what? I could never understand why shaw was in such a hurry to get out of the ampule room. They did not know about the approaching storm and that is why she was in a hurry to get out of there.


do you notice that the only thing that ford does is give facts and observations and questions? I believe you/me/we/us must pay very close attention to everything she says. Ridley is using her to give us very subtle clues about what is going on. Is it an accident that she tells us the makeup of the atmosphere? Lindelof says that everything Ridley puts in the movie is there for a reason and you must read between the lines to see what is going on. Anyone knows of other video clips that has more in it then is revealed in the movie itself?

Yep you guessed it. I am gonna make a sh@tload of guesses/deductions/maybe that’s why/theories. But as David says: provided your thesis is correct, that’s why they call it a thesis.


The head was preserved for so long because that was the function of the ampule room. The green thing is a tap where the vials are filled with the green liquid and the xeno dna. Same goes for the goo. Maybe the bf is stored in the giant head. I assume therefore that the ampule room is a storing facility for xeno dna and bf where ampules and vials are filled without the presence of oxygen. (Notice how the bf changed when the sacrificial engineer opened the small cup carrying the goo ? Oxygen affecting it? Guess so). The ampules started leaking the bf when it was exposed to oxygen. Then the vials and ampules are sealed and stored in the cargo hold. There is oxygen in the cargo hold but no leaking ampules. So they must be must be made airtight in the ampule room.


The decapitated engineer: would his head have exploded if he made it into the ampule room where there was no oxygen? I suggest that the lack of oxygen would have prevented his head from exploding as he was breathing through his mask? What is really important here is that it seems that the goo only seems to become active in the presence of oxygen.


The door to the ampule room remained open after Shaw and co left the first time (am i right about this?). So there was no further chance to prevent the bf reacting with the worms who i am guessing breathes using nitrogen or maybe co2 (anaerobic oxidation? Or did the worms came in sticking to somebody’s boots?), I know I am on very thin ice here. But some worm’s heads grow back after cutting it off. !!?? Fifield and Milburn is unable to close and open doors as I far as I know so if the door was closed when Shaw and co left they might have stayed alive as they were wearing their helmets because no leaking ampules and no worms affected and they would have able to breathe even though there is no oxygen ?? So how is it that there is no oxygen in the ampule room but m and f doesn’t need to open any doors to get into the ampule room approaching from the side that they found the dead engineers? Maybe that whole part of the pyramid is oxygen free.


 I am sure that the beautiful movie left on the cutting room floor will be released on the dvd. Otherwise why was that material not seen in the theatrical release, shot in the first place? No. Clever marketing ploy. Otherwise fox will go bankrupt quite quickly. No doubt for me anymore (actually I do, but I so hope I am wrong!!!) This movie was released exactly the way Ridley Scott wanted it released. This way fox gets a lot more money out of this. E) Off topic: what would an engineer look like getting xdna and turning into a xenomorph? Maybe the screech in the tunnel from a xenomorphed engineer replayed by the holographic recorder and incorrectly trying to open the ampule room door from the hologram recorder controls leaving some green slime on the controls ? So gentleman please reprimand / point out the obvious faults in my reasoning / add on / tear me down!!!! I just thought the most important part was getting this: it seems it is oxygen that caused the ampules to leak and the murals to change.


Couldn’t find a thread anywhere on the blog pointing to such. If it is please point the way!!!!

I want to comment as follows about this:


I cannot remember him saying oops in the movie I saw.  Seemed to have opened the door deliberately and as quickly as possible. The expression on his face was everything but sorry. I believe he knew exactly what the writing on the walls were (or had a very good idea what it meant) and what the purpose of the room was.


I cannot remember anybody coughing when the door opened in the movie.


I cannot remember a cloud of white wisp rushing into the ampule room almost running the length of the room almost like a chemical reaction (obvious from Shaw’s statement) of some kind.


Check at 3:50 (just before she speaks about the oxygen). She gives a very poignant look at Fassbender and check Fassbinder’s finger movements at roughly the same time almost as if he is pointing something out to her(I am being too analytical now I guess). Almost like she knows that she is not really supposed to talk about it and its effects. (Oxygen) (Or maybe that’s want they want us to think. This whole interview (or maybe only certain parts) has a slight reek of being staged???). I cannot help but to agree with Freeplanet that someone on this blog gives us the right info to keep us interested at the right time. From point 1 � 3 (if my assumption/memory serves me correctly) it seems there is material that we haven’t seen in the theatrical release. Maybe that will be in the dvd when it comes out? (Whenever that will be).


 Notes that Shaw was afraid that the changing atmosphere that effected the murals (why: is the murals alive or not made from stone but some kind of chemical substance?) Would cause the engineers head to be damaged and lessen the chances of getting as much correct info on the head as possible when they finally analyse it. That is why she vacuum packs the head in a plastic bag. So what? I could never understand why shaw was in such a hurry to get out of the ampule room. They did not know about the approaching storm and that is why she was in a hurry to get out of there.


do you notice that the only thing that ford does is give facts and observations and questions? I believe you/me/we/us must pay very close attention to everything she says. Ridley is using her to give us very subtle clues about what is going on. Is it an accident that she tells us the makeup of the atmosphere? Lindelof says that everything Ridley puts in the movie is there for a reason and you must read between the lines to see what is going on. Anyone knows of other video clips that has more in it then is revealed in the movie itself?

Yep you guessed it. I am gonna make a sh@tload of guesses/deductions/maybe that’s why/theories. But as David says: provided your thesis is correct, that’s why they call it a thesis.


The head was preserved for so long because that was the function of the ampule room. The green thing is a tap where the vials are filled with the green liquid and the xeno dna. Same goes for the goo. Maybe the bf is stored in the giant head. I assume therefore that the ampule room is a storing facility for xeno dna and bf where ampules and vials are filled without the presence of oxygen. (Notice how the bf changed when the sacrificial engineer opened the small cup carrying the goo ? Oxygen affecting it? Guess so). The ampules started leaking the bf when it was exposed to oxygen. Then the vials and ampules are sealed and stored in the cargo hold. There is oxygen in the cargo hold but no leaking ampules. So they must be must be made airtight in the ampule room.


The decapitated engineer: would his head have exploded if he made it into the ampule room where there was no oxygen? I suggest that the lack of oxygen would have prevented his head from exploding as he was breathing through his mask? What is really important here is that it seems that the goo only seems to become active in the presence of oxygen.


The door to the ampule room remained open after Shaw and co left the first time (am i right about this?). So there was no further chance to prevent the bf reacting with the worms who i am guessing breathes using nitrogen or maybe co2 (anaerobic oxidation? Or did the worms came in sticking to somebody’s boots?), I know I am on very thin ice here. But some worm’s heads grow back after cutting it off. !!?? Fifield and Milburn is unable to close and open doors as I far as I know so if the door was closed when Shaw and co left they might have stayed alive as they were wearing their helmets because no leaking ampules and no worms affected and they would have able to breathe even though there is no oxygen ?? So how is it that there is no oxygen in the ampule room but m and f doesn’t need to open any doors to get into the ampule room approaching from the side that they found the dead engineers? Maybe that whole part of the pyramid is oxygen free.


 I am sure that the beautiful movie left on the cutting room floor will be released on the dvd. Otherwise why was that material not seen in the theatrical release, shot in the first place? No. Clever marketing ploy. Otherwise fox will go bankrupt quite quickly. No doubt for me anymore (actually I do, but I so hope I am wrong!!!) This movie was released exactly the way Ridley Scott wanted it released. This way fox gets a lot more money out of this.


Off topic: what would an engineer look like getting xdna and turning into a xenomorph? Maybe the screech in the tunnel from a xenomorphed engineer replayed by the holographic recorder and incorrectly trying to open the ampule room door from the hologram recorder controls leaving some green slime on the controls ? So gentleman please reprimand / point out the obvious faults in my reasoning / add on / tear me down!!!! I just thought the most important part was getting this: it seems it is oxygen that caused the ampules to leak and the murals to change.


Couldn’t find a thread anywhere on the blog pointing to such. If it is please point the way!!!!

17 Replies


MemberOvomorphAug-01-2012 11:20 AM
Good stuff here! I would like to believe that we will see a much more of a beautiful movie on the Blu-ray release. I read a story that said Rapace's character actually has a conversation with the engineer just prior to her opening the door to expose it to the tentacle beast. What was said between them? Will we see this exchange in the Blu-ray release? If so it could answer a lot of questions regarding the engineer's motives. I would like to add one more to the mix. What happened to all the Engineers that ran into the ampule room ahead of the decapitated engineer? Did they exit using a passage not mentioned or shown? Did the beam out? Did they get consumed by whatever was in the ampules? Were they killed and consumed by something already inside waiting? The wall with the Xeno on it - is it a doorway to another room of some kind? This has been gnawing at me from my first viewing.
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MemberOvomorphAug-01-2012 11:27 AM
I think David did say 'oops, sorry' in the movie but it was a bit sarcastic.


MemberOvomorphAug-01-2012 12:45 PM
David did say "Oops" when he opened the door and i think he said sorry when he was gonna touch the ampule when shaw told him not to... i have the movie...bootleg, actually watching it right now. Everytime I read some strange thing on here i go back and check.. Was it there??


MemberXenomorphAug-01-2012 1:09 PM
Ah thanks. So I am wrong about number 1. 2 to 3 any validity to my statement ?


MemberXenomorphAug-01-2012 3:07 PM
SoRry snorkelbottom. My theory is crap again. I see now that the vials contain the mutagen and not the xeno dna as described. I have read 4 times your op in secrets of the black liquid revealed and still got this wrong. I thought the green thing was right in front of the xeno mural meaning it contained xdna. But alas it contains mutagen. It only seems logical that all substances affected by oxygen would be kept in this room. We know both are affected as the seed with the sacrificial engineer changes after being exposed to air and that the xdna oozing out of the ampules didn't do so until ezposure to oxygen. So how does the vials get broken ? By force by literally being dropped from the sky?


MemberOvomorphAug-01-2012 3:48 PM
Hardest thread to read. Ever.

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-01-2012 4:10 PM
yep, David Says "oops, sorry" while smiling.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-01-2012 4:13 PM
For What Reason Did You Write The Whole Thing Like This?...


MemberXenomorphAug-01-2012 4:34 PM
I was very surprised when a clue given by rapace about oxygen causing the the murals to change wasn't discussed in any threads on this blog.I just had to make sure the community notices it. I am the first to admit I am no writing genius. But it terribly annoyed me that there was footage in clips provided to an interviewer that wasn't seen in the movie? Has this gone unnoticed ? Had to make sure if this was the case. I agree it is terribly garbled but I still hold on to a feint hope that someday the mysteries will be answered in a dvd maybe and this footage proves that it does exist, ie footage not seen before in the movie itself. The so called extended cut. I guess I am grasping at straws desperately wanting to believe the questions will be answered in a dvd. Otherwise was the point of the film ? The extra footage gives more clues and I was so excited I had to make sure the community knew. Sigh I know its garbled ......sorry


MemberDeaconAug-01-2012 5:22 PM
Ok here are my theories on those subjects. 1) The Urns and the effect of coming into contact with some chemical that we may exhale, maybe its not oxygen that sets them off but CO2 or something else when we breath. This is maybe what the Space Jockey Suits are for, because if we are led to assume the Engineer who attacked Shaw left his crashed ship and walked/ran to the Lifeboat without his Suit, we do not see this so its hard to say if he had a Space Jockey Suit on when he left the crashed Juggernaut to when he opened the door to the Lifeboat. It does show him to not have his suit on but then again how the scene is cut its hard to see if that door he opened is outside the lifeboat or one of its internal ones, dont forget the full Attack scene was cut. So if we assume yes Bob the Engineer could get from his Ship to Shaw with no Mask then why does he need one, why do the other Engineers need one. I would say they need them when dealing with the Urns and/or entering the Ampule Room. You see maybe what they breath out can affect the Urns just as the crew did once they took off their helmets. Maybe this is the reason for the Space Jockey suit so as that the Engineers do not contaminate the Atmosphere of the Ampule Room? 2) The actual Urns themselves, well maybe the black goo does not affect the Engineers, but then again why did something go wrong for them 2000 years ago, did the outbreak or what ever happen because of contamination or interaction between Engineer and the Black Stuff.... If so and if the goo could change or effect Engineers like it did/can Human DNA and the Worms the crew brought in from outside, then a question is why did it have greater effect on the Sacrifice Engineer? We never got to see the full effect of what would have happened to Holloway, we do know the effect on the Worms and also that what Fifield was supposed to turn into, dont forget there are about 2 other Hybrids that they was going to have him become but they was dropped? Maybe because Ridley felt it showed too much Alien Xeno DNA and he wanted to savour that till the end of the movie, hence went with Swollen Head Fifield. So we dont know 100% the different full effects on Humans, only the Worms. My theory is this and connects the Xeno, the Engineers had created a substance that could break down and then bind DNA, this broken down genetic material could be stored with some other substance. To create a Bio Former. The Sacrificial Engineers DNA got broken down and entered the Water Fall and this material then become the building blocks to create or mutate lifeforms into the many kinds we have on Earth. If you imagine some how they collected that Engineers DNA break down and contained it in a Ampule or Container, surely this could be released on another habitable world and his DNA building blocks would create or modify life on another world as it did with Earth. Therefore could it be possible that the same substance the Engineer had taken could be used on Xenos and break their DNA down into a material they could store into containers. And that this broken down DNA of a Xeno can interact create and change life that takes on Xeno DNA just as life on Earth taken on the Sacrifice Engineer DNA? If that is the case, then surely yes using the same process the Sacreifical Engineer did to break his DNA down and enter the water, could break down the deadly and hard to contain and control Xeno Organisms DNA into a substance that can still be used as a Bio Weapon just one that can be stored and contained better. So instead of having to store Eggs that can hatch and lead to a hard to control outbreak of Xenos. Surely breaking down and strong their DNA in easier to store Urns is a better way to store a Bio Weapon and one that when it comes into contact with a native lifeforms of another world causes it to mutate into lifeforms that have similar purpose and some DNA traits of the Xeno. Dont forget the Xeno become a creature that would change its appearance based on the hosts DNA see Dog Xeno from Alien 3 and Pred Alien in AVP2. Thats my hunch anyways.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphAug-01-2012 8:01 PM
Janek tells them there's a storm coming and they need to get back to the ship, when Shaw says they need more time Vickers tells them she's closing the door in 15 minutes, so they knew the storm was coming. The Decapitated Engineer: maybe the black Lindelof goo only affects living tissue, so when they trick the head into thinking it's alive the goo starts it's process again? Maybe that's why there was a pile of dead engineers, some with holes in the heads? Good to see you enthused about finding out the answers, [b]hopefully[/b] we'll get some in the sequel ;-)
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphAug-03-2012 2:43 AM
Oduodu, thanks for the mention, also it seems like OXYGEN (did she mean exhaled Carbon Dioxide?) seems to DISSOLVE the murals and make the ampuled LEAK. Mike
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MemberXenomorphApr-07-2015 4:08 AM



hope its better now


MemberXenomorphApr-07-2015 4:15 AM


thanks for the mention, also it seems like OXYGEN (did she mean exhaled Carbon Dioxide?) seems to DISSOLVE the murals and make the ampuled LEAK.



well i assume she was referring to the oxygen that entered the ampule room when the door was opened by david.


MemberFacehuggerApr-07-2015 7:09 AM

oduodu you are looking for answers were there are none in most cases  lol. Even the lovers of the film seem to come up with different view points even though they say it makes total sense to them...funny stuff. But I know some things are in there of course. We just have to wait for part 2 as part 1 is just a big nothing. I am still hoping for the latter films to piece together the muddle but I am not holding my breath. You only need to watch the commentary were even Ridley scott doesn’t seem to have a concrete idea of what’s going on and if he don’t know lol! :O He’s either an amazing actor holding back it all for the next two parts or it really is that messy!  


Im not saying he didnt know the outline and had a few inklings to what might happen after but that is it nothing more he even said himself at the end of the art book something like "I have to think about what the hell happens next" . That kinda shocked me I thought he had thought all three parts through and it was some kind of master plan that the first part was like mouth dropped of course!

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberXenomorphApr-07-2015 8:03 AM






i will support prometheus always.


but that is kinda  a remarkable statement.


but thats my thing - i mess with stuff that no one else wants to or has given up on.


thanks for the post it means a lot to me


prometheus is a wonderfully redeemable mess !!


you are not the first person to point that out to me however its potential huge.


start quote

You only need to watch the commentary were even Ridley scott doesn’t seem to have a concrete idea of what’s going on and if he don’t know lol! :O He’s either an amazing actor holding back it all for the next two parts or it really is that messy!  


Im not saying he didnt know the outline and had a few inklings to what might happen after but that is it nothing more he even said himself at the end of the art book something like "I have to think about what the hell happens next" . That kinda shocked me I thought he had thought all three parts through and it was some kind of master plan that the first part was like mouth dropped of course!

end quote

that does put things into perspective though


the question then becomes if ridley basicly just threw everything into the air and hoping the resultant mess is good by accident.


maybe i will become the first peron to be banned from a forum because i was too positive and too overbearing




MemberFacehuggerApr-07-2015 10:57 AM

Not necessarily that bad :p. Not throwing it up in the air. But thinking lindelof was onto something with lost and thinking it would work well. But it just felt like the real feeling of alien was lost (no pun intended) the world felt fake unreal and basically not thought through at least not yet in part 1...they were all being mind controlled by a demi God of course which we will find out in part 2 :D ...At least that's my hopeful theory...the demi God needs them to come free it from the elders prison on their home planet. Tee hee :)

So yes just felt like there was hardly any 'world building' unlike alien were the world felt real this one felt very artificial and unrealistic.

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

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